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Everything posted by sanveer

  1. While I agree that V-log on the GH4 should be released Asap, since it is already late I kind of disagree on releasing lots of firmware updates. I feel that Samsung should have done more to make the H.265 format more editing software compatible. That is doing its bit for greater sync. The biggest complaint of users was inability to use the codec either completely, or fast enough, and that workflow was seriously hindered. Right now the GH Series only lacks in-body stabilisation and higher ISO. The higher ISO is partially dealt with by faster lenses, that with the new metabones adaptor go all the way up to f.0.8. That's 2/3rd of a stop more light that an f2.8 lens. While I am sure the next in the GH series may consider in-body stabilization, new pistol gimbals have mostly dealth with that too. One can add these, considering the Enormous Price difference betwern Panasonic and its Sony competitors. About the Varicam, well it records in 3 different formats, simultaneously, and has some very interesting in-camera grading options apart from a host of other great features. The good thing about Panasonic from GH2 onwards, is that they seriously listen to user feedback. Only if they would hurry up with the V-log now.
  2. I am guessing that they could have made them smaller, but they didn't (maybe), because they would be difficult to use and easy to lose. Plus the built-in battery, memory and blue tooth would have taken up some space (apart from the buttons and lights). I realise right now, that due to issues of proximity, this thing would seriously need a good built-in limiter, otherwise due to sudden surges in sound, recordings would peak too much, and become ususable.
  3. Wow. I had imagined something like this, and it is here now. In what I had imagined, it would have been more oval and nore flat, and have multi-mix setup features as well (for multiple person dialogue), have audio monitoring via an audio metre as well as on the phone (only during start and stop on headphones) and the rest on a real time graph, and, maybe longer recording time. I love the size of this though, and the price would be subjective to its sound quality. On the whole it is superb for version 1.0 https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/instamic-the-smart-small-gopro-of-microphones#/story
  4. Most LEDs and small lights have absolutely no throw, and can only be used as fill lights, in smaller spaces (cars, tiny rooms, etc etc). The problem with more affordable lights is that their color temperature is unique to them. hahaha Try these: http://www.amazon.com/Aputure-Amaran-AL-528S-Video-Light/dp/B00LC0OVEI#Ask or these: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1081927-REG/switronix_tl_bt220r_bolt_220r_dimmable_led.html or these: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1123056-REG/rotolight_rl_neo_rotolight_neo_on_camera_led.html Check them at a store close to you, and then decide which ones to pick up. try not to pick up too many different lights, cause then your colour temperatures will look different every few feet. Also, please post your own experiences with the lights. Good luck
  5. I wasn't able to play it on my phone. Also, the layout and other things probably need to be worked on again.
  6. They're all very different. It would depend on your needs and how you plan to use the mic. They're all very different.
  7. I doubt any camera would be able to record for more than 4-5 due to battery and memory restrictions. Try the XF100. With different batteries and huge cards u may be able to pull off about 4+ hours.
  8. Hahaha. A lot of people want to go the G7 way from the LX100. Especially considering one can get the 14-42 lens along with a mic at around the same price (Adorama).
  9. ​ If you could get your hands on each camera, for a day or so, it would really help you get a perspective on things. I am actually quite surprised, that not enough well graded videos of the LX100 have made it online. Check these 3: These should, hopefully, help you appreciate the video quality.
  10. ​ Nice. I agree with all the hiccups she mentioned.
  11. ​Is that you Dave Dugdale? If yes, then could you please review the Shure LensHopper VP83F, instead of the VP83, again, after following the instructions. I felt your review did not justify the product. IMHO. And, since your reviews are usually so thorough, this one didn't seem right. Thanks in advance
  12. here is the sound cloud link. I uploaded one track of a stream. My connection suddenly got damn slow. Also, apparently I am unable to sign in from my mobile.
  13. I am curious. What features do people want on the GH5? Higher res? More Log options? Does anyone want more megapixels on Micro 4/3rds?
  14. It does 4k INTERNALLY. Wow. It's a monster. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1159878-REG/sony_a7r_mark_ii_digital.html The only downside to this is, I am guessing, that Nikon and so many other manufacturers might want make their own sensors, since Sony has effectively sounded the death knell on everyone else. RIP ...
  15. I have a few mics for recording sound (Rode NTG2 with a preamp, Shure VP83F and lavs). I used my phone the Samsung Note about a year back, in the car, for ADR. Then later, out of curiosity I used the phone tk record streams in a national park. I bought a wifi stick out of curiosity and then used it with an old sock (as a wind muff), to use it as a boom mic. It was quite effective but I don't remember those files are. Thanks. Hopefully I will be able to upload the files on SoundCloud or some place.
  16. I saw the ADs for the Shure Motiv Range of Microphones for the iPhones a few months back and I was extremely exicited till I realised that it's ONLY for the Apple Family. I hate the whole idea of monopolies and I hope shure allows this to be compatible with Android phones too. The range looks very promising especially considering the features and the sheer number of microphone for mobile phones. I downloaded an app named 'Smart Voice Recorder' for Android and apparently it records in WAV format. Also, I recorded some streams and the quality of sound is as hoodgood as the zooms. This was about 6 months or more ago. With a cheap Dead Cat (Fluffy Winter Socks), on a wifi stick, this could Easily be used for Indie Filmmaking. lemme know what you think about the Sound Quality. p.s. I am unable to upload the file I recorded. :-/
  17. I am not sure I completely agree. I have tried my hand at many arts (painting, sculpturing, technical drawing etc etc), and while they aren't as expensive as filmmaking, they aren't exactly cheap either. Also, they are nowhere as exciting and facinating as filmmaking. Especially guerilla filmmaking and zero budget filmmaking. My two cents.
  18. I kindda agree with End. I thought too, initially that it's perhaps some racing thing. The sport is pretty difficult looking and the video has been shot well. I am guessing that's you in the video. If yes, then you're pretty talented with that as well. I would suggest you wear a helmet for your protection. Keep up the good work.
  19. I am not sure you would be able to capture fireflies in such little light. I am guessing something at much higher ISO with an even faster lens might help. Most cameras may be able to record the glowing/blinking dots. But because of the low light around the firefly, you may land up with no details at all. Maybe you hire a 5Diii/ A7S and shoot atleast at 6400/12800 with a 1.4 lens. Many years ago I caught many fireflies im matchboxes and then transferred them to a large glass bowl. They were magical. I don't think anyone should such terrible things though, amd they must be observed only in their natural habitat. Btw I am very curious to see how this ends up looking. Pls post as mamy videos from the final shoot as possible. Best of Luck
  20. Loved the film. So funny. And the look and feel of the film was amazing.
  21. I agree with you Ebrahim Saadawi. I have read many DoPs saying how imprecise the colors on the A7S are hphhow difficult it is to get skin tones precisely. Almost every camera ever made can get skintones right if one gets an expert solely for matching skin tones. The ease of doing it is what matters. Also the condescending tone on the forum seems to be spreading like a disease from one leper to another. I don't know which forum seems to have spread the vitriolic around here, but, suddenly disagreements aren't talen too lightly around here. Next I am guessing will be cuss words, and then bronx like brawls. Wow
  22. sanveer

    panasonic g7

    Mercer, a Slight correction. Apparently the live view is not there on aome cameras. How strange. I wonder how anyone can use it then. Maybe the LCD doesn't work, but the viewfinder does. Hmmm ... strange ...
  23. sanveer

    panasonic g7

    I am guessing it shows whats on, otherwise it may be completely useless on a moving video and absolutely useless on big sensor cameras. I personally haven't used one. The Blackmagic Video Assist has 1080p, touch screen (along with all the features on a professional monirot) and headphone monitoring for Video, which the Ninja Star doesn't seem to have. I am guessing the Ninja Star has much better battery life, and the fact that Black Magic, I am guessing may not be available for another 2-3 months atleast (I HOPE I am wrong on this). Actually a few other differences including SDI, 60p vs 60i etc etc. On the whole the BlackMagic is a better package, for $200 more, but the only problem may be the wait. I guess.
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