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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2024 in Posts

  1. Gotta say the ZV-1 is ticking a lot of boxes.
    2 points
  2. I don't know exactly. Here some comments from the author https://waterpixels.net/forums/topic/715-fight-crab-rough-box-crabs-fighting-away-in-east-bali-lumix-lx10/
    1 point
  3. He'd have to be a pretty pessimistic estimator, or seriously experienced at doing mods like this, for that number to be anything other than wildly optimistic. There might still be a RED tax, even on the OG Komodo, but you're buying into an ecosystem, rather than than a very niche mod. Depending on the footage you look at online, there was a mojo to the OG Komodo that I haven't seen on the modern BMPCC models. Good luck to the person making the product, but I'm not really that sure where the final product sits. I watched a video from a documentary shooter about what matters and doesn't in buying cameras, and his number one criteria was reliability / ruggedness, which I suspect won't be high on a mod like this. R&D for commercial products is a long and complicated process involving many iterations of destruction testing and the like, which likely aren't going to be done here. Let alone warranty support etc.
    1 point
  4. I've been following this thread and now have a related quandary myself. This summer I'm taking my 15yr old son to the Cambridge Folk Festival - an event I used to attend yearly 'back in the day', but now only manage to visit to coincide with my decade birthdays. Anyway. Naturally my thoughts have wandered into possibly making some kind of film - it would seem a waste to go somewhere where there'll be loads of colourful, noisy and interesting stuff going on and not, TBH. Obviously I don't want to take my FS7. Even stripped down (the camera, not me) I wouldn't want to be carrying it around with me the whole time and I'll be camping, so there'll be nowhere secure for it either. Also there's a distinct possibility that the odd tipple might come my way! The obvious answer would be my GX80, but the sound - as we all know - is abysmal and there's no mic input either, so I'd have to record externally. Will I remember to start recording? Did I mention the tipple situation? I've had a play about with my EOS m and the newish crop_mood Magic Lantern build. It's an excellent build, but I'm still getting the odd bug-out and since my idea for a film includes vox pops, I just don't feel it's reliable enough. So option one is GX80 and I'll spend GBP170 on a Zoom F2 for the sound, or I trade in the GX80 for around GBP200, then spend <GBP400 on a different small, interchangeable lens camera that will give me a nice image and an audio input. Question is - what? All suggestions gratefully received.
    1 point
  5. Underwater LX-10 in 4K (with less glass in front of the lens)
    1 point
  6. I asked him about pricing and he said: https://www.reddit.com/r/NexusCameras/comments/194mnf3/comment/ki389b9/?context=3
    1 point
  7. With the mere existence of the Komodo, I think the "Red Tax" may not exist as much anymore. That said, that is the point of BM, Panasonic and Z-Cam, I suppose... very good/great cameras for less. But it doesn't take too long of a search on YouTube/Vimeo to see why someone may pay a little more for the Komodo instead of those other cameras. Of course, I can only speak for myself. Everybody has their own needs, wants or opinions. For me, I am done with any camera over a certain price that doesn't offer some form of internal raw or ProRes. I'd much rather shoot 1080p raw or ProRes than 4K on some crappressed codec. With regards to this post, I don't think this mod is really geared towards your average video shooter, so that in and of itself, puts it closer to Komodo territory. Even with the mod, at its heart it's a Pocket 6K and although I have seen amazing work shot with the camera, I'm unsure if the upgrades are worth the cost of admission with the other options on the market. Assuming my price assumption is correct, a C70 with its DGO sensor or an R3 or Z9 may be better options.
    1 point
  8. This is the biggie from my point of view. I have that MFT Meike cine lens and use the waaaaffffferrrr thin MFT>E mount adapter to use it on my A6500 because, as you say, the lens is really an APS-C lens anyway. Giving it triple duty with this adapter would be fantastic.
    1 point
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