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Ricardo Constantino

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    Ricardo Constantino reacted to mercer in Panasonic announces 4K 120fps RAW   
    Yup. Olympus was beating Panasonic before it had 4K video. Now, why stay with Panasonic? But I would love to see some Raw video trickle down into any of the brands feature set. Just give me 1080p 24p Raw and I'll sell off all my lenses, buy the 12-35mm 2.8 and be done.
    I know Raw video is for a niche market, but I can't believe how the majors just allow BM to monopolize it. If Panasonic was bold enough to put 1080p raw video in one of their consumer/prosumer cameras, half of BM users would probably switch over in a millisecond.
    I think it would be a much more valuable feature than 6K video at this point. I can just imagine the commercials... Little Billy's birthday party with the depth and clarity of a motion picture. Billy cuts into the cake with his bare hands. Everyone laughs. Voice over... "Life's raw moments deserve raw video."
    It would be cool but it won't happen. 
  2. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to TheRenaissanceMan in GH3 vs G7   
    Wow, what a great example of what the GH3 can do in the right hands! Truly excellent work. If you don't mind sharing, what lenses and settings did you use in this video?
  3. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Stab in GH3 vs G7   
    I have both camera's. I shoot mainly weddings and I own a GH3, a G6 and a G7. My collegue uses the GH4.
    Which camera is 'better'? Well, in terms of IQ the G7 has the edge simply because of the 4k mode. In 1080p mode, they are (all) pretty similar though. Maybe a slight edge to the G7 in low light being a bit less noisy at ISO 1600 and above. Nothing striking. Just make sure you never have to go higher than that.
    But there are many more factors which make a camera good or bad. The GH3 is still my main cam. Why?

    - Much longer battery life then G6 / G7
    - The abillity to use an EXTERNAL MONITOR (G6 / G7 cannot)
    - Body handling
    - Headphone jack (G6 / G7 do not have it)
    For me, these are of the upmost important. As well as reliability. The GH3 has not let me down once since I've got it over 3 years ago. Never overheats and never fucks up. *knocks on wood
    And the image actually still strikes me every time I use it. Yes, it is time for something new and maybe the GH5 will be it. But until then, this is my A-cam. 
    Here is an example of what it can do
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    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Lintelfilm in Craft Camera is coming!   
    Just checked Whois - www.craftcamera.com is registered to: E.Saawadi, Mansoura, Egypt
    Yep, I'm just kidding.
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    Ricardo Constantino reacted to fuzzynormal in What "style" of edit is this ?   
    Here are some old examples from me.  I wouldn't say this is the same style as the video we're talking about.  However, there are sound editing techniques in a simple sports PR series I did in 2013 that are kinda-sorta similar.  It's not a complex technique, just a little time consuming.  And building a nice unexpected but motivated soundscape in an edit always takes it up a notch.
    Sound is always good to concentrate on.
    Basically, just getting in there with curious elements can create a nice context to an edit.
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    Ricardo Constantino reacted to HelsinkiZim in What "style" of edit is this ?   
    I am currently editing a video in this style so I can point you to a few links if you are looking for further inspiration.
    24 hours in Ibiza https://vimeo.com/135852367
    India Land of Kings https://vimeo.com/140850530
    Roma https://vimeo.com/137925379
    Tokyo Roar https://vimeo.com/129171397
    The Norway https://vimeo.com/140960984
    Amsterdam Music Festival 2015 (check this out to see it done with a bigger budget) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9xFVfERKUU
    I think that should keep you busy for an evening.
    My advice would be to screengrab them, pop them into your NLE and look at the transitions frame by frame.
    Collect as many shots as you can, don't worry so much about how they will stitch together as it is more important to have options.
    Watch this interview with the Vimeo pioneer of this style Matty Brown https://vimeo.com/138341824
    Make your movements with the camera as slow and as stable as possible. Always look for movement in the shot so you can emphasis it with speedramping, even if its just a blink of your subjects eyes.
    Try to get shots of birds, yourself as filmmaker (self reflexive shots of filmmaker in action i.e. your feet, your hand opening a door etc), water, people preparing food... just shoot everything you can think of. 
    Try to tell a story.
    As mentioned above, the style is montage which was propagated by Vertov with Man with a Movie Camera. Check it out on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z97Pa0ICpn8. However, I would call this a post modern treatment as it includes hyperlapse and special effects.
    Don't try to make something as intense as Watchtower of Turkey unless you have at least 2-4 weeks of full time editing and effects available. Look at some of the other takes on this style which use the transitions, sound and movement a bit more sparingly to great effect, like some that I have linked to above.
    Finally, learn how to use curves in After Effects if you want to have that off balance, natural swinging type of movement.
    I am not an expert on this style yet, but hopefully when I am done with my cut i can offer more tips.
  7. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to mercer in An adventure into the Panasonic GX85/80 begins - and a look at the Leica Nocticron for Micro Four Thirds   
    Sorry, I accidentally quoted one of your posts last week and when I returned to comment to a different post, the site wouldn't allow me to get rid of your quote... or I don't know how to do it.
  8. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Ed_David in EOSHD Community   
    Just wanted to say I'm proud of everyone coming together to help out three members here get on their way to get their money back.
    It was an intense few days or so.  But this really, in a dorky way, felt like a real community.  A weird meta one, since none of us know each other in the real world, except for me and Mr. Coffee after a great skype interview session.
    Now I am crying.
    I am crying and crying and crying and sobbing and need to get a hankey.
    Okay got it.
    Anyway goodbye guys!
    Till the next hot-buttoned issue!
  9. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Ed_David in Vision Color Luts - What order do you use them in?   
    Yes if you can understand that.
    Basically in the slog2 folder, apply either 4 things:
    1. CIN  (cineon colorspace originally developed by KODAK for film print to digital for Digital intermediate)
    2. FPE - (film print emulator)
    3.  VS  - (vision space lut)
    4.  I don't remember what this one is.
    If you go FPE or VS - it's done - it has converted it all for you.
    If you go CIN - it is now SUPER SUPER flat as CINEON log space.
    From here you go into the CINEON converter folder - and can convert to kodak 5293, FUJI, and some others. 
    This gives you more control than FPE or VS for tweaking the image, and more control over the final image.
    all this is in the manual on their website - I highly recommend reading that.
    also try Filmconvert - I like that a lot more  - it keeps everything in REC 709 so the highlights POP!
  10. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Tiago Rosa-Rosso in EOSHD Community   
    I think Ehbrahim Saadawi and Ed David are the same person, like in fight club. 
  11. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to kaylee in New Camera   
    i smoked weed out of a potato one time  
  12. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Davey in A break from the scandal with a round of "Guess the Camera"?   
    I have plenty of likes left because I am largely staying off this site until Rangefindergate has been resolved. 
  13. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to tweak in A break from the scandal with a round of "Guess the Camera"?   
    Is it a stolen 1DXii?
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    Ricardo Constantino reacted to JamesDrum in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    I'm lol'ing so hard
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    Ricardo Constantino reacted to mercer in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Yeah all you guys should exchange emails and passwords... You know to keep in touch...
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    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Nikkor in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    But imagine, if he stays, once in a while we can pull the western union joke, and Mattias Butterling would reply "this is not funny", then someone makes fun of butterlings absent sense of humor,etc... Forum meme
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    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Ed_David in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Its not torture
    To clarify
    I message his friends. Tell them hes in trouble for scamming 1k usd from buyers.
    He then says make it stop to me. What do i want?
    I say a confession.
    He confesses.
    Then he asks me To lie to his friends and tell them he didnt scam people. After i told them he was in trouble for scamming people and pointed them to this thread. I told  him ok. Saying i would lie to them was a lie. I didnt tell them that it was another person because i know and pretty everyone else here knows hes a pathological liar who created a fake dad or grandpa.
    He wanted me to lie to his friends and say everything was okay.
    Its not.
    And the only ones who will help this guy is his real life friends.
    Not us.
    We are nothing to him.
    Just objects to steal from and endlessly lie to.
    And still honestly f him for ripping off three peole who honestly didnt know better.
    He also hurt the reputation of this site.
    Which is a shame.
    Cause i think this is a great site.
    And to that you say...so do i.
    Well im an idiot but i never scammed anyone or lied about myself.
    I use my real name.
    I post.
    I try to share.
    Again im sorry.
    I went too far.
    But man reading the third scam victim made me turn into that guy from la confidential played by that australian guy russell crowe
  20. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Ed_David in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Youre right
    Damn what a day
    Now im off to jail
    I never quit while im ahead!
    See you guys in 10 years. 8 years w good behavior
    But honestly - read the next messages in thread - just trying to keep myself out of jail!
  21. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Chrad in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Cool, so what films did your grandfather direct?
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    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Andrew Reid in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Hey guys
    First of all, really sorry for what has happened here. I'm still catching up on things, as I am literally in the middle of nowhere shooting in Italy.
    I am going to investigate at my end and be of any assistance the best I can.
    RedUser, DVXUser, perhaps we can all get together and share evidence.
    I'll return with a more detailed reply later.
    Cheers - Andrew
    I have access to Ebrahim's entire forum activity including PM inbox / sent items.
  23. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Lee Kelly in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    The thing with most alien abductions is the victims always seem to talk of anal probing? Call my an old romantic but if i was probed anally by an alien, id be keeping that shit to myself and crying in the shower like Ace.
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    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Ed_David in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Not to be a debbie downer....but his idea of downsampling pixels at 4k makes no sense.
    And also as someone else said....
    Ettr only works probably at 12bit 4444 at least
    Dont quote me on that
    But ettr at 420 8bit h.264 is going to have noisy highlights and shadows
    This is why i no longer shoot slog2 on a7s and heavan forbide slog3 which is an even more agressive curve.
    Take it all w a grain of salt. All of it.
    Do your own tests.
    All pro dps do tests before they shoot a feature or commercial.
    Always have.
    We all need to be scientific.
    I know we all dont have the money to buy gear but there are professional sites w more scientific tests by working dps as i said.
    Cml is your best friend as an inspiring dp
  25. Like
    Ricardo Constantino reacted to Nikkor in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Zach is probably doing some vacation or summer job after staying in the forest cabin for too long. Right now he is giving out flyers for a disco on some beachpromenade in southern california with some wierd sunglasses, or at least thats what my minds hopes for.
    I think Ed should also find Zach.
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