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    Kisaha got a reaction from Last Leaves in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    We will be expecting eagerly your hacking/moding advances, until then just keep it humble, so to keep this thread useful and without any grey noise.
  2. Like
    Kisaha reacted to SMGJohn in NX1's shutter speed control during the video recording   
    I think the OP just wants to remove the shutter limit in video mode which can only go to 1/30, Samsung most likely put it there to prevent people who do not know what they are doing from go below the recommended shutter angle for video. 

    Camera should do just fine if you remove the limit as there is no restriction for video mode regarding shutter speed, its just the amount of times the shutter closes every second, video mode can function even if the shutter is set to BULP mode on some cameras.
    Low shutter speeds in video mode can help create cool blurry art shots which is probably what the OP is looking for.
  3. Like
    Kisaha reacted to AaronL in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    hear hear
    on a side note, I got a response from the filmconvert guys today with regards doing an nx1 profile, seems promising..
    "Hi Aaron,
    Most likely
    Not quite definite yet though.
    Best Regards"
  4. Like
    Kisaha reacted to mike_tee_vee in Sony A6300 review (rolling) - Striking image but nagging issues   
    If you needed a body now, I would get an NX1.  It's more of a complete package with longer battery life, good ergonomics, no overheating, great image, etc.  As of today's date, the NX1 gives you a better shooting experience.  Don't worry about an eco-system or an investment.  Cameras are meant to be used, not collected.  Sony's future system upgrade path won't fix the current flaws of the A6300 (i.e. no touchscreen, poor handling, rolling shutter, etc). 
    You can use an NX1 until it dies after the warranty is over, and then maybe look at a A6300 successor.  Sony make some really questionable design decisions, and the A6300's deal breakers are too hard to ignore.
  5. Like
    Kisaha reacted to RieGo in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    seems like that com.samsung.di-camera-app is something like the complete gui of the camera. at least it contains all icons and images.
    so i'm currently taking a really close look at it as well 
    too bad it's a compiled binary... 
  6. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Marco Tecno in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    I'd really like to be able to use cropped uhd (ala nx500) on nx1, as a form of digital lossless zooming.
  7. Like
    Kisaha reacted to caseywilsondp in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    Unfortunately it'll look like this:

    colored and punched into problem area:

    600+ mbps prores hq recorded on shogun from the nx1
    of course that is gamma dr -10 contrast... so about as extreme as you can get, and maybe its usable in cases where you wont have gradients, but as i demonstrated a lot in the "your ideal nx1 settings" thread, increased bitrate will help us with shadows and highlights (we can improve usable DR by 2 stops is my guess), but we need 422 to get us away from banding.
  8. Like
    Kisaha reacted to SMGJohn in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    No one seemed to have graded the video footage from Vasile so I decided to have a go and oh boy its glorious, the image has a very analogue feel to it at least in my opinion, I have tried to push the colours very far, much further than I normally would with the regular NX1 footage to see what happens, the NX1 suffers from colour bleeding at times specially when there is strong colour light on a scene like concerts etc. In this footage I did not notice any so that in itself is pretty glorious.
    Everyones favourite, the Vasile Frame

    EOSHD GammaDR2LOG LUT Applied

    Quick Grade with VisionColor's Impulz LUT - Tetrachrome 400 and high colour saturation

    A more colourful frame
  9. Like
    Kisaha reacted to RieGo in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    please stop thinking i don't think h265 has trouble at higher bitrates compared to h264. this is heavily dependend on the encoder used. and we are talking about hardware encoders, not software encoders that have been optimized for 10 years.
    i highly doubt the NX1/NX500 would have better quality with h264 at the same bitrate. and furthermore if there's no h264 encoding chip on the board there's no chance to do it anyways.
    at 4k resolution no one should be using h264, IMHO
    (this was a post based on personal experience and my own opinion)
  10. Like
    Kisaha got a reaction from vaga in Lenses   
    Guys, please, kids are reading these forums too..
  11. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Pavel MaÅ¡ek in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    I am not expert in codec science and I do not believe that HEVC is so efficient - I saw quite heavy macroblocking on my NX1( I believe that h264 would look better in similar situations with similiar bitrate). 
    But I cannot agree that HEVC does not preserve fine details - I could saw every single needle on the tree but then there was heavy macroblocking on the sky - 80Mbit simply could not handle it all. But I am convinced that higher bitrate will solve it. Moreover - it seems that it also brings higher dynamic range. You saw video from hacked NX1 - do you think that H264 would hold so much information in shadows?
    I would wait on proper test and comparison of hacked NX1... 3 weeks at least :-(
  12. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Chant in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    This is more along the lines of what I am working on. The bitrate mod that they did should be good for most. But I am diving deep into the fw, Still a good time away until my end shows any gains. But like I said a few posts ago the more I find the more excited I get. I can look at the mjpeg encoder cpp and see if things can me modded to allow a higher frame size. But again thats just adding to the list of things. But at least things have moved up! Maybe samsung will have an official word the more news of these mods get better known
  13. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Otto K in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    di-camera-app is leaking (not freeing after use properly) a small amount of RAM every frame it processes. Normally this is not an issue since it does not exhaust the available RAM in 30 minutes, but with time restriction lifted you hit it at ~75min. There are two options to fix this - find a memory leak and fix it in di-camera-app binary (hard) and this possible quick hack if you (or somebody else) is willing to try - create and enable swap file and use it (leaked memory is no actually used and can be safely moved to swap). For some reason swap file on SD card is not working (swap partition might, but it's too much work for an average person), but there is a writeable partition in camera already with ~2GB free, mounted on /opt/usr, so this might help:
    First to see hwo things look before (all commands from telnet session):
    [root@drime5 ~]£ free
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:        511580     499896      11684          0       5260      70556
    -/+ buffers/cache:     424080      87500
    Swap:            0          0          0
    [root@drime5 ~]£ df -h /opt/usr
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mmcblk0p14       2.3G  105M  2.1G   5% /opt/usr
    OK, so we have no swap and have plenty of free disk space on /opt/usr, let's create some swap:
    [root@drime5 ~]£ dd if=/dev/zero of=/opt/usr/swap bs=1M count=512
    512+0 records in
    512+0 records out
    536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 42.882 s, 12.5 MB/s
    [root@drime5 ~]£ mkswap /opt/usr/swap
    Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 524284 KiB
    no label, UUID=63995c82-cf71-43c6-ae32-34e520e7e280
    Ouch, internal storage is not very fast... Let's turn it on:
    [root@drime5 ~]£ swapon /opt/usr/swap
    [root@drime5 ~]£ free
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:        511580     506540       5040          0       4404      82108
    -/+ buffers/cache:     420028      91552
    Swap:       524284          0     524284
    [root@drime5 ~]£ df -h /opt/usr
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mmcblk0p14       2.3G  617M  1.6G  29% /opt/usr
    Yup, it works
    You have to do everything before swapon only once, after that (and after every reboot) you only have to re-enable the swap with swapon /opt/usr/swap
    I hope sombody with enough free time tests this, I have a good feeling.
  14. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Otto K in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    Simple "hack" to enable silent shooting in single mode (not CH/CN):
    [root@drime5 ~]£ st cap capdtm getusr 117
    UserData is ADJUSTSHUTTERTYPE_MECHA (0x750000)
    [root@drime5 ~]£ st cap capdtm setusr 117 0x00750001
    UserData is set
    [root@drime5 ~]£ st cap capdtm getusr 117
    UserData is ADJUSTSHUTTERTYPE_ROLLING (0x750001)
    ROLLING is full electronic shutter
    Now, why Samsung did not enable this in the menu I have no idea... It's fully working in full resolution JPEGs and SRW files.
    I have not time to test whether image quality suffers, but it looks OK to me
    Could someone check if it works with NX1 as well?
    Cheers and have fun,
  15. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Arizona Sunset in NX1 vs a6300 image quality?   
    Inside of ISO 1600, they will be similar.   The NX1 video degrades at 3200, whereas the A6300 seems to degrade at 6400.   This is not the case for stills.  
    I have an NX1, and A6000, and they are totally different cameras.  The NX1 is a joy to shoot with, higher hit rate on shallow depth of field, easy to use and fun to interact with. 
    My opinion?  As good as the A6300 is, the NX1 retains APS-C champion hybrid status for 2 more years.  The only competition will be from the GH5 with 4k 60fps, if they can pull it off, which they will have to do remain in the game. 
  16. Like
    Kisaha reacted to vasile in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    How To - recording limit - NX500 and NX1


    http://***URL removed***/forums/post/57446101

  17. Like
    Kisaha reacted to MountneerMan in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    I was thinking about more reputable sources like ESOHD
    Actually it would be nice for it to go up on some sites like gizmodo or techradar. Places where people tend to be hackers/programmers first with a passion for film oppose to here where I feel like most people are cinematographers who have a passion for tech second.
    Agreed I might have got a liltle excited to say it is easy to "hack". But the fact it will run Linux scripts from the SD card for things like focus stacking is really easy.
  18. Like
    Kisaha reacted to hirsti in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    Here is a quick video showing the NX1 and NX500 SD Card Hack for Focus Buttons.
    This program allows you to record up to 6 focal points, these are stored on the SD card and will work after a camera restart.
    This works for photography, especially good for storing infinity focal point to re-use when it is dark for Astro Photography.
    Works in video allows you to do focus pulling from one focal point to another.
    Thanks again to Otto for all the hard work, All details can be found on https://github.com/ottokiksmaler/nx500
  19. Like
    Kisaha reacted to benymypony in Sony a6300 4k   
    Test in low light :
  20. Like
    Kisaha reacted to hirsti in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    Here is a quick video showing the brilliant work Otto has been doing on the NX500 and NX1 using the SD Card hack.
    All details can be found on https://github.com/ottokiksmaler/nx500
  21. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Chant in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    The code excerpts I posted are from the firmware. The statement about the camera being able to do 240fps is something they didnt remove. Also found a bunch of tizen watch stuff. Bad housekeeping is good news.

    But I have yet to find a video output path that is concise. Tons of data on the hevc and everything else, but its what pointed me to the srp and needing to do more research. There way a camera would dump data to an onboard hevc is pretty well documented. Follow the mipi csi-2 bridge a few steps to get to the encoder. but the difference is, if it was indeed just a "hard" core hevc in the drime-v it would be more self contained. Taking what I know of chip construction and "hard" core asic  implementation. The more I do the more I find on how it works and what can be done.
  22. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Chant in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    There has been a few stating that they would like to tip/donate, which would of course be muchhelp,, as I seem to be doing this more than my 9-5 haha! But it is not at a quantifiable stage at the moment, What I have found out is pretty much just a key, and if the key can open the lock is not yet determined. Even with the sdk things of this nature are not 100% 
    At any step of the way if they did something undocumented it can halt progress to a point the modification cant be done. Ive been lucky so far with things is all!

    But if knowing that what Im doing may not bring a firmware mod to light people still wish to donate then I can put something together. But I started this not knowing there was anyone wanting this camera modded, and I would still do this if no one wanted to tip/donate.

    That being said the next stages of what I am doing are copious research. There are white paper behind paywalls but my local university seems to have most of the books on file so I will be acquiring those to get a better idea of the way samsung chose to code.

    Personally I am also interested in the lens mount for a working adapter to other lens systems. So the control files are something I am also looking into. As well as if hevc is the best choice for encoding or if something like the redcoderaw would be more suitable which is just their modded version of mjpeg2000. dct vs wavelet is something interesting to read about. 
  23. Like
    Kisaha got a reaction from tomastancredi in Sony a6300 4k   
    In my country the a6300 is 1400euros body only, and 1600 kit, similar money with a slightly used A7s.
    m4/3 people have their Olympuses for stills and Panasonics for 4K video.
    Fuji said that they are about to give 4K in a firmware update, so they must be about to do it.
    I do not see a lot of NX users to HAVE TO switch (NX500 is doing crop 4K for 499euros kit, NX1 is probably a better PRO camera than a6300, but I am not going to debate now), except the ones that abandoning ship (but it doesn't mean they go Sony, a lot have gone m4/3 already, for small and light lenses, or Fuji for APS-C).
    Nikon they will have their own 4K camera soon, and it will be interesting to see if they have built to their excellent HD files as well.
    Canon users they do not know about 4K, and the ones they do buy C300mkII or 1D ( I am being sarcastic, but the Canon policy actually works for them!)..
    Pentax they have their own new Full Frame camera to play with, so I am not sure how many people will buy to this camera, simpler users with a6000 and a5000 cameras will be reluctant to upgrade, as the price is not that good (yet) and maybe the lowering of a6000 will be a more attractive option to them. The not many APS-C native lens options is something to consider too.
    I can see every A7 owner to get one though, as a B-cam, or every day "compact", but the camera is not that groundbreaking, maybe the a7000 will be (touchscreen in the year 2020 for Sony, while car and white appliances have already!), but we haven't seen the a6300 yet..
  24. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Pavel D Prichystal in Your ideal NX1 Settings   
    Mercer, I am both hobbyist and prosumer in the sense that I do short movies (+- 3 minutes) to place on vimeo to satisfy my "artistic" needs AND shoot shor clips with commercial value for Microstock for living. Because of that I'm of course always looking for best possible quality gear for value/money. So while profesionalism is the goal, minimalism in terms of quality for easy transportation for on location shoots is needed- for things like these, just gimme a year or two to get better in the edit part 

    So when you mentioned the sensor is demanding, you actually pointed out the reason why I asked. If I may ask you for a bit of your time: what do you mean by that in connection to lenses and output quality? A few people already mentioned it, but I'm hoping for deeper explanation.
  25. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Chant in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    Talking to a few people I know who do front end. Seeing what can be done about having a set up like magic lantern for ease of use. That or writing the menu itself to add in the options. If its a possibility we will try to keep is as far from sonys menu as possible. If anyone has used their gear.
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