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Posts posted by zerocool22

  1. Is there a rule to measure what diopter to use on certain distances?

    For example a 100mm taking lens on a FF. with a 2X anamorphic lens with a diopter of +1= focus is everything in 1 meter

    +2 everything between 1 and 2 meters? 

    Or something like that? As I would like to know what diopters are good to have in my bag.



  2. 5 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    Exactly, you can get a FS7 for very similar money to a C300 (a bit more than a mk1, heaps less than a mk2) and you get a camera in the FS7 which is overall better than either.

    Unless you have some special circumstances, it is hard to see the logic in going for a C300 over an FS7/FS5/F3 option.

    Well the FS7 is a good camera, but I am not sure the FS7 beats the C300 on a cinematic image level though. The sony camera's are usually spechorses, not workhorses(not really in need for slowmo). Besides the used price is more then double, so it is out of my reach anyway. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Phil A said:

    Wouldn't a C100 with external recorder be an even cheaper and qualitatively equal choice?

    Nah Dont think so, havent seen anything good on the C100 so far. Looks more like a documentary camera to me.

  4. 1 hour ago, AaronChicago said:

    C300 MkI or II?

    C300 MkI, yes not the biggest renting fan over here. As I rent a alexa mini for a week, its the same money as buying a used c300. But I get your point.

  5. Hey,

    I have a 5D III with ml installed on it. So the RAW image looks awesome but the workflow is a bit of a stinker. If i upgrade to the canon C300, i will have the same DR and even better highlight roll off as the 5D right and a easyer workflow. Or would you not suggest to upgrade to the C300 I? Also I do like anamorhpic and the 5D iii ML has some cool anamorphic goodies. The aim is for cinematic shortfilms and hopefully one day a feature.


  6. True the option of 4K is great, sure 6K could come in handy for certain work. But I would like a boost in film IQ, more like the Varicam. More DR, better highlight rolloff, less noise, better codec(prores,h265, raw). If 6K and 4k 60fps are the only selling points over the GH4. I will not be buying one, then I even choose the A7S ii over it. Why would you wait till photokina for such specs.

  7. Hey,

    I just installed the 5D iii ML hack but I can only choose up to 1920*1080p resolution, no bigger resolution. I am using a computerbay 1000x card, and read this should be sufficient. However if i change aspect ratio I can choose other resolutions. What is the best combo for regular video and what is the best resolution for anamorphic shooting (4:3)? As I thought you could shoot up to 2.5k video. 




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