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    User reacted to no_connection in Editing - Hitachi Hard Drives - Reading/ Writing Interruption Issue   
    No idea how to do it on a mac but check the SMART log on the drive. Maybe it's doing a short test, not that they should be done that often anyway.. You can also see if it is spinning down or not.
  2. Like
    User reacted to jase in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    As bad as this is, in my opinion you should hold a bit back @Ed_David. I get the feeling we get back to medieval age when I read that we should "embarass him" and "destroy his reputation", especially since I get this dejavu with Philip Bloom.
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    User reacted to OliKMIA in Is Vimeo limiting the stats page and try to force the upgrade ?   
    Finally found this today after digging on the Vimeo forum. Apparently no one like the new stat page
    Hi everyone! Just wanted to update you all on what’s been going on with stats at Vimeo. We recently rolled some additional users into the new stats system and we’re excited to see what you think about the new look and functionality.
    You can see our previous update here: vimeo.com/forums/help/topic:280090
    Please note that at this time, only members who joined Vimeo on or after January 1, 2015 have been rolled into the new version of stats. If you joined before 2015 you still have the old version of stats.
    Along with a sleek new design, we’ve added a bunch of awesome features, some of which were inspired by requests from our community!
    For example, Basic members now have the ability to see at-a-glance data on their stats dashboard (vimeo.com/stats).
    If you’re a Plus member, you’ll be able to take things a step further and see stats reports for your videos by date, region, device, and source URL.
    PRO members get all the functionality above, but in more detail:
    -On the region report: country, state and city-level data
    -On the device report: breakdown desktop traffic by browser type and version, mobile and tablet traffic by OS and version, and TV traffic by name
    -On the source URL report: see stats by the exact URL where your video was embedded
    -On the video report: engagement and duration graphs
    For the full rundown of features and how to use them, take a look at our FAQ page here: vimeo.com/s/tga
    If you have any additional questions, some feedback, or are running into any issues, please feel free to post on the forum thread below, or contact us via email at: vimeo.com/help/contact
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    User reacted to mercer in Premiere Pro CC (14.2/ 8.2.0) - 2013 Macbook Pro - Exports Taking Too Long   
    I don't thing downscaling them from 16:9 1080p to 4:3 480 is helping you either. Try going to 720 to keep the same aspect ratio as the 1080p. Or do a custom number, closer to 480 that is still 16:9. I think the smallest 16:9 aspect ratio is 1024x576.
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    User reacted to RobD in Premiere Pro CC (14.2/ 8.2.0) - 2013 Macbook Pro - Exports Taking Too Long   
    Not sure what codec you are rendering to but video and audio combined will take much longer than audio only files. Why not queue them up and let Adobe Media encoder spit them all out overnight. Cheers, Rob
  6. Like
    User reacted to Django in Canon C100 or C100 Mark II ?   
    Just have a look around vimeo.. i have a hard time finding footage that doesn't stand out! and with the 4K 12-bit raw option now available, the camera has just turned into an IQ beast:
  7. Like
    User reacted to Shield3 in I bought a Canon 1D C....   
    Have you shot both in C-log and color corrected / graded?  The C100 is top notch IQ wise.  Having a tad more DOF and quick push button AF, built in ND, zebras, waveforms and the ability to punch in while recording are very important.  In fact, I'll bet if you shoot the same scene and downscale it to 1080 you'd never be able to tell which camera took what.
    Focus and better exposure tools IMO always trump everything else.  I have 4k sets here - unless you plan on cropping/panning quite a bit I personally don't see the point of having the hassle of huge 500 megabit files, large memory cards, no EVF, no ND, poorer ergonomics, poorer battery life (if you get the larger Canon battery for the c100).  The 1080p60 from the c100 KILLS the 1dc's soft 1080p60 mode.
    I hope whatever you're shooting doesn't move much, as holding focus at 1.3x crop is pretty tough.  For DOC work I'd throw on a STM lens (10-18) or even the 18-35 Sigma stopped down a bit.
    But hey, to each their own.  c100 has MOJO for days in C-log mode (and Wide DR is pretty damn nice too).  Just my opinion of course.
  8. Like
    User reacted to Dave Maze in I bought a Canon 1D C....   
    Thanks man! Ill keep you guys up to date on my experience with it!
  9. Like
    User reacted to Dave Maze in I bought a Canon 1D C....   
    I'll be using a zacuto evf the entire time along with a smallhd monitor 
  10. Like
    User reacted to Dave Maze in I bought a Canon 1D C....   
    I'm so thankful to this forum. Its a place where I can get honest amazing feedback and a place that is open to thinking outside the box.
    I am DP for a pretty high profile web doc in Mexico and we are going to some exotic locations next week. I asked your opinion on what to get and I went with my gut. I got a used 1D C and I am so stoked to finally own a camera again instead of renting stuff. My B Cam operator will be rocking the C100 and we will have an a7S II that is there specifically for slow motion and thats it. A-Cam 1D C. We have a sound guy who will be recording and booming everything separate so the crappy internal audio isn't a problem with the A Cam. Just more syncing in post for the editor
    Im bringing my CONTAX Zeiss primes and will be prioritizing those over the typical Canon zooms. I get so bored with docs I see on Netflix and on VICE and I realized its cause everyone uses the same boring Canon Zooms. There is nothing sexy about the 24-105. Of course its practical and if we are in a run n gun situation, I will pop it on. But lens character is just as important as the Camera! I am so excited to pair my vintage CONTAX Zeiss lenses with the 1D C sensor. I have a feeling its going to be gold. 
    I shot a doc in Nicaragua two months ago with the GH4 and it was nice and I was surprised by the IQ of it...but the 1D C has some sort of mojo about it that I can't explain. I shot with one in Haiti about 3 years ago when it was way out of my price range and loved it. Im stoked to be able to use it and to own one.
    As soon as I get home I will be directing a medium sized budget music video that has VFX and very fun lighting. I will use the 1D C for that too. So in the next month, I will have two very different experiences with it. Im pumped. 
    Sure it will take up a ton of storage on this trip...but I can buy 2 5TB drives on amazon for like $300.
    Like Andrew said on this forum a while back when he got his 1D C:

    "Yes I may still regret it but you only live once.
    I believe at it's current used price it's a bargain, bonafide Hollywood cam."
    Honestly...seeing that these two hollywood films were shot on it...sold me on the camera. Im looking forward to getting it and doing some tests soon! I have it overnighted so I should receive it Friday. Cheers! 
  11. Like
    User reacted to AaronChicago in Motion Cadencemo   
    ​I suspect this is the main culprit.
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    User reacted to Liam in Motion Cadencemo   
    Interesting. I definitely have done this and like the look, but is that what people here are talking about for the most part? Seems like there's the idea here of 24 frames per second, each frame being held for the exact same amount of time. Like in some cameras you might not get "frame, frame, frame.." you'd get "frame, fraame, frame, frame, fraame.." which shouldn't have anything to do with rolling shutter. Though obviously that affects motion. And there's kind of a charm to a perfectly choppy low frame rate. Idk, are we talking about all these things added up? Feel like maybe this is too general
  13. Like
    User reacted to Liam in Cadence Plugin   
    This is the most discussion there's been here on the topic if it helps you make sense of it
  14. Like
    User reacted to Stephen de Vere in Transcoding AVCHD to ProRes?   
    Yes, Full Range in 5DtoRGB is usually the safer way to go with footage from cameras that record a greater range than Legal / Broadcast Range of 16-235.
    The trouble is that most modern cameras record using neither Full Range (0-255) nor Broadcast Range but instead use Extended Range (16-255) (and increasingly both Extended aa well as Broadcast depending on the setup and picture profile used) and 5DtoRGB has no option for correctly mapping values for footage that uses Extended Range.
    If your camera is one of the many now that sometimes produces these 16-255 values (also known as super-whites) then by setting 'Full Range' in 5DtoRGB you will avoid highlight clipping that using the 'Broadcast Range' setting risks, but your luma values usually will still be shifted a little, which is generally thought not an ideal thing to do to master 8-bit video recordings that are going to be graded etc.
  15. Like
    User reacted to AaronChicago in Canon C100 Mark II vs Ursa Mini 4.6K   
    I've owned both and they're very different cameras. The DPAF and weight are huge selling points for the C100ii. Nice colors as well. I just got tired of the weak codec and moved on. Blackmagic have great customer support. They're always willing to interact within 24 hours of contacting them. There have been a lot of issues with the 4.6K regarding the magenta corners but they're WAY overblown on forums. Your chances of getting a good unit are favorable at this point. If it's not a good one they'll replace it. They've stated that they know what is causing the issue and it will fix it ASAP.
    The new firmware 4.0 coming out with the 4.6K is going to be amazing. They're adding all new resolutions for ProRes. 2K, 2.5K, 3K, 4.6K. Right now you can only shoot 4.6K in RAW. ProRes is only available currently (in the Ursa) at 1080 and UHD.
  16. Like
    User reacted to Mattias Burling in Canon 1DX-II vs. 1DC - Which one would you buy?   
    Yes, please, teach me everyting about how to become dependent on lots of stuff instead of getting the job done. Speaking of horseshit...
    If you can't pull focus on the run with a 1DC you need practice, not a focus puller. No need to be a dick just because thousands of people out there can pull focus on everything from DSLRs to BMPCCs. 
    No need to debate this, I just wanted to point out to newcomers that your opinion was just that, an opinion. 
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    User reacted to TheRenaissanceMan in Canon 1DX-II vs. 1DC - Which one would you buy?   
    Honestly...DPAF is nice, for sure, but you guys act like MF is some supremely impossible herculean task restricted to the largest crews with the biggest budgets. Get real. 
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    User reacted to Mattias Burling in Canon 1DX-II vs. 1DC - Which one would you buy?   
    If you can't focus a camera by yourself its time to start practicing. 
  19. Like
    User reacted to BenEricson in Canon 1DX-II vs. 1DC - Which one would you buy?   
    Yes, 1DX keeps stuff in focus, in slow motion. The 1DC shoots flat.
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    User reacted to Mattias Burling in Canon 1DX-II vs. 1DC - Which one would you buy?   
    Of course you can, I've shot several documentaries all manual. All single operator. Are you guys kidding? Never heard of a "cameraman"? 
  21. Like
    User reacted to Geoff CB in Vimeo Export   
    Whoops, forgot you have to raise the level from 4.1 to 5.1 before changing frame size. Sorry about that.
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    User reacted to Christina Ava in Vimeo Plus Or Youtube Or What?   
    vimeo pro for me is the best choice, also somehow my videos stopped getting cut for using commercial music tracks. I dont know if its because im Pro. I can upload whatever i like.
    youtube is a pain for any commercial work. But its a huge marketing tool if you want to reach to the masses.
    so for specific clients i would use a sleek account on Vimeo
    but for tutorials, videocasts or personal work that i would want to get a mass audience i would use youtube
    xxx chris
  23. Like
    User reacted to Hans Punk in Vimeo Plus Or Youtube Or What?   
    Hmm, never needed or tried to embed from frame.io so am unsure if that is an option. Prores is supported, not sure why it's failing on upload. Perhaps biting the bullet with Vimeo may be better if you need embedding options. Frame.io is a superb way of distributing video to clients when you share the project workspace for feedback, as for a presentation platform in itself that can be embedded, it may not be what you are after.
  24. Like
    User reacted to Geoff CB in Vimeo Export   
    After selecting CBR there should be a slider underneath you can drag to adjust bitrate. For 2560x1440 you need to uncheck the box beside 1920x1080 and manually enter in the numbers.
  25. Like
    User reacted to Hans Punk in Vimeo Plus Or Youtube Or What?   
    If it's for a private client review - which they can also download, I'd strongly recommend https://frame.io 
    The free account comes with 2gb capacity I believe...much more professional platform for video sharing than YT or Vimeo private link IMO.
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