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    vaga reacted to SMGJohn in New EOSHD setup guide gives Samsung NX1 LOG capability and more   
    I gave ClipToolz Convert V2 a try, I got Windows 8.1 x64 at first it would not work properly but under Windows 7 compatibility mode and administration right it ran fine, the LUT wont work on all codecs but I tried the ProRes 4k with 422 colour space and 10bit the only available option for it, and it takes 1080p and 2160p just fine with the LUT and it looks pretty good. 
    The interface is a bit lack-cluster but its better than nothing I suppose. Its also VERY slow, at most its 25fps for a 25p footage, I suppose it has to render the LUT data into the footage. 
  2. Like
    vaga reacted to m~Daniel in NX1 - hazy footage   
    ​He probably wasn't talking about the lens converter but the h.265 --> h.264 converter?
  3. Like
    vaga reacted to FilmMan in Arri Alexa 65: Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation   
    Gees, almost forgot to reply after seeing  Rogue Nation last week.   I thought the movie was good.  Same recipe.  Enjoyed the Opera scene and the motorcycle chase scene.  Perhaps Cruise likes to be shot on film due to the film grain hiding any facial blemishes and aging?  Just kidding.  Being shot on film does instill a certain feel to the whole movie.  Cruise did earn his money hanging on the side of a plane.  Would I hang on the side of a plane for his paycheck?  Definitely... if the plane was on the ground.  I'd do the CGI green screen rather than be strapped in and hanging on for my dear life.  My luck a seagull would either excrete on me or ram into me.  If a bird did ram into Cruise, his goose would have been cooked.  KFC tonight?  Cheers.
  4. Like
    vaga reacted to Cinegain in Why A7Rii is a nogo for landscape   
    Look at the bright side, it's gonna be a great 'feature' when Christmas comes around.
  5. Like
    vaga reacted to Marco Tecno in Sony A7000 To Be First HDR E-Mount Camera   
    In any case it will be a sw trick and not a new capability of the sensor. The real revolution would be 15.5 stops of dr natively from sensor in any exposure!
  6. Like
    vaga reacted to wolf33d in New EOSHD setup guide gives Samsung NX1 LOG capability and more   
    What about the release of RX100 review? ^^
  7. Like
    vaga reacted to kaylee in RX10 II Dynamic Range   
    I agree.
    Ive been busy and have only just begun my tests with the camera but i can say with confidence that the 120fps is legitimately sharp at 1080p as others have mentioned. ive only shot 100mbs so far. gradability (is that a word? lol) has exceeded my expectations
    also the dynamic range slog2 is capable of when exposed properly is astounding with this camera, and using it at 120fps makes me feel like this lil guy cost a lot more than $1300
    most of all its fun
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    vaga reacted to Greg Padgett in RX10 II Dynamic Range   
    Vaga, the image came from a raw file so I don't suppose we'll see quite that much dynamic range from the xvacs files.  So far though, I've been extremely impressed with the slog2's ability to expose the entire scene well in high contrast situations. I haven't as yet used the camera for low light and I don't expect it to be A7s quality but for the way I intend to use the camera it should work perfectly. It seems to me that where the A7s can be overexposed 2 stops or even a little more, the RX10 tends to clip a lot sooner. I've been exposing to protect the highlights and have found plenty of room to lift the mids and shadows. What I need is a good plug in for Davinci to handle the bit of noise I'm seeing in the shadows. I do look forward to Andrew's review to gain some knowledge from him on exposure.
    PannySVHS, yes I agree that this camera will be at it's best in good light. I will be interested to see what more advanced users will be able to do in dark conditions with optimal exposure and professional post work. I'm betting this camera will get the job done.
    As far as the high frame rates, I haven't tried using them yet. I'm mainly interested in the slog2 at this point but I'll get around to the fancy stuff in due time. I do know the 120fps is supposed to be 1080p so it should look pretty good.
    TheRennaissanceMan, I think you make some great points and they are in line with what I'm seeing. Great shadow recovery but the highlights need to be guarded at least somewhat. When I said the files remind me of the D800E, I did not intend to say they rival them. The just seem to have great elasticity and excellent rendering of fine detail. 
    Last year, I owned the D800E, the GH4 and the RX100m2. I purchased the GH4 in hopes that I could get rid of the very heavy D800 kit I take when backpacking. I wanted a lighter substitute that I could use for both stills and video. The video was outstanding but (and this is a subjective opinion) the stills just weren't what I hoped. They looked nice. They didn't however rival the D800 in any way. Looking at similar images in lightroom, I actually found that I preferred the RX100 images to those of the gh4. Perhaps the familiarity of the files and the way they behave in post reminded me of the D800 files. With familiarity comes a certain comfort factor. I just couldn't get the gh4 files to my liking. All that being said, I still don't think the stills from the RX10 will be enough to make me leave the D800 at home. They're very good and will do in most situations. They're not D800E good for that once in a lifetime shot you often get in the big wilderness. This is where the A7rII starts to look really interesting...
  9. Like
    vaga reacted to Mattias Burling in Can't decide between RX10ii, GH4 or NX1   
    Are you watching on a 60hz monitor?
    Most of my monitors can switch back and forth but one of them at work is stuck in NTSC and does that to all my 25p videos. 
  10. Like
    vaga got a reaction from Greg Padgett in RX10 II Dynamic Range   
    Now to see if that holds up in video!
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    vaga reacted to MattH in Two Wheels Self-Balancing Mini Scooter for gimbals   
    I would love to see someone fall on their face on this thing. Or rather, I would love to see them topple over with their expensive camera, smashing the camera into the floor and smashing their face into the camera, which is what will happen. How can you possibly concentrate on operating the camrea. The example has terrible framing and non existent focusing, It's like trying to stand on top of a ball. A really stupid idea. But dont let me stop you doing it, just make sure you have somebody else to film it at the same time. I could do with a laugh.
  12. Like
    vaga reacted to Greg Padgett in RX10 II Dynamic Range   
    Did some testing today and yesterday at a state park near my home. Mainly video as I'm trying to learn how to grade the slog2 into something I like.
    I did take some pictures and at some point I took a shot that for whatever reason (I believe I had left the ND filter turned on ) it turned out way underexposed. I took this shot not for it's artistic value but more for a look at detail rendered. Well, thinking the shot was ruined I figured I might as well crank up some exposure in lightroom via the shadow recovery and exposure sliders. Wow. It's like someone turned the lights on and with almost no noise penalty. No color banding. Nothing. Just plenty of detail and my respect for this one inch sensore genius of a camera!  As for a stills camera, this RX10 2 reminds me a lot more of my D800E than the gh4 ever did as far as the look and dynamic range of the image produced.
    This might not blow you away the way it did me, but I just didn't expect such a clean photo from something so drastically underexposed. Especially from such a small sensor camera.  Have a look... I could have boosted this much further but I was going for natural.

  13. Like
    vaga reacted to agolex in Sony RX10 II Footage w/ Unobtrusive Background Audio   
    Magic is a complex thing!
  14. Like
    vaga reacted to maddchadd in A7Rii Overheating Problem Solved   
    He's talking about the RX10II NOT the A7RII.
  15. Like
    vaga reacted to Raphb in Sony RX10 M2 - first part of my review and a mini-comparison with the A7S and Canon 1D C   
    Not to be annoying but could you guess as to when you'd publish your final review on the RX10 ii, Andrew?
  16. Like
    vaga reacted to Mattias Burling in Sony A7R II Review - Part 1 - Summoning the devil   
    Exactly, and where I live Sony stands no chance against Canikon. No competition. Not yet at least. Consumers are very different in different regions. Here Sony would have to cut the cost of the a7rii in half for it to even make it to the shelves outside of the Internet. 
  17. Like
    vaga got a reaction from Marco Tecno in Can't decide between RX10ii, GH4 or NX1   
    One thing that irritates me with the Sony cams is the lack of touchscreen. I don't understand the reasoning.
    Some of my favorite footage from the NX1 comes from @Mattias Burling with 30mm pancake. The only thing I don't like is that his (and a lot of people's) skies are completely white instead of beautiful shades of blue but of course a lot of that is due to color grading. 
  18. Like
    vaga reacted to Cinegain in Can't decide between RX10ii, GH4 or NX1   
    Yeah, and it seems Sony also didn't get my memo to include vari-angle displays. I mean. Even Olympus did it with the E-M5II.
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    vaga reacted to agolex in Can't decide between RX10ii, GH4 or NX1   
    Agree 100 %, it makes so much sense if you run around all by yourself. Just frame, touch where you want the focus and shoot.
  20. Like
    vaga reacted to hk908 in Can't decide between RX10ii, GH4 or NX1   
    NX1 4k is pretty damn good according to people much less biased (I own it) and much more experienced than me. Samsung has been very good about timely firmware updates and should hopefully continue that into the future with added features, similar to how the GH4 has a new log mode. That 16-50 S lens is usually $1200 alone so that seems like a very good deal. The color and the quality of the 4k is definitely the camera's best feature. 
    It does however use h265 encoding that hasn't been integrated by most editing programs, and you'll have to use a converter like Rocky Mountains converter to use the footage. I can't even view the clips in VLC without it hanging up. So, added time until the h265 catches on. The camera has a few bugs left in it, but like I said Samsung has thus far been very good with firmware--the only firmware problem being it erases all your settings every time you update it. The lens selection past the 16-50 S is pretty limited. There were rumors that lenses would be revealed late 2015 or so. But just rumors so far. I do wish the OLED screen on it could pivot to view from the front instead of just up and down. Using LUTs or FilmConvert, there haven't been any profiles or lut packs for the NX1 yet if that matters.
  21. Like
    vaga reacted to Mat Mayer in Sony RX10 M2 - first part of my review and a mini-comparison with the A7S and Canon 1D C   
    Yeah that photo at 7.28 was really blown out in the sky, but the bride actually looked awesome. The black and white one looked great to me. I took it as this being someone who isn't obsessed with things that we necessarily always need to care about. I thought it might be Mickey Mouse time when I saw that first photo but I left thinking this is an interesting guy who has been at it along time and has his own opinions and standards. I think he might be a guy that is willing to let a sky look nastily overblown for the sake of getting the best shot of the bride and groom. Whereas most people would want to play by the rules at their expense. I dunno, I am still a noob.
  22. Like
    vaga reacted to Oliver Daniel in Why No Love For This Camera?   
    Never base your opinion of a camera on the skills of another  
  23. Like
    vaga reacted to Elpeos in Can't decide between RX10ii, GH4 or NX1   
    Hi all,
    As the title says, i can't decide between the RX10ii, GH4 or NX1, and i hope you can help me with making a decision.
    I'm a independed videographer since 2007, i started with a Panasonic HVX200, later (and still have) a Canon t2i, then, till now i'm using a Canon 5d Mark2. I think it's time for a change and an investment, so i'm looking for a new camera. Because of the technology going so fast i don't want to spend a huge amount of money, and so i have a few options.
    1. RX10ii - Interesting because of it's lens, frame rates and S-LOG, worried about Low-Light and small sensor. I need to keep my 5dmii for pro-photography (sometimes i got asked for that). (costs € 1599,00)
    2. GH4 - Interesting with Speedbooster so i can use my EF-lenses, don't know about it's stills, so i don't know if i should sell my 5d for it? (costs: € 1499, and € 999,00 for speedbooster XL).
    3. NX1 with 16-50S 2.0 - 2.8 lens + adapter for EF for manual use, i've seen some less-positive reviews about this cam, but i've seen amazing 4k video from it. I'm aware of the h.265 codec and it's workflow, but i think this made be interesting one to sell my 5d for. I'm also aware of it's rolling shutter, but i'm a kind of laid back filmer and never had any problem with it on my 5d .(i can get the NX1 with 16-50S lens for € 1999,00)
    Mostly i'm making promotional videos for companies, so a lot of inside filming with available light and, interviews. 
    Well, i'm hoping for some good advice!
  24. Like
    vaga reacted to jbCinC_12 in Resolve 12 Will Change Everything   
    I felt the same way too, even on my Dell Inspiron 660s -- now that they support OpenCL 1.2
  25. Like
    vaga reacted to agolex in Resolve 12 Will Change Everything   
    Don't know if this is relevant to you, but Resolve 12 is now running without special 3D graphics cards as stated above. 11 didn't work at all on my Lenovo with HD Graphics 4400, but it now does.
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