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Zak Forsman

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    Zak Forsman reacted to Hitfabryk in A7SII is it really a "niche" video only camera?   
    Look what this guy did with the imperfect colors of the original A7S:
  2. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to Flynn in Well, I sold the 1dc and bought a...   
    How do some of you people upvote tugela for going on the attack and needlessly acting like a passive-aggressive dickhead to the op? Depressing. Do you regularly go up to strangers and insult them tugela?
  3. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to sam in DSO Trump 58mm   
    Hey Zak, this won't be very helpful for your purposes, but here's a vid I made using the Trump 58 (everthing that's not slomo).  This was without any aperture inserts.  Small mattebox with Tiffen colorcore 1.2 irnd with most shots  around T8 on the F35. I was hoping to do some side by sides with canon/rokinons as they are a well known entity, but no way to mount them on the f35.  By the time my 1dc is fixed you might just have your Trump in hand.    
  4. Like
    Zak Forsman got a reaction from kaylee in DSO Trump 58mm   
    Had a chance to try it out yet? Would love to see it in action (and I've run out of videos to watch on Vimeo).
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    Zak Forsman got a reaction from kaylee in DSO Trump 58mm   
    This makes me very happy to see because aspects of your lens mirror what I ordered from Rich a week ago. I placed an order for a Trump 58 set and will be picking up the 38 and 88 soon too. Could very well shoot my third feature with it, a sci-fi revenge thriller. Can't wait!
  6. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to M Carter in Darn it, banned again from DVXUSER!   
    DVX user - been around forever. Odd mix of experienced guys and newbie-kids posting about how to screw more junk onto their "rigs".
    There are guys in the audio forum that really, really know their stuff and are very helpful. Key & Peele's DP posts long, detailed breakdowns of how many of those skits are shot, immense amount of ideas for doing quality work very quickly. And then a zillion posts about "should I get this amazon 3-light 100 watt flo setup to shoot my zombie feature film".  So, kind of the usual.
    I've posted my DIY HMI projects there and gotten into some good discussions; there's a ton of stuff there going back for years if you search.
  7. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to kaylee in IS THIS ALIENS?   

  8. Like
    Zak Forsman got a reaction from Marco Tecno in Scary Spam   
    speak for yourself. i've been hiding under my desk since last night.
  9. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to Hans Punk in Question about distance between Rear Element (Anamorphic) and Front Element (Taking Lens)   
    Vignette and light loss are far less when you position anamorphic rear and taking lens front optic as close as possible.
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    Zak Forsman got a reaction from Xavier Plagaro Mussard in Scary Spam   
    speak for yourself. i've been hiding under my desk since last night.
  11. Like
    Zak Forsman got a reaction from Jordan Drake in Sony A7sii review by TCSTV   
    take note that the daytime shots were captured with the A7S. The nighttime shots, slow-mo and SLog3 examples were A7S II.
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    Zak Forsman got a reaction from benymypony in Scary Spam   
    speak for yourself. i've been hiding under my desk since last night.
  13. Like
    Zak Forsman got a reaction from sanveer in Scary Spam   
    speak for yourself. i've been hiding under my desk since last night.
  14. Like
    Zak Forsman got a reaction from Liam in Scary Spam   
    speak for yourself. i've been hiding under my desk since last night.
  15. Like
    Zak Forsman got a reaction from kaylee in Scary Spam   
    speak for yourself. i've been hiding under my desk since last night.
  16. Like
    Zak Forsman got a reaction from rook in Rangefinder Screengrabs   
    i don't know that this warrants a reply but I read that as "human feces" the first time. 
  17. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to Mattias Burling in A few musings on what I missed in my month off from EOSHD!   
    I had a similar approach a few monts back when the A7rii was released. I looked at the price and thought "why".
    Bought two 16mm film cameras and a bunch of film instead. And still had over $2000 left before reaching the cost of the Sony.
    Thats why I have the G7. But now Im back to DSLR + BMPCC.
  18. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to kaylee in I was finally giving up on buying 5D in Sep 2015 but then I saw this.... (hint, it's RAW...)   
    theres nothing "retro" inherent to the look of 5d3 raw video
    quite the contrary: it is a unique look which is decidedly contemporary
  19. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to kaylee in I was finally giving up on buying 5D in Sep 2015 but then I saw this.... (hint, it's RAW...)   
    for me color trumps everything, and the DEEP rich color from 5d3 raw is unparalleled; ive never seen video from ANY camera that matches it in that regard – naturalistic yet amazingly beautiful
    thats awesome hmcindle that clip looks official. how did you find the reliability of ml on set? any issues to be aware of? assuming its not april fools day that is lol
  20. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to kaylee in B&H Photo - largest seller of camera gear in USA exploits workers   
    you guys are boycotting apple too right
  21. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to Hans Punk in Kowa B&H Close Focus Mod & other 'Tweaks'   
    The nice thing is that you can blacken the edge on this Kowa type without having to open the lens at all. The edge is accessible from the front as is.
    Other lenses can be treated the same way, but some may require disassembly first to get access to the optic edge...be very sure to check how to reassemble properly before attempting though. 
  22. Like
    Zak Forsman got a reaction from Hans Punk in Kowa B&H Close Focus Mod & other 'Tweaks'   
    looks like i have a new project!
  23. Like
    Zak Forsman got a reaction from kaylee in V-log unlocked for free!   
    I saw your posts over on PV. I tried my hand at it with the demo but couldn't figure out the best way to identify and adjust things. so I went out instead and shot some more V-Log with a Dog Schidt Optiks FF58 lens I rented this morning.
  24. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to richg101 in First footage shot with m43 SLR Magic Cine Anamorphics   
    If you can't see the way the lenses render the defocus then you're blind.  Even with the rather deep field at the wider end, it's plain to see that the lenses are defocusing with the 2x anamorphic distortion as well as adding the classical anamorphic aesthetic.  
    And seeing as you are being so harsh and demanding of the lenses and of Hugo's test, as well as quite pompous, please direct us to some work of yours which illustrates your experience with anamorphic lenses in general, as well as the work you'd produce if SLR Magic had infact made lenses that matched Panavision c's or Vantage 74's.   
  25. Like
    Zak Forsman reacted to beeldlab in First footage shot with m43 SLR Magic Cine Anamorphics   
    How sweet and funny to read all these comments. Yes indeed I created a very poor lens test. I should have shot a testcard and do a rack focus. Would have been so much easier as well.
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