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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicursamini/gallery Some beautiful shots in here
  2. I would probably be the bigger man here and just let them have the footage, with a written contract stating that you are allowed to release an edited version, for use in your portfolio/showreel. It's a live and learn situation... You may as well come out of it with something to show for your hard work, even if the band release something you do not want your name associated with.
  3. The cave to exterior shot is beautiful. Interesting times we live in
  4. Yea... The 5D4 could really bring ML back into the game. Has anyone worked out the data rate required for 4k raw... About 400MBps I guess? CF fast could do it, right?
  5. Maybe you are right.... Personally, I still prefer a beautiful 1080p image to an ok/good 4K image. The amount of activity on the BMMPC thread seems to suggest i'm not alone. The only reason I sold my 5DIII was the need for 60p... I still regret it every day though and the minute it is possible to get 60p raw, I will buy whichever cam can do it. Also, talking about sub $10k when the two new models are $1299 and $599 seems a bit pointless.
  6. I'm sure we are all (expectedly) underwheled by the video features of the last two Canon announcements (1300D and 80D)... But the first thing I think about when these cameras drop is "what can ML do with them"? Are any of these models able to do 1080/60p in raw yet, not the 60p that needs to be stretched, but pure 1080/60p?
  7. Looks very good.... I think you have used some of the flaws in the Sony to your advantage to get a cold, desaturated look. The edit is really nice. that seagull!
  8. I also think there might be a 1DC-II ready for NAB (plus a C500 II). If not, then we have to hit them hard for C-Log in the 1DX-II and subsequent 5DIV.
  9. If you need help with the UI, just message me... I design for Android, so should be fairly similar.
  10. I think, as you said above, that people are putting it down to bad colour science rather than an actual bug that could potentially be easily fixed. I guess also that people that are going for a colder grade might not notice so much... Alot of the early A7s shots were done at night, which lends itself well to a slightly colder WB. I have started dialling in a warmer temp than it should be, but it is still hit and miss.
  11. White balance is definitely faulty. Dreadful, in fact. How this gets past quality control, I will never know.
  12. Yea, you are right... I think that scene, shot on film, would not look much different though. He shot it in 60p, so probably has 1/120th shutter... Might explain the look.
  13. You could shoot that scene with film and it wouldn't look that filmic, as there is no camera movement, filmic composition or sound. DR and colour speak for themselves though.
  14. If they use h265, it seems more than possible... At least for the 4k
  15. Worth noting that Lightroom now allows you to shoot raw on most Android phones too now. http://www.theverge.com/2016/2/22/11075574/lightroom-android-update-shoot-raw-photos
  16. Jimmy

    Nikon DL

    How many times will someone say Canon are about to crash! You could just as easily say that people will just use their 4k phone to play videos on their 4k TV... Maybe Nikon are too late too? Or maybe both know how to make plenty of cash. One thing that does tend to happen is that Canon react to Nikon, and vice versa... So you might see some movement.
  17. Tough to get out that green/yellow cast
  18. Jimmy

    Nikon DL

    I am hoping the 60fps still image burst will be able to hold more than the 30 images of the N1. Get it to 100+ images and it becomes interesting (for my line of work, at least).
  19. As you say, let's hope they get the codec right. If it is 8 bit 4:2:0 with a low bitrate, then it is almost wasted tech.
  20. Jimmy

    Nikon DL

    http://www.europe-nikon.com/en_GB/product/digital-cameras/premium-compact/dl24-85-f-1-8-2-8 http://www.europe-nikon.com/en_GB/product/digital-cameras/premium-compact/dl18-50-f-1-8-2-8 http://www.europe-nikon.com/en_GB/product/digital-cameras/premium-compact/dl24-500-f-2-8-5-6
  21. Jimmy

    Nikon DL

    http://froknowsphoto.com/nikon-dl-series-camera-preview/ http://www.engadget.com/2016/02/22/nikon-dl-compact-series/ 4k...1080p 120fps... Seems like it might do 60fps raw burst too
  22. Hopefully ML will get 1080/60p out of one of these cams, one day! If I was out shooting and wanted to share stuff straight to Youtube, i'd say this beats the A7s hands down... Just set to auto/AF... use a standard, punchy colour profile, record and share. Judging by the marketing, this is exactly what they are targeting. It's clearly not a filmmakers tool, but i bet serious units are being shifted to the Youtube guys that are starting to make money and need a step up from shooting on mobile phones and stuff.
  23. Looks beautiful... Colour, contrast, detail, DR and general IQ all have a touch of magic. Really like it. The IMAX shooters are gonna love it!
  24. I guess if they are targeting at the Youtube generation, then wifi and dual AF are more interesting than 4K Count me as non interested though!
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