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Geoff CB

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Everything posted by Geoff CB

  1. But it also doesn't support H265 in the free version either, also the free version does support projects up to UHD.
  2. That's right, the FREE version doesn't support the advanced codec. Only the insanely expensive $300 dollar version does.
  3. "Support for decoding H.264 Intra 422 10bit - DaVinci Resolve Studio only" SHOTS FIRED! $300, playback speed has been VASTLY improved for me. https://forum.blackmagicdesign.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=58544
  4. All my dreams have come true.
  5. Geoff CB

    C100 mkiii

    I'm guessing 10-bit 60p 1080 and 8-bit 4K
  6. A great option, except for people like me that don't own a Mac
  7. Give Capture One Pro a shot, I switched and love it.
  8. Desperately trying to switch to Resolve, but how it handles audio is slowly driving me nuts. Hoping tomorrow brings a bunch of updates to it so I can fully switch.
  9. Hoping for significant Resolve improvements from Blackmagic.
  10. Geoff CB


    It's a voigtlander 20mm F3.5 SL (Nikon mount) at F4 on a7r II in 1080p. Yes I shot it with my GFILM settings. Making the short video now, should be up tomorrow, filmed kids my wife is babysitting playing in the mud.
  11. Geoff CB


    Voigtlander 20mm 3.5 Still love this guy!
  12. Fixes almost all the problems I had with my A7r II, full readout and much fasterrolling shutter performance, and a quick access menu. I want one.
  13. Yeah I'll throw my hat in here, don't OC your computer when you render. I've lost two very important time sensitive renders, once when on a GPU based render, and once when on a CPU based render. I overclock slightly when editing, but never when exporting a project.
  14. Rooting for them. Hope they blow the doors off the competition.
  15. Has anyone tested this with pancake lenses on Super35/AP-C? Would love to use this with my Voigtlander 40mm.
  16. How did you go about getting them converted? Do you like the result?
  17. Nope, I've been using FD lenses on a A7r II, lenses fully cover full frame.
  18. Honestly I just want new sony camera's to drive used prices down for existing models. I love my A7r II and want to buy a second one. In the not-gonna-happen-but-a-man-can-dream category: Sony see the GH5 and counter them a little on features with their existing cameras. They add a higher bitrate to the A7r II and A7sII for video (200 mbps up from 100), add a "6K" mode that uses the entire height of the sensor, add variable frame rate, and shutter angle option.
  19. You can't adapt FD mount to EOS without adding glass in between, or getting the mounts converted. Honestly, I recommend a used A6000 with Lens Turbo (Cheap alternative to Speedbooster) Especially if your going photo only.
  20. Resolve definitely needs a beefy GPU for a lot of nodes, but certain codecs still run through the CPU for Decode. X-AVC and H264 are processed by the CPU first, there is no GPU based decoding for them. Though I do admit the program is very GPU hungry, it needs cards with at least 4gb vRAM to run smoothly.
  21. Didn't experience any of those problems when I had it. Lack of DR and form factor are what made me return it.
  22. Lol definitely was not considering 1080 ti because of it's price/performance, only because it's the most powerful current card under $1000. Fury X's are actually quite powerful and I grabbed my for $280 when the 1080 came out. Very satisfied with it's editing performance and quiet operation. SO I'm trying to hold off to the next round of GPU's. Maybe get a second FURY X, but added power+Crossfire issues make be hesitate. If your going for purely editing, I honestly think the RX 480 is the best card for price/performance currently available.
  23. I'm very interested in Ryzen for my next upgrade, but trying to hold off for now until I need it. As usual, I need more lighting before I invest in my rig more. I want a 1080 ti, but it is not a need (Or so I keep telling myself). Hoping AMD can come out swinging for Nvidia with their next GPU as well. Currently: AMD R9 Fury X Intel i7-5820K 3.3 @ 4.2 ghz 32gb Ram
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