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Mat Mayer

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  1. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to DBounce in Laptop predicament   
    You need to watch the presentation for the surface book. They are pushing it as perfect for editing 4k video. They transfer a 3gb file in like 4 seconds, then edit it in Adobe premiere pro. They showed it driving 3 4k screens at once. Plus it can handle 4k h.265 files without transcoding as it uses Skylake.
    Microsoft claim it is twice as fast as the MacBook pro.
  2. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to Hans Punk in Adding motion blur in post?   
    Pixel motion blur is a good suggestion to try too.
    Yes - Reelsmart can produce artifacts sometimes (usually at the start of a clip), I usually can eliminate these by keyframing the setting to 'ramp' on at the start of each clip. Most post-motion blur effects rely on motion analysis from your footage, not all footage will work first time, and may require tweaking in the effect control parameters. Often a lower than default setting is enough, just to take the edge off the super sharp shutter look.
    If used for a fast-pace action sequence, when viewed in context (fast cuts) - it often hides all but the biggest of warp artifacts from post motion blur shots. 
  3. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to Sekhar in Adding motion blur in post?   
    If you have After Effects, try pixel motion blur. I've found it to be quite good, but be sure to bump up the frame count for good results. It is dog slow though, so you'll need to add that to your workflow time. The ReelSmart motion blur is really fast (especially when using graphics card), but produced strange artifacts, at least in my testing. 
  4. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to Hans Punk in Adding motion blur in post?   
    Best results come by using it on individual clips, sometimes adjusting blur amount to avoid ugly artifacts. Generally though, it is an easy way to get motion blur back into high shutter footage. I often shoot handheld DSLR with higher shutter on purpose, so that Warp stabilizer has crisp frames to work from - giving better/ smoother results. Then I run a pass on each clip with the Reelsmart motion blur effect to get the 1/50th motion blur back.
    Works very well, worth the extra time if you need everything to look as good as it can.
  5. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to Don Kotlos in Thumb/flash drive as longterm storage   
    Blue ray is your best bet. 
    2.5" mechanical drives is the next best thing if you want to also save some space. 
    Most thumb drives use very cheap materials so they are very prone to unrecoverable malfunction.  

    *SSDs in this poster are SLC. The majority SSDs in the market are MLC/TLC which is much worse for the drive longevity 
  6. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to Julian in Need a little help with timelapse on GH4   
    I guess it's probably easier to not bother with the manual at all to do this. I found it very straight forward.
    Turn the top left dial into the interval position (twist the dial all the way to the right). Turn the mode dial into M or A mode (or whatever you want for your pictures).
    Open the menu (press menu/set) - Time Lapse / Animation is already highlighted now. Press menu/set again.
    Mode should be on Time Lapse Shot (it probably is). Go down to Shooting interval, choose your settings. Press Set on the touch screen.
    Choose Start Time in the menu. Set start time of choice or press 'now'...
    /Edit: I guess you still had your camera in the movie mode, in that case you won't find the timelapse function in the menu.
  7. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to Michael Ten Calka in V-log unlocked for free!   
    The other day I did some test shots using 4K. On the left is V Log L and on the right is James Miller Cine V settings shot. I've tried to match sky this two and you can see clearly that shadows are much more crushed in Cine V. 

  8. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to dr_jon in V-log unlocked for free!   
    There isn't a hack, they just forgot to stop VLog-L being selected by one of the methods it can normally be if the upgrade isn't present. A bit embarrassing for them.
  9. Like
    Mat Mayer got a reaction from sanveer in V-log unlocked for free!   
    I do feel a bit sorry for them. Maybe they should come out and be honest about needing to cover costs and setup a donations page. If not I will probably try and buy another Panasonic lens or something. The camera with V Log for £750 currently is on a par with the BMPCC half price deal last year,so maybe they will sell lots more to make up for it.
  10. Like
    Mat Mayer got a reaction from Rinad Amir in V-log unlocked for free!   
    Thanks to Panasonic. Seems like they went to so much trouble to secure it lol. This isn't even a hack, there is no grey area. It is obvious and freely available. No need to delete this thread imho. It is the same thing as a shop putting a 0 cents price sticker on a product: obvious mistake but you would be crazy not to take what is being offered to you. I will of course pay, just like everyone else on this forum. And just like everyone else I never pee in swimming pools
    Perfect timing for me as I have a shoot planned for tomorrow. God damn the image is flat- going to be a lot of fun with the brand new finished Resolve 12. It's like Christmas in July September 
  11. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to Glenn Thomas in New iPhone 6S camera shoots and edits 4K video   
    They're still too expensive IMO. Here in Australia, the 128gb model is $1529. That would buy a Sony RX100 mkIV with a 128gb card, extra batteries, accessories, and you'd still have money left over. No matter how good the 4K is on the iphone, it's still going to fall apart in low light with the small sensor. Even most Youtubers avoid them in favour of dedicated cameras.
    Or for that same price, you could buy a 256gb i5 Surface Pro 3, which has a decent enough camera that you could shoot photos with and edit directly in Photoshop CC, rather than using a phone app. 1080P video too and the ability to use proper video editing, compositing and colour grading programs. That's if you want to be one of those guys who shoot with a tablet.
    I'm looking forward to the next Lumia though. With Windows 10 and universal apps, you'll be able to hook it up to a keyboard, monitor & mouse, and use it as an actual PC. Should be a lot cheaper than any iPhone. The current models already shoot good 4K, which I used for a music video once. Only issue is the auto exposure.
    By the way, the vertical shooting on iPhones is for those apps like Snapchat and Beme. A complete waste of Apple's imaging technology.
  12. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to kaylee in So I read that RX10 ii review, and... help!   
    thats awesome, great to hear.
    unlike cameras and lenses, one thing that you cant buy is talent, which you seem to have plenty of based on your original post~! im sure that your practice as a musician informs your video work in all kinds of ways, intangibles that i might not even understand...!
    if i could give you one piece of advice going forward, it would be this: avoid the rabbithole of technology research; its neverending
    shoot with your new camera. its great. id buy one today!
    p.s. it is WAY too hot for my st bernard-great dane in san diego rn 
  13. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to sanveer in iPhone 6S launch and 4K topic   
    The Surface Pro needs a dedicated graphics card. Something high end for tablet/ laptop video edit. I don't know why they don't add that. Otherwise with its (upto) i7 lineup, it seems pretty neat.
    I think that and quick charging are something Microsoft should consider for its  new Surface Pro. 
  14. Like
    Mat Mayer got a reaction from sanveer in iPhone 6S launch and 4K topic   
    I think the iPad Pro looks useless. 32gb of non expandable storage, max 128gb storage.
    The only hope is a new Surface Pro next month, but I assume it won't come close to the new Lenovo P50 and P70. At least the Surface runs a proper OS that can use software (instead of lightweight apps) and with the dock it has the ports you need. 
  15. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to sanveer in New iPhone 6S camera shoots and edits 4K video   
    I personally doubt whether the improvement will be very noticeable. The only exciting video from a mobile phone regardless of frame rates appear to be the S6 and Note 5 with that crazy 200Mbps Flat Profile app (4k Cinema App).
    Also this jump to 12 MP from 8 is another disappointment. Quite frankly most of today's announcements were lack lustre.
    I believe Samsung (along with Motorola) seem to be 2 companies who are really heading in the right direction (along with the One Plus guys). Samsung's 6GB RAM is another great move, especially for gaming and for shooting high res 4k video. While Sony makes superb sensors IMHO it is unable to make the best phones to use these technologies. Also its phones look very poorly designed. Samsung seems to be really nailing it. I won't be surprised if their next generation of phone sensors compete with Sony in a big way. 
  16. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to sanveer in New iPhone 6S camera shoots and edits 4K video   
    Aren't a lot of these features already there on Android (Samsung) phone? The Apple Pencil was the S-Pen, amd 4k was a natural  (albeit late) progression. 
    I found most of the announcements rather cold and unimpressive. The 4k app on the iPhone btw hangs and causes all sorts of strange issues.
    More than anything I would like a shootout between this and the S6. Especially with the 4k Cinema App ... ;-)
  17. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to Brellivids in Resolve 12 Will Change Everything   
    Just to let you know. When I first downloaded the beta it was 12.0b1. Now that I'm upgrading my work rig and installing all from scratch the version number for todays download was 12.0b4.
    So it's a latest build I asume.
  18. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to agolex in So I read that RX10 ii review, and... help!   
    Grats on that and getting the name right for the first time.  Enjoy the new camera!
  19. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to CTRT in So I read that RX10 ii review, and... help!   

    I actually just bought the GH4 and the Lumix 12-35 f2.8 

    I think I'll also buy a BMPCC in the next few months, now that I know I can share lenses between them! That is a wonderful revelation, brought on by my own stupidity!

    As for the Nikon, well - frankly I wasn't hugely in love with it.. it was definitely a workhorse and got me a lot more work, but want 4K and want to have the same lenses as the BMPCC without buying an expensive adapter... I know I'll end up buy an adapter in the future, but... I can wait!

    I just watched that video you made and it's GREAT! I really can't wait to start using log and grading properly. Totally inspiring!

    Thanks so much everyone! I really appreciate all the help, and dealing with my stupid!

    I will try and come by more often and maybe next time I can help out the idiot  
  20. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to Cinegain in Rumour: Sony is working on a 4K camcorder with A7s sensor   
    That would be the 3rd topic on the same thing...

  21. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to Liam in So I read that RX10 ii review, and... help!   
    if budget and lenses are still a slight concern with the gh4, the g7, or lx100 even, have been proven to have really great images. might feel restricted slightly on the telephoto end with the lx100, but the focal lengths you have, it would appear (and according to Andrew Reid), are like having a set of primes.
    you definitely don't have to get obsessed with videography, but having a camera of your own to fiddle with and googling/asking when you're confused, you'll be fine. especially if you're already getting a lot of good feedback and people wanting you.
    also, if you ever want to make films, liking films really is good enough to go on.
  22. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to Cinegain in So I read that RX10 ii review, and... help!   
    C-mount just takes a small and cheap adapter. There's nothing to it really. Works with any M43 camera, just a little better with the BMPCC, because it has a larger crop factor: it crops in more on the image circle, making it less sensitive to the outer edge vignetting. Then again, you can cut 1080p out of a 4K image that the GH4 shoots and cut around the vignetting as well. They might give some fun effects and character, but overall, I haven't been in love with my cheapo copies (I have a 25mm f/1.4, 35mm f/1.7 and 50mm f/1.4). Wouldn't base a purchase on it unless you'd have some vintage C-mounts lying around or something. If you're thinking about cheap vintage glass, rather look at some M42's, Pentax, Minolta's and FD's for example. Work great with the M43 sensor, have great character, usually built like a tank and optics are solid. Check out the sticky lens thread.
    About the 12-35mm f/2.8, it's a lot of people's go-to lens. Since M43 is a 2x crop sensor and shooting 4K gives a 2.3x crop compared to the 35mm reference, the 12-35mm gives a practical range for normal shooting scenarios. The lens has a f/2.8 sensitivity throughout which is pretty great. You could consider a Sigma ART series 18-35mm f/1.8 lens and use an adapter with optics inside to compensate for the crop a little and win a bit of light in the process, which is a great combination, with great optical performance and character, but the Sigma faces the same problem as a Olympus 12-40mm f/2.8 PRO lens would have on a Panasonic body... these lenses have no image stabilization built-in an Panasonic cameras don't do video sensor stabilization (as Olympus cameras do, see fuzzy's point). As the Panasonic 12-35mm has built-in optical image stabilization, it will do a decent job of filtering out some of the shakiness. Also, a third party lens with simple adapter (not electronic, with or without optics) does not allow for in-camera settings to take effect. You'll be left with full manual operation. The native mount 12-35mm doesn't have this issue (should it be one to you;personally I don't mind fully manual operation). I figure lots of people just have one, because it's just so darn convenient.
    The Nebula 4000 I would forget... Some topics around here (like: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/3293-3-axis-camera-stabilizing-systems-–-overview/?do=findComment&comment=99388 ) that kinda go into that... the recent developments seem to kinda make a bit more sense already, but personally don't think it's there/mature enough yet still. Anyways, I'd say: worry about that kinda of stuff later.
    Yeah, I'm thinking the GH4 with the V-LOG option would be a good match for your needs. The BMPCC is pretty great if you need to just about torture your footage in grading, but the GH4 is more flexible and friendlier to work with. If only for ergonomics, vari-angle touchscreen and great battery life.
  23. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to CTRT in So I read that RX10 ii review, and... help!   
    Thank a lot! I think I will do that... I was looking at this package here:


    The reviews of he lens seem like it would be good for video... but I'm sure once I start buying lenses I won't stop...

    Thanks again!
  24. Like
    Mat Mayer got a reaction from CTRT in So I read that RX10 ii review, and... help!   
    Damphousse what's the deal with BM? Have they given up on the consumer market now? It would be nice to get the pocket camera with 4K. Seems like they have decided the money is in cinema.
    Sorry, not watched the video- Dave's sparkly blue eyes and accurateness bores me stupid. In fairness he is good.
  25. Like
    Mat Mayer reacted to CTRT in So I read that RX10 ii review, and... help!   
    ahh... so you're saying I won't be able to be past a certain distance and get the subject and the background in focus, if the subject is too far from the background?

    I might be able to live with that, though you're right it could be pretty darn limiting!!

    Thanks for your help!!
    Thanks for all of that! Very helpful and exactly the sort of perspective I was hoping to find here!
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