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Everything posted by IronFilm

  1. damn that is one of the better "camera test" videos that I've seen, and not a single cat (or flowers in the backyard) in sight during it!
  2. Other than for the RED "brand name"? In my view... nope, it is not. And even the "RED brand name" is not going to be worth much at all to many clients if they're even just semi-educated on this, due to it being the older MX sensor and only the lower end scarlet body.
  3. Oh when I was comparing it with a RED, I wasn't meaning that it would end up costing a similar amount! LOL No, as my comparison was how looking at the "body only price" (US$150) can be very misleading. As the price creeps up much higher with all the other extras (thanks to how very expensive fast CF Cards are, at least they were back in early 2013), and it has a bunch of other "gotchas" (like crop modes, and volume of data to handle with the post workflow. Like with a RED). Heh, I don't really care about its stills capabilities. As already got a Nikon D90/D5200 to use (plus heaps of mirrorless cameras). Plus... the camera is *stuffed* when it comes to being a stills camera! Haha Throws up error messages if you try to take a pic through the OVF. Is why I got it so dirt dirt cheap. But it is fine for ML raw use :-D As live view works. But why would you be so evil as to give a Canon DSLR to a kid for their Christmas present?? You're leading them astray setting them down that path... Yup, I reckon if I do go ahead and take it a bit more seriously and do a few projects with it then I'll want at a minimum 2x 128gig cards But which ones.... so many options! Hoping Komputerbay 128gig 800x are a wise choice. The camera came with 3 batteries, but I suspect I might be wanting a couple more. Got the loupe and little gorrillapod already. I've got heaps of Nikon lenses! ;-) Is how I ended up buying this camera, as I purchased a Nikon 85mm f/1.8D from the seller and I got the 50D for only a very tiny amount extra. Hehe... I got it for much much less than US$150 ;-) It was priced at a deal that I could not refuse!
  4. Soooo.... made the decision, and have now purchased a 50D!! (it was at "a price that I can not refuse" deal) Got it here in my hands. But oops... the seller forgot the charger cable. And I don't have a single CF Card to use with it! (well, I have one on its way.... but thanks to a screw up with NZ Customs it is not here yet) http://ironfilm.co.nz/does-canon-50d-magic-lantern-raw-make-sense-in-late-2015/
  5. Where did you sell stock footage? (and what of?) I live in NZ, I'm afraid if I had to buy a bunch of KomputerBay cards and send them back and forth that would end making them more expensive than the other options due to postage costs! Are they really that likely of not working as fast as they claim & not even reaching their minimum specs???
  6. Even if buying an HDMI only camera, I reckon go for the 502 over the 501! As you never know when you'll need SDI in the future. And if your camera has SDI already... it is a no brainer! Get the 502 over the 501
  7. I have heard the Tascam DR-60D mk2 has a really good pre amp for its incredibly low price.
  8. Somebody is getting me exactly! :-D Are you freaking serious?????? :-o :-o Is 5 minutes the normal for the 50D?? Oh boy, and I used to think a BMPCC is bad with its battery life. Now I'll be left wishing it is as *GOOD* as I had it with a BMPCC.... "$150" is a bit like the price of a RED Brain, it lulls you in with the low low "low" cost... but then you realise you need to sell a kidney to afford all the pricey media it needs, and this and that on various other extras (like you need a *LOT* of batteries?? araucaria just wrote that they could last as little as 5 minutes in a 50D!! What the hell.... 50D sounds even worse than my BMPCC! Which I used to think is the worst thing ever for battery life). And before you know it, that RED camera has just cost you several times what the brain itself cost! (and just like the RED, the 50D has a bunch of "gotchas" as got to enter crop mode to be able to do this or that....) Ditto a 50D, I can see it might be easy for me to spend multiples of what the cheap body itself cost.
  9. Jump on eBay and you can see a fair few have sold at around about that US$150ish price region: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&_nkw=canon+50d&_sop=15 (they're often being sold "for parts", but so long as live view is working then it is all fine and dandy to go ahead and use for ML raw video! :-D )However once you add up the hefty cost of fast CF Cards (which thankfully are heaps cheaper than what they were back in early 2013!!) then a 50D isn't looking quite so crazy cheap. As for most of us these CF Cards are not anything we'll ever use with any other cameras we've got now, and ditto its old batteries! Buy a bunch of them for a 50D, only to never be able to use it for anything else (if only the 50D was ever so slightly more modern and used the ridiculously commonplace Canon LP-E6 instead!!). But the main reason why I question its relevance, is we've got BMPCC also selling very cheaply, and 4K cameras like the Panasonic G7 selling very cheaply as well. Just to mention a couple. The world now in (almost) 2016 is very different to what it was in early 2013 when the 50D first hit the headlines. Especially if you already own a BMPCC like myself.... I wonder what is the point?? 100D is not listed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16cgnRivbUv7nA9PUlCLmLdir3gXdIN3pqzCNAAybepc/edit#gid=5 But I imagine it has the same kind of restrictions that all the others have which use SD cards rather than CF cards.
  10. You could argue the same is true of the RED One MX, or the Sony F3, or BMPCC, or some would say even the old GH2. So I'm not so sure that is a solidly strong argument on its own to buy the RED Scarlet Dragon when it is so very expensive.
  11. Found Andrew's blog on this topic: http://www.eoshd.com/2013/05/which-compact-flash-cards-for-5d-mark-iii-raw-video/ But no mention of the Komputerbay 800x cards. edit: Spooky... I've been reading that USB2.0 readers can damage some of these cards!!!!?? So must remember to only use USB3.0 card readers with them. (also what is with this strange view 64gigs is better than 128gigs?? hmmm...)
  12. I was just thinking though that 30fps is kinda nice for a subtle slow motion effect. Plus if I'm not doing 3x3 sampling but doing the 1x1 crop mode, then the date rate is higher. So likely do need faster cards! However, no point getting anything faster than 70MB/s, because this chart tells me that is the fastest the 50D can handle: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16cgnRivbUv7nA9PUlCLmLdir3gXdIN3pqzCNAAybepc/edit#gid=5 Thus I should go for the Komputerbay 128gig 800x cards, which handle a minimum of 75MB/s: http://www.amazon.com/KOMPUTERBAY-128GB-Professional-COMPACT-Extreme/dp/B00ESCR2KM/ http://www.amazon.com/KOMPUTERBAY-PACK-Professional-COMPACT-Extreme/dp/B00D09AH88/ Then I'll be sorted! (well... unless I do something foolish like renting a 5D mk3 for ML raw to push to its max, then I'd need cards capable of 100MB/s, but that strikes me as a very unlikely thing for me to do)
  13. Are you sure? There is a lot of empty space inside my Pentax 645 to Nikon F adapter. Wish it is the cheapest! But nope, all my Pentax 645 lenses are much cheaper than the Mamiya 80mm f/1.9
  14. Been looking into the mosaic moire filter tonight, but its price is so sky high I won't be getting it. What is the cheapest option for CF cards to go with? Am thinking two 128gig cards might be the minimum I'll need to get through a short raw shoot? (such as a music video) Such as the Komputerbay 128gb 600x: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008O7N0W6 (and you can get a double pack at a discount: http://www.amazon.com/KOMPUTERBAY-PACK-Professional-Compact-Extreme/dp/B00D09AFEY/ ) They've got a write speed of 60MB/s, so the 1000x or 1066x cards would be *heaps* faster but they're also nearly double the price!! But based on this: http://rbrune.github.io/mlraw/ It appears 40 to 55MB/s is all I need for 24fps
  15. The NTG3 is absolutely fantastic from what I've heard! I kinda regret getting the NTG2 instead of the NTG3 (even though it is far more expensive). In your list before of audio points, you left off a big one: the quality of the pre amps! Very important, is a big reason why I'm buying a Sound Devices 552
  16. Yeah, sadly the only hope for audio with the 50D is a direct hardware hack to the internals or USB audio being implemented by MagicLantern (highly unlikely I suppose).
  17. And THIS is why the adapting only works in *one* direction.
  18. Nothing "will last a long, long time". Is a fact of life that things depreciate, depreciating especially *FAST* in the case of tech products. Doubly extra fast in the case of high end tech products. (such as all the cinema cameras we're talking about here) No point fighting this. Instead I personally choose to embrace this and leverage it work to my advantage!! ;-) Picked up a Sony PMW-F3 earlier this year which has been hit one of the hardest by depreciation of all cameras (got mine for a mere US$1.2K!). They're NOISY! But the fan spins down once you start recording.
  19. I'm seeing them going cheaper than ever before! Could pick one up in the US$150ish region, or even less. Does it make sense though to get a 50D for video in this day and age? (be it raw, or the ML H.264 option)
  20. Not once the BMMCC starts shipping. Many would rather have high quality 1080 raw over 4K
  21. You'd be moving from a 3 camera set up to a single camera?? Not a choice I'd ever go for weddings. Multi cam is a must. But if you going in that direction then my view is: FS5 specs absolutely beats the pants off the C100 mk2 However... the FS7 is only a little bit more and offers even more. So it is kinda hard to choose a FS5 when there is FS7 instead (though this can be a slipper slope.... for instance I've been seeing some stunning deals for 2ndhand F5 cameras lately!).
  22. Kinda curious as to where there hasn't yet been a MF to DSLR mount (EF or F mount) focal reducer. I'd love to use my Pentax 645 on my Nikon DSLRs (already have a dumb adapter), and then use them with a double focal reducer of Pentax 645 to Nikon F to m4/3 adapters! ;-) ha
  23. The Zoom H1's size is awesome!! I too started out with the H1 a few years ago. But even when I got the Tascam DR-60D (for its XLR inputs, and general awesomeness) I still found the Zoom H1 to be very handy for a number of uses: slipping it into the groom's pocket with a lav running into it (as a "wireless" one on the cheap! ha :-P ), or just generally carrying it around with me everywhere as a back up (as I'm mainly a cameraman, but you never know.... especially on these ultra low budget shoots. Soundie might be lacking. Or I might be filming an event and I will pop the H1 downstairs closer to the stage, than where I'm filming from). It has lots of uses! The DR-22 is kinda tempting for its wireless feature, but it seems it is mostly a bit gimmicky for now?! I've pondered buying it sometimes. DR-40 is too bulky for my tastes, plus the more its prices creep up.... the more I'm tempted to say skip this and go straight to a Tascam DR-60D for only a little bit more. So in the end I reckon it is clear: get the Zoom H1! :-D
  24. But they might not be aimed at rental houses.... only educational insitutions
  25. It is a very smart move by Arri, as they want to have film students learning on Arri cameras right from that start. As then when they graduate they'll move on up (or at least keep on aspiring) to use Arri's "big boy" cameras. Arri can't let young filmmakers start on an A7s mk2, then move on up the chain of FS5/FS7/F5/F55/F65!! So this plan will keep them in the loop for the long term, and keep on feeding in hungry new filmmakers who want to use Arri's top of the line cameras (and not just be left with only the old guys who grew up on Arri's film cameras who then moved on over to Arri's digital cameras, which is where a lot of Arri's current success comes from. Aside from Arri's undoubtedly quality that is with their Arri Alexa cameras, but as we've often seen... quality alone is not enough to determine success! Poor Samsung NX1.... :-( :-/ ).
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