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Posts posted by Danyyyel

  1. 44 minutes ago, andrgl said:

    Yup, as exciting as this camera is, the form factor is no good for gimbals.

    Too wide, single mounting points, no shutter release, possibly heavier than the original pocket.

    Hopefully an updated micro is around the corner.

    Also not to be a downer, but Grant even said the announcement was happening too early for his liking. September 2018 release is a pipedream, zero point in preordering.

    We should perhaps lobby them to put a hole for a locking pin, its too annoying whenworking with Dslr and it is always twisting, and they do listen to customers.

  2. Do we know if the HD is full sensor or windowed, because it seems in the Cinema interview he implied it was windowed. The second thing is that I find no mention of 120 fps Hd, but I think he mentioned it in the Cinema5d interview. Hopefully people attenting NAB can tell us about quality of the screen and lastly does it have autofocus. But still it is WOW WOW WOW

  3. It amuses me when someone just correlate cinematic to 4k. I mean there are so many other factors like DR. frame rate, lighting etc which are so much more important when you have at least good 1080p.

  4. Firstly it is the consumer base dslr that have had the most difficulty since 2012 because of the advent of the mobile phone, the prosumer and pro cameras market has mostly remained the same. Secondly why do all the chevrolet, honda, renault, peugeot or even mercedes  and a plethora of consumer based car manufacturers are investing billions in sport racing. Because they know the image impact that it projects to the consumer who will never drive some indy car or Formula 1 performance car. It is the same for photography and a lot of other domain like sport, who needs some costly Kobe or Jordan shoes or that super light carbon fiber tennis racket used by Federer. It a perception that brand use by pro's are better because they are used in difficult situation or environment. You cannot go wrong with the camera brand that went to space or war.

  5. On 3/6/2018 at 12:36 PM, Robert Collins said:


    No pros are people like me  who have to spend 4 to 12 hours holding a camera. Believe me it can get quite painful if you don't have a good grip to hold your camera, more so that you will at least have a 24-70 most of the time on your camera. Secondly is we are actual human beings and muscle memory is going to be always faster than looking into endless menus, until someday we have brain controlled cameras.

  6. Very nice camera for the price but one thing not covered in his video, which that so visible, I got my confirmation at 12.40, the ugly yellow/green zombie skin tone, it was an evidence when you look at the colour on both side of the face.

  7. 16 minutes ago, ntblowz said:

    Can't believe that one still happening with the latest camera, I had that on some of my Sony photos but haven't seen one on my Panasonic cams yet

    The difference I think is not being mirrorless but having pdaf on the sensor, which the Sony have while the Pana don't. I remember Nikon saying that they would not use on sensor pdaf oon its Dslr because it could create artifact and that they were not prepared to do any compromise on image quality. I thought it was BS, now I am more incline to believe them. But I still think they will use it in their future mirrorless cameras.

  8. How do people on here think this camera will affect others, I mean a 2k full frame camera with that set of features will surely impact the gh5/fuji xt1 etc. You will really really need the 10 bit, 4k 60 fps of the Gh5 to buy a camera with a minuscule sensor compared to this one. More so that in some case even in video it will be better like DR, auto focus and low light.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Arikhan said:

    Django, full ACK. When you shoot R&G you simply don't have the time for Sony-Settings-Tiki-Taka plus mostly you never get the chance for a retake.

    Personally, I'm not so enthusiastic about the A7 iii, as it seems to be the same lack of quality control as many other models:


    "Stripping"-issues in backlit situations...as mentionned here...third paragraph. Simply look at girls face - unbelievable...TIHS IS A SEVERE ISSUE!

    OK, for people who don't shoot club/concert or any other backlit scenes, this is not a problem. But as I do it, it's a dealbreaker for me. The Nikon DSLR dinosaurs still have right to live. :grin:


    What's that, is it common with Sony cameras?

  10. I can only see it viable for advertising wall, shop window etc. Where someone can stand 1 mt from a store front etc and see the product as a photograph. If else it is a massive waste of space. 360 VR could benefit from it, but it is very restricted and never for narrative story base cinema, where story driven is based on the director showing what he wants to construct the story. If else it becomes much more like a game. Imagine if you are watching a terror movie and look at the back of the actor every-time. There would be zero suspense. 360 VR has it use but in very limited way, I remember a BBC 360 video of an Iraqi helicopter over Mosul. It was very immersive.

  11. Does anybody care, I would say that a true 4k image is already too sharp, I am distracted when things are too sharp like in the Hobbit and I don't see anybody outside of geeks interested in 4k. Most TV channel are either 720p or SD in the world and most people are not bothered at all. I myself is a bit of a image geek and cannot understand people completely satisfied with SD image,  more so beyond 4k is just ludicrous. In fact we might go completely reverse like from CD to Mp3, much to my disapointment, I see a whole generation completely growing up watching Films on Tablets or worst on phones.

  12. On 1/23/2018 at 7:09 AM, gelaxstudio said:

    I wonder how nikon  get PDAF  CMOS from sony and I don't think mirrorless cameras can save nikon from falling~

    Nikon ! system already had PDAF like 6 years ago.The sensor was not made by Sony.

  13. 40 minutes ago, PannySVHS said:

    @apekkpul, posted this in the other GH5s thread. I would like to hear your guys opinion about that read. Apekkpul posted this read from mysterybox the maker of the launch video below. They are stating 14 stops of dynamic range for the GH5 in the text below, being extracted from the VLOG-L profile. Maybe @maxotics, @Sage and @deezid could chim in as well with their knowledge:




    From his explanation it is 16.6 stops with the 3-4 stop getting increasingly noisy, but 14 stops is usable. So depending on someone noise tolerance, it could be between 12.6 to 14 stop. The whole blog workflow is very interesting and very deep technically, so looks to be very credible.

  14. The APSC 4k Nikon D850 seems the cleanest version with no visible reddish moirer etc. For me this level of peeping is just out of this world and the 4k from the full frame version is already very very good. Another reason I prefer this, is that 4k is already beyond what we can see in moving object at normal viewing distance and when it is too sharp the image becomes very digital and loose that organic look.   https://***URL removed***/reviews/image-comparison/fullscreen?attr29_0=nikon_d850&attr29_1=sony_a9&attr72_0=4k-apsc&attr72_1=4k&normalization=full&widget=555&x=-0.4570796494630715&y=-0.020766435711161095

  15. Well I can definitely see the 4K capable Expeed 5 going into a consumer Nikon camera.

    Whether Sony will let them have the best 4K sensors is another question :)

    Sony sensor division is a seperate entity and nikon sells about 3 to 4 time more sensor than Sony camera. My guess is that Nikon is the biggest client to Sony sensor manufacturing which contrary to Sony Camera is very profitale and a leader in its domain. 

  16. When I watched at the video it made me think that the reason they chose the crop mode without down-scaling, which one step less in processing (heat) and less silicon active, again heat is because of to whom those camera and the D5 in particular is intended. The D5 and to a lesser extent the D500 are meant to be bullet proof still camera that will be used and abused in very hard and hostile environments, sport, nature, news and war zone. The D5 is the flagship nikon camera and it would be catastrophic for them to experience problems or even failures like the latest Sony's in the field.

  17. I guess it is there Nikon designed sensors and will have to wait for the Sony based ones to get full frame 4k or full Dx. The D810/D750 sensor are alredy doing a lot of pixel binding from its 36/24 mp sensor to get clean no moire full frame coverage.

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