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Everything posted by dahlfors

  1. "Best quality for cheapest price" - in the lower price range, my choice would be: Nikon D5200 or Panasonic G6 (or GH2). Great allround cameras for that price level.
  2. Never do preorders? I don't know how the situation is on the other side of the Atlantic, but when I preordered my Nikon D800 here in Sweden, I just told the local camera shops that I wanted to get in queue for a camera. I didn't have to pay a single cent, they just gave me a number in the waiting queue. If I wanted to drop out of the queue, I could do that whenever I wanted - nothing legally binding about being in queue. That's the preorder situation here, and I don't really see how you can lose anything on that, since you keep your money until product is delivered.   Same thing applies to BMC if preordering here. No money in advance.   Kickstarter preordering: There you really should use your best judgment to figure out if you believe they will succeed. If you have any doubts about them not succeeding, don't put in any more money than you can live with losing...     That said: If I'd need a camera right NOW, I'd buy what's available right now in shops - not counting on getting the bmpcc a certain date for a particular shoot. Only if I had the equipment I can use right now, I'd put in a preorder and be prepared to wait.
  3. Thought I'd add this one here since some of you might be interested. Not such a quality review, but at least there's some photos samples and some opinions from reviewer:   http://nikonrumors.com/2013/07/22/nikon-f-mount-to-nex-lens-turbo-focal-reducer-adapter-impressions-samples-guest-post.aspx/   (I reacted to the guy describing the NEX getting analog film-like feel out of his camera now. Very clueless description. What he must mean although he doesn't know it, is that he prefers the aesthetic of full frame)
  4. I have no personal experience with that lens. However: "Distortion is also corrected in Panasonic cameras, so it wasn't surprising to find little evidence of distortion in test shots. Correction for vignetting is optional and accessed via the shooting menu." Source: http://www.photoreview.com.au/reviews/lenses/m4-3/panasonic-lumix-g-x-vario-12-35mm-f-2.8-asph-lens At least in the GH3 the vignette correction is optional and found in menus. I'm unsure if it's the same in GH2 or always on, you'd have to check. If you're unsure about it, I recommend finding a shop which has the lens so you can demo it. Shoot at 12mm f/2.8 towards some plain coloured surface - by doing that you maximize the amount of vignette that you can get from the lens.
  5. Great work! There was only one thing I found out of place - I would have preferred having the water faucet mixed down far lower. Try mixing it lower, and I think you'll find your piece even better :)   Cheers!   (edit: for clarification, I'm on my macbook speakers now, and the faucet stood out on those speakers)
  6.   Look at the detail according to dxo's test, when comparing it to the 25mm f/1.4: 12-35mm has: - less vignetting - less CA - less distortion 25mm has slightly more resolution and being an f/1.4 lens, it of course has better light transmission than a f/2.8 lens... The light transmission is a better benchmark to look at when comparing lenses with same max aperture. It would actually be better if DXO dropped that value out of the comparison when comparing lenses with different max apertures.   And the resolution is still plenty enough for video. You might notice the small difference in resolution if you shoot stills and zoom in on detail.
  7. Looks great! Waiting for my two DSO's, feels like waiting for christmas as a little kid :)
  8. https://vimeo.com/68895788   Well, as late as mid-June* Black Magic representant says that they have not had any issues. Judging by what he says, it sounds like IF there would be any delay it's a matter of a few weeks - not months.   If they've kept to their roadmap as far as 1-1.5 months before launch, I doubt shipping would be too much delayed that late in the production process. Question is just in what volumes.     * The article posted 22nd of June says the interview was shot in the same week: http://www.newsshooter.com/2013/06/22/broadcast-asia-2013-blackmagic-design-pocket-cinema-camera-update-youll-see-them-in-july-for-sure/
  9. Full 1920x1080 at 60p in 10-bit would be lovely. Guess we'll have to wait for next generation of cameras...
  10. Häns: Thanks for the input. Guess those tungsten work lamps together with an arduino programmable controller could be something of a lower-end solution :)   John: Tetsuo was shot on very low budget on 16mm film back in late 80s, so I think they actually did it with lighting somehow. Certainly, similar result could be had in post, but personally I'm more interested in experimenting with the lights live :)
  11. Thought I'd just update: he got back to me and I've put in order for two lenses now. Excited :)
  12. Probably. Looks like there is two strobes in this shot, each to the side of him, slightly from behind. Not sure where one would buy the equipment for shooting something like this, preferrably on a low budget for experimenting. Any suggestions appreciated :)
  13. There's always been this one scene with its strong imagery that I just love, from the japanese cult film Tetsuo - The Iron Man:   http://youtu.be/EtDmnNAErNc?t=6m2s   The shot I'm thinking about is the one with the pulsating light in the close-up of the business man.   I'm not too much into lighting myself, so my question is: what light source would you use and how would you go about lighting a pulsating (fading in/fading out) shot like this?
  14. I sent an email a few weeks ago. No information received either. I'll sit around patiently on the waiting list, but some kind of confirmation response would be great :)
  15. Yes. It will be like using a camera with a larger sensor. As a theoretical example: if you'd be able to go as wide as 35mm on an anamorphic with 4/3 without vignetting - you will need to use around a 50mm lens to avoid vignetting with the speedbooster. 
  16. My personal workflow in premiere:   1) Set up a custom premiere project at the aspect ratio I want. 2880x1080 for 1.5x anamorphic, or if I want 2.40:1 / 2.35:1, I use 2592x1080 / 2538x1080.   2) Then I drop in the footage to the timeline, select it and go to Transform and do the proper width scaling (uncheck the box with uniform scaling) for the anamorphic. 150% for Iscorama, something around 1.7x (170%) to 2x (200%) for the Isco projection lens.   3) Now you will have the center crop of your footage, with the left and right edges going outside.   You could do the same while working at lower resolutions, but I prefer to work at 1080p height if I want to output some high-res version later on. If I want to output it for vimeo or youtube, I usually let adobe media encoder do the job of downsampling it.
  17. The lens looks neat.   However - you shot the anamorphic test footage in interlaced format. The interlacing lines will get stretched even a bit further out when you shoot anamorphic, so the interlacing effect will get exaggerated even more. You would be far better off shooting anamorphic in progressive video format!
  18. Isco Ultrastars are very sharp.   Apparently it was a quick test for him, and either he was too quick or he wanted the video a bit out of focus?   Since, in that video the focal point is a bit off in all of the shots on either the anamorphic attachment or the lens - or both. Shooting those lenses with larger apertures gives you more work to nail the focus - both lenses need to be adjusted just right.
  19. Nice price. Guess I'll have to get two then :P
  20. I've used a different method: I set up the camera totally level and point it towards a vertical line that I know is perfectly straight, like a doorway or a window frame. Then I adjust the lens until the line is perfectly straight in the viewfinder. I find it easier to get it exact this way, but it might be my preference.   If you're somewhere shooting where they are no straight lines you're pretty much forced to use the flare method.
  21.   Yes. There are already flatter profiles called Flaat that are made exactly like this:   http://www.similaar.com/foto/flaat-picture-controls/index.html
  22. Btw Rob, can you tell me roughly what the price is for one of those DSO lenses for Nikon F-mount? If it's affordable enough, I might want to order two :)
  23. Yeah, Rich has been very helpful here on the forum, that's where my money goes :) From what I've understood it's not too easy to mod M42 for infinity focus for Nikon F-mount, had some friend who tried but failed. I like that, and that you get a few different options to choose from - and the lenses have that awesome finish as well - so DSO it is for me :)
  24.   Ah - yes, I have stumbled upon the nikonhacker forum a few times before. Interesting to see your D7000 progress. I guess I could donate to you guys :)   Are you doing any work on D800, or are you keeping to the low & mid-range APS-C cameras mainly?
  25. Thanks a lot for your review Rob. Already said it on your blog as well - but it really helps me to decide how I want my DSO lens configured. Just gotta wait for them to keep on processing the queue... :)
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