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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    It is just they will offer 4K 120fps and that would be a no-brainer for many for sure... ; ) BTW @wolf33d where are you, (HFR for) slowmotion man? ;- )
  2. I understand your concern but, I haven't had a single trouble going with external SSD storage for years now. I simply don't care to hear about for anything other to be honest : ) With the right rig, no need for worries. Really :- )
  3. I still have the ones kept somewhere else (but not in digital version) I didn't help myself to end investing with my student pocket money along those old 90s back to my law school years, when I was used to spend a couple of hours literally, reading at book store (not the library : D) once arrived and my few bucks were too short to afford it every single month then. This sounds dreamlike now, by consequence. I think it's not easy to young people in digital age to have a picture what this means. - E.
  4. That's absolutely irresistible! WOW One of the most appealing no-brainer offers I've ever seen... Mate, if your posts were one of my favs before, guess now ; ) Your life is already duplicated per se for this sharing, mark my words! : D This is what makes this community a unique case worldwide @Andrew Reid :- )
  5. Very true, I'd call it artificial detail to such oversharpening, even though speaking about the same anyway : ) But, while we can overcome that on post, adding blur, it is impossible to handle anything serious without manual exposure. Let alone flickering among some other unwelcome oddities, really. In any case, FILMiC PRO has introduced the possibility to disable it, so I believe any third party software can easily get it...
  6. ASUS got a very interesting feature: Guess what? Just looking for an Android app able to handle manual exposure going along the fast frame rate of 4K 120fps from ASUS 7 PRO hardware. As well, disabling the 'Edge Enhancement' feature offering a more cinematic outcome such as FILMiC PRO or Cinema 4K apps for example. However, there are limitations. Those third parties don't allow any competent 4K slowmotion on ASUS 7 PRO as happens with the proprietary software. Open Camera is open source. Some features are available only on a few devices, as they may depend on hardware or camera features, the Android version, etc and definitely not on ASUS 7 PRO, unfortunately. I wonder if Open Camera app wouldn't be viable to be directly adapted in order to address such needs? Or what about a new app from scratch? Is there anyone out there able to develop it in one or another route solution? I believe there is a huge market just waiting for... Almost every Zenfone 7 PRO user taking advantage of this unique 4K 120fps feature would salute and buy this new arrival, I bet. Without mention, one of the goodies of this cameraphone, the retractable/flip camera, is only available on the proprietary app. Why not on third parties? Is it feasible? Any takers?
  7. If they will cripple it as ASUS did with their proprietary software to handle 4K 120fps on ASUS 7 PRO without manual exposure and edge enhancement is absolutely useless...
  8. Indeed. Your current regime is truly a PITA : ( In January, Portugal reached the sad daily mark of 15,000 and 300 casualities (which means a daily rate 6300 of dead people in Brazilian figures, so easy to get how bad it was before this 2nd lockdown of 2021) with 7x more of infected than the world average because of a people without many worries about it to follow lazy policies of our socialist party government (one year ago the fear was not the bitch)
  9. Sorry mate @BTM_Pix but discretion is beyond our enthusiasm for your stuff... ; ) @majoraxis has just beaten me for a couple of hours this time... : D No possible help for anyone to calm down those high expectations on this product of the year! : ) Long life to and love for Irish goodies :- )
  10. Fair enough Tim, but the opposite POVs expressed here between 'business craft' and 'art craft' (not a trading mark of the gaming industry for sure LOL) don't necessarily mean every filmmaker will have to run the whole steps of the career to succeed and see the outcome popping up. The same way a filmmaker is the one able to have 'product' 'to be published', no matter where he/she is coming from. Especially today along the digital age. There is world in the lens-based media outskirts. Lots of 'digital filmmakers' get outstanding achievements without the old school standards. A lot has changed. Let alone with the streaming now. As @barefoot_dp adequately nailed and clearly illustrated from those words above-posted, I just can't stand that shooting ad nauseam in a daily basis is a much faster learning curve for this craft/business/industry/art/whatever we want to do or call it : ) Shooting is just a part of the process, filmmaking is much beyond to have a camera setup in hands (E :- )
  11. Business as meaning of activity, craft, occupation, industry... If industry is often connected with profit, art is broader, I believe. Profit is usually the last purpose of making art.
  12. One of us is or both of us are lost in translation : ) Filmmaking is often labeled or seen as business without necessarily mean a way to make money. Because of the price involved on such complex "business"...? Well, maybe with the exception of the mainstream aka hollywood at least, earlier the current streaming age, the most part (if not everyone I've met in this "business") is alive and kicking because of a strong feeling of enthusiasm for this "business", nothing about money as matter of fact. Or filmmaking is not the best location for. Reason why certain people choose forums like this one ours here? So, seems pretty clear to me such newish controversy is much ado about nothing :- )
  13. A former instructor of mine from Lisbon film school was used to say: a film is only 25% shooting. Let alone the good ones, I'd say... LOL : D BTW, his master is still listed and world acclaimed as one of the most influential filmmakers of the history of motion pictures.
  14. Contribution added. Interesting poll but, the majority of replies to the question number 2 IMHO shows little merit to none on a fair understanding how complex this business is (E :- )
  15. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    MFT is the most affordable and versatile lens mount out there and I mean from scratch, as a filmmaking POV strictly asks for : ) Manufacturers' is not ours and vice versa ; ) FF is just not for motion whether we like it or not : ) Only for their sales.
  16. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    Price point? Let alone affordable glass...
  17. Emanuel

    DJI PFV Drone

    +1 to add Mini 2 & Evo II Pro here is one of the first hands-on :- )
  18. Seems so odd to read this in the XXI century...
  19. I struggle to understand how any people can even think to ignore ISO as same old school way to properly choose ANY capture set up in fact to begin with (E :- )
  20. Yeah, bitrate will truly have an impact on the performance of your machine. The same for H.264 files as for instance.
  21. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    I doubt any other mount will ever beat it! (E :- )
  22. Emanuel

    Panasonic GH6

    MFT is my fav mount : ) Let alone the SIRUI anamorphic offer or PL diversion or any other variety from there... ;- )
  23. Yup, proxies lifesaver is a good way to have the job done in a way or another :- )
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