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Everything posted by sanveer

  1. I thought of this very thing long ago. It would be excellent for guerilla filmmaking. VU the consumer electronics maker makes another headset with bluetooth. I guess something with wi-fi could work with a havk or something.
  2. Hahha. I actually didn't mind the grotesque bits (the censor unfortunately cut the bit where Channing Tatums head is blown up). But I fought the Indoor lighting bad till the last hour or so. Not sure what changed after that (it looked less harsh). I saw the Danish Girl and the visuals were like a painting. Each frame was a masterpiece
  3. I Finally saw the Hateful Eight, and I was seriously disappointed. For the 1st half of the film: Cinematography was disappointing, the dialogues for the first 1 half were really bad, the acting was all over the place, the pace was outright Boring. I was actually contemplating taking a 30 min nap to come to the good part. Frim Chapter 4 or 5 onwards, the pace picked up, and so did the acting, the story and everything else (even cinematography?). The exterior cinematography was good, but the lighting in the interiors was almost amateurish (even the coach's lighting). The 1st half or atleast a little over 1 hour was very difficult to get through.
  4. OIS off? Ok, pretty smooth then. I noticed very mild jitters, which I do in almost every dolly shot, if played at the exact same speed.
  5. Looks Excellent. Reminds me of Edelkrone's Pocket Skater. Though not as stunning and as foldable, but having quite a variety of movement options, and can handle some enormous size of cameras. I am only curious how smooth the movement is. It appears smoother with smaller cameras (from the Kickstarter Video). Also, I hope they maintain the $99 Dollars entry price. They could sell as many as a few DSLRs, with that pricing.
  6. The NX1 seems to be excellent at what it does, and it's sad that it isn't doing too well. I guess the price drop should be a good reason to pick up a camera now that it costs so little. I was just going through pics from the NX1 on various sites, and I noticed some curious things: 1. All photos, regardless of the ISO seem to have a very mildly grainy feel to them, almost like Film Convert grain had been individually added to each photo. It may have to do with the image processing, and maybe their Noise Reduction is not as aggressive or as much. 2. The lenses on the NX1 do not appear to resolve 28 MP easily. There appears to some issues with sharpness, caused by the lens (?). 3. There is a little bit of shutter shock, which I guess is apparent on almost all cameras, on some more noticeably than on other. What do you guys think?
  7. Maybe you need a better monitor to start with. In the frame grabs themselves that you have posted, one can notice more details in the flat profiles. Also, to be able to appreciate the added dynamic range you have to see it in the grading panel, and see whether highlights or shadows have been clipped. Check the video below. Also, please test the app in depth first. And post the results you see, for everyone. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-N5Oh6jT5Ek
  8. The Surface Pro is in a completely different league. The iPad only has tweaked versions of all photo editing software. Also, it isn't a replacement for full fledged desktop editing for photos. The best thing for you to do would be to try and use both and make a choice. I find the idea of a Touch Screen for editing very facinating. I guess after using any touch screen, whether on a DELL or Laptop or Tablet, it is difficult to go back to non-touch ones. But how much of editing is possipossible via touch. Meaningful have all functions been optimised for touch screen applications.
  9. Zack, in recorded history ONLY 1 guy recorded a Rock Concert with an On-Board Camera light. He was lynched by the band and the crowd, and nobody knows what they did to the camera. Hehehe
  10. Most DoPs, especially the oldies are Completely Unaware of the World Outside of Arri and the 5D. They are like tech relics, borderline dinosaurs. One of the nutjobs was arguing about why the Canon C300 Mark ii has far more dynamic range than the Alexa, and why everyone's tests are flawed (without doing any of his own tests). In India too a lot of DoPs, even the younger ones, haven't heard of a DSLR (Mirrorless). They are stuck on 5Ds, and completely unaware about the whole Mirrorless Movement. They don't know Log Profile are or even the various codecs that various cameras shoot in. Canon's supply chain is still the best in the world is still miles ahead of everyone else. Also, with their NatGeo and so many other associations, they ensure that the oldies still feel that it's a solely Canon world, and almost everyone else does not matter. It's actually similar to what Apple does. While Samsung makes (arguably), better cameras per $ (as well as supplying key components to Apple for their Phones), but because Apple has so many famous photographers and videographers endorsing their products, and because people who cannot afford apple products (and will buy them on loans to find a purpose to live) will sit outside apple stores for days to pick up one, Apple is still a bigger brand than Samsung. In many ways that's the same story with Canon. Regardless of the Quality that Panasonic and Sony offer, the Dinosaurs of Photography and Filmmaking won't be able to conceive of a brand outside Canon (not even Nikon, in many cases).
  11. Hahaha ... Panasonic could make a short film on this. It's like that scene from Superman (the Christopher Reeves one), where the guy selling the Leaning Tower of Pisa breaks his pieces, when he realises that Superman has brought the tower back to its leaning position, after straightening it before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMOnOjASyKk
  12. Actually, even that would not be required. Lenses in general, and camera lenses in particular, should get tiny within the next few years. This is only part of the solution: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34210347 I hope, that, in the next few years, we are genuinely able to shoot cinema quality video (not the over-advertised nonsense) from a mobile phone, absolutely comparable with film, in every which way.
  13. The Quantum Film Sensor doubles the light passing through to the sensor, and this new technology, Triples it. It also, apparently, brings down digital noise to unimaginative low levels. I would like to see this soon. Who can wait for 3 years. Tech companies should learn from Zara and hurry up their processes. http://www.image-sensors-world.blogspot.in/2015/10/new-cfa-said-to-have-better-color.html
  14. Nice short. I like the cinematography. Story is also nice.
  15. Weren't you one of the many guys who said VLog was overrated, with terrible exposure issues, including the histogram and other issues like macro blocking etc? I am guessing external recording and some of these other issues scared people off ... ;-)
  16. Actually the sensor seems to have attached the lens elements of the Sony RX100 series in the front. So the strange softness may be an induced post effect. Interestingly the 'Making of Video' is a little sharper, but still not really as sharp as some other smartphones. Maybe this particular sensor did not do 1080p. Maybe it did 720 or 640 and yet was this sharp. I dunno.
  17. TBO I was a little skeptical after the initial posts. But after getting Sony onboard, this means this isn't another exaggerated claim like the many others out there. Also, the creating of this on a mass scale, with improving all present shortcomings (focus, perhaps?), may be tweaked. We should hopefully see some of these soon. They have already used this in a working prototype(s) on which they shot this film. So that should have speeden things up.
  18. I didn't like the quality of the video initially. Then I opened it on youtube and increased the res. Pretty impressive, though the rolling shutter is quite a bit in some of thebravong scenes (especially the last one). Also, the ckmcompany sees strangely guarded about the exact specs of the sensor. Hmmm ...
  19. sanveer


    Newer civilisations know very little about Very Little, including about the universe. Copernicus discovered that the earth orbits the sun in the 16th century. Eastern Scholars noted eclipses, astroids, comet movements etc etc many thousands of yeats before the west. Having said that, it's in mankind's best interest not to try and look for life on other planets or even in other galaxies. We're not too far away from the end of human life on earth. So, wth, maybe they should go ahead.
  20. Everyone who can exploit you will try and exploit you. There are no good and bad employers, or countries. I would believe Japan is better, but I cannot say with absolutele certainty. Yeah the Revenant. I had forgotten the name of the film, I juest rememebred Leonardo was in it. Here: http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/97030181.html
  21. I like Cinema5D. You guys are pretty good and the debate is mostly healthy. There are some some craky old DoPs who keep dismissing your tests (like the Canon C300 Mark ii one), but you guys are way too kind to them. I, personally, would have slapped them with an old Super16 or something. Keep up the good work.
  22. Yeah. Most online sites have either serious trolling, or serious bullying, or are overly moderated by some old school idiots.
  23. The lighting is pretty good. I had seen a video with those tiny String LEDs, and they have some superb lighting effects too.
  24. I speak reasonably fluent German, apart from a host of other languages I stayed in Europe for a few years). But let's not speak in local languages. Let's stick to English. I saw some local chit-chatting in another thread. English Only.
  25. People who are sympathising with the AL-Jazeers stories have obviously not been reading about labour conditions all over the world, and at most other stores. Apple Stores all over China have pathetic working conditions, and a lot of meat stores, electronics, online retailers, and super-stores in the US have terrible working conditions. Unlike Bangladesh where entire building are crumbling, all over the world, working conditions of the labour class isn't excellent. I cannot say with precision, but, I guess except Japan and a few Scandinavian countries, everywhere else, workers are treated like rodents. Why just stores, wasn't it recently that workers complained about the working conditions on Alfonso Cuarón's next film (I hope it was his film, that was in question), where extreme working conditions, with lousy food and extremely long work hours were making many crew members go literally berserk. This is in no way stating that, if it exists thus at B&H, it is justified, and fine because everyone else is doing it. I believe Al Jazeera should first outline working conditions in atleast 30 super stores, and atleast 20 other online electronics retailers, to be able to lend some level of credibility to their story. Otherwise it looks like some low quality political propaganda.
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