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Posts posted by MediaMan

  1. Quote

    But for most people phase detect autofocus would be the priority. (GH6)

    That right there was why I walked away from buying an S1H and eventually sold my GH5. I really loved the ecosystem and Panasonic's approach to continuous firmware updates… but once I used Sony's eye detect AF I realized how poor the contrast detect AF really is.

  2. Because eBay doesn't make money until a sale happens they have continually sided with the buyers despite what their marketing says. The 99% of legitimate buyers have heard the news stories about getting a rock instead of a DSLR and want to know they won't get scammed. The dickheads in the 1% have figured out how to exploit that.

    Here in the U.S. we have KEH to buy used gear and even though they buy at about 70% of market value, it's worth it to me to be free of the stress and anxiety you had to endure, or having a "buyer" pull a gun at a classified ad meet-up.

  3. As I look across the room at my Canon bodies and absolute treasure of Canon glass, I'm feeling kind of embarrassed at being a Canon fanboy for so many years. If this kind of behavior is the reward for decades of loyalty then Canon does not understand the lifetime value of a customer!

    F*ck them. If this test gets confirmed elsewhere I am cancelling my pre-order and getting a Lumix S1H and S1R.

  4. Canon's recent marketing strategy (last decade) has been driven by scarcity, manipulation and fear. This is NOT how you attract customers or create brand loyalty. With so much emphasis on post-processing these days even their color science will not save them. 

    I'm an architectural photographer who bought my first Canon 30 years ago and was loyal up until recently because of the quality optics and especially the tilt-shift lenses. And yet, here I sit waiting for my Panasonic/Lumix S1 to arrive.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Diego Todu said:

    This is life.  I think the biggest issue though, is that you are in a box now, it's a blogger/reviewer box.  If you want to be in a filmmaker/shooter box, changing that  is in your hands.

    I understand the issue with the label but anyone who has been around here long enough knows Andrew can shoot.

  6. All while I'm reading this post and thinking "Why has Panasonic crammed so much value into this camera?" at the same time that Canon plays the protectionist game of doling out features on a tiered "pay-as-you-go" system. And then I read this sentence and it all made sense.

    "Also the GH5 now has a HEVC H.265 4K mode for HLG added, which allows files to be played directly on home AV equipment compatible with HEVC and HDR, such as Panasonic’s latest HDR TVs."

    Panasonic is thinking organically of the whole customer, not just some new camera body. A happy GH5 owner who loves their feature-rich camera also begins to love the brand. We buy lenses and accessories sure, but how about the EVA1 or an HDR capable Panasonic TV to proudly show our new footage. So while Canon and Sony may be thinking Panasonic is foolish to put so much value into a $2,000 mirrorless camera, the new GH5 owners are beginning a new relationship that will eventually show the same loyalty many of us had for Canon for decades.

    As I mentioned in an earlier post, I used the GH5 exclusively on a client gig last week and never brought the Canon bodies out of the bag!

  7. Andrew, thanks for including the info on cards and write speeds. Very helpful to know what to buy.

    I just used the GH5 for it's first commercial project last week where I didn't use my Canon bodies at all. The look of the footage is really very pleasing.

    My only beef in the 2 day shoot was trying to hold focus when it's on a gimbal/stabilizer. I'm looking forward to testing the tweaked AF. 

  8. I remember almost 20 years ago when Foveon announced their new technology. I was excited and sure they would take over the world. Since then they have made little progress in threatening the CMOS dominance of "mass and momentum." If there is a sensor revolution many companies will have to abandon a lot of infrastructure and we'll all have to start thinking differently about how we define "resolution."  

  9. Bought a Panasonic LX100 about 3 months ago. I've been taking it EVERYWHERE and shooting stills and video that I wouldn't have taken the lens cap off the 5D Mark III.

    Can't remember having this much fun shooting! More importantly . . . taking risks with the smaller camera. Isn't that what being creative is about?

  10. The reason I know this is great filmmaking . . . I wanted to view the piece to see someone who had used the NX1 in a narrative. Maybe do a little pixel peeping. I got to the end and realized I was so immersed in the story, that I had completely forgotten the original reason for viewing the film.  


    Makes me a little embarrassed for having spent so much time chasing those pixels. 

  11. I'm gonna show my age here, but I recall with much clarity my first Canon camera — a beautiful pro F1. I've been a loyal consumer of the brand for almost 30 years and in my career I estimate I've sent over $120k back to Japan.


    In the last few years Canon has taken a few PR hits but I've stayed firm. But I gotta say this story really has challenged my love affair. I'm not sure this story will rise above the serious entusiasts and pros. But Joe Rivera is right. There are far too many (great) hardware choices out there right now for Canon to think they can manipulate customers any more.


    Meet the new boss. Us!

  12. I'm a gearhead just like many of us here, but if it was only about charts and measurements most DSLRs would never have been embraced by filmmakers. Our audiences don't have the benefit of charts and react to the image striking their eyes . . . and their hearts :)
  13. [quote]Another question mark is over who will provide the external 4K recording box. As far as I know, one doesn’t even yet exist.[/quote]

    Doesn't seem too difficult for Sony's own SR-R4 SRMASTER field recorder to be adapted for this purpose. Expensive yes, but certainly gives them a starting place.
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