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Andrew Reid

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Everything posted by Andrew Reid

  1. I've uploaded some here. Link to the pack is at the top of the article   http://www.eoshd.com/content/10525/kinefinity-kineraw-review
  2. [media]http://vimeo.com/67513738[/media] The Kinefinity KineRaw S35 is the most complete debut camera I've ever seen. Packed with features, it simply doesn't feel like an S35 version 1.0. [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10525/kinefinity-kineraw-review]Read the full article here[/url]
  3. Mark II. Mark III is cleaner and more detailed, also supports higher resolutions.
  4. That's a pretty good point about storage. For that $300 on CineForm you're saving 90% on storage costs.   7D users...   Next logical step for 7D users I think is to get a 2nd body, a 50D. Then you can use your EFS lenses on it and try out raw, see if it is for you, then if you feel it is working out, later upgrade to the 5D Mark III. There's no point holding out indefinitely for a 7D version of raw recording as the quality is unlikely to be any better than the 50D.
  5. A professional workflow for 5D Mark III raw is now available. GoPro CineForm Raw offers 10:1 compression and can be edited directly in Adobe Premiere and Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve 9. Adobe Cinema DNG brings a Blackmagic Cinema Camera style workflow to the 5D Mark III and is ideal for grading uncompressed raw in DaVinci Resolve. [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10531/cineform-raw-and-cinema-dng-converters-now-available-for-5d-mark-iii-raw]Read the full article here[/url]
  6. Download the newest version of Raw2DNG and turn caps lock off.
  7. Seems like some very misleading marketing going on with the 1000x+ speeds. I'd ignore and seek out the write speeds. Also if a genuinely good card arrives, it won't be long before someone buys one and tries it, then shares the results - so it pays to wait.
  8.   Interesting find by Matt Holcomb in an Australian newspaper
  9. Corrected link to Raw2DNG Mac version. GUI app (drag & drop) instead of the terminal command line based version   http://bitbucket.org/600dplus/magic-lantern-things/downloads/raw2dng.app.0.9.zip
  10. David Newman has just given us a very useful tool.   Check it out at Magic Lantern   http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=5479.msg40941#msg40941
  11. Yes they are graded and exposed to precision. The colour is just flat out better on the 5D 3 at this ISO. It's an extraordinary sensor. Kineraw goes up to ISO 12,800 and is much cleaner than BMCC in terms of noise.
  12. It's impossible to answer such a broad question, you need to tell us what you plan to use the camera for.
  13.   Graded as closely to match as possible - Download the frames as JPEGs - http://we.tl/0DYPaHNkUG   Colour certainly a huge leap from the others on the 5D Mark III at this ISO.   White balance and tint vary wildly between the three.
  14.   Not as good as full frame at high ISOs and yes colour isn't quite as pleasing as Canon but don't agree good results cannot be had with colour and high ISO on GH2.   This is mostly 1600 +   https://vimeo.com/32520456   Advantage of F0.95 helps, thanks to mirrorless mount.   Even ISO 12,800 is beautiful in black & white. Very fine grain.   https://vimeo.com/31835141   GH2 is underrated in low light.
  15.   Good advice.   Don't make a dramatic selling decision until you know the ins and outs of it.
  16.   Unbelievable. 15MP sensor yet Super 35mm sized will have a lot to do with that. This was before huge cost cutting (see 60D - meh) and even more cost cutting (See entire Rebel line) and the megapixel race. For me, 5D Mark II and 50D in late 2008 was Canon's peak of innovation. Great cameras.   Have you tried other cards - KomputerBay, any 1000x speed CFs?
  17. Promoted to front page. http://www.eoshd.com/content/10507/it-lives-5-year-old-350-canon-50d-becomes-raw-cinema-monster
  18. Above: "50D C" Avoid the inevitable price rises and buy your 50D now on eBay It seems the 50D is the best Super 35mm DSLR for raw video from Canon. The sensor resolves very clean highly detailed raw video with hardly any moire or aliasing, at a higher quality than the Rebel lines does. [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10507/it-lives-5-year-old-350-canon-50d-becomes-raw-cinema-monster]Read the full article here[/url]
  19. This is nothing short of a miracle. ISO... 400?   1280x960 for anamorphic will be great, so you're getting nearly 1080 lines still, despite no 1920x1080. Impressive. 50D lives again!
  20. The response by TC says it all I think. Superb myth busting there. You're a credit to the forum.   For me there is no defending the C500's external recording requirements, and the pros I know who have shot with it say the same. External recorders are a PITA. It's a complete scandal that the C500 doesn't do raw internally like a $3000 DSLR or a $1000 Pocket Cinema Camera. Dumping uncompressed DNG raw to a SSD is trivial stuff. Canon chose to go for maximum margin, minimal design changes to the camera, maximum profit for their partners making the external recorders. One of them (I forget who) was even charging something like $4000 for the firmware required to make it accept the C500's raw output!! How do any of them think this kind of thing is going to wash in today's ultra competitive camera market?   Again it is a shame Canon took the beancounter route for the C500 as it could have been superb. For me there's no reason why they couldn't have added compressed DNG and a SSD slot, sold it for the same price as the C300 and then they would have had a worthy competitor to Sony. As it is the C500 is not competing.   I hope for your sake peederj you realise that your C100 + Ninja has a shelf life of about 1 year and huge potential for deprecation in price. It is already comfortably outgunned on image quality by raw on the 5D Mark III. I know you will confront this argument by saying the ergonomics are great, but I'm not talking about ergonomics I'm talking about the image. An external recorder is poor for ergonomics anyway - that's one of the things (spidery arm, HDMI cable) that pros were running away from DSLRs to avoid!   So your honest advice to people on this forum is to upgrade their 550D to the C100 and everything in-between is nonsense... Seriously are you a Canon plant? Just look at your own logic. Is the following nonsense? -   Blackmagic Production Camera - 4K and global shutter, free copy of RESOLVE 10 5D Mark III raw recording from full frame sensor internally to CF card - show me a competitor to that! FS100 and Speed Booster - incredible low light performance and flexibility with the lens mount plus 1080/60p Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera - ProRes internally for $999! Form factor a GF1. What's not to like? GH3 - 1080/60p at 50Mbit, 24p at 72Mbit ALL-I - does your C100 do that for $6000? No Not to mention STILLS on 5D3 and GH3 Blackmagic MFT 2.5K camera - beautifully cinematic and Speed Booster compatible KineRaw mini (2K raw for $3k)   You have to be practically blind, deaf and dumb to dismiss all that as 'nonsense'.
  21. Sony hack was produced, but developer is no longer active and progress stalled a year ago.   http://www.eoshd.com/comments/forum/17-nex-hack/
  22. Raw is the 'raw data' from the sensor. The sensor captures light, translates it into analogue data then to digital. In order to create an image that digital data must be debayered and processed. Usually this would be done on the camera, but DSLRs don't have as powerful processors as a desktop computer, and need to process the data in real-time at 24fps or even 60fps.   Also when raw image data is compressed into a video file, or a JPEG still, it gets baked. It is like cooking a stake. It isn't raw any more :)   With raw video you do your cooking later, with all the flexibility to cook the original image in post. You can change and grade the image far more than you can when the camera has already cooked it for you in-camera, and served up a much less tasty dish.   The camera is a bad chef.
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