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Andrew Reid

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Everything posted by Andrew Reid

  1. I come from the North of England where the whole ethos is to be self depreciating. I grew up from a working class background. I couldn't give a shit about egos. Trust me this is not about ego. It is about what is right for the DSLR community and what is good advice and what is useful to Magic Lantern and that they should deserve better from someone like Bloom.   Hyperbole? C100 is not raw or full frame or $3k. It's a whole different ballgame creatively. I've shot with the C100, the image is mush compared to raw on the 5D Mark III. You are looking at compressed 5D footage in the DVX comparison. You try grading a DNG from the 5D Mark III and a AVCHD frame from the C100 and see what happens.
  2. Of course Philip is hiding behind a relevant argument but still hiding nevertheless. I think he is using story and practical shooting issues as smokescreen for the fact he doesn't understand raw workflow and cannot ably deal with it on the technical side. The very capable James Miller has to fill in for him on the technical stuff.   90% of his raw coverage is about the practical and commercial considerations of using it rather than the IMAGE and actual tips and help. How is this useful advice? It's like a broken record. Yeah big file sizes. Yeah... whatever. It isn't that hard to deal with anyway.   Yes that Cinema EOS china teapot is nice but what about the elephant in the room?   He is avoiding the main subject, which is the fact that raw is here to stay. Raw is here and all he can do is moan and warn people off it.   I think you have misunderstood my post. I said it’s unnecessary for most of people’s work. I have to be honest Sam. I would rather spent that extra time working on the ideas behind the film than dealing with it in post. If you are able to do both then great!   Again a straw man argument. Yeah yeah story is important, so are ideas. Hang on. Pink Floyd didn't sacrifice the soundscapes for lyrics or time constraints. They're purists, artists.   If he has commercial realities to think about then that's his problem. The rest of us can make a living off shooting raw no problem. Red users have been doing it for YEARS!   On price...   Of course Bloom would rather use an F5! It's all very well if you can spend $36,000 on a Sony F55 or Epic. F5 is small change so is 1D C! How is that useful advice to us? So his advice is to avoid the best possible image on a $3000 camera and spend $30,000 on making it a bit more convenient!? What kind of filmmaker would spend $100,000 on equipment but end up shooting H.264 for convenience?
  3. Kedbear you are not looking at things objectively enough.   Philip Bloom greeted the biggest news for DSLR shooters in the last 3 years first by ignoring it completely, then on Twitter belittling it. "the obsession of this whole 5dmk3 raw hack is just nuts. Please just calm down and go and shoot something instead please!" For me that is scandalous especially as Philip is in a position to help enthuse so many people about Magic Lantern and for being influential in getting Canon to support it. You know the saying, with great power comes responsibility? His negativity over this doesn't tally with his enthusiasm for image quality on the Cinema EOS cameras when he speaks about them at Canon sponsored events. Those images he's raving about on the 1D C and 1D X and C300 are nowhere near as cinematic as raw on the full frame 5D Mark III sensor. He's entitled to his opinion, as much as I am entitled to think it odd. Then to his blog post - which I had a real hard time reading - Philip hid the biggest news of the last 3 years half way down a HUGE page about how inconvenient raw is, along with patronising 'patting on the head' comments like "There is absolutely nothing wrong with making the appearance of your work better than it actually is" Don't try to dress that up as level headed advice, because it isn't the right advice at all for his audience. They should be embracing raw because in a few years it will be a huge part of their jobs to know it. Now a lot of people look to Philip for DSLR video related advice and I think he genuinely doesn't like the raw workflow, probably doesn't understand the technical stuff, and doesn't want to shoot it for paid work, which is fair enough - each to their own. The problem with this is he only ever sees filmmaking from the point of view of commercial and convenience. Then there's the inconsistent advice. Ergonomics, practicality and small file sizes are his concerns unless he is shooting with his 1D C, then all that flies right out of the window!! His 1D C commentary is all about how wonderful the image is, and he glosses over the obvious shortcomings which I picked up on in my review - one of which is the price!! Am I not entitled to want consistency in his views? If I find something odd then I have the right to question it. If you also have the misfortune of still following him on Twitter (I don't) you will also get a glimpse into the cult of personality he's cultivated, in my opinion. That stuff has nothing to do with being a filmmaker, instead it shows formidable self obsession. I don't get this thing about his blog being some kind of charity to aspiring filmmakers, like he makes it out to be. It's a business. He sells his tutorial DVDs through it and affiliate network advertising on a site with that much traffic makes a lot of money, far exceeding the hosting costs. I am on the same server and I know the costs. They are miniscule. There's absolutely nothing wrong with commercialising a blog either, but why does he pretend that he doesn't!?
  4. As I remember they didn't want to rule out Canon FD glass so did not do a Canon EF Speed Booster as a universal mount. It is coming, I'm sure, but yes the delay is a shame.
  5. I am blown away by the quality. Moving raw photos. Full frame at that. It hasn't been done before. Now here it is for free.   Canon charge you $12,000 for a moving JPEG photo.   Bloom gets excited about that.   Moving raw photo for free? OUUUHH noo thats rubbish. Not shooting with that!   Logic has died a death there.   The mighty dollar and mighty ego rule supreme.
  6.   I enjoyed Phil when he was genuinely putting out useful regular posts. Super 35mm adapters, DSLRs, all workarounds he endorsed. Built his name on DSLRs in fact, wouldn't have a well known blog without them. Now all I see is extreme self love and a formidable self obsession. Pics of Bloom on a plane. Pics of his cats. Instagram self portraits. Fooling about at NAB, Looping Vine videos. Posing here, posing there, posing doing this, posing doing that. It's enough to make you go insane. HAD ENOUGH   The cult of personality has overtaken the filmmaker for me. Hate all the moral posturing too. Philip uses the moral high ground and his sense of humour as defence mechanisms against those he doesn't agree with. His ego HATES any form of criticism however constructive. Sad really, as in doing so one is left with just Bloomies and groupies around you. Say you don't like so many ads on his blog and you are met with standard response THIS BLOG COSTS SO MUCH TO RUN, and he tries to claim the high ground. I know how much blogs cost to run. Very little. In the past I did EOSHD one-handed on a shoestring for years. So make no mistake, the blog is to promote Philip Bloom. It is not only a selfless act of sharing he makes it out to be.   Met Phil quite a few times, each time has been odd. Charming and coldly indifferent at the same time. At Photokina, he belittled me and basically humiliated me in front of two strangers in the name of humour knowing it was inappropriate in the circumstances - very barbed passive aggressive exchanges disguised as humour, really uncomfortable to be subjected to. On other occasions he was fine. I think he has issues.
  7. Typo corrected. 512GB would be nice - put a SSD in there someone ;)
  8. The Canon sponsored people are doing a great job of misunderstanding the technical aspects. Whether they do so on purpose or not, who knows? But it sure as hell is annoying.   Sensor Live view is powered by the CMOS sensor. The camera buffer contains raw data from the sensor. The CMOS constantly reads out this data to supply a moving live view image on the LCD. Video came about on DSLRs as the camera could also compress this raw video stream and save it to a card. Since the sensor is already doing raw video during normal live view operation with the factory Canon firmware, there's no extra heat or stress penalty on the sensor for raw video with Magic Lantern.   Buffer I think I read this is 512MB RAM at 700MB/s. RAM is also present in your laptop. It is constantly churching read / write cycles as you use the computer. RAM is designed to work constantly. It doesn't die through exhaustion like a mechanical part or the unfortunate Chinese worker who was tasked with making it in the first place.   DIGIC and card controller Digic is designed for complex tasks like compressing the shit out of our lovely raw video stream. Now it can sit back and do something else, because with raw, there's no complex computation going on at all as TC pointed out above. The card controller is a simple off the shelf chip designed to write to the card like your $10 SD card reader. It won't blow up. It doesn't have the brains to get too hot!!
  9.   Heat occurs when you have heavy processing intensive tasks.   Copying data from RAM to a relatively slow compact flash is NOT processor intensive. It just isn't. Likely the buffer isn't even stressed, because it is running at less than a 7th of it's maximum transfer rate whilst it waits for the card to finish writing.   4k raw and 10bit... BM Production Camera. Hell may not freeze over after all, as long as there's no dirty glass over the sensor!!
  10. The annoyance is, that the image is spellbindingly good, the technical achievement beautifully rare, the price accessibly low and yet Philip warns people off, waters down the enthusiasm, encourages people to spend $12,000 on a 1D C instead (it makes no sense!) and appears at trade shows to talk about it, for money.   That isn't indie filmmaking. It isn't even good advice.   Listen to the frustration in our criticism. It comes right from the heart.
  11.   EF mount even without electronics would make more sense to me as well.   I don't think they are doing it though.   It will certainly be in my feedback, if the Smart EF adapter is going to be a long wait. Don't think it is fair to ask people to buy a different Speed Booster for every lens they have whilst they wait for the delayed flexible Canon mount version.
  12.   Absolutely. Never implied otherwise. For some, raw isn't suitable.
  13. Does it leave a sour taste because I am being sour, or does it leave a sour taste because I criticised someone you like?   I suspect the latter.   Really, it is time for a more open and honest debate on the merits of our DSLR community leaders I think.
  14. I like the image so much that I have decided to adjust my strategy for the cameras I shoot with.   Out goes the Sony FS100. That was my main low light tool but now the 5D Mark III with raw is that.   Blackmagic EF mount version will also be sold. I have the Pocket Cinema Camera and 4K AND MFT versions pre-ordered!! I don't need all of them and can use my EF glass on the 5D. I am heavily invested in Micro Four Thirds glass so will likely keep the MFT Blackmagic for a while. 4K and global shutter will be interesting on the Production Camera.   I need to clear out some of my other DSLRs. Nikon V2 don't need, got it for raw bursts! Amazing sensor technology, nice as a stills camera too (very good AF, very light, very compact, lots of other cool stuff) but now the Sony RX1 is by far my most compelling stills cam and it wasn't cheap.   Nikon D5200 can go too. Nice bargain but it's no longer competitive with the image on the 5D Mark III.   Canon don't deserve this, what a crazy situation.
  15.   The camera has a thermometer inside and Magic Lantern displays the temperature on the LCD with global draw. I haven't noticed any heat problems yet, and with people doing 12hr continuous card tests for raw, I think we can safely say the electronics can handle it.   Raw takes less CPU power as it requires less processing.   When copying a huge file from a USB drive, does your MacBook overheat? No.   People don't understand the inner workings when they say damage will occur due to a software process.   One of the most obvious attempts to protect vested interests was from Michael Sutton earlier this week on Twitter where he claimed to have 'insider NDA knowledge' from a Canon engineer that the raw recording would damage the sensor.   Actually the sensor is constantly outputting raw when in live view mode with or without Magic Lantern. It is designed to do it, and to do so until the battery goes flat.
  16.   Look at the guide again, I've updated it with links to the newest version of Raw2DNG which fixes the 2GB bug.
  17. Haha. Well had to fill the empty space!   That is the Wooden Camera Cage. ReWo cage is superb but obvious by design does not fit the 5D Mark III. I have their 5D Mark II cage, will try that.   When the Blackmagic Cinema Camera MFT model does finally arrive, I'll keep it but I don't need the EF version any more now I have the 5D Mark III. Raw and image quality was the only reason I bought one.
  18. This was a great week. It is the first time we've seen this kind of moving image from a full frame sized sensor in raw. A pristine 2K 14bit image that's like a 24fps digital film negative or a digital scan of Super 35mm. It's also a breakthrough for accessibility bringing raw video to many talents for the first time, when the only other accessible raw shooting cameras out there have been in extremely limited supply. [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10407/the-impact-of-5d-mark-iii-raw-and-what-does-vincent-laforet-think-of-it]Read the full article here[/url]
  19.   This is the perfect adapter actually for the Pocket Cinema Camera.   Less blurry in the corners due to smaller crop sensor yet Micro Four Thirds mount.   Nice extra low light performance from your lenses.   Very compact and slim.   Can't wait to try it on the Pocket cam.
  20. Indeed, well put, and he is better than Michael Bay. But then anyone is good when you put them next to him :)
  21. Some raw files end badly. That one might be corrupted so it cannot be converted.   How large is it. 2GB plus?
  22.   The headline is a question, not a statement, so I don't get this thing about it holding up or not.   In my opinion, he's a bit overrated.   His story telling is not a dying breed, it is stuck in the past. There's a difference :)   Far more innovative filmmakers around.
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