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Andrew Reid

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Everything posted by Andrew Reid

  1. Is the stuff signed?   He has a god complex and sadly, now a flock.
  2. The Speed Booster for Micro Four Thirds gives cameras like the Panasonic GH2, GH3 and Blackmagic Cinema Camera a Super 35mm / APS-C sized sensor using clever optics, in the same way that the E-mount version turned cameras like the Sony FS100 and NEX 7 into valid alternatives to full frame. As well as shrinking the image circle of a full frame lens to fit a smaller sensor, the Speed Booster lives up to its name by giving you a 1 stop increase in brightness so that F2.8 effectively becomes F2.0. I've been testing the Leica R mount version of the new Micro Four Thirds Speed Booster on the Panasonic GH3 and here are some of my early observations. Read the full article here
  3.   So what? Leave them too it. There's also nothing wrong with being a hobbyist and experimenting. Even Kubrick began that way. You don't have to watch the tons and tons of raw test videos. Most of these people also shoot professionally or shoot their own artistic endeavours too. It's just that nobody ever watches those so they think the tests are all they do!   Once someone said to me (a rival well blogger actually) that all I ever shot were tests.   He came up to me with this crazy email rant, "you're just a tester, faffing around, not a real filmmaker like me!"   No... All he'd ever seen were my tests and he wasn't interested in the other stuff!   Be careful what prism one views the other through. It can be distorted.
  4. It isn't that the focus is off. The background is more in focus on the BMCC because of the smaller sensor and less shallow DOF. That ain't hard to understand surely.   I used 24mm F1.4 on the BMCC, and 50mm F1.4 on the 5D Mark III to match field of view more closely.
  5.   The 5D Mark III actually has better ergonomics than the $12,000 1D C for video.   You can make your life much easier by buying the right accessories and using the right raw workflows. It isn't a nightmare, just not dead easy like the C300 that's all.
  6.   Not tried that resolution yet - gunning for higher with my 2x anamorphic and 1.5x Iscoramas. 1720 x 1280 seems sweet. No card speed issues until quite late in the recording. 1920 x 1280 good for only 5-10 seconds. They are working on optimising speeds. Higher resolutions than 1080p vertical are tougher on the card.   Wouldn't 1440x1080 be better for 2x scope? That is 4:3. 2x anamorphic would turn that into 2.39:1
  7.   Because all that matters is that the aperture and shutter angle are the same on both shots. We're not testing the optical performance of the lens in this test, but attempting to get the same shot field of view and exposure on two differently sized sensors. Are you upset Blackmagic lost? Don't be. It is still a great camera in good light.
  8.   Not unless you might need -   4K Global shutter Micro Four Thirds mount SSD media HD-SDI Resolve   Still a lot to offer.
  9.   Apparently peederj now speaks for me!   Image is what matters to me, and price. Rather have this image than 1D C or C300 and would rather invest the money I save on lenses.     BBC camera man on Top Gear used C300 for a run & gun sequence with F1 drivers in London and hated every second of it. He said the ergonomics were hopeless.   I've used it (and the C100), it's OK in my view, better than bad. Nothing to get that excited about.   You don't need to roll out that tired obvious argument about story, composition, etc.   It is like saying HEY aliens just landed with all guns blazing, what shall we do? Oh we better eat food, otherwise we won't survive to fight them off.   Pleeeeease give it a break about story.   Some films don't even have narrative stories as their main emotional core, they have images and soundscapes.     Neither do I. READ what I said.     This is in danger of going off topic, can we please put a halt to the following frustrating topics -   Bloom Story and content matters (it's obvious, people don't NEED to keep banging on about it!) C300 suits a lot of working pros (again it's obvious... and completely irrelevant to the thread)   Some people can NEVER EVER just enjoy a technical achievement or discussion without patronising us with tittle tattle about stories.
  10. Not true. Magic Lantern has never 'fried' a camera.     Yeah - and didn't I just say that in my post? Do you ever read or watch anything fully?     Silly us wanting feature film quality, whatever next     What kind of crazy analysis is this? I don't see your train of thought at all. Canon return us 'back to the good old days' if Blackmagic wasn't making raw cinema cameras for $3000? Um, ok.   The Blackmagic Cinema Camera 2.5K and Pocket Cinema Camera are indeed groundbreaking. Again another obvious statement that doesn't really tell me anything. So the Magic Lantern raw is ground breaking too, and at the moment I'd give the image quality crown to the 5D Mark III but it is still early days in shooting with both.     If you ever try it yourself have a look at the temperature readout in Magic Lantern. Unless you can fry silicon at 50 degrees C (MacBook runs idle at that) you won't be having chips for dinner.
  11.   Yes lighting the same.   Need to do a proper dynamic range test. I think they have they distributed differently. You can pull the blacks up more on the 5D Mark III but recover more in the highlights on the BMCC.
  12.   Very unlikely   How to run C code on the GH3? Vitaliy can't do it yet.
  13. Really puzzled by your lack of enthusiasm for 5D raw Sean.   For once the hype is totally justified.
  14.   There was that ridiculous 1D C related run-in on Twitter we had. I've seen the dark side. I'm not surprised he is belittling raw and these latest developments.   There's various conspiracies as to why he bangs on about the Cinema EOS C300 so much. At Photokina he was being paid by Canon to speak about Cinema EOS. A conspriacist would link the two - paid by Canon - radio silence on other products. But I don't put much stock in that. I think it is just down to personal preferences and what his work requires. Philip sees image quality second and getting a job done first. He sees the commercial side, the practical side, more clearly than the artistic side. Raw is not for him. I don't think he understands the raw workflows that well and seems a bit intimidated by the whole thing.   How can one ignore the clearly exciting image quality of this camera for the price, whilst bemoaning the large files and huge interest in the hack? Totally bizarre. Not even a blog post.
  15.   Just to clarify something... You rebooted after the bootflag message, and Magic Lantern was at that point installed and booted, with menus available?
  16. Remove the spaces from the folder name.
  17. :) means it has enabled the boot flag.   Next time you boot the camera it should enter Magic Lantern. Make sure it is installed correctly
  18.   Yes I did, for uncompressed HDMI.   It came straight back off again.   If you have 1.2.1, simply download the 1.1.3 firmware...   Both Mac and Windows firmware downloads are included in the ZIP.   https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18917388/5d3-v1-1-3-canon.zip   Apply the 1.1.3 firmware on the camera as normal, as per Canon instructions. It rolls back from 1.2.1 to 1.1.3 just fine.
  19.   Yes Mac option is in the guide, it is Raw2DNG. Same app as windows, but runs on mac. Just make sure to run the correct file. The windows app has .exe at the end, the Mac one doesn't.
  20.   First the news. Magic Lantern have playback of raw files working with early stage code. Black and white and slow frame rate but works - already. Experimental audio recording has been added. Testers and early adopters will need to see if it in sync. Future nightly builds of the Magic Lantern 5D Mark III Alpha firmware will see raw recording start / stop added to the physical movie record button as well as many other usability improvements. [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10351/new-5d-raw-developments-plus-my-low-light-comparison-with-blackmagic-cinema-camera]Read the full article here[/url]
  21.   I don't really think there's any use in trying to pigeon hole shooters into the 40 sec clip length genre, though I see what you're saying and it makes sense in a way.   I asked A1ex about this today.   He says file spanning is doable to overcome this, but it isn't yet top of their list of priorities.   It is coming please just be patient.
  22. You can do 30p at 1920x720 currently, on 1000x cards. Within the max data rate.
  23. I've put it in the new guide for easy digest, see the blog :)
  24.   UPDATE: Full book now available - The EOSHD 5D Mark III Raw Shooter's Guide   Here's a quick and easy way to get raw recording setup on your 5D Mark III thanks to the recent Magic Lantern developments. [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10352/easier-5d-mark-iii-raw-guide-in-4-steps]Read the full article here[/url]
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