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Andrew Reid

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Posts posted by Andrew Reid

  1. Well, that is my point, if you are skilful and ambitious enough, it will not look like crap.


    I'd prefer a GH3, some good lighting and, say, a cheap Movi alternative... Than a RED Epic Dragon with just a tripod.


    Skill or no skill it doesn't make sense to use something that doesn't perform. Indeed, the more skilful and ambitious you are the more you don't want your effort sullied by a sub-par image.


    To ignore the the fact your tool gives you a certain feel, isn't right - so pick your paintbrush wisely, no matter how subtle the effect. It's a not all about the spec sheet true, it's a mixture of both - i.e. what JG describes with his trusty 600D and working the image, and the cinema prowess a better camera can offer, and the choice of lens mount is important too.



    It's essential to choose the right camera ergonomically as well... depending on the kind of shoot.

  2. Fuji X100S first look

    This article mainly deals with the X100S from a photographic perspective. Video is coming in the full review next week.

    The old X100 was fatally flawed in my view. Manual focus with a massive lag between moving the focus ring and the clunky focus stepping itself. Very sluggish AF and a long minimum focus distance. We're not talking macro here but just basic portrait stuff. Entering macro mode for portraits or even not particular close close-ups was a hassle.

    All this and more is fixed on the X100S, which is a major upgrade that totally belies the similar external appearance.

    [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/11271/fuji-x100-first-look-hipster-camera-got-real]Read the full article here[/url]
  3. The reason people are "complaining" about the likes of what is offered by Canon, Sony etc. is because we are in one of those "shut up and take my money!" situations yet these companies don't seem willing to take it. Usually, a company tries to anticipate a growing market, or even create one where none existed prior (Apple has been good at both). But what it boils down to is the company is taking a gamble that if they develop a product, there will be a market of people willing to buy it once it hits shelves. But we already have a market in place, and it is not being exploited.

    When it comes to video, since the 5DMkII "accidentally" sparked the DSLR video revolution, there have been many hundreds of thousands (millions?) of consumers who have been standing there, money clenched in their fists, ready to throw it at the first company to make the camera that they are asking for.


    If Canon would simply make the camera that the market is asking for, they would corner it instantly. Because Canon already has all the pieces on their shelves to make this camera. It isn't "whining" to tell a company that they accidentally made a product that is excellent for something it wasn't designed for, and all we're asking for is for Canon (or whomever) to use that as a starting point to intentionally make something that is even better.

    Also, just to point out, basic economics is about "supply and demand" not "supply and we'll-take-whatever-you-are-kind-enough-to-give-us." As consumers we have every right to keep our money if we are not offered the product we want.


    Very well said. Thanks

  4. http://vimeo.com/75728395

    "The Pocket" is a polarising camera. It's as tempting to rave about the camera as it is to criticise it for obvious shortcomings.

    However - bottom line is that this is an extraordinary tool. It is 90% of what I loved about the Blackmagic Cinema Camera without the bulk and strange form factor. In my mind it replaces the Panasonic GH2 as the cult favourite of prosumer video because it has an absolutely beautiful film like output and a very accessible price.

    Read the full article here

  5. Equally, people shot with Super 8 cameras in a similar way. Pistol grip and nothing else.


    It's a style. If one does not like it, get a tripod or a shoulder rig with EVF.


    The beauty of the Pocket is that it's small whilst the BMCC is rather chunky and heavy. You can't run & gun with the BMCC as easily as you can with the Pocket. That's why they wanted to get those 13 stops into a smaller camera, to give us the other style of filmmaking and another application for the technology.


    If only the Japanese were as imaginative about applying their technology to the creative world.

  6. Anyway, you can get Nikon EN-EL20 batteries at 1800mAh which should in theory at least double the battery life, instead of the factory 800mAh, right?


    And if this camera sells well, as it should, I'm sure we'll have third party battery grips pretty soon...


    Like I said, it's highly unlikely that A) the cell is actually 1800mAh or B - the cell is of equal quality to the factory Nikon battery.


    These batteries have been opened up and the markings on the cell is often lower than the marking on the case, which points to the cheap high capacity stuff being a bit of a marketing scam.

  7. Size doesn't have to hurt battery duration.


    The Nikon V1 has a huge D800 battery in it yet is as small as the Pocket camera.


    Blackmagic need to use a less power hungry LCD panel and a better quality battery. The processor and sensor are likely pretty hungry, but at the moment that's a necessary trade off for the low price and high image quality.


    I think at least choosing a battery from the DSLR world that would have allowed the attachment of a battery grip would have helped us all out a great deal. GH3 battery and grip would have been perfect for this camera. I have no idea why they went for the Nikon J1's crappy battery.

  8. I don't see the camera that way For the most part it is a professional tool that needs a matte box follow focus sound recordist and camera crew. However some shots can be done discreetly or on a gimbal with a bare minimum.

    I think the problem many are having with this camera is they are comparing it to a dslr when in fact it is a professional piece of kit needing a professional workflow,


    That's not the Pocket camera philosophy at all actually. Why do you think it is small? So you can go adding bricks to it? I don't think so. Maybe you'd be better of with the BMCC.

  9. I'd like to know how and why Andrew Reid has had his order fulfilled by CVP when they have told me they haven't received any from Black Magic Design yet.


    Because I ordered ahead of you.


    I suggest you read this also - 




    In particular from the user MMedia -


    Im not a blogger or reviewer etc, just an unknown and i received my camera start of September from CVP

    From the documents in the box it looks like i was #6 (006)

    I ordered within the first few minutes the online link went live at the higher price of £839? This was reduced to £798 the next day, which is what i paid. 

    I ordered another on 29/4 still in the que for that one.


    I waited a full month whilst normal people in the queue had theirs delivered.


    I have paid, and I have waited. I suggest you do the same.


    CVP don't need to bump any "VIPs" up the order list as they have a demo camera to send to reviewers.


    Also I don't want to see this otherwise friendly and productive thread go off topic Alan. You need to go on topic, or go off the boards. I know you are frustrated about the delays, I am as well, but that's no reason to attack.


    I might even do you a favour by reviewing the camera, so you can make a more informed decision on whether to go ahead and keep your order open or not. So far so good but it has some very irritating bugs.

  10. Nice group Lee.


    BTW I'd be wary of the 1800mAh batteries.


    People have opened the higher than normal rated batteries up for other systems like OM-D E-M5 only to find bog standard cells inside rated for lower capacities.


    Seems like some producers in China can put whatever figure they like on the casing to gain higher sales, and even if it is 1800, it's unlikely the quality of the cell will give you much more power than the standard Nikon 1020mAh genuine battery.

  11. I don't know much about batteries ratings etc. I think the pocket camera battery has a 12 volt input Would I be able to use the Swit S-8U62 Li-Ion 63Wh which is rated at 14 volts with the pocket camera?



    On the Sony EX3 that battery is held in the battery compartment. How would you rig it to the Pocket camera?


    If the EX3 d-tap power socket matches the spec of the BMPCC 12v socket physically I don't see any reason why the battery wouldn't work.


    But we really need something more bespoke for the camera.

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