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  2. Yeah for such big box stores it's less of a hassle to sell a product at a couple of hundred dollars loss than to keep just a unit or two of stock lurking around on the shelves for many more months cluttering up space in a store that could be used to sell higher margin / faster selling products. It's better for them to just fully eliminate that item from stocking it in the store.
  3. EVF doesn't "fix" it. However, it's broadly believed that having more points of contact between the camera and the shooter increases overall stability. The comment above includes one of the other common methods of increasing stability - adding more/balanced weight to the camera system. Combining one of these things is how run and gun news shooters managed to get their footage to look pretty good 40 years ago - big heavy shoulder-mounted cameras with an EVF. There are other tricks you can try too, even with a smaller camera or no EVF - including getting a pretty thick string and attaching one side to a 1/4x20 screw. Screw it into the camera's tripod mount and let the other end dangle to the ground. Step on it and pull the string taut. Congrats, your footage is now a bit more stable. Though you may want to avoid this strategy on a professional shoot. Many clients might not be thrilled to have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars for somebody to show up with some string and about 60 cents in hardware store fasteners. (It's saved me in a pinch before, but I'm also not a working professional)
  4. Saying something is popular with a niche group (high frame rates) of another niche group (Panasonic L mount camera owners/shooters) does not make it less niche. 😉
  5. It would make good sense. The cost to develop one's own chips/signaling for it would be pretty high* so one might as well use the perfectly good open standard. * Exception being Red who used open standards unchanged, but found douchey ways like proprietary connectors to still render things generally inoperable
  6. As far as I know, a single store put it on clearance for closer to 1/3 price (1/4 price for open box). For a store like Best Buy, this isn't at all atypical. If a product is barely selling and discontinued by the manufacturer, sometimes they'll just blow it out at ridiculous prices and write off the loss. My guess is that they hit the limit of how many Panasonic would refund them.
  7. Today
  8. I hope that next year Panasonic releases a $2000 s5 3, full frame 8k sensor, 60 fps electronic shutter, 200 raw buffer depth. I will pull the trigger on this one.
  9. I ended up ordering the s-mic 3s. Showed up today. I laughed more than a little bit at the box it came in (the image at the top of the thread didn't register with me for some reason). Nice of 'em to include a wooden box, but it's kind of a bummer there's not an option to order without the fancy box for what's going to be used as an on-camera mic!
  10. this makes sense. $500 for a new gh6 is a different story from a gh6 at $2000, even the af is bad, dr booster is not stable.
  11. 96KHz 32bit audio recorded into the video files themselves: Didn't realize it was offering 96KHz, that's nice! (although it's also total complete overkill. But hey, a nice change to see a camera doing audio in an overkill manner for once!)
  12. Anybody that paid full RRP for a GH6 a year ago and is complaining about their prices now doesn't have a leg to stand on. As the GH6 was often enough on discount (for instance over a year ago you could get a brand new GH6 for as little as US$1.4K on Amazon). Let's go check what the ebay prices are for a GH6 currently: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=panasonic+gh6&_sacat=0&_sop=15 About US$1.2K-ish to US$1.4K+ ish Nah, the value of your GH6 hasn't suddenly crashed. @newfoundmass is trying to spin it that this is a normal sale price for a GH6. It is not. It's an open box GH6 (i.e. a technically secondhand camera, but is "like new") and only an exceptionally small number of them, and only for those who can go to their local store (if they even have one! And it's in stock, which it won't be) and buy it in person. Or in other words: This will have zero impact upon eBay prices. (nothing that could be measurable anyway)
  13. Yesterday
  14. one of the best camera introduction videos. fuji should hire him to promote the cameras. I feel that the still photos in the video are much more eye catching than the video clips.
  15. Seems like the BMD EVF works on the Canon C400's USB-C output? Or that is what I've read.
  16. I think it's popular with people who shoot a lot of high speed frame rates with their Panasonic L Mount camera, where it does it in S35 mode
  17. "If you don't cannibalize yourself, someone else will" ~ Steve Jobs I completely disagree with your assessment that all those products were "flops" because later on Panasonic releases an even "better" product. (such as the much cheaper S5 coming after the S1, or GH6 because the S5mk2 came out afterwards) If in February next year Panasonic releases a small sized Panasonic G100mk2 that offers 80% of what a GH7 does but at half the price, does that make the GH7 a flop and Panasonic a failure who are shooting themselves in their foot?
  18. How does evf fix this? Do you have examples of video explaining?
  19. It's a pretty niche use case. 🙂
  20. If you find a generic external EVF that isn't big, please do share the info! I have yet to see one that isn't kind of weirdly big (including Oeye and Z Cam)
  21. where can you find gh6 at $600? I cannot find any?
  22. I appreciate your optimistic take, but that's not how most people look at it, nor should it be. A camera you purchased for $2000 a year or two ago should not be dead already, and it's value on the used market should not be 1/4 of the price just because the manufacturer decided to discontinue it and run a fire sale. I'd have a very bad taste in my mouth if I'd bought the GH6. My GH5 was nearly 6 years old when I sold it. 2017 to 2023. No amount of spin is going to make a GH6 user happy that the camera they spent $2000 on is selling for $550 brand new with lens.
  23. Yeah, probably. At this point I realize that there's no rush to get an EVF of my own. I have access to a Cineroid EVF I can borrow any time I want (though I don't like how big it is), it does work so I can take my time getting something. Ideally I think something like a Zacuto Gratical Eye would be great. I would need an HDMI to SDI convertor. The smallest I've found is an e2work brand one. It seems to not be available anywhere anymore. All the others are bigger physically. Another one that would probably be fine is a Kinotehnik LCDVFe, but seems to have been discontinued years ago. I know I'm being picky here but I really don't want it to be too big.
  24. Wow, not a single comment? No one is speed boosting down to S35 on their older S cameras?
  25. Good thing you weren't in the game pre-COVID - Iceland was the top destination and there aren't enough warm coats in the world to make that place a hazard-free zone!
  26. You forgot the S9! The other thing to consider is that Panasonic makes a product strategy decision and then 5 years later that decision resulted in a camera that doesn't align with what consumers and competitors did in the 5 years in-between, but consumers are like "last week we all decided that X was most important and now Panasonic releases this without it? are they even listening?!?!"
  27. I kind of get it, yet hate it at the same time. It’s this mix of proactive and reactive in what is supposed to be a declining market so economic restraints. But as a small business user, I want to plan much longer in advance. Camera and lens announcements, until they actually happen, tend to be mostly speculative and based on rumor. I get it from their point of view, re. competitors etc, but I would rather see timelines for stuff so I can at least do some strategic planning. Take this year for instance. At the end of 2023 I already knew I had too much kit as in the combo I needed to do what I needed it too do, was too big and heavy with too much juggling. Could I make any different choices within L Mount over the Winter of 2023 into 2024? No, so had to come up with a better plan before my season started in 2024. Do I have the right kit this year? Kind of… Better than last year, but still too much juggling to the tune of 1 too many cameras, so I both want and need to go from 4 to 3. Can I do it with L Mount? No, not as well as with someone else. Would I prefer it to be with L Mount? Yes, but with zero indication of a replacement for the S1R or H other than pure speculation, I cannot make the business decision I would prefer to make. And if X is not available yet, then fair enough, but I’d just like a little official idea of when so I can either: A: hold off and wait for X, or, B: make an alternative course of action. It’s not just old Panny Boy, (though the GH6 was the longest ever camera to appear) but all of them. They all probably have very good business reasons, but I don’t have to like that. And don’t.
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