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  1. Past hour
  2. kye

    NAB vs De Niro

    The fact that a working man couldn't afford her seems to be feasible too...
  3. kye

    Lumix S9

    If it was a last minute change then it must have been almost ready for launch anyway, which seems to fit considering they launched a camera basically without the lenses to go with it. So maybe the camera was ready and the lenses weren't (except for the F8 pancake) but it was the best option at the last minute.
  4. Today
  5. Rumors speak about internal raw? BRaw?
  6. I have my doubts that could have thrown that all together at the last minute. It would be giving them too much credit. However, there are some indicators of that- the use of stock photography for one, and the lack of a proper lens being the other. Still, they handed out a lot of cameras to people and I doubt they could have made a production run in that little time if the theory is a last minute change. Yes, a 35mm and 85mm, each on a S9, for a wedding shoot would be a nice setup. You could also color-code them as to not get confused!
  7. I'm surprised they'd just straight up discontinue the GH6. The GH7 will need to have some really killer features to stand out, I think.
  8. Well now I have the z8 for stills I just need them to put the z8 in a cine body (fx3 or komodox) with internal NDs, open gate, and a better log curve.
  9. Yeah. Back in the early 80’s, Ridley Scott promised me those flying cars by 2019. Where da fuck is my flying car? I’m going to be disappointed in 2049 also if Ana De Armas doesn’t appear on demand as a hologram in my living room…
  10. MrSMW

    Lumix S9

    Well it was a close call for me John because despite initially dismissing this camera at launch, other than the lack of a mech shutter (not itself an issue, just in the instance of this camera) and despite my wish to move from 4 cameras to 3… But what it has going for it is that as someone already using an S1H and an S5ii for video, actually using two more dinky full frame S cameras with primes, would be a pretty good set up! Same batteries (as the S5ii anyway), ability to swap lenses and whole units around throughout the day etc… Yes, a huge draw…but upon further reflection, I prefer my current LUMIX video + Nikon stills approach. I think if I had not moved to Nikon for stills this year, then a pair of S9’s and some primes would have been on the cards. Several viable ways to skin this particular cat. Multiple options with multiple systems and has been for a few years now.
  11. Davide DB

    Lumix S9

    Reading the news about June 5 and putting the whole S9 Gerald Undone Special Edition drama in perspective, I am left with the only real big curiosity: why they decided to introduce S9 at the last moment. What accident did they have? Because it is clear that they did not have a ready lens for the presentation. The 26mm/F8 pancake is a joke. Or was it all prepared?
  12. kye

    NAB vs De Niro

    Thanks. Things are always in the last place you look....
  13. And you're flying wife? Did you check in your beautiful flying house?
  14. kye

    NAB vs De Niro

    Where the hell is my flying car?!?!
  15. I guess we'll find out in a few days. Still, inside baseball is fun sometimes - looking in from the outside.
  16. Yeah, I imagine not having a proper shutter would be a big deal for weddings. There's also the lack of a shutter sound. I agree that the 45mm and 90mm would be the best first purchases. Also, one could wait for the 18-40 to fit the rest, maybe getting rid of the 45 and stick only with a two-lens setup. For this camera to have further reach, they really need a real 28mm and 40mm pancake. If they could get it as small as the 26mm, the whole system would be that much viable.
  17. Yesterday
  18. I can't believe we are in 2024.
  19. MrSMW

    Lumix S9

    If I was considering using an S9, it would be a pair of and one with the 45 and the other with the 90, both of which I have had and particularly impressed with the 90 which is pretty tiny really. I’d flip the 17 and 24 for the 20mm f2 which whilst a little bigger and heavier, kind of does both but can do it in low light which for me would seal the deal! But I am not going to so… The lack of a mech shutter was the swing vote for me in this one. Would have been great for my video needs, but I already have that covered so it was the photo side I looked at, but again, better served by my Niks. Personal camera, and for hybrid use, right now, I think yes I would go S9. If LUMIX ever bring out a purple one, I reckon that would sell out just because, you know, Gerald.
  20. Not unlikely whatsoever, and his conviction in New York is likely to be meaningless barring an additional conviction/development in dynamics IMO. The debates seem horribly skewed to hurt Biden. Americans mostly have the memory of gerbils, and many (key being voters in swing states) are looking at increased cost of living and telling themselves it was better under the orange con man.
  21. I suspect many have had the GH7 for a few weeks now. Ambassador Ben Staley will be showing a new Short film this coming Saturday that was partially filmed with an unreleased Lumix camera, showcasing its action capabilities. https://www.cinegearexpo.com/programs/la/cine-gear-news-la-expo-2024.pdf
  22. I think we are probably a few days away from discovering that S9-gate was really GH7-gate all along. At the time the rest of them started gathering in Osaka, I commented that there were quite a few MFT oriented channels there. My speculation about that was that the S9 was being introduced as the “new” MFT camera to transition to FF. When the “there was another camera they were going to launch but didn’t” stuff started up and then Undone wet his pants, I felt that I was wrong about that speculation and that they were sent back from the trip with an MFT camera as well to “review” when they got home. The extent of his (likely bridge burning) reaction seemed too much for missing out on an interesting but not ground breaking camera so I think it’s because he’s missed out on a much more significant release. With his response to the GH6 he could probably have expected to get a lot of views for his take on the GH7. Incidentally, there is another Canadian YouTuber that received the exact same treatment in not being invited to Japan for the S9 (which he expected because he turns down all such trips) but, significantly, for the first time not being sent the camera. Im sure he has his own views about that, erm, conspiracy. So, Undone was not as singled out for “special” treatment from Panasonic as widely believed.
  23. 2 years is very short for a GH series camera. Yes, I think they were invited to see the GH7 and at some point Panasonic decided to show the S9 as well. I think Gerald decided not to go based on the GH7 and was upset he missed the S9. It sounds like a lot of sour grapes to me. I am surprised it got the play time it did. But that is social media for you.
  24. Yeah, it's even got a tick-box that disables all the parts that can't be turned into a LUT, so unless I'm mistaken, there will be a zillion LUT packs based on FLC over the next years. Of course, with FLC part of Resolve, the market for LUT packs might drop considerably, as getting a film-like look is about to go from quite difficult in V18 to literally only a few clicks in V19. Part of me is a bit annoyed that FLC will make it so easy, because whenever I create a decent filmic grade it's not valued much anymore, but of course skills are always useful and I can adapt.
  25. During the livestream around S9-gate Gerald mentioned he didn't have anything that he was reviewing but couldn't talk about, so depending on the accuracy of that claim and the timelines involved, maybe he doesn't have either. Wow, that seemed to go really fast! I guess it was just over 2 years ago, but still. Maybe the GH7 launch was what all the influencers were invited to in Japan, and like Dave said, they switched up the camera that was released for some reason. It would explain the audience and also the S9 not having the associated lenses also being announced at the same time.
  26. ac6000cw

    Lumix S9

    Good news - something else I'd expect to be rolled out to the S5ii/iix in due course.
  27. Panasonic Japan has now discontinued the GH6, so it looks like the GH7 is coming. This is likely what the GH6 should have been. https://panasonic.jp/dc/p-db/DC-GH6_manualdl.html
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