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  4. I’d say that they are rare enough to suggest that they might not have actually been released at all! Plenty of online retailers list them but none in stock and suspiciously not a single review. I had exactly the same issue when looking for their Leica R to L mount speedbooster. Bear in mind though that when you look at the detail both adapters were reasonably restrictive - particularly the Nikon version - in terms of the lenses that you could put on them so this may have contributed to them not selling in sufficient numbers to make it worthwhile continuing beyond the initial batch. I do actually have an L mount speedbooster but it is the Kipon BavEyes for 645 lenses and they also do them for Hasselblad V mount lenses, so medium format down to full frame is the whole extent of what’s available. The only real options for faster than your 18-35 is to pick up the Sigma f1.4 APS-C primes which are excellent but a marginal gain for the additional outlay. I have the Metabones C/Y to E mount speedbooster which works well so the other option is to change bodies to a Sony APS-C to use your Contax selection. The only APS-C bodies in L mount were the Leica T/TL/CL (I wanted the R to L speedbooster for my Leica T) but these are now discontinued so it doesn’t look promising in terms of Metabones or anyone else looking to develop speedboosters for L Mount. It could change if Panasonic or Sigma release an APS-C body but I wouldn’t hold my breath on that. Of the two, Sigma are more likely to as they already have the lenses to support it and that full frame Foveon looks to be so problematic for them to achieve that an interim APS-C version may be a possibility.
  5. I would have apprecied a comparison between Open Gate and 4K with everything higher than a 8mm lens (like he did in his previous video), because saying the stabilization is the same while testing the IBIS only at this focal lenght is not serious. In my tests, both the GH6 and G9II have worse stabilization in Open Gate with lenses > at 15mm, more jumps. I understand he likes Panasonic a lot but owning all the recent Panasonic cameras, I can say it's a very oriented comparison to makes people believe the camera has no flaws. In the same way, all these youtubers almost never compare the video IQ (details rendering) between 4K/6K/Open Gate or between the recent and the "old" gen Panasonic cameras, and yet there is a lot to be said. Each time we need to compare the cameras ourselves or wait the impression of people who bought the camera themselve.
  6. You're watching a video with a single person in an otherwise-quiet room. Unless listening on high-quality speakers/headphones, the differences will be negligible. Here's a more useful YouTube search for you to be able to understand why a cardioid or supercardioid mic is different from an omnidirectional mic and when you might choose to use one vs the other. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=omnidirectional+microphone+vs+cardioid
  7. I doubt anybody here can actually answer that, but if I'm guessing I'd say that the difficulty in finding them used relates to the reason they're unavailable new. They probably sold barely any of them in the first place which is why they aren't making more.
  8. news and events. I shoot for my YouTube channel. I waste too much. I think go pro 12 is enough for my needs. but I always say to me that if I have of a hobby of collecting luxury cars or sailing boats, I will be totally broke. then I am happy. lol.
  9. Yeah I know it’s niche, that’s why I posted here LOL. Coming from GH5 where I had access to my whole Contax set on a metabones with an extra stop of light, it’s been a bummer not being able to take advantage on L Mount. I can make do with my adapted Sigma 18-35mm for S35 modes but I would love to have the extra light gathering and wides back. My main curiosity that no one‘s been able to answer is why Metabones has pages devoted to several L mount speed boosters, but finding them used is nearly impossible at this point.
  10. Yesterday
  11. I’m naive on audio, but as a layperson didn’t hear the difference you colorfully write about in videos like this
  12. You have a lot of cameras. What type of stuff do you shoot?
  13. I also use a strap on the camera and pull it taut, so the monopod in the tape measure pouch and the strap taut adds a fairly decent amount of stabilization... for static shots. They make belts specifically for this... I think it's called a MogoCrane... https://kamerar.com/products/mogocrane-weight-support-belt I don't know if it's any better than a monopod by itself, with a strap, but it's quicker to move around for run and gun.
  14. Keep in mind that the signal is not HDMI. It's DisplayPort. HDMI to DisplayPort adapters exist, but they will add some bulk and probably some processing time. Similar with SDI.
  15. out of major companies, only z mount has a shorter flange distance than c mount. unfortunately, Nikon is not taking advantage of this.
  16. I have been watching a 80 gb blade runner 2049 rendition. very very beautiful. sharp enough. it was shot on Alexa mini, xt, studio. the highest resolution is 3.4k for these cams. of course, the master primes are sharp. I put a cp2 50mm f2 on a f3. the final footage looks sharp enough. I guess for normal scenarios, 4k is enough. for aerial, wildlife, space, yeh, more resolution makes sense. yeh, dr helps in uncontrolled situations.
  17. Interesting, so for me, somebody just needs to make an adaptor to go from HDMI and DC power to this USB-C EVF standard. One thing I would need though is that things like the focus assist and grid lines be part of the viewfinder and not be something the camera has to produce.
  18. No Z cameras have a s16 mode. I could see that changing with a Nikon that has bought RED, but I would still be surprised if it showed up in the Z6III. Do any FF mirrorless bodies have it? Canon does on their cinema cameras; but don't remember reading it as a feature on any Sony or Canon FF models.
  19. he did not test om1 mk ii vs gh 7. for others, gh 7 seems the best.
  20. any z mount cams have a s16 crop mode? especially aps-c z mount cams?
  21. canon cinema line is designed for handheld shooting. I tried many different configurations. once you mount a big zoom lense, and a zacuto top handle and a zacuto base plate, the rig is too heavy to hand hold. it is only for tripod. in that case, other cameras are better, like f3. now I set one of my c300 ogs with an efs 10-18 stm is, I don't use the top handle and the xlr lcd unit at all. I put on a small battery based mike with 3.5 mm plug in. I put on a rail based v mount mini battery to power the nano flash. I use the evf as one contacting point, the v mount battery against my chest as another contact point. my left hand hold the buttom of the c300 og, use the left thumb to touch the hard buttons at the left side, and use the right hand to hold the grip, the right index finger to touch the start button, and the right thumb to touch the nipple and the button 7 which I set as the af lock. I use continuous af as this c300 og unit has the dpaf upgrade. the footage looks very stable.
  22. Interesting idea! I hadn't thought of it, but I'll have to give it a try someday. I'll have to dig up one of my older/smaller monopods, I suspect. The one I use now is a Cobra and they're like 2 feet long at their shortest.
  23. As something to put on my camera and pick up noise when the camera is pointed at something, much better, I suspect. Guessing the larks are omnidirectional and would pick up all sorts of other stuff like focus motor, me breathing, etc.
  24. I think there will be features from the S9 and GH7 coming to the S5ii... I hope. The S2H, I presume, will be a GH7 full-frame, if it's possible to make that MFT sensor into full-frame. It's going to be WAY out of my budget though. Should we also expect internal VND? Hopefully.
  25. Sorry, my comment was a joke. I was just noting that it would seem everyone has forgotten the S9 after the announcement of the GH7.
  26. zerocool22

    Lumix S9

    Yeah S5II, S9, GH7 was way too fast. I just bought a S5II, then I was pissed about the S9, and now the GH7 has these interesting specs, next month they will prolly release the S2H. I just hope the ARRI colors will come to the S5II as well. That would be quite fair I think.
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