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  2. I've seen the insides of a significant number of offices, and I can assure you, useless people who can survive in the corporate environment can easily do it without creating any tangible outputs at all. It's incredibly difficult to actually deliver IT changes in a large enterprise IT environment, so only the most switched on and talented people are able to do it. Saying that people are successfully making changes to justify their useless jobs is kind of like saying that there are all these useless film-makers making feature films that get cinema releases just to justify themselves.
  3. Yet on the use of mobile vs desktop hardware, I wonder how might some hybrid combo work out? One thing is for sure, there's no more than 16GB VRAM for the use of GPU nor unified memory as happens with Apple going along a Windows laptop. So, how would a 13900HS actually fit a RXT 4090 24GB VRAM match? If the 13th or 14th generation of a desktop processor can be something to avoid 'cause of thermal throttling issues, what about a balance between the best of both worlds? I think this is what Mini PCs are bringing to the equation... But again, what do we know? : D https://www.pcworld.com/article/2216181/intel-14th-gen-mobile-core-hx-no-need-to-upgrade-and-thats-great.html
  4. Today
  5. I guess so, exactly the same wondering here, hence I think the obscure label perfectly fits there... LOL However, there are two interesting variables they dare to add... One of them is why Intel rather than AMD and their respective low profile cooling, like what they have to offer instead? The other one is the external eGPU which will obviously alleviate the overheating pressure inside the main box.
  6. That thing looks like it will not even remotely cool the CPU under sustained load and will thermal throttle the performance into Nirvana.
  7. No, I never used Olympus cameras, only the f1.2 lenses. But I heard good things about their IBIS.
  8. This last one would be where I would couple a i9-4900K desktop processor absolutely allergic to low profile CPU coolers, hence my wondering on Beelink pushing the boundaries; so just curious to see where they're going but it's definitely a last pristine forest to be explored nowadays, no doubts on it :- )
  9. Here's another one, similar form factor *: * And here's a bit larger but not that much, the Lian Li above-mentioned where the game is being played these days... ;- ) Not exactly a Mini PC but a solid fact is there, it's neither a RTX 4090 VRAM 16GB nor a mobile version of a CPU we're talking about, yes, desktop stuff at the portable side... To those who are in the move, this makes a whole difference anyway, once thermals may happen to be under control...
  10. OCuLink access is already a reality today. As for the processor, yup, desktop ; ) that's the ticket now, not exactly this one yet but close: On the price target, it depends. Their offer is usually much affordable so I expect it will match the normal-size one instead.
  11. Well it’s official now and we (those of us that are interested) have a date with units supposed to be available to purchase within a month. Living in France, that will take a little longer as stockists whether brick & mortar or on-line will have to wake up and say, “Huh? What? A new camera? No one told us”. Well they did, - just because they sent the info by email and not fax, does not mean Nikon HQ didn’t send it. But I digress. I can’t see me not pre-ordering a single unit to replace my current stills combo of Z6ii and Zf. Something like 15 shooting days into the combo, the simple summary is I need a single stills camera and not a pair and the capability of the Zf in the Z6ii body would be perfect as neither individually are ideal for my needs, the Z6ii just being too slow and the Zf being an ergonomic pain in the arse. Alongside my all L Mount set up for video, it will be the first time I will be able to say I am finally happy with the combo of bodies and lenses for my needs. And then, post season, November onwards, depending on what Lumix does with any S1 replacement, there are 3 contenders going forward: A. All Nikon B. All L Mount C. Continue with the combo of Nikon + Tamron for stills plus Panny + Sigma for video, but maybe get an S9 to replace the S1H just to lighten the load which is the only requirement I still have. Spec-wise, we have (for my needs) already reached the point where all boxes have been ticked. My last remaining aim is to streamline and lighten the load wherever I can. With Nikon + Tamron, I have achieved that so just need to do that now with L Mount. Or not. We shall see…
  12. I stand BTW... what people do to justify the existence of their useless jobs and salaries... Google is actually the finest example of it, they change so many times their services that become annoying and a perfect waste of resources instead. I don't think they become more profitable with those silly moves from a few individuals to desperately struggle for their survival. The competition is inside their companies, not outside. Take a look on Yahoo or Bing with a market share of 3.11% less than 9 months ago, so a couple of losers. They don't go to bankruptcy because the market is huge and their core business hold the margin but far to be a case of success and top one of the industry.
  13. LOL The trouble is when you spend less time with ;- )
  14. I think red's r3d is probably the best raw codec. r1mx can go recode 42 1:75, epic-x can go 1:3, epic dragon can go 1:2. all of the nles can render r3d very efficiently.
  15. I actually like hassy's 6x6. that is real open gate. lol. just no equivalent in the movie world. it is interesting that about 20 years ago, 4:3 was considered old fashion and nobody liked it.
  16. It might have been the S9 or the GH7 (or both). It would make a lot of sense on the S9, a camera being heavily marketed at people who would actually enjoy that functoinality.
  17. cdng seems having a proprietary compression. you are right, cdng has an uncompressed version.
  18. There has been a short lived frenzy for 3D filmmaking ages ago, and then again a few years back for 360VR, both in the end frizzled out. As people prefer their flat 2D moving images on a normal rectangular screen. Honestly, 2D rectangular filmmaking but simply rotated 180 degrees from landscape mode to portrait mode instead has had a bigger impact as "a new format" of filmmaking than 3D or 360VR has. But maybe that's about to change? Thanks to the new Apple Vision Pro (and whatever new versions and copycats are coming next). I see a couple of interesting news stories today on Newsshooter, first of all there is yet another new Blackmagic product: https://www.newsshooter.com/2024/06/10/blackmagic-ursa-cine-immersive-capture-content-for-apple-vision-pro-with-8160-x-7200-resolution-per-eye/ This is one mega monster drone to be carrying an URSA Cine: And a far more affordable option than Blackmagic's URSA Cine variant, I see also got announced today: https://www.newsshooter.com/2024/06/10/canon-announced-the-rf-s-3-9mm-f3--stm-dual-fisheye-rf-s-7-8mm-f4-stm-dual-lenses/ "With the demand for VR content creation increasing at pace (the market is projected to grow to more than 22 billion U.S. dollars by 2025), the latest lens makes creating 3D content – from gaming and education to tourism, documentaries, and entertainment – more achievable." Rear mounted filters! And yet another new lens is also in development: "Canon also announced today that it is working on the development of the RF-S 7.8mm F4 STM DUAL lens for capturing spatial video for use with Apple’s Vision Pro." Which will be even more aimed towards the mainstream mass market I expect.
  19. You can attach an eGPU with an RTX 4090 to just about any PC laptop with either a Thunderbolt or USB 4 port. I'm not sure if there are any Oculink laptops yet, but if there aren't, it's only a matter of time. As for the processor, nearly every one of those mini PC's uses a laptop processor so... a decent laptop will have a similar processor. And still, if you're going with a desktop, you should probably just save the money by going with a normal-size one with a GPU in the case.
  20. That's the US... so a budget of 30K per cam minus 25K for insurance coverage leaves 5K...
  21. I'd suggest not getting too far into the weeds with this - people get all funny about things like this when in reality they don't really have much significance. Start with a goal, such as the ability to shoot some situation or other and have the final graded results be of a certain quality, and then work out what is required for that. Others might disagree about this, but I think there isn't a single situation where the difference between uncompressed raw and 3:1 compressed raw actually makes any visible difference to the final edit, let alone what is visible once it is compressed to the deliverable. Doubly-so if you're delivering to a streaming service who will compress the living daylights out of the file.
  22. ...a skintone comparison it sure 'aint! But if you know what you're looking at then other things can be inferred.
  23. THIS. They're constantly seeking to make the site/app better. and "better" means more profitable. Absolutely. Changes are to bring something of value. Value. Shareholder... value. Maximise shareholder value. .... remember, if you're not paying, you're the product!
  24. I have a vague recollection that a recent camera allowed multiple framing guides at the same time so you could put up the vertical and horizontal boxes at the same time on the monitor. Seems like a good idea, but can't remember where I heard it.
  25. They were shared privately, but there will be a YT video, so will share that when it surfaces. The images I saw were partly graded so were more a work in progress sort of thing and most likely will get changed before publishing. I haven't seen comparisons of GH7 V-Log capture -> CST to LogC vs GH7 LogC capture, which would be the comparison you'd want to see before making a purchase decision. It might be that the GH7 LogC doesn't match Alexa colours, but it might still be better than capturing in V-Log and grading from there. I think it's a real pity that ARRI didn't go absolutely nuts and profile the sensor and then have a 64x64x64 LUT that matches it to an Alexa within the GH7 DR range. It's not like the GH7 is going to cannibalise Alexa sales....
  26. Actually, not. There's no raw data from the sensor, so it's not a raw codec. As much as braw (Blackmagic RAW). However, since you're able to adjust metadata parameters such as WB or ISO, fulfils the flexibility of the use of a raw tool by camera users. Reason why people like me praise BMD capture devices as for instance, rather than adopting the purist mindset :- ) https://www.newsshooter.com/2018/05/07/understanding-prores-raw-is-it-prores-or-is-it-raw/ https://www.fullexposure.photography/what-is-prores-raw/ https://www.cined.com/blackmagic-raw-and-prores-raw-compared/
  27. I see no value in buying arri log on a MFT gh7
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