Browsing: spreepark

Myself, Andrew Reid (above right) and Frank Sauer (be sure to check out his work here) are currently shooting with the Panasonic GH4! So the big question has arrived – is the GH4 worth kicking your girlfriend out of bed for at 5am to catch the magic hour light? The answer is yes and we are putting our new girlfriend through her paces with a week of action packed shooting,…

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[vimeo][/vimeo] I did some more filming at the abandoned Spreepark in Berlin last weekend. Usually the amusement park is closed and patrolled by security, but an event took place last week with bands, art and some of the old rides operational again. You can read about that at the Guardian here. “After the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, the attraction was renamed the Spreepark and taken over by a colourful West…

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