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Everything posted by herein2020

  1. I was able to smoothly play the Canon R5 4K120FPS footage within DR using both a 1080P timeline and a 4K timeline. The caveat there is that it stuttered at the very beginning then it played smoothly, I'm not sure if behind the scenes DR was cheating a bit and doing some sort of caching; but my system actually surprised me, it played smoother than some of my GoPro and Drone footage. I tested the footage on both a 1080P timeline and a 4K timeline and playback was still smooth. My system is an HP Z4 with Windows 10, Core i9 14 core CPU, a RTX 2080TI video card, Davinci Resolve Studio, 64GB of memory, and NVME RAID array for the project drive. I haven't tested the Sony footage yet because it is still downloading, I wish they had broken it up into individual files so that I could download just one. One thing that I couldn't tell from the YouTube videos is if they were using DR Studio or the free version, you don't get HW acceleration in the free version. My build is probably around $6K so well below the $15K MAC system in the video. So I went a step further and color graded the clip and DR was still smooth. I do feel like it was at the edge of what it could handle, and would probably require proxies for any kind of real work with this footage. Another annoying thing is you will definitely need proxies if you want to do any kind of speed ramping with the footage, when I tried to bring it up to normal playback speed it was unusable.
  2. I really want to like Sony but I'll admit it...I dislike everything Sony; the display models that I picked up in retail stores and played with felt like toys, the menu system was terrible, the buttons plasticky and way too small not to mention their dismal XLR support and proprietary flash and mic systems. The A7SIII actually looks pretty good except the menu system and IBIS, but I just can't bring myself to buy a Sony and I'm definitely not buying another camera that cannot take photoshoot quality images (except the GH6 since I already have MFT lenses). I agree with you, the spec war is ridiculous, I do think 4K has a very important place today; not for viewing but for recomposing and delivering in 1080P. Unless the customer specifically requires it I don't deliver anything in 4K. I've also actually gone full circle with gimbals, I used to gimbal everything but now I shoot a lot handheld, the GH5 IBIS is that good, its so much faster and easier to just pull out and start filming and you don't always need to walk to get great clips. Shooting handheld also lets you shoot with bigger rigs because you can bring it closer to your body and into a more natural position which is how I shoot my C200 sometimes vs. a tripod; it actually feels really good handheld so I don't mind bigger rigs, they just have to be reliable.
  3. Incredible addition....I really wish they had a better lens ecosystem, a better photography story, and better AF. In every other way though Panasonic keeps proving they really should be the market leaders in the semi-pro/pro video world. The S1H has every feature I have ever asked for....yet for some reason I am still sitting here waiting for Canon to get their act together.
  4. I hate adapters, if that's the only way to use a camera I don't buy it. I use all manual MFT Voigtlander F0.95 lenses...amazing M4/3 lenses for 95% of my GH5 work. But back to overheating, I think Canon will not be able to live with this much bad press, the only ones who will spend $4K on their R5 will be stills shooters and if a stills only camera sold that well they would have created one, and for still only shooters the EOS R which is significantly cheaper would probably do perfectly fine. I think either Canon will release an H version like the S1H with a bigger body and cooling system, or they will go the typical Canon route and release an XC form factor with the R5 sensor and specs yet it will be useless for photography. All they needed to do was release the R5 or R6 with the A7SIII's video specs and no overheating and I would have pre-ordered for the first time ever. The part that Canon seems to have completely forgotten is that their largest fan base is a group of shooters who have been using big 5D bodies for years, we don't care if the R5 is a bigger body as long as it is reliable.
  5. I have a GH5 and my biggest problems with the idea of the S1 is: 30 Min recording limit - the GH5 has none L Mount - expensive lenses with limited selection Battery Problems - multiple reports of battery problems with the S series batteries AF - You pay significantly more for the S system yet still no useable AF Crop - I shoot almost exclusively 4K60 when using a gimbal, the S1 has an APS-C crop at this frame rate which means you will need a wider lens to overcome it, it would be very annoying to have to switch lenses just to switch frame rates. Cost - For me the cost of buying into the L Mount just to get better color and DR were not worth the downsides and the marginal quality increase over my GH5
  6. I think you made a wise decision, I've decided to just sit this round out. I'm sticking with my 5DIV, C200, GH5 combo with no expectations of there being a truly good hybrid camera this time around. My last hope is for Panasonic to release a GH6 so that I can upgrade my GH5 but that will be for video only, so still not a hybrid. Maybe in 2yrs or so Canon will release a Mark II, I can't imagine them letting a disaster like this hang around for 4yrs, and hopefully by that time the world will have returned to normal as well.
  7. I loved the idea of switching my entire kit over to an EVA1, S1H, and S1 but I couldn't do it; I feel like the L mount is DOA, the lens selection is still nearly non existent and expensive, and of course AF is nowhere to be found. I would love to take Panasonic seriously for photography but I just can't and my current system works too well to spend $30K to lose lens selection and AF just to gain a few video features. Given the big R5 and R6 disappointments I love my 5DIV, C200, GH5 combo even more; its far from perfect and is a weird mix of different shortcomings (5DIV no IBIS, terrible 4K codec, GH5 terrible highlight rolloff, no AF, bad color science, useless for pictures, C200 A cam only, no 10 bit, too big and bulky for gimbal work), but together I can do just about any job that comes my way (lets not forget various drones and GoPro for underwater work). The good news is Canon managed to make so many major screw ups with both the R5 and R6 that they have helped me to better appreciate the reliability and capabilities of my current gear. With all of that said, if Panasonic did release a GH6 with DPAF and 4K120 I probably would replace the GH5 with the GH6.
  8. Apparently the 1DXIII is the last time Canon truly cared about stability so they went the very safe route with it and kept everything well below it's overheating limits. Even though it is larger, it has even more weather sealing than the R5 so more than likely even it might overheat at 4K120FPS, of course since it does not have IBIS maybe it could handle 4K120FPS without overheating. Another thing people don't seem to be talking about with all these cameras is what damage is done to the internals when they regularly overheat or run that hot? Overheating that often can't be good for the circuit boards and I would imagine strange and inexplicable problems will show up prematurely in those cameras but right after the warranty has expired.
  9. Skin tones and colors is why I really want a Canon product to work for me. My GH5 takes so much work in post to get the skin tones right...and if there is a hot spot from lighting forget about it. My 5DIV has incredible skin tones and highlight rolloff I can only imagine the R5 and R6.....but the overheating problem really killed it for me. If I can't completely replace my GH5 with the R5 or R6 then I'm not going to get one; and right now there is no way I would trust either of them to do what my GH5 does. I would love to reduce my kit to a C200 for long form, R5 for photography, and R6 for B-cam and hybrid photo/video shoots....but it looks like I'll need to wait on the Mark II versions for that to happen and knowing Canon that could be 4yrs from now.
  10. What part of overheating has to do with specs? You can't even shoot 480p if your camera has overheated. If I cared about specs I would have been interested in the R5 just because it has the larger 45MP sensor. To me dual card slot recording, true hybrid capability (50/50 photo/video), reliability, and AF for gimbal work are more important than specs. Of course maybe you just meant in general at which point I agree with you; if Canon had released reliable 4K120FPS, dual card slot recording, no recording limit time limit, and reliable cut off limits for 4K120fps that were not thermal related I'd have pre-ordered the R5 or R6 (whichever provided this capability). As it stands now, I'm going to sit back and enjoy my 5DIV, C200, and GH5 for at least 2 more years until the dust settles.
  11. The Tilta option is a complete joke..that's just not how thermodynamics works....the first problem is it is a weather sealed body, blowing ambient temp air onto the outside of a weather sealed body doesn't make it cool down any faster. The second problem is that the fan needs power, the sound will get picked up by any mic, you would only be able to use it away from your face and good luck if you are a woman trying to keep your hair from being pulled into the fan. Most importantly nothing about that design actually draws heat away from the body......typically you have cooling fins and a fan that draws cooler air across the fins which takes the heat away from the heat source. This is more like putting on a space suit and walking through the Sahara desert while a fan blows on the outside of your space helmet....totally useless.
  12. The Osmo will probably be better for your uses, and the good news is if you buy it used you still aren't giving DJI any of your money :). I hadn't heard about the bugs in the 7, I had a Hero 3 sitting in my drawer for years and the only reason I upgraded was due to the Hypersmooth feature. If DJI hadn't pissed me off I probably would have gotten the Osmo.
  13. I know you said the GoPro is out of your budget but I do love my Hero8 and Hypersmooth 2.0 is incredible. I only use mine for underwater footage since the case alone for my main camera would have cost more than a GoPro 8 with a waterproof case. I don't know how Hypersmooth compares to the Osmo but for my uses stability is very important. I shoot it with a flat profile at 4K60FPS and it grades really well as underwater footage. There might be some used Hero7s that are within your budget, and I read that Hypersmooth 1.0 in the Hero7 is almost as good. I don't know anything about their software, it probably isn't very good, I bring my footage right from the memory card into Davinci Resolve for editing. Here is a pretty good stabilization side by side review and it looks like the Osmo holds its own. When I was deciding between the Osmo and the GoPro the Osmo left a bad taste in my mouth strictly because of DJI's terrible support. I was on their forums and said something critical about one of their products and they banned me from posting after that. So yea....I'm not DJI's biggest fan.
  14. That is not exactly correct either...Canon did not mention overheating for those modes at 23C. At 35C here in FL it probably wouldn't even take pictures.
  15. I think everyone kind of expected that to be no more than a disclaimer and that in the real world it wouldn't really be that bad. I definitely wouldn't have taken the R6 as my only camera on a shoot like that either but I can see why he did. Actually, knowing what I know now I know the R6 is not even a camera I will use let alone own due to my video needs.
  16. Very disappointed, it looks like I'll need to wait another 2yrs for a Canon hybrid gimbal camera. No way am I touching the R6 the way it is now. It is clearly photography first and video if you are doing a documentary in the Antarctic. So far this camera seems worse than the EOS R for video at least the EOS R doesn't overheat, and I'll take a single card slot and horrible FN bar any day over a dead camera.
  17. I've lost interest in all things Canon at the moment...due to reports like this: https://www.C5D.com/canon-eos-r6-review-first-look-with-footage-serious-limitation-doubtful-video-tool/
  18. For me that camera is DOA if that is how it performs in the real world. My GH5 has NEVER overheated and it regularly shoots after sitting in a 120 degree car, in hot direct Florida sunlight and nearly always at 4K60FPS.
  19. I doubt it would, does the 1DX III have worse DR than the XT3? DXO Mark shows the 1DX III has 14.5 stops...the XT3 is probably around the 12 stop mark.
  20. I don't do many weddings (not my thing) but when I do, the camera doesn't come off its strap and off my shoulder until the wedding is over and I never take the cards out for the whole event. I own just the 5DIV for photography and rent a second body when needed for events. The rental fee is in the invoice for the project. If the project is too small to afford the rental fee then my backup body is my timelapse camera a good old Canon Rebel T6s. With that said, I've never had a single failure in my 5DIV in 4yrs and my 5DIII for the 4yrs before that so not one Canon body failure in 8yrs.
  21. That is very odd, Resolve completely chokes on H.265 out of the GoPro, but I think that is LongGOP. I haven't tried H.265 out of the drones, that's probably LongGOP as well. What is your source camera? I kept building faster and faster machines and finally gave up and just create proxies for most of my footage now.
  22. I'm with you, I never do either, but the GoPro is a new addition and I haven't yet ordered storage for it...definitely not surprised at the corruption but it did remind me why I like dual recording. If the R6 can survive a 95F 100% humidity day with 4K60FPS clips throughout the day and a mixture of photography as well then it could still work for me. So many factors make a thermal issue so unpredictable. H.265 from the GoPro is really painful to edit, I create proxies for all drone and GoPro footage. Even my GH5 I have to create proxies for if I'm doing much more than simple cuts. I do like how little IPB and LongGOP use for storage but the tradeoff is definitely editing pain.
  23. It's kind of funny, I just had a corrupted microSD card two days ago, only my 4th time encountering it. This was from a GoPro so I had no redundancy. Surprisingly in Windows 10 the Chkdsk /F command fixed the card; the file table was missing. While I was on the job I pulled the microSD card from the drone and put it in the GoPro and the GoPro must have corrupted it. I typically never do that and always format first using the gear that will write to the card but a storm was coming in and I didn't have time to backup the footage to the laptop then format the card in the GoPro. One of my favorite features is dual slot recording, even though my drones and GoPro don't have it, their footage is typically easy to reshoot if needed anyway. Now though more reports are coming in that the R6 really does overheat during normal use so just when I almost rationalized one card recording....the overheating issue comes back to the forefront. If it turns out that overheating really is a common thing for the R6 then it is definitely a no go for me. I am interested to see if moving the batteries to a battery grip will help the issue at all. I think the IPB codec is not as bad as people are making it sound, I shoot LongGOP with the GH5 for smaller projects and no one notices or cares; YouTube does far worse to any footage than any modern camera. In the video below one guy talks quite a bit about the differences and reaches the same conclusion that I did years ago...no one will really notice the difference unless you are shooting a Hollywood blockbuster; even some of those have been shot on GoPros and iPhones:
  24. I'm too disappointed to buy either one. Until Canon removes that ridiculous 30min recording limit and offers backup video recording neither of these cameras can replace my GH5. If they do add backup recording and remove the time limit from the R6 and the thermal issues prove to be not as bad as it sounds then I'll probably at a minimum get two R6's to replace the GH5 and maybe an R5 to replace the 5DIV.
  25. I love the DPAF on my 5DIV and couldn't believe how natural the AF looked and it is probably light years behind the R5 and R6. The AF on my C200 which also uses DPAF is great as well. I am sure the R5 and R6 will be even better. I didn't even discover my 5DIV's video capabilities until I went on an overseas vacation and did not want to lug around my GH5 and 5DIV so I only took the 5DIV for pictures. So mid vacation I decided to record a few short clips and the quality blew me away. I started out in MF since that's what I'm used to but there was too much fast moving action so I switched to AF just to see how bad it would be and it was like rediscovering AF all over again. Then I got back home from the vacation and it was like rediscovering Canon's color science all over again. Mind you this is all just 1080P since I will never record in the 5DIV's horrible MJPEG, I can't imagine what 4K out of the R5 or R6 will look like.
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