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Posts posted by Skip77

  1. 9 minutes ago, Emanuel said:

    You say. Nothing more : ) Who here is against such pride? Where's my bias? To care about America in a different way of your perspective? Where I put America and Trump in the same basket when I'm saying exactly the opposite?!

    What the hell you know where I lived or grew up? Because I spell US other than U.S.? LOL It should be that the case or my non-native English? haha


    I am biased because I focus the world other than US and you don't give a damn for the rest of planet?! ; )

    I answered to you that unemployment is a general problem beyond American economy.

    And I think my post with the nonfarm payroll chart for the last decade or Clinton's record job creation (22.7 million) says a bit about the leftover already posted in the pages back. Please go there and read them again, maybe they can enlighten you better : -)



    Please stop talking about the U.S. economy. You're biased toward the U.S. and it's obvious. 

    I'm also not going to play political games with you because I don't and because you don't live here. I care about the whole planet sure I do. I can't comment much about other countries because unless I live there or am really connected to other countries then I don't know anything about what it's like and living in those other countries. I'll run my mouth about my country all I want but not other countries.

    I'm also smarter then you because I know what polls or data is written and what political gain is trying to be reached with each report. 

    In the U.S.A. the economy is doing well. 

    6 minutes ago, Mokara said:

    Not heard of tariffs imposed in the name of "national security"?

    What country do you live in or are you from?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Mokara said:

    Since the US is actively trying to pull my countries economy down for no obvious reason other than it might somehow benefit the US economy, I would beg to differ. Maybe if you lived somewhere else you might see things more clearly.

    Enlighten me then. How is the U.S. trying to pull your countries economy down?

  3. 1 minute ago, Mokara said:

    So? Unemployment rates in many European countries are at the same level. It has nothing to do with Trump's policies. Economic performance in the US has steadily improved from the Republican's 2008 economic crash, and that has been due to Obama's economic polices. Trump has been claiming credit for what Obama did. US performance right now is a result of the Obama years, not Trump's policies. It usually takes a considerable length of time for a particular president's policies to start manifesting itself on the economy, normally you have to wait 4 -8 years for that to happen.

    For example, the economy was great during Clinton's tenure, but really it was mostly due to pragmatic decisions Bush Senior made, although he never got credit for it and got voted out of office before his policies started to yield results.

    Did I say who was responsible for the 3.9% unemployment rate?  No I didn't.  

    You don't live in the U.S either do you?

    1 minute ago, webrunner5 said:

    I really don't think you want me to go into the fine details of it. Might be a bit embarrassing for a lot of people on here.

    Oh, please do.......... in fact let's make a documentary about it.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Emanuel said:

    What riddles? There's no riddles. Or you see anything plain dumb or simple on here? I just see the audience who supports Trump to be the most inarticulate and narrowest episode of human mind history of last decades. Unemployment is a matter of many variables, there's no B&W to see. And not an exclusive of US ; ) What's hard to find out from such equations?

    You refuse to answer the question. Unemployment rate has always been the benchmark of economy in the U.S. The only time it's dumped on is for political reasons. 

    I'm talking about your view on the U.S. and not one person... You can't seem to separate you views about the U.S. and that one person? Why? You are biased and you're showing it.

    If you lived or grew up in the U.S. you would know that we are all Americans and whoever is in office doesn't make us who we are. I'm proud to be an American and he has nothing to do with who's in office. 

    3 minutes ago, Mokara said:

    Most of it stems from arrogance and the assumption that the US way of life is better than everything else, something they are not shy about saying. If you live in another country obviously this is not going to go down well. Attempts to impose US authority and jurisdiction in other countries is also not well received for obvious reasons. If some other country did the same thing to the US there would be an almighty outcry in America. Why do Americans think foreign countries would react in a different way?

    What county in this thread is the one being attacked? Did I call out the U.K or another country? Every county has issues and China has gotten support over the U.S. in this thread and you can call that anything you like but that ass backwards. You guys don't have a clue and have no idea who's the enemy and who's the friend. 

  5. 48 minutes ago, Emanuel said:

    My charts and data quoted are real numbers. Sources are clear. Nothing is obscure there. If they don't fit you or your perspective, well, that's something you need to find out why...

    I didn't say I live in US, the same way you wrongly inferred I am against America or yet perhaps the same basis for your own beliefs about Trump from his filthy propaganda?

    I only said I am deeply connected with US. I really am. You won't find any bias from me towards this country other than my concern about the situation of America in every ways. I even wrote "what affects America, affects the world" and it was not the only quote of mine in the same class.


    So, half America who did not vote Trump, the most part of American citizens from a non-democratic US Electoral College BTW (where's the principle 'one citizen, one vote' ?) it is also to be wrong about America? ; -)

    What bothers you about 3.9% unemployment in the U.S.? and don't talk in riddles this time.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Emanuel said:

    Oh God, what silly nonsense is that?? Where did you get anything from my posts to read such lack of perspective? Read them again, OK...?!


    @webrunner5 I hope that approval vote up there on his remark is just about the first phrase written with that post, the only part I can subscribe (but) when due.


    Other than that, it is mere insulting, maybe just coming from an extreme and careless input of an idle reader, in any case, the problem of a few of you here is that totalitarian premise primary to whom is not with me, it is against me... Too poor, much mindless attitude.


    So for a couple of you, America is for Trump and the Trumpists, is that so?

    Because the only fussy propaganda existent for the subject matter is this usual approach to distort facts and boldly call them 'fake news' in the end.

    The only reality that I know is the work I have made in the US. More than a feature movie so far. This is my America but yours too, whether you like it or not... America is not Trump! (E : -)

    If I'm wrong about how you feel about the U.S. then my bad. Unemployment is 3.9% and that's all it is. Not sure where the charts and graphs and charts you keep posting about comes from. I was born in this country and love my country. Why bring up Trump? That's a total clueless out of touch with America comment from you. Very stereotypical  and expected of you. 

    How can you live in the U.S. and have it so wrong about the U.S.?

  7. 1 hour ago, webrunner5 said:

    It is not a new thing I can tell you that. When I was in the service in the 60's there were a lot of hatred for America in most foreign countries I was in. And I was in a lot of them. I think a lot of it was jealously then, and probably a fear of loosing their identity, becoming Westernized added to it. I can see both points at the time. Now, not so sure. Trump hatred I guess. And well hell, easy to blame someone else for your failures also.

    Personally from the time I was young I think the whole world is going to shit. Sure some economic gain in some poor countries, but there is more unrest in the world now than there ever was in my lifetime. Just a lot of good, old, hate. The best days are over for most countries. And it ain't coming back anytime soon, if ever.

    God Bless you for your service. My grandfather has 3 Purple Hearts and is buried at Arlington. I'm surprised by the love for China. It's the good guy bad guy thing and the USA is not the bad guy. If the America is the bad guy then who the hell is the good guys? 

  8. 36 minutes ago, newfoundmass said:

    We rarely find out in real time what cameras are being used on major film projects. So yeah, it takes time to hear about it. Again though, I don't think you actually care, given your overall argument is dumb when you've got Soderbergh using iPhone's to shoot multiple features in 2019.

    Perhaps @John Brawleycan share some info on the Pocket4K's usage, given I believe he has been using it?

    The P4K is great and I love the footage. You didn't read my comment that old timer cine guys don't buy into new gear like the P4K. That's the reason the P4K won't be used. 

  9. 21 minutes ago, newfoundmass said:

    There's literally an entire section of the BMD site dedicated their press releases that discuss their cameras being used on projects. 

    And no cameras are mentioned as being used in those productions.

    “Siberia” DP Eric Koretz used a Micro Studio Camera 4K with a Video Assist 4K, as well as DaVinci Resolve and a DaVinci Resolve Micro Panel for testing different looks on-set;


    You might want to read before you post. 

    1 minute ago, newfoundmass said:

    Again, you only brought up "A-cam" in response to my original response, re: these cameras being used on professional productions. Literally no one has argued that it's being used as an A camera on projects. You're now just being willfully dishonest, adding qualifiers to your statement that weren't originally there. 

    Given its still relatively new, and the time it takes for the information to get out, there's little info outside of what's on BMD's website, as far as the Pocket 4K is concerned. However here major productions that used the original Pocket, which was $999 (under your $1250 threshold):

    Don’t Breathe (2016)

    Jason Bourne (2016)

    Avengers: Age of Ultron   (2015)

    I imagine we'll see several films have been using the Pocket 4K before long. 

    Not that any of this matters, given your arrogance and generally shitty attitude. 

    And for the 2nd time we are talking 2019 and the P4K.  

    And nice to use the "give it time" card because we know how that works. 

    You guys like to argue on both sides don't ya? 

    The reason the P4K will not be used for a while is because of old timers that refuse to think out of the box. It's not the image quality of the P4K but the people in the industry that think old school and don't embrace new technology. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, newfoundmass said:

    You literally ignored every thing I wrote, including examples, that show you're wrong. In fact, your entire argument, which I reiterate is dumb, has changed from "no one will use these cameras for professional productions" to "no one will use these as A cams." 

    What does "bigger budget" even mean??? That's such a blanket statement. $2,000,000 is "bigger budget" work for a lot of people. 

    All you need to do is go through Blackmagic's old press releases to see the projects that used the original pocket, since BMD promoted pretty much every project that uses a product of theirs, to see that these cameras get used on major projects, including on an Avengers film, A cam or not. 

    Nope you're wrong again. My original comment was "If it's professional and matters and has a budget no way will the client be ok with the P4K as the A camera. You'll get laughed off the set by your hired guns on your crew."    

    See the "no way will the client be ok with the P4K as the A camera."? Yeah I see it also. Go look it up in the post I made earlier. 

    We are talking about the P4K and not any other BM product and not any other year. And the pocket cinema camera blown up in a truck is not your A cam or anything close to it. 

    Go ahead an provide the list of top productions tv, commercial or movies that is using the P4K and back up your statement. 

  11. 1 hour ago, webrunner5 said:

    You just look more stupid every time something comes out of your mouth. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about this stuff.

    I know more then you do and you're the guy pimping old 1080p camcorders to people. 

    I never said the P4K didn't have amazing image quality, ever. But I did use the same analogy that you used on me about important jobs with real budgets the use real cine cameras and gear.  I'm on real productions and talk to real production crews and Black Magic is never the first choice and the P4K is laughed at if it's ever mentioned about bringing it on set.

    So instead of talking in riddles and sung the word ass every three sentences try and add some substance to the conversations. You say absolutely nothing but insults all day long. Oh, wait you did use the word "crushed blacks one time". 

    Do us a favor: Put up a list of real productions that use the P4K and I'll give you all the credit in the world for backing up what you say. 

  12. 44 minutes ago, newfoundmass said:

    You're using falty logic to try and prove your silly point. No, the next Marvel film isn't going to use the Pocket4K as their A cam. No one is claiming otherwise. 

    If you don't think there are productions going on right now that are using the Pocket4K, the GH5/GH5s, etc. then your definition of "professional" is incredibly narrow.

    Alex Ferrari shot a feature film last year on the original pocket. Hell Soderbergh has used an iPhone to shoot two feature films! But yeah, professionals aren't going to use smaller sensor cameras for professional projects. 

    You're talking out of your ass. Again. Unless you're on that set you have no idea what is being used to shoot it. 

    I know for a fact the p4K is not used on BMW commercials. You guys talk down on the Z6 and anything but a big production cine camera is used on REAL professional productions and when I say the same thong about the P4K you get triggered. 

    I don't disagree that the Z6 would be laughed of the set but the P4K with speedboater and limitations would be laughed off any important set as the A camera. BMW would not allow the P4K to be used as the A camera. 

    When you get into bigger budgets everything is vetted and approved and NO ONE will risk reputation to put a $1,295 camera as the A camera. 

  13. 1 hour ago, webrunner5 said:

    I don't think you have a clue how Patents work.

    You responded to no-one. I think the majority agree the press conference is not goin to be the EVA to L mount. You always go against the grain for some odd grumpy reason.


    1 minute ago, Video Hummus said:

    And yet you can shoot a professional film or short or Indy film with a P4K and no one will care if the story is good.

    As @webrunner5 would say " you can't shoot it on your ass with your iPhone and no one would care".  On set the P4K will get laughed off the set. No one is shooting the next BMW commercial on the P4K.

  14. 1 hour ago, newfoundmass said:

    The success of the Pocket4K should tell you all you need to know on whether there's room for M43 cameras in professional productions. 

    No it doesn't. What P4K does the echo system work with?  And NO again on professional productions. If it's professional and matters and has a budget no way will the client be ok with the P4K as the A camera. You'll get laughed off the set by your hired guns on your crew.

    1 minute ago, webrunner5 said:

    It is because Panasonic can sell more L lenses, why would they just keep the EVA1 as a EF mount when they now have their own lenses to sell.

    Because you provide an adapter for the EVA to L. No way is this press conference for the EVA to L mount. 

  15. 1 hour ago, TheBoogieKnight said:

    From all the tests I've seen online (and I've seen a fair bit as I'm in the market and looking at both), the quality is comparable (of course the S1 has HLG etc. but ignoring that). The S1 does however really pulls ahead at high ISOs. It looks almost 2 stops better at the top end in the comparisons I've seen. I'd love to know why this is since they're using similar sensors. Perhaps it's just better/different noise reduction on the S1 but I feel there's more to it than that.


    Still don't know what I'm buying!


    I don't have a storage of Nikon glass but Nikon was the first to the table with 10bit 4K with no crop and the IBIS was great so it worked for me. 

    Nikon said the Z6 or Z series would not have cine features or go towards that market. But we know the Atomos take on the additional features to some degree.

    The Lumix Cine looks promising to bridge the gap and change old school cine ways. 

    44 minutes ago, andjo said:

    Since Alicia is a EVA1 user, I'm guessing they are just moving that line to l-mount instead. Seems like the most logical thing they would do. So much interesting cameras in the pipeline right now with the z-cam ff series, a7s iii and now this. This one I think will be way out of my ballpark sadly, but one can hope!

    Why would they need a press conference if they were just moving the EVA to L mount?

  16. 2 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    I think image quality is already so good in 10bit on the S1 for $2k... They will have to do something different with the Cinema version for it to justify greater cost.


    If you pixel peep this frame from my S1 for example it's hard to see where what exactly is so bad about it that we need a $6000 version!

    How does this compare to the Z6 ? 

  17. 4 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    I just can't think if it is a true Cine Camera where it can fit in and not kill some other video centric camera Panasonic has?? Not unless it is a new L mount EVA1 mk II.

    This is going to be the S - series cinema camera. It's a L mount lens push that bridges the gap. Think GH5 features in the S1 body with L mount glass. All this is FF and gives Panasonic the road map to go FF cinema camera next to the EVA in the future. 

    Panasonic is smart. They see cine shooters won't go wit the S1 because of features but don't won't to limit L-glass just to the S1 series. 

    I told you the road map for cine cameras was full frame. This is from Hollywood and not my take on Nikon.  

    This is also a great move because you get the cine features you were talking about along side the hybrid camera body. This is kinda out doing what BMP4K has done. Cine is not going m4/3 and moving backwards. 

    4 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    I am very impressed with the 10bit H.265 codec in the S1. It looks laughable because of the small file sizes and bitrate (72mbit H.265 = 144mbit H.264) but actually it's surprisingly close to the look of ProRes on my BMPC4K. It also looks less compressed than Sony's 100Mbit codec and more in keeping with a good 140Mbit H.265 4K file... That is close to 10bit ProRes Proxy in terms of the compression (Proxy is 150Mbit in 4K 25p)... But as it's not an ALL-I codec, it doesn't need as high a bitrate to look as good.

    Try it, and you will be surprised.

    S1 beats the BMPC4K for sensor size and lowlight... not to mention powering the damn thing... and all the extra stuff you get like the massive high res EVF and 5 axis IBIS.

    How dose the Z6 compare to the S1 in 10 bit performance and how do you think 12bit RAW on the Z6 will look? I actually love what Panasonic is doing on with the S1 and hopefully this new cine please will be in this product line.


  18. 6 hours ago, kye said:

    Interesting.  Do we think it's a FF EVA equivalent, higher price/performance, or lower in the range?

    I'd imagine that it would make sense in a lineup that also contains the GH6.

    The GH6 is not FF

    1 hour ago, SR said:

    BMP4K has killed my interests in finding another dslr-type cinema camera. But I wouldn't mind an S1R type (crazy high megapixel) that does 10bit video (highly improbable).

    The S1R is going to be able to do 10 bit video with it's update, I think.

  19. 7 hours ago, liork said:

    Your claims are on a kindergarten level... and if you want to talk facts, then Sony is now number 2 on a world wide level while Nikon dropped to number 3:


    Anyway, who gives a fxxx about these figures? Are you a major shareholder in Nikon or Sony?

    My claims are the same chart that was updated into April that was pushed in my face that Nikon sales were down. You need to also call out @webrunner5 as being the first kindergartener on the block.

  20. 6 hours ago, liork said:

    Your claims are on a kindergarten level... and if you want to talk facts, then Sony is now number 2 on a world wide level while Nikon dropped to number 3:


    Anyway, who gives a fxxx about these figures? Are you a major shareholder in Nikon or Sony?

    And your facts are based on what? Nikon is #2 and that hasn't changed. 

  21. 8 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    Pretty amazing stuff, but at the end of the video I think his thoughts apply to not only Photography, but also Video. 95% of the thing is thinking ahead, not just pushing the button and hoping.

    And yeah, for @Skip77  it was shot on a Nikon lol.  ?


    Great photography and photographer.  

    His planning is great but he has the "find the shot or get THE ONE shot" mentality that photographers and cinematographers don't have. He doesn't know what's going to happen when shooting elephants or other animals but he's not leaving till he gets that one perfect shot. 

    Lots' of photographers and cinematographers have not clue what that means. 

  22. 3 hours ago, Geoff_L said:

    Personal ? Man, you started accusing me of seeing the sky falling etc. when I was just pointing facts.
    You say sh*t and I try to answer logically... This post was readable since the beginning : you can even browse back to my several joyful messages of hands-on and first experiences. But you don't care, your blindness only see that I dared to point 1 or 2 minor facts that, in your view, equals to attack your sort of worshiped god camera. Go check them, I got quite some likes by others because I gave my really positive feelings concerning this camera. The rest is in your awful way of translating everybody's post. And then, you came out of nowhere, attacking everybody that dared to argue something and question the camera.

    Yes, I used an hyperbola and exaggerating concerning the prices, as you probably do in the everyday life, like, when you can't lift something : "oh, it must weighs a ton"... Then I've provided you some links, that you ignore and give me back links on ebay.com to illustrate that ; while explaining that it is just annoying me for my selling... I never pulled a conclusion out of that, saying the sky is collapsing, as you are implying.  I live in France, and buy locally. WTF you want me to do with ebay in the USA ? Even with ebay.fr, which can be tough to deal with, when you can use established forum and selling platforms that are used by quite a lot of persons on a daily basis (27 000 000 ads for the second link, right now), like the ones I provided you links.

    So, I response to you absolutely illogical and disturbing non stop writings. Don't bring the stupid last word argument. Go browse back and check every time you've attacked everybody, defending for whatever ill reasons a camera nobody destroyed.

    Put that in head : I like Nikon, always had, even if it went through shit situations (D600, D750, D800...). I loved my Z6 too. Have to sell it. Prices are falling here quite quickly with evidences. There is nothing bad in that, just annoyances for sellers. The rest, you pull it out of your imagination. Plus, I provided some sort of hands-on mini reviews, with extra positive feeling. Where are yours ? Can you do that, or can you only defend it by attacking Sony, Canon and Panasonic ?

    Let the post start again, for people that want to learn stuff about this camera. We need users, not a ready to jump paladin.

    "Either you are mentally ill and your paranoïa is altering your judgment and brain functions," --------

    ^^^^^^ This was your post you made to directly and you say you're not getting personal? You actually compare this to my sky is falling comment? Dude give me a break. I defended Nikon based on your comments alone. I never said you didn't like Nikon or the Z6 so stop telling me to look back about what you posted. 

    Post a reply if its not past your bedtime.

    3 hours ago, Geoff_L said:

    Personal ? Man, you started accusing me of seeing the sky falling etc. when I was just pointing facts.
    You say sh*t and I try to answer logically... This post was readable since the beginning : you can even browse back to my several joyful messages of hands-on and first experiences. But you don't care, your blindness only see that I dared to point 1 or 2 minor facts that, in your view, equals to attack your sort of worshiped god camera. Go check them, I got quite some likes by others because I gave my really positive feelings concerning this camera. The rest is in your awful way of translating everybody's post. And then, you came out of nowhere, attacking everybody that dared to argue something and question the camera.

    Yes, I used an hyperbola and exaggerating concerning the prices, as you probably do in the everyday life, like, when you can't lift something : "oh, it must weighs a ton"... Then I've provided you some links, that you ignore and give me back links on ebay.com to illustrate that ; while explaining that it is just annoying me for my selling... I never pulled a conclusion out of that, saying the sky is collapsing, as you are implying.  I live in France, and buy locally. WTF you want me to do with ebay in the USA ? Even with ebay.fr, which can be tough to deal with, when you can use established forum and selling platforms that are used by quite a lot of persons on a daily basis (27 000 000 ads for the second link, right now), like the ones I provided you links.

    So, I response to you absolutely illogical and disturbing non stop writings. Don't bring the stupid last word argument. Go browse back and check every time you've attacked everybody, defending for whatever ill reasons a camera nobody destroyed.

    Put that in head : I like Nikon, always had, even if it went through shit situations (D600, D750, D800...). I loved my Z6 too. Have to sell it. Prices are falling here quite quickly with evidences. There is nothing bad in that, just annoyances for sellers. The rest, you pull it out of your imagination. Plus, I provided some sort of hands-on mini reviews, with extra positive feeling. Where are yours ? Can you do that, or can you only defend it by attacking Sony, Canon and Panasonic ?

    Let the post start again, for people that want to learn stuff about this camera. We need users, not a ready to jump paladin.

    I posted videos I shot with the Z6 and not many replies. A few on here jack up comments if they have an opening so I'll not no replies as a good thing. 

    Part of defending is not just posting a comment but by showing case studies and you mention the "recall" even though it's a service advisory so I posted issues Sony and Panasonic had that they never fixed. Knowledge is good right, you bash Nikon then do the same to the other companies. You started it with your sky is falling rant. lol

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