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Posts posted by Skip77

  1. 50 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

    The Sony a7 II is nearly outselling the Z6, the mk II not the III. Yeah sure Nikon is really killing it aren't they. Read and weep.


    It comes down to cost of the A7II and the echo system people have. It also comes down to Nikon being a NEW system to everyone even to Nikon owners.

    Funny how the work I produced kept your trap shut and a big mouth like you would love to jack down comments if I posted bad Z6 footage.

    Other and maybe you posted that Nikon doesn't do firmware updates and don't hold my breath on any updates from Nikon. Well v2.0 hit the streets and worked like advertised. 

    I don't see the bad performance from the Z6 or the bad rap Nikon has right now because the proof from the camera shuts up guys like you. Nikon and Atomos said 12 bit RAW is coming from Nikon.  

    31 minutes ago, KnightsFan said:

    Nikon would be nuts to bank on outselling Sony with their 1st generation. I'm sure they are looking long term towards building an ecosystem as they gradually win over new customers as they look to upgrade their A7III's in a few years time. The Z6/7 was all about getting their name out there. And in that sense, they got their name out before the flood from Canon and Panasonic, yet they waited until they could output RAW video with their first model. No one expected floods of people to immediately jumping ship from Sony or from their DSLRs, Nikon just needed to get their name out so that anyone upgrading in the next two or three years has "Nikon" on their radar.

    Cheap used Z6's are probably good for Nikon long term. Whether people buy in at list price or used for peanuts, they still need lenses and future bodies.

    When 12 bit RAW comes out for the Z6 it's going to be a game changer because it makes Sony and Canon up the specs and serious videographers are going to use the A7III for video production. 

    The fallout for Sony will be all the A7III's hitting the re-sale used market because they specs on the A7SIII will show everyone how much Sony's been holding back.

    1 hour ago, webrunner5 said:

    The Sony a7 II is nearly outselling the Z6, the mk II not the III. Yeah sure Nikon is really killing it aren't they. Read and weep.


    That list is 2 months old.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Geoff_L said:

    Either you are mentally ill and your paranoïa is altering your judgment and brain functions, or your love affair/carnal passion with the z6 distort your capacity to process information and makes you attacking even the person who said they love too your "precious" half...

    I answered you with facts. Period. And, again, it is not because I point reality with facts, with links, and I open your eyes concerning nikon recents failures, that I am a Nikon hater. You behavior is seriously disturbing.

    So, you won't read, again, but it will be my last try, after that... it will be like arguing with a flat earther or chemtrails believer :

    - I loved my z6, better than my D90, D600/610, D7200 and 750.

    - For stills, I prefer Nikon than Canon or Fuji that I tried

    - Prices of z6 are quickly falling : you asked me links, I gave it to you (and you ignore it cause it does not serve you false version of reality)

    - I just point that cause I have to sell mine with regrets, and it is annoying. Where in that I show a sign of feeling the sky is falling ?

    - You will answer for the 526th time : "but Sony and panasonic blablabla"

    - Earth is sadly not flat

    What with the personal shots dude?

    Go look at the link I posted from Ebay and the Z6 - Z7 are holding there value.  No other way to interrupt that fact. 

    Your story about a guy that sold his when he was desperate and behind the dumpster mean nothing. 

    You already exaggerated the "half the original value" so you're an exaggerator of the truth. 

    You're comments and exaggerations about Nikon and the price drop and everything else does come off as the sky is falling because you keep on and keep apologizing for exaggerating but continue to say the price has dropped further then it actually has. 

    Here's a clue. Don't respond to my comments if you don't want a response. You're like the girl in the relationship that want to get the last word in. Give it a rest.



  3. 3 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

    Nikon will be out of business before Raw happens.

    No they won't.  Canon and Nikon own the market right now.  "In DSLRs, Canon was 1st with a 57.4% market share. Nikon and Ricoh (which makes Pentax DSLRs) came in 2nd and 3rd with 39.3% and 3.1%, respectively.Canon and Nikon together command a staggering 96.7% of Japanese DSLR sales — a duopoly."

    The market right now is Canon, Nikon and Sony. Besides your ass where are you getting your info?

    I suspect you've worked on some cool projects and know your shit but you don't know the hybrid market and get all you info from You Tube.  

    People are holding onto the gear they bought and getting by until the next jump in tech comes out. Video is what pushed people into mirrorless and new gear. S1 and Z6, Z7 are the only cameras that will do 10 bit and 12 bit RAW in full frame. Until Sony catches up people are waiting. 

    Nikon's not going anywhere. If you think Nikon was counting on Z'series body sales to keep the company alive you are really out of touch.



  4. 3 hours ago, Geoff_L said:


    At first I thought  "Oh please, someone help me...". Then, I was laughing. Seriously, this is my last answer to you.

    Here are two links. Sorry, I won't browse every selling places. I'm a also in 2 facebook Nikon selling group. What I said is what I see on a daily basis on many selling places, as I'm trying to sell mine since 2 weeks.

    The first one is on a famous French forum : https://forum.hardware.fr/hfr/AchatsVentes/Photo-Audio-Video/nikon-nissin-di700a-sujet_721010_1.htm

    Z6 + 24-70S + XQD 64gb + a second original battery, bought on the 5th of January. The guy sold it 2070€ two weeks ago  (in its ad, he initially proposed 2150€ with a flash NISSIN DI700A). The body is in perfect condition with only 789 clicks. You can google translate it. Yes, the FTZ is not present, but as it now sells almost for free in kit...

    On amazon.fr, the Z6 + FTZ was, some days ago, less expensive (slightly) than the Z6 BODY ONLY. Now, there is only a 50€ difference between both (in favor of the body only).

    Another one : https://www.leboncoin.fr/image_son/1614925861.htm/

    Z6 + 24-70 + XQD 64gb. Never opened. 2000€


    Do I ask you why you, again, bring on the table both the GH5 and the EOS-R ? No, I won't, have enough lost my time.

    Enjoy your Z6 but, do yourself a favor : take gear and brand less seriously...

    I can't and we can't translate those prices and again the sky is falling and you keep apologizing and then posting the same sorrow. I'm sorry you have to sale your gear but you've jumped into the "I hate Nikon" group for the odd reason that you can't sell your gear. Selling used gear is not for everyone and I actually bought my Z6 used with 50 f1.8 for 2K two months ago. The seller needed the money and made me a great offer. 

    The A9 is $1,200 off it'e retail price and the Gh5 has dropped how much? And yes Nikon has made some bad choices and they have to deal with long tongue liars making false claims about a camera they never used or just to hurt the Nikon brand. 

    Ebay listings - https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.Xnikon+z6.TRS0&_nkw=nikon+z6&_sacat=0

    The Z6 is holding it's new price and does not reflect your comments. 

    7 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

    Silly Rabbit.

    Do some research on the Z6 film makers kit. 

    I'll see you in the Shooting RAW forum when the Z6 update comes out. We'll let you in even though your GH5 will never be discussed on those pages. Lol.

  5. 2 hours ago, Django said:

    I'm in NYC right now and considering picking up a Z7 as I need a high MP stills camera (and still have a bit of Nikkor glass). I saw one the other day for $2K !

    This recall BS is kinda giving me second thoughts though. My D750 got recalled twice and I swore never again..

    you guys think Z7 is ok for video?  4K has line skipping right?

    The Z6 is better for video then the Z7 because of no crop on the Z6 and sensor read out. Don't worry about the recall because Nikon is fixing a issue that NO ONE has complained about or even noticed. Nikon has class and Sony and other blame user error or don't even address camera issues. I could create a list but you guys know who's who. One example is the GH5 poor ass AF never got fixed. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Geoff_L said:

    Yes, sorry, I was bit exaggerating with "half".

    But here are some numbers (roughly) : the brand new kit z6 + ftz + 24-70 was somewhere between 2800/3000€ , depending on the shop, at the beginning of December. 5 months later, you can find it used, in "like new" condition, for below 2000€ (but mostly around 2000/2100€). Plus, there is right now rebates that pull down those prices. I find it to be quite a quick fall.
    If I remember well, Andrew wrote in an article that he got troubles selling its Z7, even by cutting a lot the price.

    Anyway, it is really good for buyers ? !

    Post link to these great "like new" sales on the Z series.  What's the price of the GH5 right now or EOS-R? You basically are saying the same-thing that you said sorry for.

  7. 3 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    There was a Tony Northrup video about how many sales Nikon has lost this year, and that they are going to scale back on cameras and put more money into other things they produce. And you have Canon dropping 50% on DSLR sales and that does not bode too well for either of them. I think Canon is so far behind on sensors and processors that they will never catch up now. I don't think cameras down the road are going to be great for Any company to be honest.

    The Nikon news is at the beginning, rest is photo reviews of peoples photos.


    Do you really listen to Tony and his wife? Nikon sales have rebounded after the drop and why listen to people paid by Sony? 

    11 hours ago, Geoff_L said:

    You should try to understand more what people write, and wait a minute or two before answering. Or maybe I was not clear. But, anyway...
    Look, allow me to auto quote myself :

    I loved the camera, period. I have just reacted to the link talking about the potential issue (what Nikon and you name "service advisory").
    The fact that you don't know about the d600 disaster tells a lot about your lack of knowledge concerning Nikon recent history tinted of fails (and greatness like the D850)

    If you had possessed a born dead D600, a  3 times recalled (yes you read it : 3 f*cking recalls !!!!!) D750, you would understand. So, I do not freak out, it's just a natural reaction to Nikon's poor launching of cameras.

    Plus, as I wrote above, I checked on Nikon's website and my unit is not concerns. There is a website for us customers, in order to check if you have to send your potential defective camera. So I used it, and it is OK for me, period. Then, because I know Nikon and am equipped with their cameras since a long time, I just question if this kind of "service advisory" could impact sales and resale value.

    I would keep it if I could. But I am an amateur, and having car troubles , I face difficulties to transport myself to my joyful 9to5. As I wouldn't want to handicap myself in the rat-race (irony of course), I have to sell something to help to pay the cost.

    Anyway, enjoy your z6 (and don't forget to check for service advisory ? ) !

    My cameras not affected. Good luck!

  8. 20 hours ago, Geoff_L said:

    Why are you so harsh with everybody questionning Nikon here ? Seriously,  do something... some weeks ago, you were liking my post and we were both "defending" the z6 by arguing with others here.

    Why are you always answering like we had insulted your family ?!

    And why bringing on Sony ? Man, your 2 sides vision of the camera world "good nikon / bad sony" and your constant attacks are really disturbing.. go treat yourself seriously.

    For the record, I had Nikon D90, D600/D610,D5200, D7200, and Z6.

    You wanna compare ? Oh, and I can add my girlfriend's D750 and apsc bodies...

    Wanna talk about the d600 plague ? Nah ? Because mine got concerned. Wanna talk about D750 ? Nah ? Our got recall 2 times. It may be one of the most recalled camera I think, and for really bad reason... Wanna talk about the D800 ?

    Stop acting like Nikon were totally white, perfect and opposed as everything else.

    I can sell you my D600 if you want. Perfect for a filmic look with lots of BIG grains everywhere ! And cost less than a point and shoot now. Or take my Z6 ? It is alsmot brand new and has lost 50% of its value.

    Just stick to the fact, it will maybe elevate you a little.

    Go browse this post to read my extremly positive feeling and hands on the Z6. Because this is still true and relevant. And it will help you understand that I am not the dark force of Sony... crap, it may even be the second time I write "Sony" on this forum... why the hell did you bring that ?

    Aaah your behavior is as annoying and painful to bear as the last season of Games of Thrones.  YIKES.

    Nothing personal to you and my comment to your post.  I don't take comments personal if people don't agree with me. 

    My comment was for calling it a recall when its a "service advisory" were they are fixing the issue. I'm sorry you have to sell the camera but as the v2.0 firmware is out and what it addressed makes the Z6 and Z7 much better in the AF department not just Eye AF. 

    I mentioned Sony because I have the A6500 and had overhearing issues since day one. And if Sony haters attacked Sony for this issues sales would plummet. See how it's not mentioned about Sony and our heating? If it was Nikon what would people say? 

    Most people on here haven't used the Z6 or Z7 but have very strong opinions. 

    I've looked up Z6 prices and don't see the fallen prices that you seem panicked about.

    10 hours ago, Mako Sports said:

    Hes insecure about his purchase

    When have I ever mentioned buyers remorse ? Geoff_L is the one freaking out. 

    I got a good deal on my Z6 and love the camera. 

    13 hours ago, Geoff_L said:

    Yes I agree. Truly a great camera, and I maintain all the good and long things I wrote about it some months ago. I'm just sad and annoyed to have to get rid of it because of $$ reasons...

    The 24-70 f4 alone is a sufficient reason to jump on the ship. Well, being soon camera less, I will have lots of great choices when I will have enough money again to find a new camera.

    How does the 24-70 f4 compare to the 50 f1.8 S in quality? I used the 24-70 f4 for a few testing days before fitting the Z6 / 50 f1.8.

    13 hours ago, Mars said:

    Well, regardless of what the general opinion on the internet is - I'm quite satisfied with my Z6 and the new firmware is cool too. Yes, since I've got mine already in Nov and so it's rather an early one, I need to send it in. But at least Nikon is doing something, they seem to have learnt from the D600 desaster. Regarding the current eBay value, I wouldn't care too much about it. Unless you're not interested in the camera any more.

    I for my part am still using my two NX1s as well, so can easily bridge the time until I get the Z6 back. In particular its viewfinder is much better than the older NX1 plus the new 14-30/4 is really great. Just my 2c.

    What was the "D600 desaster"?   and did you have any VR issues? I haven't heard any VR issues on the internet except when people were running VR and IBIS at the sea-time. I wonder if the VR issues conflicted with the v2.0 update.

  9. On 2/16/2019 at 10:42 PM, T.S said:

    flickering at certain ISOs, like 1250, 4000,5600 etc, other ISOs are ok. 

    happens with N-log/10 bit, all settings and different cables  were tried still no solution.

    please refer to the video I tested.

    anyone has the same issue and any solution?

    PS, just updated the firmware to V1.01, flickering issue still there.

    It looks like the flicker happens once you change ISO and then goes away.


  10. On 5/17/2019 at 12:01 AM, Mako Sports said:

    It's not a product recall. Do you follow fat Ken or what? 

    23 hours ago, Geoff_L said:

    I'm currently trying to sell my Z6 for financial reasons. The 24-70 f4S sold in 2days, but the Z6 + FTZ is impossible to sell : large amount of bodies already on the used market, and for really low prices. I just checked and my unit is fortunately not concerns by the recall but, seriously, it will make the resell harder... D600-gate may still be in the memories ? My last time Nikon, really...

    Do some research on the service - advisory before making post abut it. If you think the sky is falling then I can't help ya. 

    Sony cameras overheat all day long and no recall or service advisory fix. 

    The Sony A7III has the same VR jitters as the Z series if you have IBIS and VR n at the same-time, but Sony does nothing about it. 

    On 5/16/2019 at 11:11 AM, Castorp said:

    There is a sweet new option under custom function d5. The camera can now be set to automatically switch between EFCS and fully mechanical shutter where there is risk of shutter shock. 

    How do you set this up?

    On 5/16/2019 at 2:34 AM, Jrteh said:

    Z6 firmware 2.0

    • Improved autofocus performance for photos and movies shot under low light: -3.5 – 19 EV (low light autofocus -6 – 19 EV), measured in photo mode with single-servo AF (AF-S) at ISO 100 and 20°C with an f/2 lens.

    @DBounce do you test it ?

    The update is a great one.

  11. On 5/15/2019 at 11:01 PM, gethin said:

    I just saw some footage from DJI's new action cam. HDR video! WTF? Sometimes I wonder why I dropped $5K on a camera setup when I could just shoot my real estate vids on an action cam, and most people wouldn't notice the difference. I just bought the 14-30 lens for my z6, and I'll buy the mozo aircross 2 to replace my ronin-s when it comes out, because 3.6kg of camera setup is killing me. But to think someone could just buy this and a wee gimbal, or the pocket osmo, and even begin to compete is head scratching. 

    Where is the Z6 vs footage?

  12. You can make great LUTS for the Z6 thru Resolve. 

    My vote goes toward the Nikon Z6.   It's a better camera and video camera then the A7II which is about to be old news and is already behind the Z6.

  13. 13 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

    I really don't see what is the big deal about all the battery concerns on the PK4. Unless you are using it for Documentary stuff, who the hell shoots minutes and minutes, hours and hours at a time? You are allowed to have more than one battery with you. What is it, just going to be spay and pray, with I hope I am getting something worth a crap 2 hours at a time? Oh I am going to miss something. You really think you are going to be exactly where an Asteroid falls to earth, or on the corner of a 30 car pile up, a UFO lands?

    What, you are Just going to use one lens, never change filters, walk around until you arms fall off, or your back hurts so bad you have to quit from leaning over the tripod?

    You win the "best post today" award. Great post.

  14. 3 hours ago, IronFilm said:

    But for how long? 
    Adobe has shifted to the subscription model, and is hiking prices. 

    DaVinci Resolve is on the rise, and could well be the one of the future. Perhaps. 



    BMD is a software *AND* hardware company. 

    Just like how Apple is a software AND hardware company. 

    A big difference in Apple and BM.  Apple iPhones and iOS are stable and have been forever. BM- resolve is still us stability issues. Even the Ursa mini and cameras are labeled as unreliable for big productions.  Because BM only makes Resolve that makes it very difficult to beat Premier Pro and Adobe. Adobe's subscription model has been around for years now and you get everything from After Effects to Photoshop to Premier and 10 other programs. 

    There is ZERO market research that Resolve is headed for the #1 NLE spot or even preferred over Premier and FCP-X.  Like I said for color grading Resolve is great and is used to create LUT's and then editing is finished in FCPX. 

  15. 4 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    Oh I can see why a person won't change NLEs. Editing, grading is hard enough let alone learning a new one. But I think Resolve is going to be the #1 NLE sooner than later. I am not too sure Resolve will ever have ProRes Raw. Grant Petty I believe sort of hates it and Apple. No surprise.

    What makes you think Resolve will be the #1 NLE choice anytime soon? For production houses sure but average Joe will always default to Premier Pro. Even Sony's NLE probably get's more new users then Resolve.  I do love Resolves color grading tools. 

    Resolve is not and has stability issues in the past that everyone complains about. Is BM a software company? No they are not. I don't want Apple or Adobe making cine cameras either.  

  16. 7 hours ago, Django said:

    BRAW is open source, there is already a plug-in for native windows Premiere support: https://autokroma.com/BRAW_Studio/index.html

    I gave Z6 a try yesterday, lovely ergonomics. But I didn't figure out an easy way to switch from AF-S to AF-C (miss the AF switch/button from Nikon DSLRs)?

    More troublesome, without exposure meter in video, how are people shooting? just winging exposure from LCD view?!

    Seems like an external monitor with exposure tools is a must, but then you got the HDMI lag... Nikon really needs to fix both those issues ASAP.

    You have that little "I" button that brings up short cuts on the display screen. And can't you assign AF-s and AF-C to the two buttons in front by the lens ring?

    7 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    Resolve and bRaw are totally free, and bRaw is a open Codec that is FREE for anyone to use in their cameras and anyone's NLE. That is a Hell of a lot different than Forcing you to Only use a Apple, and FCP, a Apple product, and Having to pay a license to Apple to even have it in your camera, or NLE, and having to pay Apple for FCP, no free version.

    See how many F ing times you have to Pay Apple. You don't have to pay BMD anything unless you want the full version of Resolve, and even then it is for life it seems, and only 299 bucks. And they didn't charge a dime when they introduced the bRaw upgrade. Even Panasonic wants to rip your ass for V Log, Sony is good at it also.

    I don't see how anyone can be Anti BMD. They have done more for the average guy to make stuff affordable than the rest of them combined.

    Why should I have to learn a new editing program so I can use bRAW? Why? Isn't that doing what BM wants and not what you want?

    7 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    Resolve and bRaw are totally free, and bRaw is a open Codec that is FREE for anyone to use in their cameras and anyone's NLE. That is a Hell of a lot different than Forcing you to Only use a Apple, and FCP, a Apple product, and Having to pay a license to Apple to even have it in your camera, or NLE, and having to pay Apple for FCP, no free version.

    See how many F ing times you have to Pay Apple. You don't have to pay BMD anything unless you want the full version of Resolve, and even then it is for life it seems, and only 299 bucks. And they didn't charge a dime when they introduced the bRaw upgrade. Even Panasonic wants to rip your ass for V Log, Sony is good at it also.

    I don't see how anyone can be Anti BMD. They have done more for the average guy to make stuff affordable than the rest of them combined.

    No ones forcing you to use Apple products or use Resolve. They are both doing the same-thing. If you are serious about editing and film making either one will. get the job done. Resolve is lacking in a lot of ways so much so that they've started copying FCPX.  Apple will open Pro Res RAW up to other editing systems in time. Calm down and keep your cool.

  17. 6 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    "ProRes RAW Post Production. As we know, ProRes is owned by Apple. ... So the only way to edit ProRes RAW, is currently with Final Cut 10. Unfortunately there is no support for Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects as well as no support on BlackmagicDaVinci Resolve.Feb 11, 2019"

    So you are going to Lick Apple's ass. And if you don't own an Apple, or use FCP you are shit out of luck. To me it is a no starter.

    And what program do you use to edit B-RAW from BM? There's only one for that one also. Do you need a hint?

    6 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    "So you are going to Lick Apple's ass. And if you don't own an Apple, or use FCP you are shit out of luck. To me it is a no starter."

    The same train of thought goes for B-Raw as a non starter. 

  18. 1 hour ago, webrunner5 said:

    Pretty good article about it. I think the comments say more than the article. BMD obliviously is never going to use it in their cameras now that they have bRaw. I doubt Red or Arri is going that way. And I am not positive, but I think you Have to use an Apple computer to use it. So that is another turd. And is Resolve ever going to let you use in it it? Might be a good idea but looks like you are going to have to kiss Atomos's butt, and lick Apple's ass to use it....


    I read the comments below the article and why are so many people missing the fact that Resolve and Premier and almost all cine cameras already support Apple Pro Res? I understand Pro Res RAW would be an additional license but that's only because its new. Sony cine cameras already use Pro Res RAW so not sure what app the complaining is about. 

  19. 16 minutes ago, DBounce said:

    I think the hostility is not so much directed at the Nikon Z6, but more towards the choice of prores raw. Which many view as psuedo raw. 

    I believe the Z6 is a good effort from Nikon,  but I wouldn't trade my C200 for it. Also,  we've had no confirmation that it will output 12 bit... that is merely speculation at this point. 

    The omission of a battery grip with controls was a big miss for many shooters.  

    Like I said,  none of these first gen efforts are checking all the boxes. 

    How is this merely speculation? This would mean any announcement from any camera company is merely speculation. 

    The evidence is from Nikon and Atomos. 


    The C200 is not a hybrid camera and it's price tag and what you get from the BM Ursa Min 4.6 and EVA-1, some would say this puts the C200 behind those camera.

  20. Most people have been hostile in response to Nikon Z6 and it doing 12 bit Raw external. Why? That should be a good thing for everyone. 

    I know for a fact the Z6 4K video even at 8 bit is better then the A7III's video and I know for a fact that it compares to the C200 that was used at the same place with the same talent.  That's not saying the Z6 is better or even as good but just what I can tell you based on footage between the two cameras. 

    As far as having other cameras that do decent 4K comment. What? and what cameras? The GH5 does very good 4K but at what coast with the speed booster and glass you have to buy. 

    The P4K is great but went I went to order one no-one had the P4K in stock.  Sony's 4K sucks, Fuji no and Panasonic S1 is great but is even priced higher then the Z6 by over $1,000. 

    The EOS R looks good but the 1.8 crop shouldn't even be happening and no way they get away with that in the next builds. 


  21. 7 hours ago, DBounce said:

    I think the thing everyone is missing is that if you are judging this camera on specs alone you will miss the point entirely. We all understand that spec wise the competition may seem to hold the upper hand. But specs be dammed, most people that have used both side by side end up preferring the EOS R... frustrating as that may be.

    That's not 100% true that most people prefer the EOS R over the Z6. Most people have not shot with both cameras and are biased anyway. There is no "more film like" with the EOS R and the footage proves that without a shadow of a doubt. I use my eyes and my eyes don't say the EOS R is more film like then the Z^. In fact the EOS R has issues with washed out highlights and the Z6 does not. 

    I will look into the EOS R more my self because I haven't invested into Nikon yet besides the Z6 and 50mm 1.8.

  22. 1 hour ago, Django said:

    That's incorrect, EOS R shoots FF in 1080p. For stills, the extra 25% MP increase is definitely appreciated. 30MP is a nice IQ/file size ratio imo.

    Internal C-Log, 400mbps ALL-I codec, Dual Pixel AF, Vari-ND adapter, video exposure meters, no HDMI lag, vertical battery grip, better native lens line-up...


    I watch the video comparing the two and he said the EOS R cropped 1.8  in 1080p - at the 09:49 mark.

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