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Video Hummus

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Posts posted by Video Hummus

  1. 1 hour ago, Django said:

    custom LUTs.

    C70 has this.

    1 hour ago, Django said:

    think I might also upgrade EOS R to R5 for RAW/8K B-cam shots

    I’m looking to do something similar. Either C70 or R5 (I’m hoping they improve the R5 in light of the upcoming A7IV or A7RV) to help keep it competitive. Sony and Canon have pulled away from the pack and are battling out the Mid/Pro market. Canon overcompensated with the R5 exactly for this reason and then artificial software limited it so as to not hurt their upcoming cameras. Maybe later they will loosen the restrictions...shitty business but business nonetheless.


    I could also go for EOS R purely for photography since that camera is still good for that until they either fix the R5 or come out with a R5 Mark 2 that isn’t crippled.

    But for the time being I’m thinking of buying used EF glass with EF-RF+ND adapter and C70 with the focal reducer adapter on the C70 to maximize the image out of it. Over time I’ll acquire more RF glass and hopefully we will see a FF sensor trickle down to a C70/C50 style cinema camera. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Kisaha said:

    This is very interesting.

    Hope this is the answer to the C70.

    The official price of the Canon here is 5.999€, add the adapters and an extra battery or two, and you are reaching easily the 7.000€ mark.

    If one can get similar performance, except AF of course, for half the price, then why not? 

    For most people a convinient m43 "camcorder/cine camera" will be a dream come true, that can be even more significant than the new GH and something we are waiting for since that m43 cine camera that I even forget it's name!!

    Most of us even have the adapters and the lenses to go straight to it.

    If it doesn’t have AF it’s dead in the water in my view. I can already see the reviews...

  3. 1 hour ago, mrtreve said:

    The best way forward (for me at least) is to delineate the two needs by owning a cinema camera and a video camera. Then you're not driving yourself crazy by trying to make one do the other's job.

    Yes, because I’m convinced the holy grail of hybrid cameras will never come because, as someone said above, it’s in their best interests not to give it to you!

    At this point the system I’m most invested in, MFT, is barely breathing. No to mention the amount of stuff Panasonic would need to put into a GH6 for me to stay in a format that is rabidly declining is PDAF, Internal ND, and some kind of DR enhancement over the 11.4 stops max I get with my GH5S. I just don’t see it happening.

    Sony, I believe is to blame for some of Panasonic woes, so I’m not giving that company any money. Not to mention I find their cameras are soulless and uninspired. I don’t care how many specs and stops advantages their cameras have.

    That leaves Fuji and Canon, and Canon simply has more to offer. More interesting products. I just dont’ get them in a single camera. So now its a game of figuring out what two canon cameras will offer me all I want and work together lens wise the best.

    I really wish the C70 was full frame. To get the most out of it it makes sense to use the EF adapter and run EF glass on it. But I don’t own any EF glass and if I was going to buy new I would want to go RF so it will work on future RF mirrorless cameras...

  4. 3 hours ago, Mmmbeats said:

    I have a feeling that H.265, Long-GOP at 225Mbps might be even better because of efficiency at the allocated bitrate. 

    I would choose H.265 if you have the hardware to work with it in post for the 50/60p stuff. It’s not a good capture format but it will have higher quality per bitrate than H.264. Depending on what profile they are using for H.265, 225Mbps is very sufficient for 50/60fps 4K. HFR video where there are 60/120 or more frames in a second each one is very similar so LongGOP compression works very well (except for lots of random motion of course).

  5. 2 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    I am wondering why the put the best chip and image in the stills camera.

    Full frame.



    So why not put that in the more expensive model as well?

    Yeah. The R5 is a mystery to me. It’s like they overcompensated and then crippled it at the last moment so they could do another generation of 8K cameras.

    The whole reason I’m thinking about moving to RF is for a future FF C70 style cinema camera from them. Or a R5 Mark II that isn’t horribly compromised.

    I just don’t see L-mount doing well and Sony of course is strangling everybody else. 

  6. 1 hour ago, EphraimP said:

    Gotcha. Critical reading skills and all that.

    I've seen a lot of marketing material positioning the C70 to be a b-cam/gimbal cam/drone cam to support c500/300 A cams. Though being able to sync two wedding would probably be great, how many wedding shooters can afford $11k+ for a two camera package? 

    I think a C500/C70 package is the ultimate low(-ish) budget cinema/doc package. All the benefits of a FF cine camera for your A cam and a gimbal/high frame rate b-cam that cuts perfectly and has best-in-class autofocus capacity. Now, if I could find someone to give me about $25k to buy/rig these out... 😉

    If you don’t need RAW and were shopping for the C300 Mark 3 then you could get two of these and sync them up for the same price. They work better on a gimbal as well. Seems good to me.

    I’m still flipping between this or a R5. The RF glass prices are butt hurting.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Dimitris Stasinos said:

    Finally, after a couple of global financial crises, a pandemic, 10 seasons of Walking Dead and just 4-5 years before the first crewed mission to Mars we have a proper EOS camera with nice ergonomics that doesn’t cost a fortune. Actually it does if you buy a couple of RF lens but their new EF adapter coupled with a used 24-70 2.8 solves this as well. Netflix Certified? Why not?

    Surely this means the ends times are near.

  8. 7 hours ago, IronFilm said:

    Also lacks SDI, which is a key feature for professional A Cams. 

    But Canon has to do their market segmentation somehow!

    And the C70 is otherwise a camera with surprisingly few compromises. 

    I think this camera is more aimed at solo shooter doing paid gigs like weddings, event shooting, small business commercial stuff, YouTube.

    You timecode jam two of these at a wedding and shoot to your hearts content. If it took stills it would be my all in one. But lets see what they do with the IDX RF camera. Very likely could be a FF C70.

  9. Just now, sanveer said:

    Some user posted a comment with  "looks like"



    Thats a Zcam F6. Says so on the back! But the original picture looked like a boxy zcam type prototype camera taken with a 2009 cellphone camera.

  10. 2 hours ago, scotchtape said:

    Wonder how the FX6 is going to fare, C70 is better than I thought, only thing that sucks for me is APS-C and no tamron style e-mount zooms (small and light weight).

    I’m a bit bummed its not FF all the way. The S35 with RF mount is weird but makes business sense. If this had a FF sensor to compete against the FX6 it would be amazing. Instead they released an adapter to simulate the FF look on this sensor.

    1 hour ago, herein2020 said:

    I'm thinking definitely not DGO, probably the C200 sensor, no 4K120FPS, no RAW of course, probably same form factor, mini XLR, fewer ND stops, etc. With Canon the sky is the limit on how far they can throw the cripple hammer. It probably won't be less than $4K either which would slot it in right above the R5, but below the C70. At least they can't get away with no 4K.

    But at above $4K the R5 is a better camera really unless you absolutely need long form recording at which point...buy the C70. It’s all but confirmed to be C200 sensor so no crippled FF sensor or anything. I’m hoping if I jump on the Canon ship that one day they will have a C70 sized cinema camera or smaller with internal NDs and FF sensor with 8K, RF, and maybe IBIS or at least gyro data for post stabilization.

  11. 24 minutes ago, ntblowz said:

    quite insane DR vs C200 and other camera when shooting underexposed shot (like interior with window and expose for the window)

    The RAW on C200 cannot help at all.


    That is the DGO sensor in action. It’s better to expose the C300III and this C70 evenly with the exposure meter. The missing RAW doesn’t really bother me. It would be nice to have a bit beefier codecs but honestly they get the job done when the colors out of camera are so good. If you really want to you can shoot 2 stops underexposed safety in clog2 and recover in post with almost not impact to the image. Use false colors in post to bring your skin tones to where they need to be and your golden. DGO will make sure the shadows stay clean. That’s good enough for me.

    Makes me wonder what the C50 is going to be? Just a cheaper crippled version with an older sensor? 10 bit? No HFR? Smaller?

  12. 1 hour ago, MrSMW said:

    Could I live with and continue to invest in a system with this potential pulsing if it's only for 5 parts of the day if I switched to AF just for those 5 parts?

    No. This is why I’m finally moving away. The competition is just so good now with very little compromises. Kinda sad Panasonic didn’t step it up as they make very good stuff otherwise.

  13. 3 hours ago, MrSMW said:

    This, but I shoot much higher frame rates and don't bother with an ND, mostly because I'm shooting hybrid and the ND has a benefit for the video side, but at the same time, a negative on the stills side.

    1/1000th + quite often and never noticed anything that bothers me with the resulting footage.

    And if there is some weird artifact or something doesn’t look right you can now add motion blur in post, at the cost of processing time, to get a very pleasing and realistic result most of the time.

    I do it on drone footage all the time when foreground is closer and moving past the frame.

  14. So if the GH6 doesn’t come out or it doesn’t have internal NDs with 4K120p and autofocus as good or better than the S5 then I think I’m going to migrate to EF, RF, and Canon with either the C70 or C50 and a future RF photo camera. Or if they fix the R5 more then I’ll get and R5 instead.

    The codecs are a bit weak but I don’t need internal RAW to be honest. Hopefully we will see smaller RF photo cameras with capable specs or firmware updates to add better tracking AF (likely I would say) to these new smaller C cameras.

    4 minutes ago, scotchtape said:

    Andrew most be loving this, everyone has forgiven Canon and forgot the r5 🙂

    RIP consequences.

    Well Panasonic needs to shit or get off the pot. I would love to give them money but their L-mount cameras, while having a nice image, just fall down in the AF and HFR department. MFT seems to be dead there and well. 😞

    Like it or not Canon is at least doing some interesting things. Andrew can bash the shit out of them as rarely is there any positives news on the blog anymore. I think these new cameras are exciting and they bring a lot of synergy and energy to the RF and EF ecosystem. No other companies has that right now except Sony and E-mount and those, in my humble opinion, are soulless cameras and are missing the X factor for me.

  15. https://www.43rumors.com/ft4-leaked-image-of-the-new-panasonic-mft-cine-camera/

    Not a GH6 but this looks and reads like a failed prototype MFT camera that Panasonic was trying but discovered nobody wants.


    He claims: This is a product aimed at the pro, not for everyone, but for a few.
    He says that there seems to be no one feature he desperately wants to get into this camera.

    Sounds to me like it had all the bells an whistles and still people weren’t that interested in a MFT camera. Which kinds lines up with the vague and kinda depressing wording we have been hearing...”exploring options”...”looking at how to maximize”...”GH for vlogging”.

    I think with the S5 coming in at lighter and smaller than the GH5 the writing is on the wall for MFT at Panasonic. I shoot like 90% video with my cameras. I’ve been shooting film photography. I would like to stay Panasonic, maybe go L-mount but, as always, the AF is still far behind for the prices they want. Canon beat them to internal NDs in a mirrorless mount with DCI 4K, amazing AF, great dynamic range, and up-tier features like XLR, and internal multichannel audio on board. C70 is very hard to ignore for me, even with its weird S35 sensor RF combo.

    As a person without EF or RF glass it makes it hard to decide what lenses to buy for it!

    I’m 90% convinced that going C70 is the better decision. It’s a bit big, doesn’t have the lovely MFT glass, but ticks all the other boxes for me. It’s small enough with internal NDs and a good sensor. Things to think about.

  16. 6 hours ago, ntblowz said:

    Atm I m definitely flavour more on this cam than Komodo! 

    Same. I need to start selling gear I guess.

    C-Log3, 4K 10-bit, ALL-I and IPB up to 120p, Dual pixel AF, internal ND up to 10 stops, with the latest tracking, RF mount, EF 0.71x adapter.

    You could mount the Canon RF 100-500 and get a 150-750 with 1.5 crop. The lens is huge and heavy compared to MFT but it clears Panasonic is being pummeled to death on all fronts.

    NO EVF but I can live with it.

  17. 18 minutes ago, Yurolov said:

    So the 24-105 will turn into an 2.8 with that range in FF. With the built in ten stop, this really will be great for docu work. 


    It will turn into a 2.8 light gathering but stay a f4 for DoF and more or less keep the same FOV.

    The 24-70 F2.8 will become a f2 light gather but stay f2.8 DoF.

    Assuming the crop is 1.5 (it could be 1.6).

    24*1.5*0.71 = 25.5

    F4*1.5*0.71 = 4.26

  18. 9 hours ago, ac6000cw said:

    It looks like it's the same as on the m43 cameras - for stills, set the 'Picture Size' to be less than full resolution i.e. M or S, then enable 'Extended Tele Conversion' (which crops into the sensor to give you a 1:1 pixel mapped image of that resolution). So picture size 'M' gives a 1.4x zoom/crop, 'S' is a 2.0x zoom/crop (with FF lenses) when  'Extended Tele Conversion' is enabled.

    You can assign Ex-Teleconverter to a button on the GH5 and pressing it twice will toggle it on and off (when not actively recording). It’s very handy.

    I think with improvements and more MP sensors really makes wide angle zooms very versatile. I’m really hoping the GH6 will be a native 6K recording camera with this mode as it would make the 10-25 f1.7 a two in one lens zoom when engaged and still get 4K image without the need to swap to say a 35-100 f2.8 lens. 

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