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Posts posted by newfoundmass

  1. https://www.43rumors.com/ft4-panasonic-g85-rumored-to-be-announced-in-early-april/

    They upgraded this to an FT5, too.

    This is exciting, because not only is the G85 one of the most underrated cameras out there, BUT it also might give us an idea on what we can expect from the GH6, similar to how the G85 did for the GH5. 

    I'm guessing we'll see an improvement in low light, IBIS, and auto focus. Hopefully we get a more robust codec for 1080p, as that was my biggest gripe with the G85. Maybe some higher frame rates? 4K 60p seems unlikely, though who knows? 

    I will say, I really, really hope this isn't a small update, like the LX100 mk. II was. I think that'd be really, really stupid on Panasonic's part, and maybe a sign that they've reached the limits of what they're capable of doing or an indication that they've changed their philosophy of putting as much as they can into a camera. 


  2. I'm surprised they even are releasing action cams anymore. 

    But people will buy stuff that has the name "Canon" on it. I doubt any of us will see one being used out in the wild, but I feel like these things are probably so cheap to produce that they still make Canon money and ultimately that's what they care about. 

  3. Proper white balance and using a color chart is the easiest way to match the two. Otherwise you'll have to do it in post and by eye, which is possible but takes time. 

    They're different sensors, and the color science has been tweaked over the years, so it's not really as easy as adjusting settings in camera to better match them, though it might help a little. 

  4. Yeah that looks like lens chromatic aberration. There isn't a ton that you can do about it, other than trying out different lenses. I've found Sigma lenses, both native and adapted, to have very little CA. On the other end, a lot of my vintage lenses have some of the worst though they have that ever elusive "character" to them that make up for it, in my eyes. 

  5. The Fuji will eat the GH5 for breakfast in stills. Not to say that you can't get decent stills out of the GH5 but it's not its biggest strength. 

    For video I still have to give the heads up to the GH5 though, especially for event shooting. Fuji is getting really close though. I think I'm the most excited to see where they're going out of every other company, though I'm very interested to see what Panasonic has in store with the GH6. Fuji though is in the same advantageous position that Nikon is in where they don't have to worry about protecting a cinema line, so they're pretty much free to do whatever they can. 

  6. I've been putting some thought into this, and I'm thinking this might be a slow year for the major camera companies as they all focus on their new Full Frame mirrorless offerings. I think the most interesting announcements this year might come from some of the smaller companies. From the big dogs, maybe we'll get a true G85 successor announced, giving us a preview of what to expect in a GH6? 

    I expect more info on the GH6, and even the A7Siii to start trickling out towards the end of the year instead of NAB. 

    I think we'll see more budget gear announced from some of the larger companies, re: lighting, monitors, mics, etc. Atomos coming out with a lower priced monitor I think is an example that those companies are starting to take note of the budget offerings that are out there. The quality and price is hard to ignore.

  7. 3 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    AG-101? I never heard of one?

    I think he meant the AG-AF100, which in many ways was the precursor to the LS300. Both were ILC with M43 mounts. Had a lot of the features you'd see in cinema cameras, such as SDI out, internal ND, XLR inputs, etc. The LS300 differed though in that it had that Super 35 sensor instead of the 4/3 sensor.

    The LS300 sensor is so incredible because it literally let's you use almost any lens without vignetting via VSM. Wanna use a 16mm cinema lens? You can punch in with the sensor to 16mm to eliminate the vignetting and get max resolution allowed. 

    My experience has been most M43 I've used will cover the full sensor, but if one doesn't you can VSM down to a M43 sensor to remove any vignetting. 

    It also allows you to turn your primes into zooms using the VSM technology. Truly one of the smartest, unique features I've ever seen on a camera like this. I throw on my Minolta primes and they become parafocal zooms in HD (the zoom range is less in 4k, for obvious reasons.) 

    I really wish more people checked out the LS300 and that others would look into making something similar for that price point, assuming JVC isn't in the process of doing so. 


  8. 39 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:


    Just get a Fuji X-T3 or X-H1?

    Have you used or looked into the JVC LS300? I'm actually surprised you never reviewed it, as it is a mighty camera for its price. 

    The form factor, internal NDs, SDI out, professional XLR inputs, VSM (a feature I figured you'd love with all the vintage lens benefits), prime zoom, the zoom rocker, the streaming capabilities, and the like make such a wonderful package. And the combination of Super 35 and M43 mounts really worked out nicely together!

    Whether it's JVC or Panasonic, I'd love, love, love another camera in the spirit (and price!) of the LS300! 

  9. 12 hours ago, IronFilm said:

    Outside from the 10bit output (which doesn't really make sense to buy a GH4 for in 2019, as once you add in the cost of an external recorder, you could have just purchased a GH5 instead), the 96fps slow motion (but at a big hit to image quality! I know some GH4 owners never went over 60fps because of this, which is the same the G85 can do), and being able to use the YAGH accessory (ugh! Which nobody liked), what specific advanced features/benefits does the GH4 have over the G85?

    Focus assist features, better 1080p codec, V-log, much better battery life, etc. I love the G85 and would personally choose it over a GH4 (in fact I did!), but it is missing some of these cinema camera features first found in the GH4 and expanded on in the GH5. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, stefanocps said:

    so what you use most gh5 or ls300? ls300 is really interesting tools. The best in the market as IDEA. Can t tell much about real use, a part the af not so good (as you state) and lack of stabilization

    I use the GH5 for most projects it's the easiest camera for me to set up about shoot with. Just take it out, put in a battery, and slap on a lens and you're good to go. 

    The LS300 meanwhile is more like a cinema camera, so I tend to use it in corporate, studio or interview settings. You could just throw a lens on it and go shoot, and it's not terribly heavy or anything, but for running and gunning the GH5 is just a better option. Overall though I decide which is the best tool for the job and go with that :)

    Like when shooting with the LS300, for best results you should attach an external monitor since the flip out one is not good at all and the evf is awful. You'll wanna add the handle/audio interface for better ergonomics and controls. Getting some kind of shoulder rig or monopod is a good idea if you're don't hand held. Etc

  11. 9 minutes ago, mercer said:

    I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the P4K. Even the 4K ProRes LT looks great with that camera but it will require some patience to get your hands on one and a little bit to rig up.

    I don't recommend the Pocket4K mostly because of the battery life and the need to rig it up with better battery sources / external SSD, etc. Not ideal for documentary shooting other than interviews. 

  12. The GH4, even in 2019, is a great camera and honestly, for how little you can get them for now, is one of the best "bang for your buck" cameras when you factor in all the cine features. 

    The auto focus though is substantially worse than the GH5, the low light is also much worse than the GH5. And no IBIS stinks. 

  13. What are the chances of Panasonic going the JVC route and using a combination of a Super 35 sensor and M43 mount? 

    When I really think about it this feels like, to me, the near perfect compromise. Virtually every person that uses or owns the JVC LS300 loves it. If JVC has marketed it correctly, I truly think it'd have been one of the major cameras releases to have come out. Instead it just fell under the radar. 

    I get excited just thinking of what the Panasonic engineers could do in building something like a LS300. 

    Would/have they consider it?

  14. The LS300 is such a wonderful camera. I truly hope that JVC releases a successor, or that Panasonic takes the formula themselves if JVC doesn't. 

    The VSM feature alone makes this camera absolutely incredible. Are there any other cameras that have it? I can't think of any off the top of my head. 

    My biggest complaint, outside of build quality (which I understand, it's how they made it so affordable), is the low light and the auto focus. The auto focus isn't a deal breaker because I mostly use manual lenses with my LS300 but the low light isn't really much better than the M43 censors that are out. I was expecting better low light from a Super 35 sensor. 

  15. I'd heard that it exists but I've never watched it or heard what it's about. 

    The entire Jussie Smollet case is extremely frustrating. Hate crimes against African Americans and the LGBT communities are on the rise, and yet this greedy person tried to use that to get fame and a raise? All he did was hurt those communities, given people ammunition to pretend that hate crimes aren't happening, and distracted the media from more important stories, like the Coast Guard official arrested planning terrorist attacks and assassinations against liberal people and candidates. 


    6 minutes ago, thebrothersthre3 said:

    Nothing matches it in terms of overall features. Fuji pretty much has it beat, but no IBIS and of course no 422 if that is your need

    That's really why Fuji has my attention. I think in the next couple of years we'll see a Fuji that's on the same level as the Panasonic GH series, and maybe even better overall in all the features. It really depends how much they're looking to cater to video shooters; indicators look promising! 

    5 minutes ago, stefanocps said:

    yes may be t is not the color what i talk about, (though i think the red dominant is still there) but more is the sharpness. Also i had lots of problem with my gh3, the dial get spolled 2 times...Can't really tell, as i sadi may be it is only a prejudice. But i am with you., with the potentital GH5 looks still a great camera and it is still my possibile choice along wit XT3

    When you say sharpness, do you mean too sharp or not sharp enough? Because I too have found times when the GH5 is almost too sharp for me and I'll dial down the sharpness in camera or fix it in post.

  17. 14 minutes ago, stefanocps said:

    i know what you mean, gh5 also is a real otpion for me too. What stop me is 1) it is old technbology right now.2/3 years makes a lot of difference. And anothe r thinf g is that wether i know gh3 is another world from gh5 they have something in common, i thonk it is  t he panasonic flavour. And i am kind of fedup with this flavour. For sure with a good cc the flavour change totally, i am talking about the filke played has it comes out from the machine

    I understand. I think the colors out of the GH5 have improved greatly since the GH3. That was one of the major things we saw first with the GH4 and later with the GH5, where it got even better, and GH5s which is the best color I've seen out of these Panasonic cameras. I usually do little, if any, tweaking with the footage I get unless I'm going for a specific look or absolutely need to. 

    Even though it's a 2 year old camera it's not completely fair to hold that against it. It still does stuff that other cameras don't, and there's still no camera in its price range that matches all of its features. The Panasonic GH5 was so ahead that it took 2 years for everyone else to catch up, and even so they haven't completely. Plus they're still releasing firmware updates to improve performance :)

  18. 15 minutes ago, stefanocps said:

    yes this is not really a point for me. I think never recorded up to 29 minutes

    Okay so then Fuji is an option! 

    I still lean towards the GH5 personally because it has all the pro features you could want outside of the weaker AF. Fuji I'm looking at very closely though to see what the future holds. The advances they've made in video in such a short period is fantastic! They really could entice me to switch soon with the right camera! 

  19. The GH5 is a great option. Using tap to focus works really well unless you're in terrible conditions. The auto focus performance really depends on which settings you use. I find it quite usable in one area and pinpoint AF. Also coming from the GH3 you'll have the focus assist features with the GH5 that make manual focus very easy.

    You can rent one for fairly cheap these days, maybe try it out? You might be surprised! 

  20. G85 has unlimited recording, while the G7 has a work around (I've never used one though so I don't know for sure.) 

    I'd recommend the G85 over the GH4 because of the better low light performance and IBIS, unless you need the advanced features of the GH4. For event shooting the IBIS is a life saver. You can get really stable shots even hand held. Use a monopod or some other stabilizer and it can almost feel gimbal like. Biggest downside to the G85 is the 4K crop and the comparatively weak 1080p codec, but the 1080p is still fine, I feel, especially for web delivery. 

    The GH4 though, if you want a compact mirrorless camera with cinema camera features, is one of the best deals out there these days. Some of the eBay prices I've seen are straight up bargains. One of my friends works for a production company that still uses GH4's and plans to continue to do so for a while. They're work horses and only feel "old" because of how incredible the GH5 is. They very much were cutting edge and game changers 5 years ago. 

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