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Posts posted by JordanWright

  1. I think the C100 Mark 2 would be a great camera for low-middle end corporate work where image quality isn't as important as ergonomics. Its a great all in one solution that just works. Great battery life, XLR, DPAF, internal ND. Although, I do agree that for the money, the image isn't the best avaliable 


  2. So I ordered a Tokina 28-70mm 2.6-2.8 EF from eBay but after testing it, it seems that it doesn't reach anywhere close to infinity focus on the wide end. does anyone know of a fix to this or will I have to return? Im using a GH5 with a Speedbooster XL. Here is a comparison between 28mm, 50mm and 70mm focusing on the kettle/ infinity.




  3. 56 minutes ago, Parker said:

    I sold my Tokina/baby Angénieux 28-70 f/2.6-2.8 just a few months ago, I wasn't ever using it after I moved to a pretty much all Zeiss Contax lineup (the 35-70mm f3.4 on a speedbooster is an incredible lens, just amazing, I can't wait to see what it looks like on the new BMPCC). 

    But the Tokina does have very beautiful, filmic rendering. Basically I sold it because I had an EF version (so no way to change the aperture) and that drove me crazy since it is quite soft wide open. Little did I know, if I had just held onto it for a few months... anyway, here's a pic that shows off the Tokina's bokeh and special look for those that are curious:



    Baby Angénieux.jpg

    Wow it looks great, I originally sold it for the Sigma 50-100 to pair with the 18-35 but i didn't get on with the combo so much, how do you find the 35-70 CZ? especially the since its push-pull, is it tricky to pull focus?

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