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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Always had hopes that BMD would use BMMCC as a base for 3D and VR cameras. Maybe they might yet do for the latter as I think there have been some 3rd party attempts at using them.
  2. The power bank in you link had a built in micro USB cable, which is the one you need. They supply it with your choice of adapter to go from micro USB to either iPhone or USB C so that is just a free bonus so I'd go with whatever type you'll find most useful !
  3. BTM_Pix

    NX2 rumors

    People on eBay right now when they try to outbid EOSHD members for used NX1's.
  4. Haha No, I need to get iPhone X purchase approval first so I can do the bait and switch
  5. That's what they said when Apple started using Intel
  6. BTM_Pix

    NX2 rumors

    I'm such an expert that I've clearly hacked your accounts to post nice things about myself!! I like the sound of this a lot.
  7. They are all much of a muchness but something like this would be a neat solution as it is credit card sized and has the inbuilt USB cable. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B015NB1JLO/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1521134037&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=credit+card+power+bank&dpPl=1&dpID=41iAH9jM4kL&ref=plSrch
  8. All about plausible deniability isn't it ? I might go with "Remember when said I fancied an iPhone X dear? Well, good news, I've found something cheaper so I'm actually saving us money here". Although 3D cats could actually also be just as effective. I was thinking about the GoPro fusion as VR does fascinate me but if I'm going to flush money down the drain on something with a completely uncertain adoption fate then it might be better to be in on the ground floor of something new with the Hydrogen. Although by the time RED ship it, I might only exist in virtual holographic form myself!
  9. Having little to no immediate practical value has never stopped me buying something though. Pre orders close today you say?
  10. Thanks to @flip21 pointing out that I'd linked the wrong one in the original post. That one was direct connect so you need the one with the HDMI connector so something like this one. Shop around obviously https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/1080P-IPS-3-5-inch-HDMI-LCD-Screen-Display-for-Raspberry-Pi-w-Acrylic-Case/382391593643?epid=8015535815&hash=item590850aaab
  11. Sorry, yes, I'd pulled one out that was a direct one. Similar with case https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/1080P-IPS-3-5-inch-HDMI-LCD-Screen-Display-for-Raspberry-Pi-w-Acrylic-Case/382391593643?epid=8015535815&hash=item590850aaab Shop around and they should be cheaper.
  12. No, you don't need the PI The screen has a full size HDMI input and a micro USB power input on the edge of the circuit board. In the first picture you can see HDMI cable going in at the top and the USB power one on the right.
  13. No, its just that's what the screens are usually used for. You just give it HDMI and some USB power and away you go. There are some very thin credit card sized USB power banks that you could just tape on to the back to both keep the size down and make into a case. As I stressed in the original post, don't expect it to be a replacement for a SmallHD 501 or whatever but I'd say that for vlogging it's more a case of confirming framing so its adequate for that. The thing about Sony is that they have the flip up on their much cheaper HD only APS-C A5100 which is pretty much the same form factor case as the A6300 so they ARE doing this to annoy you
  14. I think we gave up on 3D too soon. I went to see Kraftwerk in Budapest recently and unlike their previous shows I've been to which had 3D graphics at certain times, the whole show is now 3D. Yes, it might well be seen as a cunning ploy to distract you from the fact you've paid good money to watch gentleman of a certain age stand behind laptops in less than flattering outfits but it is completely engaging. I think mass audience experience stuff like that is where its at (which is why I enjoy it at the cinema too) rather than at home. Always feels a bit weird to be sat on your couch wearing sunglasses, probably due to the old adage of there being only two types of people who wear sunglasses indoors - blind people and dickheads. I had one of the Sony HDR-T10 3D camcorders when they came out and whilst it had a few shortcomings, it had potential. The lenticular LCD was great for showing the content without glasses and I really wish they'd continued developing the line. Its a similar thing with VR stuff and I hope that doesn't go the same way too. A few months ago, I went to a VR Cinema in Amsterdam and it is basically just a room with 30 swivel chairs and you go in, sit down, put the headset on and they show you the film (which were all shorts) that you request. The one that really struck me was a doc that had a scene on a packed train in India and was filmed from the POV of a young woman that was illustrating how intimidated she felt by unwanted male attention. Not exactly the most upbeat of content but I have to say that it was utterly absorbing and put you in the moment far more than it would have done in a 'flat' medium. There are a ton of hurdles to overcome for people to produce narrative with it of course but if it can convince me to that extent that I'm on a train in India anxiously checking everyone around me instead of being sat on a swivel chair in Amsterdam with a cheap headset on then its worth pursuing in my view.
  15. Do you have the grip with it and if you do is it giving as significant a bump up on the AF performance as we see on the X-T2 ? I hesitate to say "should everyone who is considering buying the X-H1 get a grip" as that can be easily misconstrued and we'll end up needing this fella as a moderator.
  16. Why the hell someone at Atomos isn't going "You know what, that 4 year old Ninja Star product could do with an updated version that does 4K" I just dont know. They do a lot of stuff aimed at other cameras like GH5 and even LS300 and yet there is this Canon shaped gift horse giving them a massive toothy grin and they sail right by. Maybe at NAB they might release one and shut me up!!
  17. OK, speculation mode ON On a stills oriented camera like the X-T2 you can maybe brush only being able to do 720p remotely under the carpet but its trickier to do on your video oriented one where it WILL be used. You would think that you wouldn't willingly cripple the function like that unless you had some sort of restriction (presumably with processing) that dictated it. Something to do with it using so many resources in full video mode that it can't deal with the wifi comms at the same time would be one likely possibility. If I follow that theory along then it would make me think that it is almost analogous to a dual boot system and that when you put the WiFi on, it "re-boots" for want of a better expression into stills mode and stills mode CAN handle video recording but only in 720p. That may well also explain why you can't even re-map a button to start video recording when in stills mode as a compromise to the physical switch objection. If we remember, there was also evidence of a lot of side effects of correction processing happening when stepping through zoom ranges in video mode on the X-T2. The DR100/200/400 impact on AF is perhaps also adding to a pattern of let's call it potential quirkiness when Fuji are doing video. I seem to remember saying at the time when IBIS was generally considered an impossibility on any future Fuji cameras that maybe it wasn't such a bad thing as the zoom lens issue on the X-T2 showed that they were having enough issues processing image correction in real time as it was without adding IBIS into the equation. I expect to see a LOT more side by sides happening with the X-T2 to see if that particular chicken has come home to roost.
  18. The 720p thing with the remote app is utterly ridiculous. Is it still the same on the X-H1?
  19. Its interesting how much raging debate there was in threads about these two cameras when they were announced. Did anyone on here actually ever buy one in the end?
  20. I don't use the expanded DR settings myself either on the X-T2 but a "positive" that can be gained from this issue is that it may actually offer some insight for Fuji regarding why the AF seems to be gathering reports as being inferior on the X-H1. It might not just be the DR100/200/400 setting thats impacting the AF but an indication of an interaction between certain image processing tasks and performance. I wouldn't wait for 8 months with this one if I was them though as that A7iii is batting its eyelashes and showing a lot of ankle to potential X-H1 owners right now.
  21. To be fair, the Febon ones are a lot more expensive than the projected price of the LukiLink and in terms of the app the Febon is just basic display rather than adding the focus and waveform overlay so its probably been a tough nut to crack (certainly based on that proof of concept video). https://www.febon.net/categories/grabber-card
  22. He does refer to the sensor size and I thought it was a slip of the tongue at first when he said it "offers twice as good image quality overall" but he is quite happy to stand in front of that slide saying exactly the same thing all the way through it If such a thing as the best photo/video hybrid exists though (more likely least worst) then the A7iii is shaping up to be a contender.
  23. The same off the shelf one from above has an iOS version as well which to be honest looks even faster so hopefully it was just early days and LukiLink have got that optimisation sorted as well as this sort of performance with all the added focus and waveform aids will be great. I hope its a big success for them and, yes, crowd funding could do with a win.
  24. I don't particularly mind him but he definitely lost me from 7:42 with the "2 times better image quality than the X-H1" stuff to be honest.
  25. Should be OK I think. Off the shelf ones like this one here have quite respectable lag times (certainly at lower res) so hopefully the optimisation that LukiLink have described doing to their version will be even more impressive.
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