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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. I very much doubt that ! I bet you Einstein hasn't just forced an EOS to F mount adapter on to one of his favourite lenses so badly that he had to spend 2 hours cutting it off ! Would Albert have used an EOS to F adapter though? Probably more an E to MC kind of a guy.
  2. So... I've been messing around with making a new add on for my controller system and this is it in its embryonic (cardboard and electrical taped chassis) form. It has 3 dedicated keys on the controller for incrementing and decrementing in stops (it goes to about 95% total blackout) and a clear function. Though this is not a full clear as there is about a half stop of ND at the lowest position. The level of reduction is actually fully variable but for the implementation I'm after it makes more sense to control it in stops. As with the other functions, it can be recalled within one of the 8 one touch recall global presets along with exposure, white balance and picture settings. I've also incorporated an automatic aperture tracking function. This means that you set the exposure and ND level that you want at a given stop (say f8) and it will adjust the amount of ND up and down as the aperture changes to keep the exposure constant at any aperture. Right, thats the good news out of the way.... The bad news is that the surface area is going to need to be a lot bigger (these things are usually mounted at the back of the lens but I'm after a front mounting solution for flexibility) to work properly. Quite a bit bigger and unfortunately that will mean quite a lot more expensive. The question is how big and how expensive would this be before you wouldn't want it, if you even want it at all? (currently its part of my controller system but I've already ported it to a small micro controller to have it be a standalone as well). The other question is would you want it within a lens adapter solution anyway rather than it being front mounted (as per the Lens Throttle EF to MFT) so it could be an electronically controlled version of one of those ?
  3. I have an SD Quattro and the snout is not only big enough to contain a variable ND but the chicken dinner as well.
  4. I am and I don't. But yes we are niche bordering on endangered species.
  5. This is how I envisage Sony's planning meetings concluding for every version of the RX100
  6. Full speculation mode on and all that but if they are both FF as its being suggested, I presumed at first that this means the 25mp would be the D5 equivalent for low light and throughput and the 45mp would be the D850 equivalent. But the price and the 9fps makes that seem doubtful, which would suggest that there may not be a plugin D5 (or even D500) replacement in the first wave. Which makes me wonder how good (or likely not) the AF is going to be for existing lenses via the adapter. Just speculation on a rumour of course but I think there'll be mirrors flapping for a while longer in Nikon cameras aimed at the D5/D500 user.
  7. I think the cats are pissing on the cameras as some sort of unionised protest against being used as unpaid talent in every camera test on YouTube.
  8. Unless you've got a cat http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?168589-The-Affect-of-Cat-Pee-On-RED-Accessories-(You-ll-want-to-read-this)
  9. Ikea Malm chests of drawers. They're very solid and the drawers are deep, wide and tall enough to accommodate everything. I have a dedicated drawer for Nikon for work and then a draw for mirrorless, a draw for audio and a draw for live video. I use a combination of their dividers for making custom shapes for the longer lenses and the padded divider cases like these from Amazon. I store these in logical sets for different types of jobs I'm going out on and then that way I can just pull them out and put them into real camera backpacks, or Peli cases depending on what it is and where I'm going. On top of the Malm unit I also have a set of 18 plastic drawers for filters, lens adapter, straps, rig components, batteries, media, IT etc Its surprisingly well ordered but still doesn't stop me tipping the place upside down looking for stuff every time I'm doing something. Of course, we mustn't forget my DIY battery charging station
  10. BTM_Pix


    The publishers of the Michelin guide ?
  11. BTM_Pix


    If you are looking for a reasonably low cost way of getting into recording ASMR then the Roland CS10-EM combined binaural microphone/headphones is a decent option. They are around £80 and are also ideal for recording general atmos for your regular films too. As you wear them like headphones, they are pretty stealthy and of course as they actually are headphones then you get to monitor the audio as well into the bargain. If you have a look on YouTube there are a lot of ASMR videos recorder with them.
  12. You are probably wearing enough stuff around your neck anyway but this is a very practical solution if you can mount it to your existing straps. It folds the iPad up to your chest when not used and then can hinge it forward to be flat or at an angle over the bag. https://www.performanceaudio.com/item/setwear-ipad-hands-free-chest-pack/43561/
  13. They needed all that thermostat expertise to develop a way to turn the cameras off when they overheated though This totally gets on my tits as well. Slow motion describes both the shooting effect and the way in which you have to set it up !
  14. They've recently released a full frame crop mode (which sounds odd but you know what I mean !) for the GFX50s so they'd argue they've already got a full frame camera. Their next move supposedly is a rangefinder version of it priced in between the GFX and the XPRO-2....Maybe Fotokina? If Fuji did a tie up with Samsung purely to mount the NX1 as is inside of a new dedicated cinema type body with Fuji's film emulations etc then it would have some legs I think. They'll need to do something though because with Sigma doing more lenses for the E-mount, the advantage they had over Sony by having a broader range of more affordable quality lenses is rapidly disappearing so they could struggle with future premium hybrids.
  15. I don't disagree but its the initial bonding though that is a big struggle or at least was/is for me. Its not so much that there are so many options (although that does mean a lot of hoops to jump through to reach a simple C1 and C2 that you can actually commit to ) but that they all seem to interact with each other in non intuitive ways. I am forever trying to do something and it invoking the "Oh no, not in this mode you don't " pop up. I'm guilty of not really sitting down with a manual and dedicating the real amount of time to it so I should probably quit whining about it until I have. This is pretty much how I've looked when searching for settings thus far
  16. Its almost like the terrible menu system has become part of their brand DNA though isn't it? One of the most elegant menu systems around is from the Leica T and I've grafted it on to this picture of an A7Riii to show how much more simple Sony could make it if they followed that lead. The cameras prior to the A7xIII series that could be hacked through PlayMemories could have custom Android applications put on to them. I know there are a few kicking around that people created to do time lapse and I think a focus stack one but it would be great if it were possible for someone to do a re-skin of the UI to make it look like the Leica T. Because I think Sony are just going to keep coming up with the same interface but even clunkier as they ram more features in.
  17. It looks like LG may have looked at Samsung's 3 camera offering and said "Hold my beer"... https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2018/6/26/17506434/lg-v40-phone-five-cameras-report-rumor
  18. No, it will be the same across all sensor sizes but the noise levels will vary. Which, in the part of the world that we both currently are, is already currently 1/5000th at f2.8 at ISO100 so we should probably just stop worrying about motion cadence and equivalence and go the beach
  19. Mmmmm......The F8n is Bluetooth LE so it is actually possible to have multiple clients but it would depend on how Zoom have implemented it.
  20. To be honest, unless you are in a continuously lit arena with even coverage where you would use Manual exposure, then Aperture Priority (with Auto ISO and defined minimum shutter speed) is actually the best way to shoot sport. We have to ride the aperture for separation or deeper coverage depending on where/what the action is and then let the camera take care of the shutter speed based on the rules we've set it.
  21. I'll rephrase that as he knows more about magnets than I do so our respective knowledge levels about them are poles apart.
  22. If I had to hold it outstretched in the standard vlogger pose though I think my arm would give out way before the 5 minutes were up.
  23. The angry fella does, to be fair, have good insights regarding Nikon lenses. And magnets. I always make a point of tuning to his fuming reactions after the married couple make one of their educational statement videos. In my imagination, they are the yuppy couple who've moved in next door to him and he's got a backyard full washing machines and Triumph moterbikes in various states of disassembly and in theirs they've got a hot tub and a mid life crisis Harley Davidson. They think he plays AC/DC as an act of aggression and he thinks they have their teeth whitened in an act of passive aggression.
  24. There's a whole new market for anamorphics now aimed at the taller Vloggers due to Instagram TV videos having to be in vertical mode
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