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Posts posted by Snowfun

  1. Some of the 3d (h4v) photographs are truely extraordinary. By no means perfect but an astonishing experience. They genuinely capture a scene in a way not previously possible with this level of convenience.

    Biggest problem is that it’s not possible to share them or view them on anything other than the phone. Not sure how that will be addressed.

    Not sure I understand why there are so many negative if not vitriolic reviews.

  2. 5 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    I had to go with a bigger Manfrotto Magic Arm to support the weight. I hang it off the 3/8 hole in the side of the tripod. Not sure I would recommend the one I have below. 

    I have one of these. I’ve never worked out how a device which is basically only two arms manages to poke me in the eye, bruise my elbow, knee and shin and generally cause me intense vexation...

  3. So, I now have a Red.

    Apart from the steep learning curve with Android (trying to switch that bl@@dy assistant off was a challenge) it is a superb device.

    The 3d (H4V)? It can be totally stunning. Absolutely amazing. Even to the point I flinched when a chopstick popped out of the screen. It can also be ghastly and nauseous. It is critical to get the screen in just right place so sharing the experience is difficult (although I do have two thanks to Jim - titanium to be delivered in due course).

    No idea if it’s the start of something massive. Will it change cinema or photography? Who knows. But get it right and it is an experience like no other.

    Definitely worth the wait.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Mokara said:

    I don't think there will be too much doubt. If you are selling posters or porcelain figurines of some iconic landmark in a souvenir stand, then you will run into problems. That is what they are really trying to control. If you are posting your holiday pictures or the product of hobby, nothing will happen.

    In terms of how a court would interpret and apply the law I think you are correct. 

    But as I understand it, the problem more concerns automated software which identifies those iconic landmarks (photos and videos) and takes action (deletes them or bans the user) with little opportunity to challenge it.  

  5. I’m hoping to record a speaker* in front of a green screen. I’m using a Kessler second shooter to add a bit of movement and either the BM micro or new P4k. So far so good.

    But the sound... I’m thinking of the Zoom F1 plus lav kit (based on convenience and price (£175)). Does anyone know if that’s a sensible solution? I don’t want to complicate things anymore than necessary. There are no time pressures and things can be redone so it’s not critical single take stuff.

    Advice and alternative suggestions appreciated...


    * building a portfolio of University lecturers summarising (marketing!) their courses in a more innovative way than simply writing a list of “learning objectives”

  6. On 10/23/2018 at 7:54 PM, Andrew Reid said:

    if I wanted to set some cinematography to a Pink Floyd track in the privacy of my own edit suite at home, and not release it, I am free to do that.

    I was recruited by the DJ Paul Van Dyk once and he wanted to use my footage over his music. Boot on the other foot. I said yes.

    Isn’t there a difference here?

    The DJ asked and you said yes. That is essentially you granting a licence/permission to use your cinematography. And even tho’ there was neither a financial component nor a formal legal agreement it certainly had the most basic and important element: respect.

    In contrast, did anyone ask Pink Floyd? 

    I think your point about the freedom of artistic expression is valid - but plagiarism, copyright infringement or pirating detract from that.

    My own experience is irrelevant because only a handful of people will ever see my videos but that notwithstanding I enjoy the process of finding new music to suit (using Audio Network) and paying to use it. That - in a trivial way - rewards and hopefully motivates the musicians to keep exercising their artistic expression. I think it also allows my viewers (the crowd of four) better opportunity to experience (see and hear) the holistic work rather than focus on a well known piece of music.

    There is a problem - not so certain what the solution is...



    41 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Unless a YouTuber or any kind of reviewer is an absolute expert at grading they shouldn't bother.

    Otherwise we get to review their grading and not the performance of the camera.

    If the footage I’ve seen so far is badly graded by people who don’t know what they’re doing then I’m delighted. I can’t grade like an expert either so it proves even I have hope of achieving a decent image.

    Expert (often cynically defined as someone who has been doing it badly for a long time) and professional quality stuff isn’t too important for people like me as it’s always going to be out of reach...

    But I take your point!


  8. 2 hours ago, Turboguard said:

    Did you buy it from their website? I ordered  a week ago, payment went through right away and it said 4-5 day shipping. But looking today on order info it still says “processing” for me. How long did it take you to get it?

    I had a similar experience (albeit ordered soon after it was announced). I emailed them to ask for an approximate shipping date and it was dispatched immediately.

  9. Hi Jeff,

    I'm very much in agreement with you here. I shoot a lot of travel films in northern Finland (personal hobby use not commercial). They are slow paced, tranquil and relaxing. Nothing really “happens” but (in my opinion) they represent the vast arctic landscape. I tend not to include people. 

    The films I’ve made of the aurora borealis are similar - they are long and things happen slowly with a few moments of rapid “dancing”. 

    And no drone footage (I actually cancelled an order for the Mavic 2 Pro because I realised I didn’t really want the footage although it would be fun flying the drone).

    I liked your video (and music was appropriate)

  10. 1 hour ago, BTM_Pix said:

    The trapped battery reports on BMC User are quite disturbing.

    On the other hand, one of the people that it has happened to got his camera from CVP, which means they have at least shipped another one other than @Snowfun 's one so I'm now one further up the list.

    So, swings and roundabouts and all that.

    My batteries pop in and out easily enough.

    I get enough practice...

  11. At least I’m not worried about battery life... my cFast card (128Gb £275) records for three minutes (UHD raw uncompressed 60fps). And I’ve got six Canon LPE6s so I should be ok.

    Said in jest, obviously. I’ll never record uncompressed raw. And I have 2 500Gb T5s on order.

    But the other half did seem pleased that she wouldn’t have to sit through more than 180s of my cinematic holiday films!

  12. There are three function buttons. You can set them to toggle a setting or do a preset. 

    With the BM interface there is really no diving into a menu - it is so intuitive and easy to use. Certainly one of cleanest and efficient interfaces of any device.

    Possibly a consequence of only having limited options available (cf Sony A7x) but that notwithstanding the interface just works.

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