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    PannySVHS reacted to kye in Some really lovely cinematography   
    Perhaps the thing to keep in mind is that she says in the description "Selections of visuals from an upcoming feature project".
    So, in a sense, this is B-roll, and in a sense, this edit is a camera test for YT.
    I need to up my game with camera tests!
  2. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to Tim Sewell in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    Absolutely love her stuff.
  3. Thanks
    PannySVHS reacted to kye in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    The variable aperture zoom lenses aren't fixed DoF, but they're certainly close..

    ...and I think you're talking about Mina Rhodes who did a bunch of Urban Symphony style videos like this one?
  4. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from mercer in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    It just seems that i don't wanna take a chance on the port nor rig the beauty up. I really enyoyed the restrictions and freedoms of using it barebones as I wrote above. 
    I got two 64GB cards plus a 32one, all three working well but none for 50p raw 3:1. Read on this forum about more recent cards working without troubles iirc. Maybe we could do a og p2k or m2k cinema verité parade, you, @kye , @mercer , me and anyone else.
  5. Thanks
    PannySVHS got a reaction from mercer in Panasonic to Integrate Consumer and Professional Video Divisions   
    Period! 😊 @Emanuel@mercer
  6. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to Davide DB in Sony Burano : a groundbreaking cinema camera   
    The photography is very distinctive. Very documentary-like.
    The underwater shots totally without contrast. It must be a stylistic choice but the underwater ones are unwatchable.
     The BBC sleeps soundly
  7. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to John Matthews in DigitalRev TV DEAD   
    Read the news recently? Lived in France recently? Recently engaged politically in France? The "direction of" doesn't mean they do everything like in Hong Kong as described in the video. Have you got any knowledge the power of the president in France?
    No need to be rude. I assume you're talking to me but don't have the guts to quote me or respond so that I can clearly see you're talking to me.
  8. Thanks
    PannySVHS reacted to Marcio Kabke Pinheiro in A6700?   
    With an aftermarket fan, it could even not be a problem. With my X-S20 tests with a Ulanzi fan, it doubled the record time, under direct sun - looks like the generic Aliexpress ones works as good as this one.
  9. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to kye in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    My P2K and M2K are both ready to shoot!
  10. Thanks
    PannySVHS reacted to kye in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    The word in the OG FB groups is Kingston SD cards work, with a number of accounts suggesting the file format used matters (the Mac one is better apparently - I think they mean ExFat) and some people suggest the green ones aren't so good and to get the blue or red ones.  I can't confirm though.
  11. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from kye in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    It just seems that i don't wanna take a chance on the port nor rig the beauty up. I really enyoyed the restrictions and freedoms of using it barebones as I wrote above. 
    I got two 64GB cards plus a 32one, all three working well but none for 50p raw 3:1. Read on this forum about more recent cards working without troubles iirc. Maybe we could do a og p2k or m2k cinema verité parade, you, @kye , @mercer , me and anyone else.
  12. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to mercer in Panasonic to Integrate Consumer and Professional Video Divisions   
    I'm not really one to say... I still shoot ML Raw on a Canon 5D3...
    I will say that the FZ2500 is hefty. It's kinda like a brick, but it's a solid camera. The all-i 1080p out of it is really nice.
    I stopped looking at the newer RX10s once they moved away from the constant aperture lens and the built in nd filters. I've only had version ii and I liked it a lot. They also seem to hold their value. The last one i bought used back in 2017, I paid the same amount that i see them listed for now.
    Here are a couple frames from it...
  13. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to Emanuel in Panasonic to Integrate Consumer and Professional Video Divisions   
    Have you ever watched this one @mercer?
    Your face! : ) And simply one of the loveliest pieces ANYONE can EVER watch on the screen!
    End of the story.
    So I hope this may serve as definitive word on the responsibility you have as creator, no excuses, you're much more than a writer and... period ; )
    EAG :- )
  14. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to BTM_Pix in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    Its like everything else in that its breakable depending on circumstances.
    I've broken far tougher cameras than the Pocket, including multiple Nikon D4 and D3 bodies which were built for very heavy duty wear and tear but not for bouncing off concrete.
    So it happens and all you can do is mitigate it.
    The clamp is the obvious step but also the cable in that if you use a right angled one then you can reduce the outside span of cable that it can then get snagged on.
    Another mitigation is to use a right angle adapter and plug the monitor cable into that so if something happens then you are likely to damage the end that goes to the monitor instead of the camera port and can then replace the adapter.
    Its interesting that people wring their hands about the camera port yet the input port on something like the Ninja V is equally vulnerable irrespective of it being full size HDMI.
    SDI is the answer but I can assure you that they can get sheared off as well in the wrong circumstances.
    At this particular moment, though, I'd be far more concerned about trying to get hold of media to use in the OG Pocket than its HDMI port.
  15. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to BTM_Pix in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    I use this SmallRig half cage on mine which has a basic but effective HDMI clamp.

  16. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from kye in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    P2K has a very fragile micro hdmi out as you know, so I don't even bother. @kye I used it in in direct sunlight without rigging a monitor. I was testing a worst case scenario, carrying three xtra batteries and the 14mm F2.5 pancake at F11 and 360 shutter. I had so much fun and the results very so satisfying. I used single point AF on the lens, F11 on S16, you figure:) That way i was able to use the monitor only for framing and i prefocused my shots with pressing the focus button once or twice only during the take. I had posted that video here before. Such a great little camera with a great image. A pocket camera after all.:)
  17. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from kye in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    Exactely. That thing is fragile. Hardly usuable for rigging. I mounted it on one of the screwholes and the outer shell cracked slightly around the mounting point. Same with a second screw hole. The plastic shell is just very poor quality.
  18. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from SRV1981 in Philip Bloom = The iPhone 15 log   
    Dog lover vs kitten cat. 🙂
    His colors looked great when 709 was ruling acquisition. Log made him logged out of color appeal. Too bad he took a harmless joke so badly. Something must have hit him much more than just a goofy joke about his kittens. Senstive state of mind he must have been in. His videos are still a joy to chill with.
  19. Thanks
    PannySVHS reacted to kye in Beastgrip for mobile photography accessories   
    This was always the problem I had with using a phone on manual settings - you are forced to choose one of the following:
    Buy the latest phone and use it as a phone and camera, and use a rig for the camera use
    Crap option because you now don't have good access to your phone, plus you risk interruptions from calls / notifications or have to use aeroplane mode and miss potentially important things
      Buy the latest phone and use it as a phone and camera, with some sort of rig that easily removed for the camera use
    Almost any clip-on/off rig (even just an ND) is normally incompatible with proper cases that protect the phone, either requiring you use their protective case (which is invariably a POS), or you take the proper case on and off (which is hard to do and damages them quickly), or you have to use the phone without much drop/scratch protection
      Buy the latest phone as camera and use your old phone as phone
    If I just paid a bunch of money for a phone that is only a camera, why didn't I just buy a proper camera? Buy two of the latest phones, one for phone, one for camera
    Same as above.
      Buy an older phone as camera
    Same as above, with the possible exception of buying an android phone that can shoot RAW I also did a deep-dive on the setups that use ground glass and a real lens and the image had huge problems - if any camera looked like that then it would be laughed off the internet.
    One potential exception is that newer designs seem to use the MagSafe attachment to hold a filter / ND, which might actually be an acceptable solution for filters, but not likely strong enough for lenses.
  20. Haha
    PannySVHS reacted to kye in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    Do you mean they're not that usable without having a cage for the Shogun Flame?
    Why is that?  Surely it's ok if you just mount it to the rig you have?
    I must admit I have an attraction/repulsion reaction to external monitors.  Attraction because of their potential brightness, size, and resolution, but repulsion about the extra size, weight, need for a rig, extra batteries (and additional chargers etc), etc.  I keep having the following:
    I should use the P2K P2K screen doesn't articulate and isn't visible outdoors I could use an external monitor for it What a PITA - I may as well use the M2K (BMMCC) M2K has rubbish buttons and having a rig is too big / cumbersome If only there was a way to get that image without a rig I should use the P2K.  (Go to step 1, loop......  forever!)
  21. Like
    PannySVHS got a reaction from kye in Former Atomos CEO Alleges ‘Rampant Illegality’ At The Company   
    Still got my shogun flame. Used it twice as a monitor and once as a recorder for one of my fs700 cams. Hardly worth in usage for the money I paid. Without a cage these things are hardly usuable. Cages have been and still are around 120eu on the bay. I doubt the benefit for it other than usuage as a monitor. It was a haveto when filming in the bright sun for the ACing but other than that I think I won't miss anything if I let that thing go. If a project comes up renting will have to do.
    Reading this thread gives me the right impulse to sell that thing. So thanks for spreading the word. Hopefully someone will still be willing to buy that thing. Wish me good luck. cheers:)
  22. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to mercer in Deliberately Shooting in Standard Definition   
    I think it still looks pretty good, those old Panasonic CCD sensors were really cool... I had one of their P&S cameras back in 2009... I think it was an FX150. Loved that camera. The mjpeg files had such a thickness to them.
    I grew up in the 80s and I agree about the footage giving a nostalgic feeling... I swear when I remember my childhood, I see it in 110 film.
    Back in the camcorder days, there used to be a trick where you'd copy a clip and stack it on top of the other to make it have a little extra heft, you should try it with one of your film emulations. 
  23. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to Clark Nikolai in Deliberately Shooting in Standard Definition   
    A better word for them would be parameters.
    I remember kd lang saying how she used to do performance art but because you can do anything with that it wasn't fun and creative, she then turned to country music and it having so many conventions she was able to mess with it in interesting ways. In improv Jazz music they don't just play whatever, they have a key, a time signature and a riff that they then play around with. It ends up being more creative than it would be.  So limitations are good for creativity.
  24. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to Emanuel in Deliberately Shooting in Standard Definition   
    Limitations can help to balance it more with raising the creative side of our own very often ; )
    - EAG
  25. Like
    PannySVHS reacted to QuickHitRecord in Deliberately Shooting in Standard Definition   
    In the race to 8K, 12K, and beyond, how much resolution do we really need to tell a story? I brought my trusty FZ47 on a little New Year's trip to Arizona, and I think that 640x480 might just be enough:
    Technical: I scaled up to 1920x1440 (no "smart" or AI rescaling). I did not add any sharpening or softening to the image, and I resisted the urge to clean up the digital artifacts and just embraced them instead. I did however do a little color work.
    I was actually shocked by how good this footage looks, probably because it's progressive and not interlaced. I think I'd put this footage up against the DVX100, XL1/2, or comparable camera. And as we've seen in the 8-bit grading tests that @kye shared with us, it's kind of shocking how much you can push the image around in post (especially if you are either okay with some macro-blocking, or willing to soften/hide it). I think that's part of what makes this camera so much fun.
    Is there a unique aesthetic afforded by this low resolution? I'm not sure. I've degraded 1080P footage to have a similar level of detail in the past. The compression artifacts are definitely smaller and easier to hide. But in full motion, I feel like they add a nice texture.
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