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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. Hey Andrew! I sent you a pm. Don´t wanna brag about it, but there is a place in Berlin where people do just that, using all their time the dayjob leaves them and do films and more. What can I say, it´s a pretty nifty (did i get that word right, lemme check on dict.cc:) place. Think I got the word right:) You and some awesome people here inspired me to apply for that school and it´s been as nice as it can be, besides the burden of a non filmic day job. Here is a screenshot from a 24h hour film challenge me and a collegue student did on the semilegendary G6, no filmschooltech allowed, just practicals, a photolamp bounced, boosted 28mm FD and way too high iso 1600:) Shoot, now I spoiled the camera for my planned guess the camera challenge:) cheers Andrew and friends of this awesome place EOSHD! Marty
  2. Hey Aaron! Awesome! Thats the thread I was looking for, your "writing promps" one! Thanks so much, buddy!!:)
  3. Thanks a lot guys! Very helpful! Now I need some lenses. Good thing Andy and Andrew started this awesome lenses thread!
  4. Thanks a lot, sounds good enough for the purpose. Thanks for the advice about battery life!
  5. Hello everybody, was wondering, if it was any good to use a tablet as an external monitor via Wifi and Panasonic Image App. Would it be good enough for a director to see, if the shot is framed to his liking and if lighting and acting would be captured well enough? Asking, because G6 or G7 would be my choice to shoot a script with a director. Would like him to be able to follow the action via external monitor/tablet, so he doesnt have to stand right beside me all the time while filming. cheers and thanks
  6. Hallo again, if anybody remembers the post or the website, please drop a line. That website seemed an awesome concept for shortfilm makers a great find for anybody interested in making a short. Some of you who posted in that thread seemed really exited about it. cheers
  7. Hallo guys, I remember reading a post and discusstion about a website, where people post their shortfilm scripts and other people do their filmic interpretations of these. So after a period of time there are a number of different shorts produced for one and the same script. Then the forum community gets to vote the one they like the best. Does anybody remember that post, discussion or website. Would be a great thing to participate in, actively and as part of an audience as well. regards, Marty
  8. I think this topic has been up on Eoshd right after GH4 hit the market, since it allows to either shoot in 0-255 or 16-235. Can´t go wrong with 0-255 as this video shows. I think Floris pretty much did this video just for the people of Eoshd back then.
  9. Thanks Merce for showing that footage! Think it´s related as the small footprint with ibis would make this a very interesting camera due to the combination of size, stabilization and image quality. So my apologies. Would be nice to know, if HDMI out would work for monitoring and if processing is as nice as G7 is supposed to be. Soon we will know.
  10. Hey Merce, great find with the Canon lens. Do you have some footage, you would like to share? Really fully covers the 4K image? cheers, Marty
  11. I think it is great indeed. Nice cinematic energy and beautiful to watch. Great job!
  12. Hey Eoshd fellow filmer:) What lenses are your zoom trinity?:) cheers
  13. I think the first two sentences are very true, regarding the camera. The foliage on the ground looked really great. I really enjoy the mentality of yours, grabbing a camera and shooting stuff for our viewing pleasure. regards and thanks!
  14. hey merce!:) great contribution. nice footage. funny thing, was thinking about a eoshd challenge: doin a little short with a FZ1000. I imagine, sensor and codec could hold a candle to a G6. Got some nice footage out of that G6 with grading. Problem is, got a short done with my two mates and four actors, but just playing around too much with Davinci. Unfortunately I got the best results with a by eye approach, so harder for me to reproduce the workflow on other projects.
  15. Oh, I think, the gm1 has even more mojo imagewise. Martin Walgrens vimeo footage looks beautiful, so does Eoshd´s jase´s (jan s´) footage. Sensor from the GX7 with a beautiful overall image pipline. GM1 for hundred bucks then, Mattias? That would be a crazy deal then! Thinking about getting a GM5 for being my interchangeable lens photophone without the phonepart:) Oh yeah, F3, there was one on Ebay, didnt sell for 1000 Euros, second try it sold for 2300 Euros. Great chance missed, but 950 shooting hours are not to be ignored neither.
  16. Thanks guys, the 18-105 seems very nice for run and gun documentary work. Thank you once more for putting light into the darkness of assumptions:)
  17. Hallo, I just figured, that Auto Focus might not work well for adapted EF lenses on the FS7 and FS700. Only on A7RII with its Phase detection. Would that be the same for the non speedbooster version? Wouldnt make sense then to work with EF lenses on the two cameras, if auto focus is wanted for documentary filming? So are there good autofocus solutions for FS7/700 other than native lenses? Wouldnt make sense then to buy the Canon L 24 105 F4 for autofocus purposes? cheersInsert other media
  18. PannySVHS

    Sony a6300 4k

    Hallo Mattias, that are hells of deals! What stores are selling G7s for $420 or used ones for $300? I will buy a G7 there, no sense in waiting!
  19. PannySVHS

    Sony a6300 4k

    In Max´ video A6300 has obviously higher resolution than G7, also details in the shadows instead of mud. Regarding the shadow detail it looks like a codec issue of the G7 with noise reduction dialed up too much in the profile.
  20. Now this is starting to become some real fun tradition!:) 1. D5300 2. G7 3. FS5 4. winner:) Exposure is longer on the second camera.
  21. Hey Jase, looking good. Now the high resolution is really visible even when watching it in 720p. LX100 and GM1 from your other videos hold their own though, with beautiful color. The Tiffen Ultra is the filter or the plugin?
  22. Like I said, Andy, you most definately got me sold, twice now:) Cheers and Good night!
  23. Great, thanks a lot guys! That´s great news. Thats exactely what I needed to know, no cameras after 2012 or paid update needed for real 10bit! Thanks again guys!
  24. Wow, fantastic! Thank you for this great hint! It´s really getting tempting to buy one. Now just wondering about the 10bit 4:2:2 for models before March 2012 without the update and sofore without SLOG and 4:4:4:)
  25. Hey, thank you for your answer. I have read that before. But even on the older F3s, I was told, it would have 10bit 4:2:2 over SDI without an update, just not the 4:4:4 and SLOG. But I am having a hard time to believe that, since I haven´t found any info to support that claim. So I am still a little bit in the dark:)
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