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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. Hey people! silly thing: I bought a Canon FD 20mm for 220 EU, condition is as spanking new! So that puts me in trouble. I don´t want to scratch it. I mean, I don´t want to scratch the housing, because it looks so beautiful. So any tips how I can keep this baby in stellar condition but also do some footage with follow focus and other people pulling focus, (free time friends:) focus pullers. cheers
  2. Hey, it´s even a much smaller sensor, 1/1.7" size. Same model as Panasonic LX7. Nice footage from the guy.
  3. Hey Michael, thanks for checking out! Bought a 20mm 2.8 from Canon two days ago. Gonna see how that one works out.
  4. Hey Fritz, I think, Andy Lee was talking about a 0.8 by century optics. Question is, if it fits fullframe lenses and there are so my converters by century out there. So which one exactely? Maybe 0.7 is the limit anyway for a compromise of effect and quality. By the way, bidding on one Andys many and great lens recommendation very soon. Who hasn´t though?:) Well, with the EVF of the G6 focussing on distances from 5m (15ft) on with wideangles can be tricky, since it´s hard to see. Doesn´t help that punch in focussing magnification doesn´t seem to work when filming.
  5. Thumbs up! Great love for the old school gaming. I think the color contrast of the pixelart always looks fantastic, moody, involving, whereas the photorealism of PS3 and 4 generation games often looks ordinary. Have you played Commodore Amiga games? Some great games on it, best to be played on VGA monitors or TVs!:) Though I must say, I really enjoy to see the original GFX and artwork and colours without the analogue Tv pimping:)
  6. Hey! With compacts such as LX100 it´s tricky with manual focus, since it´s fly by wire. I myself handled the LX100 in a store. From that though limited experience I must say, I didnt like the fly by wire focus, neither the ergonomy, neither the EVF for videoshooting or updating from my cheap G6. Jase has quiet some experience shooting with it so maybe he can say more about handling and focussing. For professional filming with little time I think GH4 is just great. Battery life, large EVF. Don´t sell it unless GH5 comes up:) Maybe you like the handling and stabilization of the GX80. But still GH4 with Hdmi out, long battery life, mic input, things the GX80 doesn´t have. cheers
  7. Hey guys! Thanks replying! Thing is, was interested in the phenomenon itself, as my monitor has been used by hobbyists for CC. I figured, VGA blends colors into one and another. This is to similar effect like CRT interlaced TVs do. Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo games look great on TVs but on computer displays with their limited colors and resolution well represented. The TVs scanlines helped to smooth the 16bit consoles gfx. Oh, the 16bit didnt stand for color:) Thank you for the advices. Gonna get another display most definately. Great tips, thanks! Yeah, man, gonna get another monitor most definately!:) cheers
  8. Hey, great! Which one of the Vivitars is the rebranded super wide II? Unfortunately on the Sigma Focus throw between 3m and infinity is also ultra short, Hey Liam, not wordy at all, great points! Hey Justin, how much is the focus throw, half turn, 360, 270, how much in inches between 3m(9ft) and infinity? On the nFD 28mm it´s only half an inch between 3 and infinity. Hey, pricey, pricey:) The Elmarit seems to have a short throw between 3 and infiity as well, might be stell difficuilt to do focussing changes while recording video within that distance range.
  9. Hallo, the Canon FD 28mm is a nice nice lens. Beautiful look and a nice price. One thing it is lacking is a convinient focus throw betweem 3m (9ft) and infinity. It´s less than half an inch or 1cm. Are there recommendations for nice price adaptable lenses with manual focus and longer, managable focus throw between the range for 3m to infinity? Also, my question, if 0.5 wide angle adapter are acceptable in comibination with a 28mm regarding focussing and ok optical performance, are there a few acceptable ones available? cheers
  10. PannySVHS


    Freaking great color! 20mm- beautiful FOV, if one knows how to use it! What Fstop did you shoot this with, 3.5? won an auction for the Canon 20mm nFD for 220 USD. Kinda worried now, because manual focus on the 28mm FD is very tricky from 3m to infinity, focus throw tinely short between these two marks, so focus can easily to be off.
  11. Hey Geoff, so is VGA vs HDMI/DVI kind of comparable with: 64 video game colors appearing like 1024(fi) on an old CRT interlaced television VS looking like the exact number of 64 on a progressive computer monitor? Means, VGA blends harsh steps between hues into another, appearing like smooth transitions? Whereas digital ports work well to make artefacts and broken transitions visible on dislplays? cheers
  12. Hey! Thank you for your reply. This would be the next great step for my kind of grading mankind, calibration and stuff:) What I am worrying and worried about right now is my VGA port. Could it be that it blends harsh steps from hue to hue together, so artefacts, banding and such are not recognizable, whereas digital ports give a much more realistic impression of the harsh digital artefacts? It´s like oldschool videogames look good on old interlaced crt tv, colors well blent into one another, whereas on computerscreens it really shows their limited number of 32 onscreen colors.
  13. Hallo, I´m not a grading expert but enjoy doing it, because it´s great to control the look of the images from shooting to post. Got some nice results but mixed bags too. The problem is that my monitor does´nt seem show the 8bit obscurities well enough to be recognizable for me, banding, pixelisation, stuff like that. My monitor has only a VGA connector and seems to hide the grading errors and digital artefacts very well. Is that a "feature" of the analogue connection due to blending the nastiness of grading errors into a beautiful and smooth image? Asking so, because on TVs with HDMI, I could see the failed parts of the image, whereas on my monitor it looked fine. This is with grades of the more extreme kind. Other less problematic footage looks like a well representation of the image and nice on a variety of output devices such as beamer, DVI or HDMI connected displays and TVs. Thanks for your advices. cheers, Martin
  14. Yeah, those laid back and charmingly goofy reviews by Philip Bloom were really something. I remember downloading one, so I wouldnt have to be bothered by internet buffer. Then back with a big cup of hot chocolate and a pile of cake and apples I relaxed with this warmhearted, amusing and charming presentation, and outside it was winter in Berlin. Your reviews and videos are awesome, masterful vignettes. Your digital Bolex footage and GH4 review are my most remembered pieces from you, your Tokyo Storm and FS100 anamorphic my EOSHD starters. Your blog plus forum is a dictionary of love for the craft, technical knowhow, treasures and rare gems of knowledge, hey- rare gems of people too! Keep it up, Andrew, this is awesome, you´re awesome!
  15. 24mm F2.8 sounds nice enough to be boosted to f2:) so far the 28 has been a favorite of mine, so light and nice to handle, a pretty one for very low money these days.
  16. the ikonoskop is ccd, isn´t it. beautiful footage from it anyway. anybody had the chance to work with it? it´s a rare beast and not in production anymore, afaik.
  17. Hey Andrew! I sent you a pm. Don´t wanna brag about it, but there is a place in Berlin where people do just that, using all their time the dayjob leaves them and do films and more. What can I say, it´s a pretty nifty (did i get that word right, lemme check on dict.cc:) place. Think I got the word right:) You and some awesome people here inspired me to apply for that school and it´s been as nice as it can be, besides the burden of a non filmic day job. Here is a screenshot from a 24h hour film challenge me and a collegue student did on the semilegendary G6, no filmschooltech allowed, just practicals, a photolamp bounced, boosted 28mm FD and way too high iso 1600:) Shoot, now I spoiled the camera for my planned guess the camera challenge:) cheers Andrew and friends of this awesome place EOSHD! Marty
  18. Hey Aaron! Awesome! Thats the thread I was looking for, your "writing promps" one! Thanks so much, buddy!!:)
  19. Thanks a lot guys! Very helpful! Now I need some lenses. Good thing Andy and Andrew started this awesome lenses thread!
  20. Thanks a lot, sounds good enough for the purpose. Thanks for the advice about battery life!
  21. Hello everybody, was wondering, if it was any good to use a tablet as an external monitor via Wifi and Panasonic Image App. Would it be good enough for a director to see, if the shot is framed to his liking and if lighting and acting would be captured well enough? Asking, because G6 or G7 would be my choice to shoot a script with a director. Would like him to be able to follow the action via external monitor/tablet, so he doesnt have to stand right beside me all the time while filming. cheers and thanks
  22. Hallo again, if anybody remembers the post or the website, please drop a line. That website seemed an awesome concept for shortfilm makers a great find for anybody interested in making a short. Some of you who posted in that thread seemed really exited about it. cheers
  23. Hallo guys, I remember reading a post and discusstion about a website, where people post their shortfilm scripts and other people do their filmic interpretations of these. So after a period of time there are a number of different shorts produced for one and the same script. Then the forum community gets to vote the one they like the best. Does anybody remember that post, discussion or website. Would be a great thing to participate in, actively and as part of an audience as well. regards, Marty
  24. I think this topic has been up on Eoshd right after GH4 hit the market, since it allows to either shoot in 0-255 or 16-235. Can´t go wrong with 0-255 as this video shows. I think Floris pretty much did this video just for the people of Eoshd back then.
  25. Thanks Merce for showing that footage! Think it´s related as the small footprint with ibis would make this a very interesting camera due to the combination of size, stabilization and image quality. So my apologies. Would be nice to know, if HDMI out would work for monitoring and if processing is as nice as G7 is supposed to be. Soon we will know.
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