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  1. Like
    User reacted to Andrew Reid in Idolise Trump? Goodbye!   
    Looking at recent posts objectively, it is always the same users who end a perfectly good discussion on this forum with toxic bullshit.
    I am coming after you.
    It is a cull.
    It isn't about politics.
    It's about values!
    To protect a community I love... I have no choice.
    To be clear, it is none of my business which way you vote. What matters is behaviour, character, values.
    If you've been a good contributor here and kind to people you get to stay.
    If not, then you are going to be asked to leave and I will pursue people who return under a different name.
    This is purely because there are now far too many posts being trashed and too much arguing driven by people with the wrong values which I despise.
    I am going to use this week to draw up a list of people who strongly align themselves with Trump's politics of America First.
    And I will be getting rid of the lot of you.
    Yes you can say it's a political purge but I prefer to think of it as purely about values and about protecting users who DO contribute positively to the forum.
    If these idiots are allowed to get away with bringing Trump idolising bullshit into this community then all our work will be for nothing and Russia with their fake-user farms will have won too, because I am 99% sure at least a few of the idiots are completely made-up shill users whose role is to divide us politically and weaken our online communities.
    At a time when we must pull together as a camera-community, as filmmaking industry, even as a country, indeed as a world - to get through tough economic times ahead - dumb arguments which ignore factual data are a waste of time.
    What has happened to the world in recent weeks is stressful enough and I personally do not need to hear from certain people in every thread. I will not be providing a platform for Red cap wearing idiots who haven't contributed a single shot or image to this forum.
    I get that EOSHD has a big US readership, in fact the US contribution to my site is the largest in the world and I want to keep as many of you as possible and not lose any friends who just happen to disagree with me on politics.
    But if you are going to be a shill for Trump's politics or somebody who is a complete shit-stirrer and troll, then I will no longer be turning a blind eye to it and the cull starts now...
    Have fun on your way out.
  2. Like
    User reacted to fuzzynormal in Western governments are criminally negligent over Coronavirus   
    In the midst of the most impactful global event since WWII, what exactly should anyone here expect to happen?
    Our careers are tied up in this mess.  When people in power make things messier, it matters.
    Also curious that an argument you're making is essentially telling people that trying to be informed is a big problem.
    Ignorance is hardly an effective refuge at this time.  I wish people were more informed, not less informed.  It could have saved us weeks of inaction.
    But you did say "turn off the news" which implies television media, and yes, that's pretty much nonsense.  Are you watching FNC much?  They've been on the "gosh, this is serious" side of things for only about a week. Coincidentally, someone named Donald has been as well.  
    Coincidentally again, some FNC talking head made the same complaint you made about "the media" last night, criticized Dr. Fauci in the process, and then DT hit caps lock while repeating the same sentiment online.
    And here we are mentioning that same sentiment in a camera forum the next day.
    Checks and balances indeed.  
  3. Like
    User reacted to Lars Steenhoff in Western governments are criminally negligent over Coronavirus   
    Thanks for letting me know @User
  4. Haha
    User reacted to IronFilm in Western governments are criminally negligent over Coronavirus   
    But is that a true increase in cases, or is it just because they're finally testing for them now?
    The government needs to not interfere with price signals, so that prices are free to float for supply to match demand. 

    Higher prices can lead to great supply coming online, for instance, vodka distilleries making hand sanitisers:
  5. Like
    User reacted to Andrew Reid in Western governments are criminally negligent over Coronavirus   
    There is a slow burning realisation and awakening in the UK and Europe (it will come to the US soon) that we have fucked up.
    Big time.
    In Japan and Taiwan, simple early hygiene measures avoided a lockdown or economic crash. Thousands of jobs saved, but more importantly thousands of lives saved from the outset.
    In January, the Japanese started to test in-depth for coronavirus and did case by case contact tracing and isolation. The public did their bit by wearing masks en-masse in public and using hand sanitiser. @BTM_Pix points out that most if not all shops had hand sanitiser on the entrance so people didn't unwittingly spread by handling goods.
    At the same time, here in the UK our government did nothing. Business as normal.
    In February our crackpot chief advisor started to float the theory of herd immunity, and amazingly the chief scientists and government itself went for this strategy straight off the bat, as the first cases reached the UK. When the scientists ran the numbers, it wasn't until over a month later... It would result in 2 million dead people, minimum.
    The chief advisor Dominic Cummings is rumoured to have been advocating for the death of 2 million people as late as February 28th.
    "At one private event at the end of February, Cummings outlined then government’s strategy at the time in a way that was summarised by some present as “herd immunity, protect the economy, and if that means some pensioners die, too bad.”
    Meanwhile in Japan and Taiwan, the simple hygiene measures were leaving some of the most densely populated cities on Earth virtually untouched by the epidemic.
    But for Italy things were rapidly going downhill. Another government who sat on their hands in January and February.
    Italy's terrifying unfolding tragedy is a glimpse into the future for all of us... Just 2-4 weeks into the future.
    In Italy, 20-30% of intensive care patients are aged 20-40. People with underlying health or lung problems are at great risk even if they're young.
    Hospitals and health systems will collapse.
    The sudden lockdowns required, will crash the economy, creating joblessness, government debt and hardship on a scale never seen before in modern times.
    Meanwhile Japan remains open for business.
    Sure, with some major events cancelled and the Olympics in doubt... But over in China, they are already going back to work.
    Taiwan has some of the fewest cases and deaths per 100,000 people in the world, despite being on the doorstep of China.
    Hong Kong too.
    In the West this is the biggest government manslaughter unfolding, that has ever been seen in our lives.
    Italy, Spain, Germany, UK, US, we are all going to face utter darkness. Please takes step to protect yourselves from the government's handling of this in the critical early stages. It is going to get out of control.
  6. Like
    User reacted to fuzzynormal in Western governments are criminally negligent over Coronavirus   
    I agree to an extent. 
    I sincerely doubt that the culture in the USA will awaken to facts over myth.  We have a system here built upon a foundation of nonsense, where what we want to hear is more important than reality.  Europe has felt the sting of that attitude to an extent, we have not.
    This American culture has helped create a health-care system built for the affluent, not for everybody, and that's a system I fear will probably not withstand the crush of contagion.
    I pray that I'm wrong about that, but there's nothing I'm hearing from the current administration that allays my concern.  The USA is going to be in the thick of COVID repercussions Mid-May and not back to anything resembling normal until mid summer.
    That's a long time to reflect --and 33% unemployment (that's a "new normal" that I'm not happy to face) will shake some marbles lose, so maybe attitudes will shift somehow...but... man, I just know people here.  Many are family. I see how they think and behave.  The attitude is a blessing and a curse.  These people I live with are not outliers, they are average Americans.
  7. Downvote
    User reacted to hijodeibn in How Pandemics Change History   
    New Yorker is a Left Biased magazine, you can not expect objectiveness from a media like that, obviously nobody except Left Biased people will believe on it.
  8. Like
    User reacted to Andrew Reid in How Pandemics Change History   
    It's an interview with Frank M. Snowden, professor emeritus of history and the history of medicine at Yale.
    So let's hear him out.
    "One way of approaching this is to examine how I got interested in the topic, which was a realization—I think a double one. Epidemics are a category of disease that seem to hold up the mirror to human beings as to who we really are. That is to say, they obviously have everything to do with our relationship to our mortality, to death, to our lives....
    "They show the moral relationships that we have toward each other as people, and we’re seeing that today.
    "The main part of preparedness to face these events is that we need as human beings to realize that we’re all in this together, that what affects one person anywhere affects everyone everywhere"
    "and we need to think in that way rather than about divisions of race and ethnicity, economic status, and all the rest of it."
    "I had done some preliminary reading and thought this was an issue that raises really deep philosophical, religious, and moral issues. And I think epidemics have shaped history in part because they’ve led human beings inevitably to think about those big questions."
    "The outbreak of the plague, for example, raised the whole question of man’s relationship to God. How could it be that an event of this kind could occur with a wise, all-knowing and omniscient divinity? Who would allow children to be tortured, in anguish, in vast numbers?"
    "It had an enormous effect on the economy. Bubonic plague killed half the population of full continents and, therefore, had a tremendous effect on the coming of the industrial revolution, on slavery and serfdom. Epidemics also, as we’re seeing now, have tremendous effects on social and political stability. They’ve determined the outcomes of wars, and they also are likely to be part of the start of wars sometimes. So, I think we can say that there’s not a major area of human life that epidemic diseases haven’t touched profoundly."
    Well I saw it myself in Barcelona. The different approaches from different people. I'll give you some characters I met, and their response. Had I stayed longer, I would have filmed them and made a documentary. When I travel I prefer backpackers hostels (at least good ones) to hotels as you save money and get to meet interesting people. The facilities are hotel standard anyway and some of them are like fancy apartments. A great way to travel.
    In one I met the French hostel owner, whose first priority was safety of his staff... he sent them all home, but kept a few guests on who had no flight and nowhere else to go. A good man, he didn't panic... didn't put himself first...he risked his own wellbeing to help me. Barcelona Garden Hostel in city centre, if you're curious. I will be going back once this is over and saying thanks.
    And my response to the crisis there told me something about me. I wanted to stay, I took unnecessary risks, didn't book a flight home even though I knew trouble was coming. I think in hindsight it was foolish. I booked 3 hostels at once when things were really locking down, so if one closed, I'd have somewhere else to stay. Contingency plan! I wasn't going to leave it up to God to decide whether I would be homeless, using GFX 100 as a hammer to crack open coconuts for dinner.
    Another character were staff in a different hostel, who tried to charge me double for a room if I wanted to stay there as a backup plan... any excuse basically to make a profit from a pandemic and public health crisis.
    Other people I met, were panic stricken. One girl in tears, afraid of losing her job.
    Some hostels and hotels were rejecting new customers... didn't give a crap.
    Some just sacked their staff on the spot, sent home with nothing.
    Britannia hotel chain in the UK today did not just sack a ton of people, they flung them out of their accommodation too.
    Tells us a lot about some businesses and why they should be allowed to go broke in a crisis... No bailout from taxpayer for them, give it to the staff they treat as disposable, instead.
    There were people joking about the pandemic. I didn't mind it. But sometimes seems insensitive. In a supermarket, shelves empty, elderly old wise cracking Spanish man came up to me with the wheezing laugh like in the meme, something I didn't understand but definitely about toilet paper. Very amusing. Other times, some American tourists, acting like they were immune and to hell with everyone else, being jokey and insensitive around so many people worried for their jobs and health, just made me sick to the stomach to be honest.
    So yes, the Yale guy is right.
    It is going to tell us some deep truths about our character, our values, our societies by the time this is all over.
  9. Like
    User reacted to Andrew Reid in How Pandemics Change History   
    Here we fucking go again.
    If we can read the article and identifiy the facts in it, and comment on those rather than any politics, we might start the thread off in a more interesting way. Otherwise it'll have to be canned like the last one. Can we do it??
  10. Like
    User reacted to Andrew Reid in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Looks like we have another Trump troll heading for the bot farm from which they came.
    What a shit stirrer. A ban is coming on at least 10 members because you are basically toxic people.
    I am not going to sit here and let you turn the forum toxic with your racism and America First fuck the rest of us delusion.
    You will need the Germans when the vaccine is ready.
    You need the British when you want a camera forum, apparently.
    But being grateful or thankful apparently isn't a part of your brain that lights up very much.
    Therefore you don't deserve to be a member of this forum.
    It's that simple. Enjoy your time here while it lasts because I am going to blanket ban toxic thickos tomorrow.
    For the other idiots and patriot racists who are coming out of the woodwork, you're time's up.
    Camera forums deserve a basic morality going on.
    If you are trying to gain exclusivity over a coronavirus remedy, it's nothing more than a profit grab and a death sentence for others. The science community is a global one. All important science needs to be a world effort especially with a pandemic like this.
    People are slowly realising what America First really means and what does this for America's image in the world. It fucking tarnishes it, to say the least. You have a President who is destroying any remaining appeal of American identity and idealism in the eyes of 80% of the world's population.
    Be a good neighbour and you may get a German or Japanese coronavirus medicine at the same time as the rest of us.
    And if you think your own people and flag is so much better than the others, develop your own fucking vaccine.
    Like I say, I have tolerated gobshites all my life but time's up.
    Yes I do remember the behaviour on the Titanic.
    Having an exclusive deal on a pandemic vaccine isn't IN YOUR FUCKING BEST INTERESTS YOU FUCKWIT
    You really are as fuckwitted as it gets... aren't you?
    You consider shafting the world some kind of "victory"
    You don't live in a fucking bubble.
    You are a human being on planet Earth before you're an American.
  11. Like
    User reacted to fuzzynormal in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Great!  Available to you though? 
    Half a dozen locations ain't bad news as it's finally a start, but it's a trifle.  And why should testing only be finally rolled out now?  Do you think it might have been better if the testing was happening 2 or 3 weeks ago?  You know, like the out-of-work employees from the dismantled the National Security Council’s global health security office were saying since January?
    These are facts that illustrate the current administration in a unflattering light.  A light so unflattering that Trump supporters, like you, prefer to ignore by employing the embarrassing deflecting rhetoric of "now's not the time to be political." 
  12. Haha
    User reacted to Emanuel in COVID19 Kibosh   
    A lucky bastard! : P
  13. Thanks
    User reacted to IronFilm in COVID19 Kibosh   
    YUSSSSSSSSSSSS! My local supermarket currently has NO BREAD, and NO PASTA!
    More people can now join me on the path of the Low Carb Lifestyle
    *evil cackle*
    Hahahaha 😄
    Wonder if my Uncle does that when he visits us, doubt it? But nothing would really surprise me.

    And in the current environment, more people should do this while flying!!

    Edit: oh, he's Kohein. Well then, that makes more sense? Doesn't seem so strange now at all.
    Found the source of the pic, which gives more context:
  14. Haha
    User reacted to IronFilm in COVID19 Kibosh   

    Good news! Italy is doing great

    So, it is time to ditch the fear, and get on out there and create!

    Anybody want to shoot a doco about the coronavirus with me? I'll pay you in exposure.

  15. Like
    User reacted to Emanuel in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Indeed. Sorry to have felt to write it : ) But I can't stand certain voices who think they are owners of something which actually belongs to many more people than they intend to : -)
  16. Thanks
    User reacted to Robert Collins in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Have you considered the 'worst case' scenario? Well it turns out that the NHS in the UK have modeled the worst case. 
    Under this scenario it is assumed that 80% of the UK's population contract coronavirus over the course of the next year. According to Chris Whitty the UK's Chief Medical Officer this could lead to 7.9m people being hospitalized and 318,000 deaths.
    Whilst this figure sounds (and is) horrendous it needs to be put in perspective. In 2018 there were 541,000 deaths in the UK - of which cancer was the most common cause with 150,000.
  17. Haha
    User reacted to Emanuel in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Amigo, very true, oh well, me not you, he accused me of something again, this time on my totally friendly comments (as usual BTW) addressed to mercer... LOL : -)
  18. Haha
    User reacted to fuzzynormal in COVID19 Kibosh   
    No. Didn't say that nor hope for any of that.  Qualified my definition of what I meant by "Failure".  Do you really think I'm some sort of cartoon over here?  
    C'mon now.  I don't have a wax mustache and I'm not twirling it with a damsel tied to the railroad tracks. 
    Okay. Okay.  Maybe you got me.
    It's not really a damsel on the railroad tracks, it's an unborn fetus under the heel of my Birkenstock sandals.  I am twirling my mustache, but only because I'm proud of it and my new arm pit hair.  I was born a woman and have recently transitioned to my true orientation.  The hormones are awesome and I can afford them because even though I'm of sound mind and body I'm on unemployment, disability, and food stamps.  I threw away my bootstraps while on an Antifa march in Portland during Pride Week.  Took me a while to make the decision to accept my real identity, but after numerous trips to my school's gender neutral bathroom and meditating to the Flying Spaghetti Monster I've come to realize that with unprotected premarital sex and a vegan diet I'm ready to take away everyone's guns and jobs. 
    Oh, and then I'll do genocide because bad man in President chair makes me sad.  That too.
    Oh boy.  Too much?  Was that too much?  Curse you internet!  You did it to me again!!  Speaking of tracks, I've gone off the rails.  Sorry about that.  I better get outta here.  Love you all, seriously.
  19. Haha
    User reacted to Andrew Reid in Another Camera Will Arrive   
    EOSdh rumors is reporting that EOS R0 will have built in laser gun for zapping zombies in the coronavirus apocalypse. Also comes with a free snake potion in the box and 5 bottle caps for trading with Pentax users... The last survivors,
  20. Haha
    User reacted to kaylee in Another Camera Will Arrive   
    kayleerumors is reporting an EOS R1 with 8000 fps stills in live view
    dunno what that means, but the slogan is “8k for $8k”
  21. Thanks
    User reacted to Thomas Hill in Sony scraps 2020 mirrorless camera features to prioritise PS5 bill of materials cost   
    Here's an informative interview about viruses that move from animals to humans and how scientists track down their origin https://www.wnyc.org/story/new-coronavirus-wont-be-the-last-outbreak-to-move-from-animal-to-human
  22. Like
    User reacted to Andrew Reid in Street photography panic / Fuji hysteria   
    Fuji made this X100V advert featuring an artist who breaks Japanese social norms.
    They pulled it due to adverse hysteria on the internet (not real world)
    His technique (filmed from 00:45 in the video above) produces very interesting art with the best intention... Documenting the normal in a cinematic way. If the subject sees the end result, they'd approve 9/10... But in the moment, it just seems intrusive and a bit weird. Poor them.
    Their poor feelies, big frowny face, boo hoo!
    What a violation of privacy, blah blah blah.
    Art is bigger than that I'm afraid.
    Dear Fujifilm. Put the ad back up and stand behind your artist!
    His work:
    DPReview pixel peeper comments (gives me a fucking headache)
    https://***URL removed***/news/6165309898/fujifilm-pulls-controversial-x100v-promo-video-due-to-the-featured-photographer-method
  23. Haha
  24. Thanks
    User reacted to Andrew Reid in How to receive a BAFTA as ungraciously as possible   
    I don't think many white men feel the so called privilege.
    Which is why we end up with protest votes at election time.
    The whole political correct thing doesn't connect with ordinary people.
    Politics is obsessed with skin colour, not the gaffer on a film set who just happens to be born in a country where white people are a majority.
    Why should he feel ashamed just for being part of an industry?
    I don't think anybody who works in the film industry should be shamed into believing they are part of an institutionally racist conspiracy.
    Some of the most incredible countries in the world are monocultural. Japan is about as close to a monocultural society as it gets and where is no shame in it. In fact Japan is arguably all the more unique and special for it. Are we suggesting Japan should now be reduced to 40% to 50% native Japanese people, in order to represent a greater number of skin colours and cultures? No.
    Discrimination against majorities is as wrong as discrimination against minorities.
    This constant shaming of talented hard working creative people for being white males has gotta stop.
  25. Like
    User reacted to Snowfun in How to receive a BAFTA as ungraciously as possible   
    It’s an increasingly strange world we live in.
    Equality doesn’t mean every conceivable variation has to be represented in equal proportions in all events at all times...
    Generally the equality of opportunity is so much better now - by no means perfect but far far better than even a few years ago. And, in my view, it’s equality of opportunity which is the prize of a civilised society not the equality of outcome in one random event (and let’s be honest, such awards are hardly representative of the world - and it’s problems - as a whole).
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