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Zak Forsman

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Posts posted by Zak Forsman

  1. We need more Zach's in here!

    I mostly gravitate toward crime fiction. Started a production company with my childhood buddy called The Sabi Company nearly a decade ago. We've made 7 or 8 features in that time. As well as a handful of shorts. Our latest, Down and Dangerous, was our first genre picture and the first to not lose money.

    We've also created Artis Entertainment to distribute our titles directly and through partnerships with other distributors. Most recently, we signed with Paramount to distribute Down and Dangerous internationally. To a filmmaker like me, that is an unforgettable milestone that I'm very proud of, even if it is a bit like winning the lottery.

    The next movies include more action, a sci-fi survival story, a neo-noir, and hopefully countless others. I have no other creative or professional ambitions in life other than to make movies until i'm dead.

  2. This is at a T/2.8 on a GH4 using a Kowa Bell & Howell with the Rectilux, followed by the SLR Magic Rangefinder. For each, I am seated as close as focus would allow. Forgive the sloppy alignment issues, I rushed this. Must get back to writing so i actually have a movie to use this stuff for... :)



    also, if you're wondering which one looks more like the Kowa on it's own, it's the Rectilux. The Rangefinder adds warmth, blue flares/haze. Preference for either is left up to individual taste, I suppose.

  3. As interesting as the rangefinder is, I am much more interested in the slr magic anamorphic prime lenses that they spoke of. I think a true anamorphic lens is the only way to overcome the short comings of using all of these various adapters. And I also would love to see a sharp anamorphic zoom with a reasonable price tag... That means affordable for normal people... Under $3k.

    the concept lens they showed at CineGear was made with the optics from a 70mm taking lens, 2x Anamorphot and a Rangefinder, all placed in a single housing. the benefit of having them all together would be to eliminate alignment issues, which a lot of users of anamorphic projection lenses seem to have trouble with.

  4. as you know, going to a T/.95, it will introduce some softness and purple fringing (this is true for the Sigma Art & SLR Magic taking lenses I have) so i typically stay at a T/2 or smaller aperture. in a low contrast scene where fringing might be less noticeable, those wide open apertures could work though. And of course, there are ways to remove purple fringing in post.

    and yeah, the breathing is very much like how anamorphic lens from the 1970s would breath. for example, here's an example of how Lomos breath on focus pulls. the apparent change in "squeeze factor" is what is referred to as "anamorphic mumps". 



  5. These are like new, barely touched. These pair nicely with either of SLR Magic's Anamorphots (2x or 1.33x) to allow closer focus. The set sells for $300 new and I'd like to knock fifty bucks off that and sell it for $250 shipped to anywhere in the USA. Comes with original case. Payment via PayPal preferred.


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