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Posts posted by deezid

  1. 15 hours ago, hmcindie said:

    Less compression usually means more noise. H264 compression smooths out little noises.

    Agreed. And it's a good thing.

    Both the All-I and Long Gop codec have a beautiful noise structure at -5/-5 sharpening/nr. The 8 Bit codec on ther other hand sucks keeping the fine grain intact and instead leaves you with macroblocking and banding.

  2. 8 hours ago, PannySVHS said:

    The 420 does not make a big difference, since 422 for 6k would need to be downsampled from around 8k to show a benefit. Banding shows due to the specific implementation of h265.

    h265 shows stronger artefacts compared to the h264, which hardly shows any on the gh5.  A7R/S cameras nor any other DSLM don´t have an 18MP video mode with a 200Mbit h265 codec. It´s a matter of processing power, which is required. H264 on the GH5 does not show these problems. Sony FS5 already struggles with internal 10bit HD, that is less than 2MPixel video! GH5 is a technical marvel, showing off whats possible with current mass produced technology.

    I agree.

    The 10 Bit 150mbit H264 codec works perfectly fine, the 200Mbit 5K H265 codec struggles with banding and macro blocking artifacts.
    Am thinking it doesn't make much use or any of the possible higher efficiency of the H265 codec at all. Kinda sad, since this is the only way to get rid of the internal sharpening.

  3. 9 hours ago, Dee Joslin said:

    Thanks for the comments. I think my preference was the GH5, hence my purchase of it. My point was that Panasonic is saying that if you know how to use log you have to pay 100.00 more. Sony on the other hand puts the feature in their cameras to begin with. 

    And to be clear, if you don't use 10 bit 400Mbps + V-log you won't see a significant difference in quality over 8 bit 150Mbps due to compression. I love the GH5, I just hate paying 100.00 more to get the full benefit.

    Not true.
    Had some crazy banding artifacts in a 4K60fps 8 bit clip. Same location, same time 4k24fps 150mbit 10 bit was completely clean.

    But the 6k 10 bit H265 is actually quite prone to banding though having 10 bit. ;)

    Wish it wasn't since it's the only way to get organic unsharpened footage out of the GH5.

  4. Take a look at the A7RII with it's amazing debayering and scaling.


    Or the still respectable GH5


    Now the Nikon D850 (APS-C)

    The Nikon D850 is at least one step back from these in terms of video quality.

    Conclusion for me: You want a great photo camera, the Nikon D850 is fine. For video there are way better alternatives.

  5. Another issue. The H265 codec is quite prone to banding using V-Log... Not quite as bad as the 8 Bit codecs but not as good as the 10 bit All-I or GOP codecs either...

    The banding isn't as bad in the original upload though...
    Should have used HLG instead I guess. What I love though is that it's way less processed than the 4K modes, no visible sharpening, way more organic!

  6. Just figured out, the camera still applies sharpening at -5. At least in 4k, although there are way less halo artifacts!
    The 6K mode doesn't apply any further crop and looks almost identical to in DR14 decoded DNG from the GH5 (adobe dng converter used) with sharpening set at 0 in RAW decoding panel.

    Great news!

    IS lock seems to work great for gimbal usage, wouldn't use it handheld though, unless I'm walking.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Don Kotlos said:

    Vimeo release of the "Near to superstition":

    Still noisy but much better than the youtube. It looks like youtube sucks most of the quality out of the videos, especially when they have noise, making it the shittiest delivery method. 






    Crazy how weak YouTube still is in terms of compression... 

    I love how much detail many of these shots have. Way better than the original Varicam in that regard.

  8. Radio88 on Vimeo looks amazing to me (don't view it in Chrome to judge colors though, they're seriously messed up there...).

    Basically like a GH5 on steroids, or Varicam.
    I don't see any overprocessing like sharpening or noise reduction either. The C200 looks like crap compared to that (in MP4 at least), RAW is ok, but doesn't show that incredible amount of detail.

    4 hours ago, AaronChicago said:

    I have to say, I'm not feelin' it. Definitely waiting till more examples are out as well as raw footage but this doesn't look like the Varicam 35 to me.

    It looks better to me than anything shot on the original Varicam to me.
    The amount of detail is insane. No visible sharpening either.
    Colors look great as well.

    If there wasn't the 4k60p 8 bit flaw, this would have been an instant buy.

  9. 2 minutes ago, kaylee said:

    i used to work at an a p p l store and i tried to fix the motion smoothing on the 4k LG tvs and they made me change it back smh

    Well, that sucks. 
    The first thing I do is turning all these rubbish "enhancements" off. And of course the obligatory white balance (it's always way too bluish) as well as gamma (always too contrasty and shadows crushed) setting...

  10. Looks very much like neutral Varicam footage to me, with more noise though...

    I think with a more cinematic than neutral colorgrading this would look fabulous.

    Apart from one drone shot I don't see any crazy sharpening, so I assume it was done in post.
    The 8 bit 4k60p still bothers me. :(

  11. Not for me:

    • Monobrow YIKES
    • Still worse screen to body ratio than LG (V30) and Samsung (S8 and Note8)
    • Confusing gestures
    • No fingerprint, and FaceID probably not reliable with hints of sweat/makeup or in sunlight
    • Ugly camera bump
    • Still very limiting (though becoming better over the years -> files) iOS
    • No 10 bit HDR video recording
    • No headphone jack
    • No Always On display
    • No fastcharging unless you invest further $84 

    What I like though:

    • 4K60p
    • iOS backup and update support
    • front camera seems nice
    • the OLED will be properly calibrated for sure
    • Stereo speakers


  12. 44 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    All you have shown is that the GH5 is unsuitable for EXTREME GREEN backgrounds and SHIT looking images.

    Anyone can break a file.

    I can break the Alexa's files!

    I never ran into these issues with the GH5 with my own graded clips so far(which can be quite extreme), but quite regularly with the GH4. 

    Can you try the extreme node on the GH5 HLG footage as well?
    Should be way better, it seems to make use of the full range by still providing maximum dynamic range. Really interested in this one tbh.

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