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    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Xavier Plagaro Mussard in They shot Moonlight (8 Oscar nominations) with ProRes, not RAW   
    Nothing wrong with shooting an Alexa, but I do think that anyone in film production that truly believes technical superiority offers the best path to creative achievements has some goofy priorities.  I get why aspiring filmmaker folks want to do their best technically, but to prioritize it above the artistic craft is nuts.  It's there to support the thing you're trying to accomplish, not the thing itself.  There's no real way forward in being a filmmaker with that attitude.
  2. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Justin Bacle in Incredible RED sensor   
    Well, it took them awhile, but they seemed to have caught on okay in the 19th century.  Got a little crazy in the middle of the 20th, but they weren't alone.  
  3. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Tim Fraser in Panasonic G85 review - is there any need to get an Olympus E-M1 Mark II for video?   
    You're not wrong about Oly.  And I shoot Fuji as well, so all these things are part of the mixed bag.  The thing is, when we're talking price, when we're looking at cameras within similar classes, the difference is typically a few hundred bucks.
    At a certain point, determining my camera purchase can turn into a  "penny wise and pound foolish," decision.  A few hundred, or even a grand, is a small price to pay to own and use a camera that I'm comfortable with and does the things I need it to do.
    You know how it is.  You balance liabilities of the gear with the needs of your work and one's own biases.
    For instance, I just did 6 30-min documentaries in 6 months.  I did it with the GX85 and EM5II.  I'm not lying when I say that I'm glad I did the job on these consumer cameras rather than something like an Arri.  One would look INCREDIBLY better than the other, and I would love to use that camera for many many many things, but I wouldn't have been able to do half the work load (nor the radically informal work that yielded a lot of good results) without the flexibility of these goofy, small, hybrid, IBIS, 8-bit, cams.
    I know it's hard to fathom among a forum like this, but having the best IQ is not always a priority.
    My favorite industry idioms comes from the National Geographic guys.  It's simply, "f8 and be there."  And I think you can understand the sentiment of that saying.  
    That's why I can't get caught up to much in the IQ debate.  My factors for my particular work rely on a lot more than just IQ.  You'll have other needs.  Someone else will have other requirements as well.  
    For instance, I'm doing a cinematic doc/narrative in 2017, and I plan on using a Sony F5 and 100% static shots, so it's always always an "it depends" sort of answer with tools one decides to use for a project.  
  4. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Cinegain in Panasonic G85 review - is there any need to get an Olympus E-M1 Mark II for video?   
    Well, you can't get that DR from the LUMIX cams, let's be fair.
    Still, while I wouldn't turn down shooting certain stuff on that equipment, I can also say, after just editing a project that integrated my GX85 footage with RED M-X sensor footage, my GX85 footage was just better.
    Of course, I just shot better images than the guy on the RED camera ;-)
    I'd much rather carry a GX85 into the type of doc shoots I do than a RED.  The newer RED cams are nice, but for what purpose?  You need to know what suits your needs on a shoot.  If you know what you're doing, and the demands for IQ are modest, the 8-bit hybrids can really get you where you need to go image-wise.  That's my doc bias though...
    All that said, I'd gladly give an Alexa mini a whirl.
  5. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from jonpais in Panasonic G85 review - is there any need to get an Olympus E-M1 Mark II for video?   
    Well, you can't get that DR from the LUMIX cams, let's be fair.
    Still, while I wouldn't turn down shooting certain stuff on that equipment, I can also say, after just editing a project that integrated my GX85 footage with RED M-X sensor footage, my GX85 footage was just better.
    Of course, I just shot better images than the guy on the RED camera ;-)
    I'd much rather carry a GX85 into the type of doc shoots I do than a RED.  The newer RED cams are nice, but for what purpose?  You need to know what suits your needs on a shoot.  If you know what you're doing, and the demands for IQ are modest, the 8-bit hybrids can really get you where you need to go image-wise.  That's my doc bias though...
    All that said, I'd gladly give an Alexa mini a whirl.
  6. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from mercer in Olympus E-M5iii?   
    Perhaps renting an Alexa.  I have a colleague that can cut me a break. It's all sort of up in the air and depends on budget.  Would be nice to play with pro gear and not make as many compromises, no question.
  7. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from kidzrevil in An adventure into the Panasonic GX85/80 begins - and a look at the Leica Nocticron for Micro Four Thirds   
    My old FD doesn't have as much contrast as native lenses. It renders colors different, CA is more pronounced wide open.  Things like that.
    Also, just the operation of the thing creates a different quality.  Pulling focus, for example. 
  8. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from jonpais in Olympus E-M5iii?   
    I'm interested in this camera as well.  I'm certainly looking at alternatives these days.  Since my wife is on Fuji, I might end up there too.  Really kind of depends on the next project.  There's a chance I could go upscale and get a "real" video camera even though I love doing things on hybrids.
  9. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from John Matthews in An adventure into the Panasonic GX85/80 begins - and a look at the Leica Nocticron for Micro Four Thirds   
    Vintage lenses are enjoyable on modern cameras.  Really takes the edge off if you're going for a less clinical image.  I've just shot a series wherein the a-cam was usually an old FD 55mm 1.2 on a cheap Chinese speedbooster.  It can be a flawed image when you really look at it closely, but that's fine when it's what one wants.
    It's "character."  I can typically rationalize imaging stuff like that.
    And FD and Nikkor lenses on a dumb adapter look awesome regardless. (as long as not used wide open)  I've also dabbled in Pentax stuff, which has been a lot of fun.
    Just depends on what one's going for, I suppose.
  10. Like
  11. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from webrunner5 in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Imaging these days is awesome.  I think I might go make another film with this stuff or something.  
  12. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from a_reynolds in Original camera files - download and share!   
    Natural Color Profile: 0,-5,-5,-2.
    Indoor shots with a 55mm FD lens, Chinese Speedbooster, no filters.
    Stabilizer set to 40mm
    Highlights set to -2
    White Balance Adjust A:3 G:3 
  13. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from jonpais in Olympus E-M1 II mini-review - a sign of things to come with the Panasonic GH5?   
    Gear is so cheap you're gonna have the majority of users making technical mistakes.  They're hobbyist, not pros.
  14. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Emanuel in 5 reasons why I will be getting a Panasonic GH5   
    I got 2 GX85's for a specific project, so I can attest to the brand loyalty thing.  I've used Panasonic cameras for a long time and brand comfort makes the choice to buy-in to a new camera for this gig a bit easier.  Plus, the dang things are ridiculously cheap.
    That said, I still think the 5-axis in the Oly EM5II is just a touch better than what Panasonic is offering; industry leading.  However, there's a caveat:  that's only when using non-OIS lenses.  If you have a Pany OIS lens paired with the Panasonic sensor stabilizer, it's really good. 
    I'm also really loathe to turn away from the ergos of my EM5II.  I'm surprised that I connected so much to the EM5II, to be honest, but I do love how it just works.  If only Oly had better motion picture IQ...
  15. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from jonpais in Panasonic G85 review - is there any need to get an Olympus E-M1 Mark II for video?   
    Hmmm.  The phrase "paid work" and "auto-focus" paired together.  No thanks.
  16. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Dustin in Tons of problems with new Macbook Pro   
    Agreed.  My next build will be a Hackintosh PC with all the same guts as a MacPro, just 2/3rds cheaper.  Not the highest end for performance, but will allow me easy back and forth between Windows and OSX.  And, yeah, my wife is interested in FCPX, so we'll give that a shot.
    As for ProRes, there's a pro option for spitting out ProRes from one's NLE, but it's expensive.  As an alternative, I've been able to use Footage Studio for one of my clients that wants ProRes. Otherwise, it's well encoded h.264 for most delivery on the jobs I do.
    Indeed.  I have.  Love the speed, don't like Premiere on WIndows too much, but it's not a deal breaker.
  17. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Ed_David in Tons of problems with new Macbook Pro   
    I've been using Premiere (again after a stretch away from it) for half a year now non-stop.  This time on the PC and as well as on a Mac.  When I edit with premiere on my 8 year old Mac, the premiere GUI works better than it does on Windows.
    Now, when you're cutting footage more than 40 hours a week, having a GUI that's refined is necessary.
    Using Windows just feels "shabby."  Sometimes I click something and it doesn't work, other times it does.  I try to move things with the mouse and it goes all "scribbly."
    Annoying stuff.
    Rendering is great on the PC though!
    Ultimately, I think I might just make a Hackintosh using the same hardware/chips found in the Macs.  Might be a happy medium.
  18. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from jonpais in Panasonic G85 review - is there any need to get an Olympus E-M1 Mark II for video?   
    I don't hear it too much honestly, but I've been filming in city environments, so lot's of ambient tone.  Anyway, it's not like you'd use the camera audio for much anyway.  Any hand shuffling on the body translates into noise "crackles" on the mic.  Plus, the mic fidelity sucks.
  19. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Dustin in Tons of problems with new Macbook Pro   
    there are plenty of solutions for video production these days. 
    We're not left wanting for solutions. 
    It really is an embarrassment of riches.  
  20. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Liam in Oscar Thread   
    Anyone see "Moonlight" yet?  I met Barry Jenkins the director once a long time ago and he was pretty chill, oozing with insight and creativity.  My cousin did the film school thing with him at FSU.
    And I liked "The Nice Guys" for all it's endearing shabbiness.
  21. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Kisaha in Panasonic G85 review - is there any need to get an Olympus E-M1 Mark II for video?   
    I'm gas'ed out for the moment.  Truth is, I'm going to be selling off most of my cameras and lenses.  Around March I'll look closely at the Oly offering, but right now I'm not eager to pick anything up.  I'm not really ever that eager to buy brand new cameras... (somehow I manage to do so though)
  22. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Cinegain in Panasonic G85 review - is there any need to get an Olympus E-M1 Mark II for video?   
    I'm gas'ed out for the moment.  Truth is, I'm going to be selling off most of my cameras and lenses.  Around March I'll look closely at the Oly offering, but right now I'm not eager to pick anything up.  I'm not really ever that eager to buy brand new cameras... (somehow I manage to do so though)
  23. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Flynn in Panasonic G85 review - is there any need to get an Olympus E-M1 Mark II for video?   
    You're not wrong about Oly.  And I shoot Fuji as well, so all these things are part of the mixed bag.  The thing is, when we're talking price, when we're looking at cameras within similar classes, the difference is typically a few hundred bucks.
    At a certain point, determining my camera purchase can turn into a  "penny wise and pound foolish," decision.  A few hundred, or even a grand, is a small price to pay to own and use a camera that I'm comfortable with and does the things I need it to do.
    You know how it is.  You balance liabilities of the gear with the needs of your work and one's own biases.
    For instance, I just did 6 30-min documentaries in 6 months.  I did it with the GX85 and EM5II.  I'm not lying when I say that I'm glad I did the job on these consumer cameras rather than something like an Arri.  One would look INCREDIBLY better than the other, and I would love to use that camera for many many many things, but I wouldn't have been able to do half the work load (nor the radically informal work that yielded a lot of good results) without the flexibility of these goofy, small, hybrid, IBIS, 8-bit, cams.
    I know it's hard to fathom among a forum like this, but having the best IQ is not always a priority.
    My favorite industry idioms comes from the National Geographic guys.  It's simply, "f8 and be there."  And I think you can understand the sentiment of that saying.  
    That's why I can't get caught up to much in the IQ debate.  My factors for my particular work rely on a lot more than just IQ.  You'll have other needs.  Someone else will have other requirements as well.  
    For instance, I'm doing a cinematic doc/narrative in 2017, and I plan on using a Sony F5 and 100% static shots, so it's always always an "it depends" sort of answer with tools one decides to use for a project.  
  24. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from kidzrevil in Panasonic G85 review - is there any need to get an Olympus E-M1 Mark II for video?   
    You're not wrong about Oly.  And I shoot Fuji as well, so all these things are part of the mixed bag.  The thing is, when we're talking price, when we're looking at cameras within similar classes, the difference is typically a few hundred bucks.
    At a certain point, determining my camera purchase can turn into a  "penny wise and pound foolish," decision.  A few hundred, or even a grand, is a small price to pay to own and use a camera that I'm comfortable with and does the things I need it to do.
    You know how it is.  You balance liabilities of the gear with the needs of your work and one's own biases.
    For instance, I just did 6 30-min documentaries in 6 months.  I did it with the GX85 and EM5II.  I'm not lying when I say that I'm glad I did the job on these consumer cameras rather than something like an Arri.  One would look INCREDIBLY better than the other, and I would love to use that camera for many many many things, but I wouldn't have been able to do half the work load (nor the radically informal work that yielded a lot of good results) without the flexibility of these goofy, small, hybrid, IBIS, 8-bit, cams.
    I know it's hard to fathom among a forum like this, but having the best IQ is not always a priority.
    My favorite industry idioms comes from the National Geographic guys.  It's simply, "f8 and be there."  And I think you can understand the sentiment of that saying.  
    That's why I can't get caught up to much in the IQ debate.  My factors for my particular work rely on a lot more than just IQ.  You'll have other needs.  Someone else will have other requirements as well.  
    For instance, I'm doing a cinematic doc/narrative in 2017, and I plan on using a Sony F5 and 100% static shots, so it's always always an "it depends" sort of answer with tools one decides to use for a project.  
  25. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from iamoui in An adventure into the Panasonic GX85/80 begins - and a look at the Leica Nocticron for Micro Four Thirds   
    When I can finally buy the perfect ink pen, I'll compose my masterpiece. It's going to be awesome. Just you wait and see.  
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