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Posts posted by tihon84

  1. On 21.12.2017 at 7:00 PM, AaronChicago said:

    @sage just bought your LUT set and going to test out on some existing anamorphic V Log footage that I have.

    EDIT: I had time to test in one one shot. VLog to Alexa Log C to Kodak Elite Chrome 200



    Hi! What anamorphic lens did you use, please?

  2. 2 hours ago, Sage said:

    Here you go:





    For absolute confidence, pure black (hand covering lens) should be just below 128 (not 64) and pure white (pointed into a light source) should be below 768 (not above) for the LogC conversion

    ou, thanks. I mean original mp4 VLOG source:)

  3. 1 minute ago, Sage said:

    You can use the 'Full to Legal' file to correct for that shift if you'd like to continue with AE 2015

    Thank you, I appreciate that Tihon

    Skip from 2015 because  it really old and not supported now.


    Is it possible to upload original source of this image:  PANA0778.MP4.20_14_00_14.Still002.png

    Just want to be sure my NLE import is ok in terms of contrast etc.... 

    The original source will help top compare results...

  4. 5 hours ago, Linus N said:


    I bought these and just briefly popped them on some footage I'm working with atm, liking the results in most cases. I plan on taking some time to test this out in a controlled environment, what are people interested in seeing? Taking requests with no guarantee they will be fulfilled ;)

    @Sage a tiny feedback; in the e-mail I received two days ago with the updated versions, the names of the .cube's were different than those files they are meant to replace. Got me confused there for a bit and had me looking through each folder four times like "where dem files at?!"

    What NLE do you use? BE careful: AE 2015 do something with luminance, as result, you got more contrasted input image... AE 2017+ seems to be ok with that.

    Sage,  you did a really good work in my opinion. PDF  is very helpful too.


  5. Hi! In emotion || you get quite deep colors and contrast image. What additional adjustments (over GHA main) did you do to  achieve this image? And do you think it`s possible to use an ISO 1600 on gh5?

    Thank you


    P.S.: if i`ll buy your LUTS will you provide any updates for free? You mentioned that something new is coming...

  6. 31 minutes ago, Sage said:

    Here are the core conversions, without my punchy grade. I tend to grade red, and I think in a couple of these shots the red shirts cast a glow on their faces:


    Emotion II.00_00_06_01.Still024.jpg

    Emotion II.00_00_12_17.Still023.jpg

    Emotion II.00_00_18_03.Still025.jpg

    Emotion II.00_00_18_20.Still026.jpg

    Emotion II.00_00_22_06.Still027.jpg

    Did you shoot this examples using 8 bit codec? A see many blocking and color artefacts. 

    Any 10 bit examples?

    But colors and contrast are amazing. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Sage said:

    Thanks tihon84;

    Yes, it's a very close match to the Alexa. The only thing closer is the Alexa ;) You won't have to make any further adjustments to improve the match, other than an accurate WB ahead of the conversion. And you can subsequently grade it to the look that you intend.

    The lenses were Nikon Series E, 24, 35, & 50, with .64 Speedbooster.

    This combo is awesome!

    can you tell ne, please, what was your start image? What program was used to get gh5 image to work with matching.

    If you use differents versions of AE you will have different original images in case of colors and contrast...

    i tried AE2014 and AE2017 and got really different start point image...

    just want to know your startpoint image nle to get top match.


  8. Hi, thank you for this work. Looks really cool! 

    What about 10bit vlog source? Will i get good color matching to alexa? Or i should to do some adjustments?

    And one more quaestion: what lenses did you use in video?

    Thank you


  9. 2 hours ago, bunk said:

    Let me be the party pooper…

    Vlog ALL-I is massively flawed!

    At least if I go be the files Andrew made available (@Andrew, thanks for sharing).
    I noticed dancing spots in the flank of the darker horse. This is usually seen in the darker areas of footage, due to compression algorithms that shouldn’t be there in the first place (My opinion. No change you will ever see this on phenomenon a BM camera. It comes standard with the GH4 …and now GH5)…and we are looking at ALL-I no, with compression methods better than ProRess according to Mat Frazer.

    The problem with these noise clouds is that they do not respect the boundaries the live in. Intensity and shape changes per frame. See in the pictures below.

    All screencaps were taken at 100%

    My advice if you didn’t buy a GH5 yet, but do want one …don’t buy the VLog upgrade. For anyone that already did buy a GH5 and the Vlog upgrade …file a bug report as this has to be a bug. That or some developer code was added by accident instead of the finished product. If it turns out that this is the finished code and you need Vlog like footage …there are plenty of other camera options out there.

    Was that 10bit all-i? If no, its ok

  10. Signa 18-35 f1.8 is a beast!

    you can use it with ex.tele, and you will have 1.4 crop in 4k.

    with speedbooster you will have 0.75x 2

    so the lense becomes (efr numbers)

    with speedbooster: 25-50 f1.3

    sigma without SB: 36-70 f1.8

    and in ex. Tele: 50-100 f1.8

    Ex. Tele looks really cool, i cant see any IQ loss compared to original mode.

    so, with only one amazing speed lense and SB you can get 25-100 f1.3-f1.8


  11. Mark3 with raw is an ultimate tool if you want best IQ. Remember that you get not just only video camera but one of the best photo camera. But for me, ml raw is a hack, and cant be on pair with original firmware raw advantages of bmcc, for example. So for the best IQ i would go to BMCC.

    gh5 is the best one in sub 2k class in case of overall usability. IQ is really good, ibis, vlog, mtf mount helps to use all kind of lenses. 

    If i have more money and was not been  just a hobbyst i would buy bm ursa mini 4.6k or Pro version

  12. 16 hours ago, Boygetslost said:

    Thanks for the wealth of information everyone! I will buying one of the cameras today?

    hyalinejim - How did you get your footage in the comparison video, so organic? Most other footage I have found on the GH5 seems to sharp for me. And  I have noticed some weird haze on some of the highlights. But not on your comparison. Is there any specific things your are doing with the camera to achieve that?

    Vlog with -5 settings  make all of this magic 

  13. thank you, AaronChicago

    Yes, tehre is a little shift in exposition to the under when you apply my LUT to VLOG gh5 footage compare to original bmdfilm shot in the same conditions, but this shift is not much

    You can always correct an exposition, for example: i`m using After Effects and apply this LUT by lumetry, then just up  exposition settings to 1 or 2 and it looks perfect and none destructive to the image (no additional noise) 

    Maby you can do some shots in the same exposure and camera settings on gh5 and bm ursa 4.6k and send me to chek it and test it?:)

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