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Everything posted by Inazuma

  1. The metabones website states that AF is not supported in video. It might work anyway but ive not looked into it. A guy on youtube has a video of the sigma mc-11 working pretty well for AFC with the sigma 18-35 and canon 70-200 on the a6500. Another guy has the tokina 11-20mm showing it focusing fast and accurately for stills and said in the comments it works well for video too. But ive seen other videos where certain lenses wouldnt focus or would even lock up the camera. So its all a bit hit and miss. Ive seen another one showing the Sigma 17-50 and 17-70 "C" both working for stills and the old 17-50 was actually working better than the 17-70. No word on video tho.
  2. Update: Turns out the LA-EA1 and 3 don't autofocus in movie mode..
  3. Quick answer: Yes, only Canon does Canon colours. If you want colours somewhere as good, whilst keeping somewhere as good AF, then get the Fuji XT20. One thing to consider is that the a6000 had a firmware update which enabled XAVCS encoding at 50mbps. This mode has less aliasing and moire than the pre-firmware a6000. Personally when I had the a6300 I loved the colours compared to the Panasonics I was using before (skintones in particular were much better). But then again I've also been known to say the C100 "isnt that good". So what do I know?
  4. So I've looked into this further and it does seem like the Sony SSM 16-50mm f2.8 with the LA-EA1 or 3 will give me the best results. The Sigma MC-11 has the advantage of giving eye detection but can be generally slow, innaccurate or cause crashes if not attached to one of their recent lenses. That said, a fair number of none Sigma lenses seem to work well with it. And Sigma has made at least one firmware update that improves compatibility with such lenses, though I can't find anything concrete on the Tamron/Sigma 17-50. I wish Sigma would release a new version of the 17-50. Something lighter would be great.
  5. Hi all Im looking for a 17-50mm (or similar focal length) f2.8 to adapt on to my Sony a6500 while keeping all AF functionality (except eye af which i can do without if its not available). Does such a combo exist?
  6. That old man is not really a good place to look at moire. You wanna look at the stripe patterns below the center box. https://***URL removed***/reviews/image-comparison/fullscreen?attr29_0=panasonic_dmcgh4&attr29_1=panasonic_dmcg7&attr29_2=panasonic_dmcg85&attr29_3=panasonic_dmcgx85&attr72_0=1080&attr72_1=1080&attr72_2=1080&attr72_3=1080&normalization=full&widget=437&x=-0.0021436227224009966&y=-0.40748959778085975 When I had the GX85 I found the 1080p to not be the usual satisfactory standard of Panasonic cameras. I think that chart there explains why. I mean it's still better than most other cameras but just not to the usual standard.
  7. Thats what i heard, but from what ive read the gx7 seems a little better in low light (usable at 1600 rather than 800) and the colours may have been better too (gh4 users seem to have often reported a dead, yellowish tint to skin). I had the G6 too and felt the gx7 sensor was significantly better @mercer i mean.. the video isnt well done at all but the places were pretty cool Here
  8. Yeh I did, thanks The GX7 is a good cam. Loved it when I first got it.
  9. I heard the HD is so good they shot the Revenant with a G7 hidden in an Alexa 65 body
  10. @Oliver Daniel I strongly agree with all your points... but it is easier to say those things when you have an FS5, which is the most perfect all round video camera I can think of at the moment... and also out of a lot of people's budgets here. Most people here seem to be in the sub £1000 or £2000 category, so the long debates all revolve around your a6500's, g80's, BMPC's, etc - which all have their pros and cons.
  11. There is some aliasing but imo its not bad. Probably less noticeable than the 1080p mode. Dissapointing about the rolling shutter still being the same as the XT2 but not too surprising. There are some benefits of the XT20 vs the XT2: No crop in 4k. Touchscreen autofocus with smooth focus pulls (confirmed by another youtuber). Focus point can be changed during recording while in AF-S mode (confirmed by same youtuber). Smaller body with the same nice rubbery grip as the XT10 (confirmed by a dpreview commenter). Two things im wondering about are whether we can switch between EVF and back screen while recording. And whether ISO can be changed while recording.
  12. Thats a good price. Is the 4k only available recording externally though?
  13. @mercer as someone who has had a lot of midrange cameras and then owned a c100ii for half a year... i would say its not worth it. The image is quite clinical. The d5500 image has more charm to it and your bmpcc will have charm + super gradeabity + sharpness. The best thing about the c100 is just that its suited to doc work (which is what i was using it for). Anyway this EM1 60fps raw video thing is cool. Nice footage, though would definitely be better if not for that overcast Berlin weather.
  14. Think youre unneccessarily down on m43. At iso 1600 footage from the GX80 etc is pretty clean. Thats pretty good compared to the digital and film cameras of yesteryear. It still looks decent at 3200. And from what ive seen the GH5 looks decent at 6400. Just because its a smaller sensor doesnt mean its got to be worse in low light. In fact there are only a handful of cameras better (recent apsc and ff sony's, canon 6d, c series). Also i didnt really get your comments about DOF. Are you complaining about a lack of deep depth of field or shallow depth of field? Surely either one is manageable by choosing the right lens. I dont understand how you can complain about the latter and then also about it being hard to keep things in focus. That's a reality with fast primes if youre using apsc or ff too. And how does diffraction come into all this? In fact im just feeling quite confused about your post. I need to lie down. Oh wait, im already in bed.
  15. @jonpais did you not like the stuff Neumann made?
  16. Success is when you can post a still on instagram and get hundreds of likes without having inserted any hashtags.
  17. The 8mm preset on FilmConvert is o ly soft because it turns the softness setting up. You can decrease it
  18. Use a longer shotgun mic and mount it further up and forward from the lens
  19. Have to question the quality of Kai's reviews sometimes. He tries too hard to be sarcastic and/or funny, to the detriment of both the entertainment value and information of the review. He starts shooting the Gondola with the sun behind him at one point and then starts complaining about the dynamic range. Around 4:36 there is some cutting between the GH5 footage and the camera man's footage (shot on C300 Mark II), showing both cameras struggling with the lighting. Would have been useful to see some proper A/B comparisons. That's quite an incredible difference. And I didn't know how bad the GH4 was in low light. I used to shoot my GX7 up to ISO 1600 and this was in 1080p.
  20. 77D is somewhat exciting for me as its an 80D (with its modern sensor) in a Rebel sized body, so very close to mirrorless bodies like the XT2 and GH4. But still lacking a good 22 or 23mm lens and good 1080p, so as always I have to pass.
  21. Hi Jon. I know in theory the top LCD plate doesn't sound that useful but since the camera is usually strapped and hanging around your chest, its useful to be able to see your settings from that level before lifting the camera up to your eye. Also since the LCD lights up you can see your settings in the dark. The purple flaring and sensor grid pattern happens more at higher apertures (f5.6 and above). Recomposing is an option but not when you actually intentionally want to capture flares, which I often do
  22. I'm mostly a stills shooter and find that the JPG's often have a nuanced colour that I find hard to replicate and/or improve upon when processing raws (in Lightroom or Capture One). It makes me happy because it means I can sometimes save myself time (if its just family/friend photos) by not having to edit photos. Whereas with my previous cameras I'd almost always have to spend time processing. Same goes for the video. - The colours of those two profiles are quite different. But yes pro neg standard has slightly more DR than chrome. If you turn shadows and highlights right down you will get most of the DR of the sensor. But I don't recommend it if shooting skin because it makes it look waxy and can't be reversed. Provia also gives a different look; warmer tones than the other two (sometimes too orange I find). - Never experienced this sorry - No but you can set the button to toggle rather than have to hold the button down. I have to say (having owned it for a few months now) that while the camera produces great images, I am not in love with the ergonomics. A modern DSLR layout (with a top LCD display) would make this camera so much nicer to use IMO. There are also a few other issues which really bother me, such as the purple flaring and visible sensor grid pattern when shooting into the sun. I may end up selling within the year..
  23. This is a shame. I was looking forward to the DL. I think Andrew is right, Nikon is missing too many opportunities. They could potentially be the next to go down after Pentax. The D500 and D5 are great cameras but for quite specialised audiences. Someone needs to open a new sensor design and manufacturing plant because I really think Sony has everyone by the balls making their sensors for them.
  24. I would keep your Canon glass and use the Aputure DEC Regain with it. That adapter is one of my personal reasons why id quite like a sony/m43 system. Its basically a remote follow focus with options to rack freely or set an A/B point and rack to and from. All this plus its a focal reducer
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