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Everything posted by Inazuma

  1. @jonpais @Fritz Pierre @Ken Ross The GH5 probably has improved but I was just talking about my previous experience with Panasonic cameras. I used them for 2-3 years so I have no ill-will against them, just fair criticisms. I've meant to write a long post about this for ages but essentially Panasonic aggressively adjust skin tones towards one colour (not necessarily orange) and this causes also blotchiness, which I believe is what Cinema5d saw. In the below example (taken with the GX80) you can see how each person's skin is dragged towards a magenta-ish colour, especially noticeable on the asian guy. In the next example you can see how blotchy the skin is Both of these example images were very different to what my eyes really see. By comparison here's a SOOC still taken with a Fuji x100s I had a year ago. Same room as in the first example. The colours are much more realistic and pleasing. I actually prefer the colours of this generation of Fuji cameras to my X-T2, but they don't have good video unfortunately. Guy on the right is part-Asian which is why his skin is a bit more of a pale yellow colour. It's kind of hard for you to judge since you weren't there and don't know any of these people or how they really look so you're just going to have to trust me on this :P
  2. @jonpais veeeery nice @BTM_Pix Are you sure the face tracking has been improved? It still seems pretty unreliable to me
  3. @jonpais I will have to check out other legs but I have to think the main factor on how much force a tripod can withstand is its weight (of which those expensive carbon fibre ones have little). And by adding a £10 sandbag to a hook on the middle column, even a £30 tripod would be hardpushed too fall over accidentally. @pekoo these legs https://www.amazon.co.uk/AmazonBasics-Tripod-Video-Camera-Inches/dp/B00CEH7VG8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1491048639&sr=8-3&keywords=amazon+tripod and the fluid head ive just remembered is actually a £40 knockoff of the MVH500AH called the Phot-R VT-3510
  4. I use a £60 amazon video tripod and a £100 manfrotto MVH500AH fluid head. Seems conpletely fine for my use even when i had a c100. What am i missing that these other ones costing hundreds have? Also if youre using a slider isnt it always best to attach it to two tripods? Like two £20 tripods would probably work better than one £200 tripod?
  5. The info from this rumor comes from a new source. That means any one of us cunts could have written it. Its not even worth discussing!
  6. Then you need to get your eyes checked Panasonic cameras have the most unrealistic colour rendition of any cameras ive used. Particuarly regarding skintones where every skin colour seems to get dragged kicking and screaming into being orange
  7. Who knows. I wouldnt hold my breathe for it tho. BTW the hunting is much more prominent on my 18-55 than on my 23mm f1.4 They need to implement it the same way as the Sony cameras, allowing you to adjust the transition speed and responsiveness. As of right now, it behaves similarly to the Fast setting on the Sony's.
  8. Loving the new features here too.
  9. @Phil A I wouldn't worry about it. The video looks intentionally (or mistakenly) overexposed, thus the blown highlights. From my experience, if you expose to just before highlight clipping and shoot ProNegStd with -2 highlights/shadows you retain most of the sensor's dynamic range (there's plenty of latitude in the shadows). In most situations though I prefer the look of Classic Chrome with -1 highlights/shadows and +4 color. @jonpais Are you recommending me to get the 50mm then? @BTM_Pix Sorry I've never shot like that so couldn't tell you. Did you have the Power Booster mode on? That will drain the battery quicker as it increases startup time and AF responsiveness. I did a test a few months ago for video recording and got just over an hour out of one battery shooting 4k, AF-S, 400 ISO, no OIS.
  10. @Kisaha Care to tell us what you mean by the weddings in the UK being very different to Southern Europe?
  11. I actually was about to receive my a6500 yesterday but got cold feet last minute and had it send back (so I wouldn't get charged a restocking fee). My XT2 just produces such sublime SOOC images that I felt I'd find it too hard to let go. I do like the a6300/a6500 image too though and can see myself picking up the successor if they seriously improve the 4k readout speed and 1080p resolution. Nice images Oliver. PS. hit me up if you need extra crew Im in Manchester too Edit: also this affected my decision
  12. I'm not getting this cam but imo it's extremely undervalued for what you get
  13. @Axel Thanks for the info Axel. I did used to have the a6300 so I know how awful the rolling shutter is. I think I'm willing to accept the shortcomings of this camera for the benefits, as a shooter with more of a lean towards photography.
  14. You're welcome. Was only testing stills but video is usually pretty equal
  15. @Arikhan ive never used the d500/d750 but i did some testing of the xt2 last night in my back garden. With the 24 1.4 and 35 1.4 it was able to lock focus on things i could barely see. With the 18-55 it wasnt nearly as successful. When i had the 23mm f2 wr, it was even a bit faster to lock on to low light subjects than the 1.4.
  16. There are a few that have clutch focus but yes most are fly by wire. And just as bad as any other fly by wire lens.
  17. Thanks for the info! How about AF-S? Do the lenses pull focus smoothly? @mercer I don't have it yet actually. Should be here in a few days.
  18. It is very good. Don't usually have troubles. With the older lenses like the 35mm f1.4 it can be less decisive and accurate though.
  19. @jonpais Strange! In the picture you posted above, your skin seems rich and evenly coloured to me. But in the YouTube video there's all sorts of red patchiness going on.
  20. @Phil A The X-T20 has worse rolling shutter than the XT2? 1080p aliasing is pretty low.. similar to the Panasonic G85. But moire is a bit moré of a problem. Have just uploaded this for your pleasure
  21. Btw @Phil A If you shoot ProNegStandard with -2 highlights and shadows you get quite a lot of dynamic range. Test it out yourself by shooting a RAW still and shooting a video with the same settings. When you reduce the contrast in post it looks close to FLOG footage. Make sure you expose to just before highlight clipping and you'll see the shadow recovery is not far off from a RAW still. @jonpais Nvm. Forgot face detect only works in 1080p
  22. The improved face detection might make it usable in video so you dont need to see yourself on a screen? BTW when I made my video review the camera was actually in AF-C the whole time with a central or whole area focus box and I had no problems.
  23. They've fixed some of the quirks but I think my main gripes are to do with the hardware, like the small grip, lack of IBIS (got shaky hands) and lack of touchscreen (which would have made its excellent AF that much more useful). Who knows though. Maybe I'll end up feeling like I just can't let go of that Fuji SOOC image and the much sharper 60fps 1080p. I hope some of the updates make it into the X-T20 as well.
  24. It's not a leak :P They said they'd announce it on March 23 and it's Mach 23 in Japan now. Some great stuff in there! "15. Change of ISO sensitivity during video recording (X-T2 only) The update allows you to change ISO setting during video recording. 16. Re-autofocusing in video recording With the update, half-press the Shutter Release button or press the button assigned to “AF-ON” function during video recording to re-do autofocusing." Thank god!
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