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Everything posted by jgharding

  1. So it's left to Kodak then!   If you look at an issue of American Cinematographer, you'll see a huge proportion shot on Vision 3 still.   I really think they should have the sense to actually push for new ways to make film working up to date and less expensive, such as new cameras and digitisation methods, rather than just dumping it.
  2. True facts! Mr Duclos has an interesting blog on such things here   http://matthewduclos.wordpress.com/2011/11/02/cp2vszf2/   Where he concludes they are indeed the same thing, but with standardised 300-degree focus, and standardised (in some cases  limited) 145-blade aperture compared to the photographic ones.   I have ideed shot with my own old Contax versions and the CP2s. The CP2s are nicer to use, the colour tone is a little different, and the bokeh is smoother due to the number and shape of blades. The final look is pretty much the same though.   What I don't get is this: I have a 1953 Kuribiyashi 50mm F2. It has a clickless and perfectly round aperture. Seems like we took a backward step, and now such things are sold as a premium feature!   Plenty of Canon obsessives won't accept that the cine lenses aren't much different to L glass, but I mean... come on... this is a company that put the same sensor in like 7 cameras. Jesus...
  3. As for the anamorphic, there's a thread on this forum about them, and a few have come up on ebay.   I know little more about them, though Zeiss optical quality is rarely poor.
  4. Information on What is an Opton lens from Zeiss themselves.   http://www.zeisscamera.com/services_overhaul-cIIa-lenses.shtml   I have an excuse to be this pre-occupied with german tech you know, it's in my blood. Hanover...   In short, it's the result of legal wranglings, the lenses are the same, pretty much.   A potted history...     21 July 1952        Foreign trade from Jena must be processed via the German Office of Domestic and Foreign Trade in Berlin. This decision was reversed in 1953.     21 March 1953 Jena employees who collaborated with Oberkochen in the past are arrested as “spies”.   22 February 1954      Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, files a suit against the continued use by Carl Zeiss Jena of the name Carl Zeiss, the lens trademark and other trademarks such as product names in West Germany.     from 1954 Trademark lawsuits are conducted all over the world. The dispute about the Carl Zeiss brand becomes the longest lawsuit in the history of East Germany.   1971 The London Agreement stipulates in what countries Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, and VEB Carl Zeiss Jena may use the ZEISS brand and where not.
  5. After googling triangular bokeh, the only film I could find listed as an example for people to see is Zoo   It's about a man who died after being bummed by a horse.   I kid you not. And no clue as to what scene it's in.    So you'll have to watch it all.   http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/zoo/   And here's the source thread: http://www.reduser.net/forum/archive/index.php/t-12878.html   It is supposed to have wonderful cinematography though, so it's probably worth a watch.
  6. Those are Zeiss Super-Speed MKI, with the three-sided shapes diaphragm. That'd be my guess.   They were produced in bayonet, usually adapted to PL mount. They do indeed cover 35mm, though I don't think Super 35mm, I might be wrong on that.   I've not seen them with those markings before, perhaps they're very early? If so you can up the rarity factor again. Though the serial numbers don't seem low.   Some more info here: http://www.cinematechnic.com/resources/zeiss_super_speed_f1,2_lenses.html   I'd guess they are very valuable indeed and you'll get a lot of interest from specialist parties for such an idiosycratic set. Congratulations!
  7. There's something different about the movement feel that I can't place. The GH3 movement reminds me a litle of the smooth-motion TV thing in places, it looks as though there are more interpolated frames there, which is weird since it's I-frame and 25p. It's definitely got more resolution though.Odd...
  8. From what I have experimented so far, you give up ultimate sharpness, but on a good sensor you don't seem to be losing detail as such. It's pleasant.   Kind of the way film isn't as sharp as digital, but still has detail, if you get me?   The T-stop ratings are quite a bit lower than the Fs. There is a lot of absorption and refraction going on, which probably contributes to this soft look. Again, I like this though, if you're after clinical, it's best to stick with things like Canon L. Or if you want sharp yet expressive there's Zeiss (I've still kept most of my Zeiss, sold a couple). And of course the lovely Leicas.   I'm just not 100% sure about one of the new lenses so I'd like to get it looked at.   It won't be long before I put something up video wise, watch this space...
  9. Cool stuff, reminded of this somewhat: https://vimeo.com/56267591
  10. Aren't the Contax N-mount about a £1000 or so second hand? This is 14,000 Euros, so it wouldn't be cheaper to buy, though of course you could hire.   I've not tried those Contax N zooms, I use a 28-85mm f3.3-4 quite a lot, use it as a walk arou8nd for video and Contax film stills. It's actually much better than many would think!   There's a 35-70 that's constant f3.4 aperture but less versatile in range obviously. I wanted the range...   Still beats Canon L IMO...
  11. The new Compact Zoom CZ.2 28-80/T2.9   Very expenses glass, hire not buy for nearly everyone.   A highlight here is when our man says "Life Of Pea"   The bonus with the CP series is they cover full frame   https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=EheFirewiQM
  12. As in the title, I've recently got a few of such lenses, older Angeniuex zoom, Lomo zoom, and they're functioning but could do with a once over due to their vintage.   Does anyone know where I can get them looked at in London? I figure there must be someone used to dealing with vintage glass, or someone on this forum? If so, do say hello.   I had one repair done at Sendean but the less said about it the better, I won't go back.   JG
  13.   Haha it is indeed, just playing ;)   I use PMC myself, Focals are to bright for my tastes, but I like the Opals.
  14. Yeah I didn't think of that... d'oh!
  15. So far we've seen sensor shift and lens shift and software shift stabilisation.   I can't think of another method short of building something in-between the lens and sensor custom for a camera, which sound excessive.
  16. That would be quite incredible, though how would it work?
  17. Here's an interesting interview in Vice, with someone who worked on the preparation work for Napoleon, a huge Kubrick project that was never shot.   http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/stanley-kubricks-napoleon-a-lot-of-work-very-little-actual-movie   The book pictured was a limited run by Taschen, costing £1750 <--- not a typing error.
  18.   That's what Leica already make: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Leica-Tri-Elmar-M-28-35-50mm-F4-ASPH-Black-v1-E55-/190810167548?pt=Camera_Lenses&hash=item2c6d2c18fc   28, 35 and 50.   Not cheap ;)
  19. To me, the simplest way to not infringe on the patent seems to be to have an anamorphic attachment that functions as dual focus, until you attach the amazing, super duper single focus accessory which contains other elements and mechanisms (diopter, helicoid etc) for single-focus use.   Then you have a single focus system, you've just sold it in two parts, one is "optional".   If it's out of patent though, awesome!
  20. I'm currently selling one, used it once, I just don't get on with them, I prefer using the on-camera one TBH   http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200910884929?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  21. It does a good impression of black and white film too. It's a shame I can't bloody get one anywhere!  
  22. Just playing with these for about 3 minutes, I can see why it's often called "baby Alexa"   UNGRADED     ATTEMPT TO CREATE "ALEXA STYLE" LOOK  
  23. Come on, who needs Event Opals AND Focal 3-ways, that's just greedy ;)
  24. Let's hope they do!   If BMD come out with something new it'll a bit embarrassing, since they've not made enough of the first two yet!   Let's hope there's at least something  interesting at this end of the market...
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