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Everything posted by Orangenz

  1. I don't know from experience but in terms of physics the booster and main lens will act as one lens with the combined focal length, so yeah the speedboosted FL.
  2. Hehe, his face is out of focus and his CHEST HAIR IS IN PERFECT FOCUS. Can't look away..
  3. 10 bit 422 vlog is forced 0-1023. 8 bit 420 vlog is forced 0-255. All video I shoot goes through premiere in an edit so I go with the full range. I check the output levels on the scopes to try get around 10-235 or 60-940 respectively with more time at the top end to avoid blown highlights that chrome seems to make appear when playing youtube. Apart from that combination all the other players seem to understand what's going on. And if you're going to edit and using the compressed range you usually end up moving things outside it anyway which means there was no point in using the limitation in the first place. This looks like highlights blown to me watching on chrome https://youtu.be/g3wh6brJGeQ?t=1m30s He says it is unedited and if so he needed to change to 16-235 instead of using 0-255 like he did. It's highlights are massively clipped, but the combination makes it even more noticeable.
  4. The outside car to roof video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXsPFxB6kHU There is no moire/aa on 4k monitor in 4k. The roofline is not smooth - it has tiles that go slightly up and down. It's meant to look like that. Perhaps there's something wrong in your graphics card settings? Take a snapshot (or even a screeny) and compare
  5. Great example of post I don't understand. You might even be trying to add an extra layer to the translation by using sarcasm? I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, I just have no idea what you're saying here.
  6. That makes no sense. Well it makes sense to test listen on a range of phones. But not to mix. That makes as much sense as putting a good woolly hat on over your ears to mix because some people will listen while skiing.
  7. Sure looks like corporatism is going to take the freedom and fun entertainment away. Increased revenue only for long videos.. who makes long videos.. oh the mainstream media do... and that guy that wanted the GH5 to be fullframe. It's gone very undemocratic all of a sudden, or rather, anti-capitalistic and the result will be mediocrity instead of the recognition (by the masses) of excellence.
  8. Looks like ebay sale too http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/SALE-BRAND-NEW-AKG-K240-MKII-MARK-II-2-PROFESSIONAL-SEMI-OPEN-STEREO-HEADPHONES-/221470292066? AU$118 Yeah mixing is totally different than "fun" pop headphones. Just the facts maam. Need to hear everything at the real level from the highest to the lowest without that fake bass boost. For fun pop headphones the Momentum M2 AEG (506383) are terrific.
  9. Can you find a native lens to test?
  10. I try to avoid mixing with headphones as much as possible, but when necessary I've always had good results from the AKG K240 http://www.akg.com/pro/p/k240mkii
  11. What do you mean "even on high"? If you want to see more focus peaking set it to low and at a colour that will stand out. Check camera is on manual focus too.
  12. Fair enough. Although I'd add that my default for the GH4 has always been the one touch area option if I really wanted to use AF in video. It was slightly frustrating to see Max try everything except for it. And it does work. As a GH4/GH5 user he has given me nothing in those videos. Plus I hate long tech videos. Yup. Although kinda handy if doing unboxing videos and holding something up to the camera. rx100v does really well at that in the 4 minutes before the camera overheats and the battery goes flat.
  13. Max likes Sony, Jingles likes Canon.
  14. You're a prophet. I thought it would be better on it though. And bit concerned about battery life. Otherwise killer camera x 10
  15. Well I fail to see how EP was attacking maxies integ with the comment you ignored him on. Anyway, it's pretty clear, the GH5 af is best on single area. And it doesn't behave like the rx100v at all in the other settings. I thought it would be better. Everyone can probably move on though until Pana do an update. ALthougH... maybe I should do an AF video....
  16. You just said it was not acceptable and then you said you're getting it which by definition means you are accepting it? So to clarify (because I agree my rx100v AF seems way more stable and fast when using "face detect") you are confusing "defending it" with a far more useful "this is how you get the best from it." I know for my shooting needs video AF is definitely way down the list of things I genuinely look for. Battery life, not overheating, unlimited record - if you don't have these making videos is like pecking your eyes out.
  17. Not sure, does it have something to do with long battery life, not over heating, 10bit 422 in camera, dual ibis 2, dual cards, IQ?
  18. This thread would be a lot easier if you'd tag yourselves as being pro max (he can do no wrong) or pro gh5 (he can do no wrong) or maybe that 3rd option no one is interested in that the "GH5 smacks everything else down in many areas, is equal in many others, but only a bit better (ohhh there's an argument) than the GH4 on AF and we guessed that (well JP did anyway) absolutely ages ago" group. I think Max does a lot of weddings and leaving AF on - set and forget - is really important to him and presumably many others.
  19. You've been posting some rather impressive pics from the gh5, nice work! Can't really follow your comments here, lost in translation a tad :D
  20. I tried it your way (one area) and the AF is fast as. So that's it guys, use ONE AREA AF.
  21. Mmm, good question! Maybe worth a thread of it's own in addition to being here so more people see it.
  22. That zoom smoothness is very impressive. Pretty much manual zoom during recording smooth. So enjoying the extra reach up from the 12-35.
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