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Everything posted by Orangenz

  1. Was going to copy and paste your info here but ermm got distracted by the European judo champs on tv. If the rewrapping isn't working for you then the luminance change is the next best thing. Thanks for finding it out!
  2. Well my two camera weddings were epic with very natural people.
  3. I do prefer the blue one though. On another topic, changing the luminance from 0-1023 on the GH5 10 bit files does allow them to get into Premiere. But I'd add that 1) those files still seem to be not great - it crashed premiere (pc) the first time I tried 2) it does not play smoothly at all, pretty annoying in editing 3) the clip thumbnail goes to a grey picture unless you have mouse over it, 4) you can't change luminance with vlog anyway. So best bet atm is using the wrapper. Prettttty nice 6K photo
  4. Fair review. You're missing the point of 10bit Jon. The images should look the same. The point of vlog, 10bit, and the coming 400Mbps codecs are about dynamic range and heavy grading ability, ie. grading 8 bit GH4 material it falls apart easily. If using the baked in 8bit and you can work with the DR then yes, totally agree. As this video shows, they are one of the view reviewers to understand that it's about whole camera comparison, not just one feature or another. It's fine... Not everyone is relaxing in the bahamas
  5. Any simple way of getting windows explorer to show a content thumbnail for the mxf files?
  6. Not a feature! Local shop you got it from? So many videos to watch, so sleepy! sorry, just seemed quicker as I had the screeny already. This is so much fun! The mxf wrapper trick makes it cut like butter and vlog looks gorgeous.
  7. I just realised how that might have come across... oh dear. No, I'm not in shot at all.
  8. Found a cream wall to shoot and some blue sky. Absolutely no magenta blocking at all. Smooth as a whistle. I'm not sure what that means but it's smooth. And almost fell off the chair at the beauty of my vlog.
  9. Mmm, very positive review. But out before the rewrapping thing though, works better now. The magenta macroblocking and banding is absolutely way less with the GH5. I really have not seen it at all in well exposed material. I can try to replicate it but on the same kind of scenes that used to fall apart on the GH4, now hold together easily. I really do love it. I can see some strange repeating splotches on my astophotography - 1600iso 20seconds - but that's an investigation into how far one can push things, not normal work. And this is all before the main codecs come out!
  10. Had me stumped too. Still, it shows that the default action with the menu popping up and zebras disappearing is still something that needs fixing, imho. Moving to the dial is more a workaround. But having said that, I definitely prefer it, especially as the roll menu doesn't show up at all now. No extra button pushes!
  11. And I must have been blind. The photo count does show on the screen and in evf. Top right corner. Silly orange. Different place from GH4? I must have some excuse. you missed my post :O
  12. SOLVED Custom settings/operation/Dial set/exposure Comp - set to lower dial
  13. I hear it in Vegas as well. It sounds related to hitting the shutter button to stop recording, although an electronic byproduct. Will try using remote start stop, but that won't affect it if electronic in source.
  14. Yes Vegas corrects some of those audio shifts. For premiere and 8 bit you just rename the files from .MP4 to .MPEG and it imports them at the right length. Try the renaming. My Onehunga vid was 10bit C4K and didn't have a problem with aspect. So, what does that do?
  15. Yes it works. It seems to play faaaar smoother than the mp4 files as well. STRANGELY better in fact. Still a loud click on the end of files. Still 8 audio free frames at the start of each clip but now no gap at the end of clips. https://www.vegascreativesoftware.info/us/forum/gh5-4k-24-30p-problem--105152/#ca658569 I used ninite.com to download the 7z unzipper. It's easier that way and don't risk adware. Have put all the instructions into a pdf here. It rewraps the files, not transcode so it's very fast. GH5 10 bit fix.pdf
  16. OOOOoo love you! Hopefully works for Premiere as well as Vegas.
  17. Well I was pretty happy editing the 10bit files with Premiere PC. Adobe has gone and broken it though so don't update to the latest version :/ Can try reverting http://blogs.adobe.com/adobecare/2015/06/16/how-to-find-and-install-previous-version-of-adobe-apps-in-cc-2015/ or the official statement is to transcode with a non-adobe product.
  18. "Change to color" in AE would probably work on the green dots? The black dots might be more of a problem.
  19. The strange this about this is if you are in A, S, or P modes and you adjust something else, like shutter speed, the same sort of rolling scale pops up but the zebras stay on screen. It's only with the exposure comp scale that the zebras disappear. Also, currently in P mode my dials don't do anything. It would be great to have one set to exposure comp just for P mode. Someone can learn me up on this please.
  20. Standard (or Natural). It's just 150Mbps so Sandisk Extreme Pro sdxc1, u3, is fine if you don't have the new sdxc2. I run a sandisk 128 and a panasonic 64GB. Just have to watch the white clipping.
  21. A couple people have mentioned using an exposure card to do white balance instead of a white card. Is that a thing now?
  22. Two things I noticed this weekend: Current timelapse photo count does not show on screen during capture. Exposure zebras disappear when exposure compensation is being changed.
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