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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Right. No miracles in hands of many... Be free to mark my words LOL :-) BTW, IBIS per se is worthy of any camera upgrade ; ) To begin with... :P Let alone 10-bit or 4K/60p for under 2000 bucks... Without mention 400Mbps or new AF firmware to come up in a couple of months :X
  2. C'mon Glenn... *Phew* You and we all know this is not true. Give a RED to a rookie and you'll see the damage. Your claim is totally BS to lightheartedly be posted in a forum among friends oh yeah, but don't hit the fan with, sorry mate :-)
  3. Thank you for the information but let's keep it organized, OK? :-)
  4. And here's another one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y9QfRGQIak&lc=z13svlswkljqin5yw04cdvfynubmynhwy4k.1497014281770055
  5. Freedom of speech stops where other rights also start to pop up : ) Numbers are really irrelevant for that matter. Not principles, though. But, there's no safe kryptonite elsewhere nor almighty gods in profane sands; both sides inevitably require to match each other. Their fate. E :-)
  6. Apples to oranges ; ) Glenn, call it founding fathers of POV's responsibility... As you wish. Point taken, anyways :-)
  7. Once some people connected to me are privately asking me about : ) following this thread, here is on topic: https://www.howtogeek.com/232144/what-is-an-egpu-and-why-should-i-want-one/ Very true. http://www.ultrabookreview.com/10939-laptops-nvidia-1070-1080/
  8. Emanuel


    LOL Did you see my posting over this thread by any chance? ; ) No need my green light to you for your purchase. Go ahead : ) I don't mind you may shoot another of your shiny trip pieces with... : D Then I'd reconsider to post something here ;-)
  9. Same POV here on both BTW. Still waiting for that so promised Osmo X5S... As previously stated here, the best device is the one available in our hands ;-)
  10. Agreed. If Jon's reviews rock, what about that? That's only an example. You see @wolf33d, why you could push your GH5 now returned? I bet our AF performance follows the rule. Never underestimate on your first impressions! 1st thing to retain. Hard work against our own perception (sorta as much as waking up before the recommended sleep-wake cycle when earlier the best timing for) is mandatory. This is addressed for everyone. For some reason I place the first-person plural.
  11. Wise words, man! Don't take them as ad hominem attacks please? LOL (Shame on you @wolf33d! Lucky you, no phone number of yours or you'd wake up earlier this morning! ;-)
  12. Let's wait for your review. Worthy as usual : ) There are reviews and reviews. Your readers/viewers have already been used to the complete and rich content from yours. They really rock indeed :-)
  13. @wolf33d hey man, don't take it personally please : ) you know we've had our friendly divergences on each gear announcement, I guess : D That's all! ; ) Other than that and the fact as Watzlawick said that's impossible to not communicate so we, me, you... express ourselves through our own posting ; )) I praise your videos and really miss your posts, never noticed? :-) Moreover, let me tell you pretty straightfoward: I find you a funny and an intelligent poster from the stuff in general I've been used to read from you. I see you keep exaggerating not only on your comments based on paper specs most part of the time... LOL Sorry, couldn't resist once more : P Now more seriously: healthy kidding with you is much different from personal attacks, c'mon : ) @Cinegain shame on you for that like in wolf's post... hehe :-D Last but not least and in another serious disclaimer: we are over here for fun, not for ad hominem attacks, absolutely disgusting sport if we can call it like that... To be able to listen a different opinion is part of being here in these boards. There are distinct ways to achieve that. That's all about that.
  14. No Glenn, I believe your mistake : ) is thinking that bothers me someone likes some other camera better than GH5. I just wish that camera may end the best seller ever. For a simple reason: To be able to welcome other hybrids out there to compete with the features of this one. And a GH6 to come even much more innovative than the predecessor. This doesn't mean I put any other camera lower than GH5. They're all welcome, really. Only pro features as those we find in GH5 captures my attention and devotion. As well, its outcome, confirmed by lots of videos, not only those you've mentioned among the usual YT mediocracy. The way people don't explore the complexity of the GH5's AF system or try to exaggerate limitations REALLY puzzles me. What to say about REDs, Blackmagics and so on? But the worst is people thinking they know what they actually don't know. Would I trust on wolf33d for a video like those shot by him? Yes. Why not? : ) To accurately tell me about the autofocus of a product which requires time and dedication but he has decided to dislike? Never. :-) And he is not the only one... Unfortunately, not every camera has successors at higher level. Do you remind the PureView 808? We are 5 years later... And? :X (without mention we have a new model every year in the smartphones segment) I am addicted to bargains instead, I confess :-)
  15. On the spot, Jon. Here's why your posts often much say. All about standards. We always must put them on high. Well, just as a little disclaimer on my last post. My 1st love actually was film but once in Rome be roman, the point is made. Fanboys are pussies. At least, those who put a single device or a geek approach in front of the beauty of a picture. We are all geeks, but to be a fan should mean beyond. Cinema fans and so on are made of some other kind ever since. Hence let's get high our standards please. We can praise something. Doesn't mean it's paramount. That said, I still second to praise The Godfather, The Beatles, pizza, Kholi's skills or that Patagonia piece but Coppola didn't invent the film language as much as his choice rather than the rest of the pipe ended on GH2 though : D classic composers are much beyond and richer than such repetitive pop chords which reminds me wolf33d edits : ) neither is true no one is able to beat Kholi with a GH5 in hands. :-)
  16. He can do whatever he wants. What about the readers out (t)here? What about disinformation or let's use some harder terminology: FUD *poop* You know people read. You know sales go down. You know R&D investment follows the curve. Hybrid gear follows up. And price for expensive gear and ENG cameras I personally find a minus for creative filmmaking art follow the rule. Economies of scale are a bitch, you know, we know : ) You've already accused me to be much defensive on GH5. Listen, I am not paid by Panasonic but I believe they could wire me indeed... LOL My friendly beef with wolf33d I don't know the name but his alias is old. It includes any piece of new gear he immediatly bashes through his posting because doesn't match HIS needs or liking without the necessary learning about -- most part of time, still when they are literally specs on paper (let alone distinct lens AF performance, different settings combination or shooting setups): GH5, Mavic... not only Panasonic stuff; not fanboy here, I'm sorry, I am brand agnostic since ever : ) and you can find me to defend Sony (my 1st love), Canon (my 1st DSLR and 1st reason why I moved away from REDs to here) or any other major or small workshop *a bit harsh to use the word for some vaporware at times* the usual under the perspective from someone used to read you two. BTW, here's one now directly addressed to you, Glenn: you're so picky on GH5 flaws. What about your love about that JVC toy? I posted that test full of issues. You still praise the thing or added no word on that *sigh* go figure if those were GH5 issues instead... LOL You remind me what or who? Myself when I try to look for some alternative to mainstream. But, hybrid devices like 10-bit 4:2:2 internal recording + 4K/60p + IBIS + complex AF (it doesn't matter how rough is) are far to be other than fragile and innovative market experiment yet. Nevermind, it should be your creative mind of a screenwriter to talk. Fair enough. Our posts say too much about us, though. That's for sure! ;-)
  17. Feel free to add whatever piece of gear you feel like may be useful to you or other people or then your comment. Here's to begin with:
  18. This one here from the other threads too? Have you followed the comments section as well? And about those GH5 tips? You know a camera requires time and workaround for optimization... No, Jon said it seemed 480p instead... Can I add some criticism to a personal level without look like to be a jerk or even offend you? I notice your posts for awhile enough to dare myself to feel I know a bit of you or your approach to stuff in general, you know? And you know what I feel? You're often superficial or too quick to jump for conclusions of your own... Maybe good for a gambler or a soccer goalkeeper for example : ) Never for filmmaking. It doesn't matter how good scenery or your capture/edit is :-)
  19. Have you seen these tips? And next page too without mention the firmware to come. On the Mavic side, these 3 (!) threads:
  20. Sorry me, but I guess that could be neat if from inside a moving car as for instance. Artifacts party? Probably, but more suitable testing :-)
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