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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Emanuel

    NAB 2018

  2. Link is not working. There is another thread for that anyways: Or here as you wish: Why in this different topic then? :-)
  3. People are always eagering for more, you know ;-)
  4. Sorry mate, my bad, very likely. I've just arrived to their digital range now : ) Sony and mainly Panasonic have been the scope of my standard in the video realm so far. Fuji to me was Fujifilm, literally :-)
  5. Seems Fuji follows Panasonic on firmware updates of significant importance. Nice for all of us, their customers :-)
  6. Without IBIS though to begin with : ) Here's the leftover: https://photographylife.com/fujifilm-x-h1-vs-x-t2 Hope this helps a bit :-)
  7. They already have their experience from the past. I want to believe they won't fail this time :-)
  8. LOL Not exactly prone to be a man of consensus for the whole time being but, that's the way I like to read these boards... : ) Andrew's family house :-) Just for the record, CVP (England - UK - EU ; ) got 308 pre-orders last night until this morning. 89 looking for their web page while I type this one here. Or in the other side of the world (Brazil), these machines are a lovely surprise to anyone who doesn't know their outcome or may think on their eventual lack of responsiveness ;-)
  9. I think better take it for serious indeed, because the new Pocket camera will take thousands of clients from GH5 series. Count on it.
  10. Panasonic also tends to be an innovator leader these utmost announcements put to rest or they risk to at least.
  11. Sure, and we all profit along this competitive race... :-)
  12. I guess that makes a S16 camera, even though I have no maths in hands here yet to accurately testify that.
  13. "$5K or so" -- I could write there ;-)
  14. Age is so relative, Don... You have more than some other people over other age groups, my friend. You have the years of your experience we all have to be grateful learning with your insights, listening your thoughts when you give your readers such honor, which is hardly quantified at all : ) Lucky us :-)
  15. Still on topic... This is a Mark II product. From a well-known camera manufacturer and Resolve provider, amongst other goodies. Far away to be any introductory technology based on crowdfunding. Well, unless we have to call the mainstream RED the same... ;-)
  16. ... True. 1st overwhelming footage in due time too... ;-)
  17. It is a pre-production unit, of course. No footage online yet. Because when happens it is invariably the best of outcome you can find anywhere, isn't it? ;-)
  18. C'mon... Grant Petty had a prototype working and recording for cards and SSD today! Didn't you naysayers see it yet? ; ) Footage cycle has its marketing cycle as well. Just for your sake, people, haven't you noticed yet along the usual announcements on BMD cameras? :-)
  19. An interesting aspect to retain is the fact this manufacturer has no real high-end to protect other than under 5 grand or so. No bigger boys to handle. The industry standards. This makes the economies of scale as a finest appetizer recipe to salute the income from such so democratic price range. Funny, isn't it? Hope to wake up tomorrow and to not be back to those old late 80s or early 90s... LOL
  20. Anthony, we're living truly game changing times, I'm sure of that : ) Your RAW is going mainstream, buddy! The things will never be the same from now on. The new Atomos toy, light like that (!) -- add a sensor couple to the rest of all package and we'll have such mandatory rule from now on. Maybe more prone to motion pictures than hybrid stuff but I want to believe RAW is not only for stills as 2018 basis. Hope do not need to wait for next one anyways :-D
  21. I guess we all see these guys to simply revolutionize this craft. Resolve is a hell of a tool. Less than two decades ago we had to invest 100 grand to try fulfilling the cup. It is a dream to become true. Petty's going further than Jannard went a decade ago :-)
  22. Reality overcomes the best of our wishful dreaming... The usual brands should hear that though ;-)
  23. I think that's a good way to their go in fact. Canon glass is their main goal, so time to Panny follow their business rule, why not? I am happy enough to see this to happen with this new model.
  24. Unlikely to be the standard GH5 sensor. I bet in a new one but Dave has inferred to be the GH5S... What do we know about? EDIT -- You beat me @SR : ) Different sizes don't seem to match the same sensor of a kind. At least to my humble knowledge :-)
  25. LOL Neither me, Don : ) Petty is a new hero for many people! Let odds still make it happen in 2018... :-D
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